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child-gam-msg - 8/25/00


Period and SCA children's games and activities.


NOTE: See also the files: children-msg, toys-msg, dolls-msg, games-msg, games-SCA-msg, sports-msg, chd-actvites-msg, Toys-in-th-MA-art.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I  have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I have done  a limited amount  of  editing. Messages having to do  with separate topics  were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the  message IDs  were removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make  no claims  as  to the accuracy  of  the information  given  by the individual authors.


Please respect the time  and  efforts of  those who have written  these messages. The copyright status  of these messages  is  unclear  at this time. If information  is  published  from  these  messages, please give credit to the originator(s).


Thank you,

   Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

                                         Stefan at florilegium.org



From: tip at lead.tmc.edu (Tom Perigrin)

Date: 9 Dec 91 19:20:12 GMT

Organization: A.I. Chem Lab, University of Arizona


Unto David the Newbie,  doth Thomas Ignatius Perigrinus send his greetings.


My Lord,   thou hast made no mistakes of note,  and I welcome thee to our

number.   As per thy enquirey as to diversions for children,  I am happy to

say that I know of several.   Please Note,  gentle David,  that many of

these games are suitable for all at an event,  and not just children.


Thou mayest consider nine pins.  If thou canst find a turner to make thy

pins, so much the better.  But even if not,  then thou canst use lengths

of dowel as large in compass as thou mayest purchase and of length some

two handspans, as thy pins.  For balls thou might assay a "softball",  or

balls froma  cricket set, or whatever takes thy fantasy.


Another game which finds the favour of many is rope and boxes.   Thou takest

two boxes,  each of a similar size, and each of about 3 handspans square and

one or two spans hieght.   The boxes are placed firm upon the ground, and

upon each box doth one contestant stand.   Then a length of goodly rope,

twice as thick as thy thumb,  and a full rod or two in length,  is place in

each combatants hands.  And upon the cry,  they each attempt to pull the other

from his place,  or failing that, to cause the other to lose the rope.


Another game doth use much the same boxes,  but thou placest them in

close proximity, and then the combatants (for truely they are combatants!)

take up pillow cases stuffed with rags,  and attempt to knock one the

other off their box.


Another goodly game is Huggy Tag,  which occasionally goes under the

ill sounding name of "clench a wench"   (truely a distastefull name,  for

I wouldst to hug a lady,  but never come to grips with a harlot).   One

child is "the goat",  and the rest run about.  Each persued child may hug

but one other,  and then these two are safe.   But any child which is not

being hugged may be tagged and become the goat.  To add more fun,  thou mayest

add this rule;   any who tags the goat when they are not being hugged, and

whom the goat does not tag in return, may collect one pebble from the master

of the games.   But when the goat touches a child and they become the

goat, they must give up a pebble.  AT the end of the game,  the child with

the most pebbles wins a small prize.


These are but a few that we do play about our sites.   An thou dost not

receive more than thou dost need,  I pray that thou mayst feel most welcome

to respond once again, and I shall tell thee more.


I remain,


Thy Humble Servant,

Thomas Ignatius Perigrinus



From: hrjones at uclink.berkeley.edu (Heather Rose Jones)

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Period games for children

Date: 8 Sep 1996 17:04:43 GMT

Organization: University of California, Berkeley


Ernie Tomlinson (imagine at island.net) wrote:

: If anyone can post or email me any info on games or activities for

: children (the whole range: 2-15 Years) that we might try at events, it

: would be greatly appreciated.


I can't give you the information directly, but I can point you to an

excellant place to look.  One of Breughel's paintings is of a whole

village full of children engaged in the games of his day. (He did a

similar painting illustrating proverbs.) I am quite certain that there are

any number of books or articles analyzing and describing the games shown

in this painting.


Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn



From: Edwin Hewitt <brogoose at pe.net>

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Period games for children

Date: 8 Sep 1996 20:13:24 GMT


I own an old book printed in New York during a paper shortage.  

It is called "A History of Everyday Things in England," by Marjorie

and CHB Quennell.  It was published by Charles Scribner's Sons,

sometime about or after 1918.


It is the first of what was suppossed to be a two book series,

but I don't know if the second book was ever published.  

