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Bagpipe-Tips-art - 8/20/06


ÒTips for medieval bagpiping in the SCAÓ by Karl Krampf.


NOTE: See also the files: bagpipes-msg, blast-horns-art, instruments-msg, SI-songbook1-art, drums-msg, lea-bladders-msg.





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Thank you,

Mark S. Harris...AKA:..Stefan li Rous

stefan at florilegium.org



Tips for medieval bagpiping in the SCA

by Karl Krampf


(1) Great Highland Bagpipes are a 17th century instrument. Though you could plug up one drone hole, and just use 2 drones instead of 3, the actual style of the Great Highland pipes, even the "antique chalice" styles seen on many websites, are simply not ancient enough to look like a medieval instrument. It's like playing a metal transverse flute with valves in a renaissance orchestra. You should look for a period instrument. If you could dress your Highland pipes so that they looked like the pipes in medieval art, then go for it. If you are a pre-1600 person, and you wear kilts, then you most likely would be using a 1 or 2 drone instrument. The closest direct ancestor of the Great Highland pipes are the Biniou Kosz from French Brittany. A Spanish Gaita is a close ancestor of the Great Highland pipes that is borderline pre-1600.


Basically, if you cannot afford a real medieval-style bagpipe from a professional craftsman (and let's face it, most people cannot blow $1000 on a music instrument), there are cheap options available. Check E-bay periodically for medieval bagpipes. Avoid Mid-East's Medieval Bagpipes in the Key Of F, as they do not work. These are ubiquitous, so watch for them. Most of the actual cheap, working medieval style bagpipes are either Pakistani-made or German made. Go for German, if you can afford it. They are usually between $300 and $800. There is a certain cheap Pakistani Medieval Bagpipe on the market that has distinctive conical-shaped drones. These bagpipes, which I own a set of, work, but only for people with a lot of experience. I started off playing them with just one drone until I could build up my lung capacity to play both drones.


There are about 2 or 3 cheap "medieval smallpipes" on the market. One is made by Mid East MFG (Pakistani-made, but sold from a warehouse in Florida), and they are in the key of D. Another is made by a company called Airstream, and they are distinguished by their conical drones and a spiral-carved blowpipe. Smallpipes are a lot easier to play, and usually a lot cheaper -- in the under-$200 range.


(2) Your costume should be appropriate to the time period you're playing from. If you have 13th century pipes like me, you might want to dress like the people in Cantigas De Santa Maria's illustrations -- robes with tights underneath, maybe a coife. If you are going as a 14th or 15th century German or Italian, you may want to get out your tunic and codpiece, with your puffy-hat. Dress either from the exact same period as your pipe's design, or LATER. It's arguable that bagpipes and other instruments were passed down from generation to generation. I happen to think they were, since they were expensive and rather durable. There are museums that have actual working medieval instruments, as opposed to reproductions, and if a bagpipe or recorder can be playable 600 years after it was made, then playing your great-grandfather's 100 year-old pipes would be very appropriate.


(3) Play period music! I can't tell you how many times I've been to events where people are playing medieval bagpipes, but are playing modern  (post 1600) music on them, and nearly always Scottish music. If you are playing medieval bagpipes, you really need to learn some medieval songs, and stick to them. There's actually thousands of songs available to you, and most are easy to learn. The Scottish Highland music from the 16th to 19th century that most people are familiar with, is highly refined and technical. Medieval music is much simpler, and if you play Highland music fairly well, you should be able to pick up medieval tunes with hardly any work at all. Nearly all medieval music can be played effortlessly on Bagpipes, as the instruments of the time that the music was typically written for, such as recorders, shawms, crumhorns, flutes, etc, use the exact same fingering, and have the same one-octave range. Most people will recognize tunes like Stella Splendens and Ecce Mundi Gaudium, and Greensleeves. It adds to the authenticity of your performance. The songs from the Cantigas De Santa Maria (13th century Spain) and the Carmina Burana, or Buranus Codex (13th century German) provide a plethora of music. You can find sheet music from these two books all over the web, and much of it for free, as it is of historical value.