It covers from 1066 to 1499, and includes childrens' games,

costuming, furnature, forts, monasteries, jousts and warefare,

and all sorts of things.  Well illustrated, it was designed for

English public school children, who grew up without the proper

sense of their history.


I will quote from a 14th century section, p. 143:


       "In the fourteenth century we hear of cards being played,

and also of a curious game, called 'Ragman's Roll.'  In this a roll

or parchment was used, on which various verses were written

describing the characters of the players, each verse having a string

and deal attached.  These seals were hundg down from the rolled-up

parchment and each person drew one of the seals, and had to take on

the character attached to that particular verse.

       Games of questions and answers and of forfeits were also

played, and dancing was very general.  Many dances took place out

of doors, and we often hear of picnics and, after the meal, dancing.    

       "...Our next illustration, No. 63, is of a game called

"Hot Cockles."  It is played thus:  One player kneels blindfolded,

holding her hands behind, while the others strike her hands, she

trying to guess the name of the stiker...."


It seems this book is rather rare, but I highly recommend it.



From: sandradodd at aol.com (SandraDodd)

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Period games for children

Date: 9 Sep 1996 00:09:40 -0400


Here are a couple my kids have used and then one adults used to play in

the days that the Lonely Mountain Defender Tournament had a games



These are both chasing games.  One is "Red Lion."  I can dig up the source

if you really want me to.  It's from some historical games book somewhere

in my house.


One is it, the lion, and has a den.   The runners come away from the base

near the den and chant "Red lion, red lion, come out of your den; whoever

you catch will be one of your men," after which the lion chases to catch.

Whether a tag or a catch is required depends on the age and disposition of

kids, and on the terrain, and on the disposition of the parents to let the

kids play rough or not.  The "it" team grows, and the last runner caught

is the new lion.


Wooly Wooly Wolf is similar.   The difference is the signal for running

isn't the end of a jointly-chanted verse, but it's this bluff by the

leader of the sheep (runners):  

"I spy the wooly wooly... DOG"  (anything besides wolf is a false taunt

and the wolf can't run).  "I spy the wooly wooly  BEAR" or whatever, until

finally he says "I spy the wooly wooly WOLF and the wolf comes out and

catches some to be wolves with him.


The other one we played was something I learned in girl scouts slightly

modified. No claim to it being period, but it was fun.


People sit in a circle on cushions or something else to indicate their

place.   We used cushions because we were outside, and in those days

people always made and had cushions.   (Hadn't thought about that for a

long time!)   Each person has a number, and the person who's it stands in

the middle of the circle and calls two numbers (any two but his own), and

those two switch chairs while "it" tries to steal a chair.  Whoever's left

is it.  There's no winning this game--it's just played until people are

tired of it.   The way I learned it was you could call "Fruit Basket

Upset" and everybody got up and got a different chair, no going back to

the one they had.   Our only adjustment was for it to say "The King is

Coming!" and everybody else, as they scrambled for a new chair said, "The

King is Coming."


There've been others we've tried that didn't stick.  One about the Roman

soldiers which the book's author considered really old.  It's hard to take

a game out of a book.


There's a kids' game called "colored eggs" which has nothing in or about

it to mar the period feel of an event.  I've run it at an event once, at a

formal children's activities place.  It worked out fine.


The painting "Children's Games" which someone already mentioned would give

you lots of ideas.





Date: Mon, 09 Sep 1996 12:00:27 +0000

From: Aengus&Eibhlin <aengus at nauticom.net>

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Period games for children


Greetings all from Lady Eibhlin ni Chaoimh


Being a scribe, I decided to host a children's activity based on

medieval painting. Starting with where did the illuminators get the

paint.... Knowing that K-Mart was not an option, the children had some

very interesting ideas of their own   ;-) .....and ending up with a

free for all painting session for everyone. Even the adults who were

curious at first, then amazed to find out that it works.


The paint was made the same way as period paints were, with a slight

twist. We mixed the medieval binding medium glair (whipped egg whites

and a little water. Made at home 2 days ahead of time and carried to

the event in a jar.) with pigments ( <<eek>> not my good period ground

pigments, but *kool-aid* ) This gives you a paint similar to a water

color, not to mention it smells good   ;-)  

The children chose what *flavor* pigment they wanted and mixed it



Most SCA scribes use a paint called guache. It contains a small amount

of white pigment that gives it an opaqueness rather than the

transparency of watercolor. The modern recipe for non-toxic homemade



1 Tablespoon white vinegar mixed with 1 Tablespoon baking soda (yes,it

bubbles) Wait til it stops and add 4 Tablespoons of corn starch, 1

Tablespoon light corn syrup,and food coloring. Add water as needed for

consistency. I poured it into plastic medicine cups and made about 15

different colors. The remarkable thing about this recipe is that it

can be dried out and reconstituted like the store bought kind. I made

it ahead of time and took it dried to the event.


The children...and adults... got to see why modern tubes of paint are

more convenient and accurate in color. (I mixed a color and had them

try to reproduce it.)

They all got to see the differences between watercolors and guaches.

And they got to paint pretty pictures to take home with them.


Not only did they have a good time, but they learned something in the



I hope this helps a little.




From: Aoife <liontamr at postoffice.ptd.net>

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Period games for children

Date: 9 Sep 1996 16:32:46 GMT

Organization: ProLog - PenTeleData, Inc.


There is always the game Jingles: One person is jingles. He/she wears

jingle bells in a necklace or arm/leg band(belly dance coins, cow

bells,.anything that makes a noise upon movement.). All other players

wear blindfolds. Jingles must slip in and amongst the blindfolded players

without being caught. The person who touches Jingles is then "it". This

is a sort of reverse blind-man's bluff (also a period game). This game is

wildly popular because there is fierce competition for those bells (and

the sheer joy of ringing them!). Adults must referee by preventing

children from walking into trees, etc. while blindfolded.


An old african game called Hawk Amongst the Hens has two long lines of

children (the Hens), about 20 feet or so apart. Hawk is "it". The hens

must scamper back and forth between the two lines continually. Hawk will

try to tag them. Tagged hens sit out. Last Hen tagged (or last hen left)

is then the Hawk.  


Mouse Trap is a game requiring 2 adults or older children to start. You

need a "Cat", and lots and lots of "Mice". The two adults (the trap) will

hold both hands, with arms raised so the "mice" can pass underneath in a

continual stream. The Cat will stand so that he/she cannot see the mice

or trap. As the mice pass in and out of the trap, the cat will suddenly

shout "SNAP". Down go the Trap's arms. Any mice caught in the trap are

then recruited to be part of the trap (they join the link, making more

places for mice to enter and exit. The last Mouse caught then becomes the

Cat ( or the last mouse left). I'm not sure this one is historical, but

it's great fun.


They should be very tired after any of these games! you might also try

some period playthings: Balls, skipping ropes and rhymes, marbles, jacks,

dolls, windmills (pinwheels), hobby houses, etc....





From: Sara Friedemann <RandomSF at wctc.net>

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Activities for children

Date: 23 Sep 1996 13:00:17 GMT

Organization: Wood County Telephone Company


Paulette Lashley <Lashley at bigdog.fred.net> writes: > I have recently been given the task of searching for activities for

> children at events.  I hope to collect suggestions for both physically

> active types as well as "quieter" ones so I can intermingal the two.

> If you have great sources I need to consult or suggestions of games/activities

> you have used or seen I would love to hear from you.


> I will be happy to share with others all that I have collected, as well

> as my own ideas, when I have them gathered together.


Pente! Most school-age children should be old enough to learn to play this game.  It is also simple to make boards and

game pieces.


Aeronwy Cadwaladr of the West Wind



From: gbrent at rsc.anu.edu.au ()

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Activities for children

Date: 9 Oct 1996 00:51:46 GMT

Organization: Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University


>>Coloring is a common pastime, but make a change:

>>       make your own pages-to-be-colored, of shields w/charges,

>>    and key the areas to be colored with Heraldic color/metal names.

>>    They color, and learn to name things.


>Take an old plain blanket and applique simple shields on it. Make up

>flattish bean bags with matching devices and use it as a toss game. Can toss

>for matching charges, tinctures etc. (It's something I've been meaning to do

>for a while -- the bean bags are a great way to use up the circular bits cut

>out of the innumerable flat caps produced here...)


Reminds me of Lochac Twister. It's played on a Twister-type groundsheet,

with the devices of various Lochac groups instead of colours. Instead of

calling out "Left arm, green !" you call out "Left arm, College of Saint

Ursula !" You're out when you fall over or get the device wrong.


No, It's not period, but it's a good game to play at a time when

authenticity is relaxed.



       gbrent at rscsun.anu.edu.au



From: heatherford.manor at juno.com (Kateryn Heathrydge)

To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG

Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 11:33:20 -0500

Subject: ANST - siege ammo


I remembered something this morning, I'm not sure if it's feaseable,



I was once told of a MoC activity called "Felt Rocks".  It requires hot,

soapy water and a lot of wool, maybe carded, probably raw.  You wash a

small chunk of wool till it's drenched and beyond, then spread it on a

flat surface and roll it into a tight ball, not unlike rolling clay.

Repeat until you have the size rock you desire, then take the ball and

run it thru the dryer on hot til dry.


The gentle who told me about this said the children made and dried these

rocks, then, that day, there was an indoor melee.  The smalls got to go

to a balcony and throw their rocks at the fighters.  She said it was very

safe and the fighters knew they were hit.


I would check with your fibre arts people about this, but I think you

could even dye the wool to your household colors :). . .


Kateryn Heathrydge

Grimfells, Calontir



Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 17:10:46 +0100

From: Robyn Probert <robyn.probert at lawpoint.com.au>

Subject: Re: SC - Kids and feasts


At 12:15 5/08/98 +1000, Sianen wrote:

>Speaking along such lines, and I'm sorry to get off topic here. does anyone

>know of interesting medieval childrens games that is fairly easy to learn

>and understand?  We are running out of games to play (aside from "Pin the

>glave on the autocrat' that is =>=>=>)


Always popular here are...

Blind man's buff - as we still play it


Hoodman's buff - required LOTS of blindfolds/hoods and one person who is

belled (with a belled belt/sash) inside a ring of keepers. The person who

the belled person swaps with them.


Beat the kettle - One person is blidfolded and guards an iron kettle (or

helm) with a boffer, sitting on his/her haunches with the kettle in front.

On the floor in front of the kettle, put a wooden spoon. The aim is to sneak

in, pick up the spoon, hit the kettle and get out before you get boffed. If

you get hit, you guard the kettle.


Tierce - form a ring of couples, with both people facing the centre of the

ring, one behind the other. You also have a runner and a chaser. If the

runner catches the chaser, their roles are reversed. To escape, the runner

can stand in front of one of the couples - the back person then becomes the

new runner. Lots of fun!


Small bean bags (about a handful of beans in each) can be thrown at or into

a target, like a helm, hoop, bowl, jug, etc.





Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 06:31:08 -0400

From: Brenna <sunnie at exis.net>

Subject: Re: SC - Kids and feasts


At 12:15 5/08/98 +1000, Sianen wrote:

>Speaking along such lines, and I'm sorry to get off topic here. does anyone

>know of interesting medieval childrens games that is fairly easy to learn

>and understand?  We are running out of games to play (aside from "Pin the

>glave on the autocrat' that is =>=>=>)


Try the unicorn ringtoss game (easy to construct).


Also, catch the dragon's tail which is a conga line that twists as the center

tries to keep the front from catching the tail.


The tangle brawl is a great kid's game/dance.  They love it.


You can joust on parentback (with pillows) for the really smalls.


Blinfold two (or more) children, put bells on belts or bracelets and give them

pillows to have a blind-man's bluff pillow fight.  The brawl is great if you can

come up with enough bells and blindfolds, but it can be unorganized or even

elimination style.


Boffer tourneys!


A ring (large like a hula hoop) in a bowling-style game (knocking over castles

made from milk cartons).




I'll try to think of more.  Obviously, not all are period, but are per-iod.





Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 08:17:39 -0700

From: "Anne-Marie Rousseau" <acrouss at gte.net>

Subject: Re: SC - Re: Kids Games was "Kids and feasts"


Hey all from Anne-Marie

re: kids/grownup games :)

we just held our annual Peasants revel. The peasants revelled a lot :)


the games this year:

- --hopping tag

- --barnyard animals (three groups of "animals" close their eyes and attempt

to find their buddies by making appropriate noises)

- --tunrip harvest

- --turnip tossing

- --izzy dizzy

- --wet rag on a stick (hooray!)

- --Edward the Stuffy's Butt Kicking Game (like soccer, with a cabbage)

- --gurning

- --Catch the Goat

- --Hunkerhausen

- --Twilsey Wop

- --Spit in the Bucket (they used koolaide this year. ugh)

- --Bang the Kettle

- --lots more I cant remember


General silliness and mayhem ensued, and  a good time was had by all

(regardless of age!)

- --AM who needs to get the grass stains out of her dress now...



Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 22:40:01 -0700

From: "Anne-Marie Rousseau" <acrouss at gte.net>

Subject: Re: SC - Re: Kids Games was "Kids and feasts"


Hi from Anne-Marie!

I'm asked for the "rules" for our peasant games...please recall that many of

these are reconstructed from paintings, etc, so we kinda had to make the

rules bits up to match what we thought we were seeing...:)


- --spit in the bucket. A relay, where members of a team attempt to run and

fill up a small bucket usuing only thier mouths to carry water (or this

year purple koolaid. ugh). First team to fill the bucket wins.


- --catch the goat. One of our guild memebers whos especially nimble ties a

couple flags on and runs about while kids (and grownups) attempt to catch



- --wet rag on a stick. My fave! a person in the middle is blindfolded, and

given a short stick with a beer soaked rag on the end. Everyone else links

arms in a tight circle and goes around, taunting them. The blindfolded

person then flings the rag off the stick. Whoever it hits (SPLAT!) goes in

the middle.


- --bang the kettle. a person is blindfolded and seated, with a metal kettle

at their knees. They are given a boffer (not the real medieval stick,

sorry). folks attempt to get up to the kettle and whack it with a wooden

spoon without getting swatted with the boffer. If you get hit, you go in

the middle.


- --turnip harvest. a large circle on the ground is made with rope. turnips

are scattered in the circle. individuals are blindfolded and put on their

hands and knees in the circle. Team leaders are on the outside, with a pot

and spoon. Harvesters attempt to gather tunrips and get them to the

leaders, based solely on the sounds of the voice and the banging of the



- --Edward the Stuffy's Butt Kicking Game. Like soccer, but with a cabbage.

Makes rather spectaular cole slaw explosions.


- --hopping tag. Everyone is inside a circle made of rope. "It" is hopping on

one foot. If "It" tags you, then you must hop on one foot too, and can tag

others. A fine demonstration of logrithmic growth!


- --barnyard animals. three groups of "animals" close their eyes and attempt

to find their buddies by making appropriate noises. Most amusing!


- --turnip tossing. Folks have to toss said turnips into a sack...about 10-15

yards away, and over their shoulders.


- --izzy dizzy. Stick your head on a waist high stick and spin around a bunch

of times. Now, try and run back to your friends...NOT to be combined with

spit in the bucket.


- --gurning. a contest for making ugly faces


- --Hunkerhausen. tug of war on platforms.


- --Twilsey Wop. Pillow fighting on platforms


we also did turnip carving contests, hide and seek, a game where we made a

big knot of ourselves and attempted to untangle without breaking hands, egg

toss, etc.


it was fun!

- --AM, who was in charge of the peasant stew this year :)



Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 11:33:47 -0700

From: "Balldrich BallBarian BoulderBain" <msca at c2i2.com>

Subject: Re: SC - Kids and feasts


I have a favorite that I helped design with the SCA in mind.  I found a

display of Hornsbys ciders and it had a large Rhino head.  I was able to

get it from the distributer for a bottle of mead.  I then cut the rims off

3 pound margarine tubs, wrapped them with cloth scraps to make them a

little heavier and pretty.  Had kids trying to toss the rings onto the

Rhinos nose.  It was getting so wild that the kids had to contend with the

"big kids" trying to "horn in" so the kids made a rule that the "big kids"

had to run at the target on their knees.  You should have seen the laughs

when the armoured fools fell down and the kids fell on them.  It was a riot

and everyone had a snoot full of ring the Rhinos nose!

       We have also had bean bag wars between the fastest of the "big kids" and

the little guys.  Armour didn't help the big guys and the kids had a ball

hitting the armoured fools who had to take the hits as if in battle!  Ever

seen a fighter try to die from about twenty hits at one time?  Everyone

laughed at that one.

       Got lots more if you want them




From: mizzi at aol.com (Mizzi)

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: Re: Activities for children

Date: 30 Aug 1998 18:02:21 GMT


Another active game with very little equipment is jumping rope. One end can

even be tied to a fixed point so you would only need on turner.  Some of the

rhymes may be period.  Convincing boys that it is appropriate might be tricky

but once thay start it makes a very competitive active game that can be

modified for the little ones and the bigger boys.


I've had toddlers to teens jumping rope at Pennsic, boys and girls. I found

that once the rope started turning everyone around wanted to try.


Mairgret of Carrigart



Subject: Re: Kingdom Crusades, "kid stuff", part one

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 07:55:36 -0600

From: Greg Glewwe <glewweg at erols.com>

To: atlantia at atlantia.sca.org


>   Thanks Alasdair. I was hoping that someone would take up the challenge

>and post some other ideas - but no one did.


Greetings from Katherine Sharpe...


Sorry to have been slow on the up take...there are days I barely get a

chance to look at e-mail (and days my husband looks at it and starts

deleting files). It is amazing how many ideas get started when folks start

thinking about children's activities. We have a wonderful lady in our shire

who enjoys working with the kids and has designed a living chess-type

trivia game for older kids.  I don't know all the details about it. She is

usually at local events (and of course at Highland Foorde events). I have

also made costuming flash cards where younger kids match the cards and

older kids learn the different time periods and names of articles of

clothing and accessories. A Felt Heraldry Board is presently in my

possession. Basic shapes and some charges are cut out of appropriate colors

and can be combined to make devices and learn the terms. Role playing drama

play can be set up with particular situations in which the children play

characters and are given a situation to act out in which they used correct

SCA titles and some period speach...this occurs after a little workshop on

SCA protocal...Grace and Manners...what ever you'd like to title it.


When I was Minister of Children for the Barony of the Steppes, Ansteorra

(many, many years ago) I outlined a possible badge earning program,

inspired by the Girl Scout and Boy Scout programs. It never developed. I

will present the idea after Twelfth Night to Bran and if there is interest

I would be willing to develop it.


With a bit a creative thinnking one can give almost any modern activity a

period twist. I always found the most difficult part of organizing

activities for children...getting volunteers. Any suggestions?


Katherine Sharpe

Shire of Highland Foorde



Subject: Re: Children's activities

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 14:37:29 -0500

From: Carol_O'Leary at ed.gov (Carol O'Leary)

To: atlantia at adm.csc.ncsu.edu


Lady Katherine Sharpe, writing of children's activities, said,

    >With a bit a creative thinnking one can give almost any modern

    >activity a period twist.


While I'll concede Lady Katherine's point, it raises a question in my

mind -- Why should we want to do that with our children?


What we do in the SCA as adults is more on the order of using creative

thinking to give almost any period activity a modern twist (as I see

it). I'd think that starting from modern activities and looking for

ways to give them some period content is a backwards way of looking at

the problem.


Our children have lots of opportunities to color and to play modern

games or with modern toys.  Why shouldn't we look for ways to let them

do the kinds of things that medieval children their age would have

done, instead of giving them pictures of knights and castles to color?


Many of the active games kids play now (like tag and blind man's buff

and innumerable variations on foot races) are period (or direct

descendants of period games), and kids left to their own devices to

invent games (obviously with supervision and occasional guidance) will

play "let's pretend" games with a medieval cast of characters instead

of TV-inspired ones.  There are board games that even young children

can play, as long as they understand the concept of taking turns, and

it's fun, especially with elementary school-age children, to tell them

what kids their age would have been expected to do, then let them try

their hands at carding or spinning on drop spindles or embroidery.

They can help in the kitchens, and serve tables, and run errands, and

bear water.  We need to be incorporating our children into our

activities, not isolating them and looking for "special" activities

for them that give them the wrong idea about what the SCA is all



(Sorry -- I didn't mean to get up on my soapbox.  But I feel pretty

strongly about this -- Could you tell?)


Melisande de Belvoir



Subject: Re: ANST - period playground equipment?

Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 20:28:15 MST

From: Mahee of Acre <husted at hotmail.com>

To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG




Above is the address for a paintings done by Pieter Bruegel in 1560 called

Children's Games. It does show children at play, but does not show any

"equipment." This would indicate that organized playground equiptment was

very unlikely.


Mahee & Medb


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org