(4) Drummers are essential! You should have a drummer to accompany you. A lone bagpiper is sad! If you have large, loud pipes, you should get a couple of drummers and some other percussionists with bells, tambourines, or other rhythm instruments. Middle-eastern and African rhythms are very appropriate for a lot of the Spanish music, because of the influence of the Moors. For more northern European music, though, you need to play different beats. English and northern European minstrels could often be found with a Frame Drum (usually called an Bodhran or Irish-drum), and a larger drum similar to a tom-tom (Usually a rope-tension drum with a thick head made of animal skin). The Frame drums were typically used for the overall rhythm, and the tom-tom was used for accenting. If you can get other bagpipers, great, otherwise, just fill up with Rhythms. In many occasions, you will bump into drummers and do impromptu jams with them. This can be fun and useful, as you can test playing songs to different rhythm styles.


(5) Smallpipes, singing, and recorders... One of the problems I encountered with playing smallpipes among other musicians is the musical scales. Most Bagpipes use the Mixolydian scale -- a musical scale that goes back to the Ancient Greeks, and which became replaced by Gregorian, Renaissance, and finally Baroque scales (well, finally, the modern scale). Bagpipes retained the older musical scale because they were considered "folk" instruments, not part of the standard court ensembles of the renaissance and Baroque periods. Essentially, when people playing a Baroque recorder play some notes, the Bagpipe chanter will play a sharp or a flat.


The modern standard on all modern instruments, for the frequency of the A above  middle-C is 440 Hz (cycles per second). On medieval instruments, the A above  middle C is anywhere from 470Hz to 480 Hz. You will see this a lot when you delve into the technical aspects of music. A Bagpipe's Chanter plays one octave, usually from Low A to high A. Compared to the modern scale, the notes in a  Bagpipe's scale sound like A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A. The C# and the F# will sound  dissonant when played together with a baroque or modern instrument. Of course, if your bagpipe is in a different key (the example provided is the key of B, which most Highland pipes are in), different notes will be sharp, or even flat.  Stringed instruments, because they can be fine-tuned, and play in any key that the musician wants, have almost no problem getting along with Bagpipes; The musician only needs to tweak the tuning of a couple of strings, and play normally.


Other early instruments cannot be fine-tuned as easily as stringed instruments.  There are several ways to overcome this. One way is to have a bagpipe maker  custom-make a set of pipes that is compatible with the baroque scale. Many craftsmen will do this, but it's not something you will find already built into a cheap set of pipes. You have to have the instrument custom-made, so this is an expensive option. Another method is to have the recorder players adapt their playing to play the sharps or flats  that your bagpipe does, if possible, or avoid the notes that sound dissonant when played with your bagpipe. This can be difficult, but it can be done. One method that I've heard several professional musical groups use is to play the piece using only the other instruments of the ensemble, while the bagpipes are silent, or with just the drones playing. Then, for the finale of the song, the other instruments stop, and the Bagpipes play alone with just the rhythm instruments. This works extremely well most of the time.


Smallpipes and Singing go together just fine, but forget being heard if big pipes are playing. The band "In Extremo", A Medieval-heavy Metal crossover band, plays big pipes with singing. They accomplish this by not having any singing going on when bagpipes are playing. They alternate between singing and the big pipes. This can easily be done without a heavy metal band. One problem for pipers with equally good singing voices is that you cannot pipe and sing at the same time, and transitioning between playing pipes and singing in the same piece can be a difficult juggling act. It's best to keep the piping and singing separated. Some custom-made pipes have a cut-off valve that allows the player to stop playing instantly, but this is usually just on the chanter. The drones still need to be pumped, which means that you will either have to deal with the sound of the drones losing air pressure (sounds like an airplane going down... or a sick cow), or keep your singing parts quick so you can pump the drones  and get back to blowing before they become unstable (Usually, you have about 10-20 seconds of air in the bag to play just the drones). It's hard, and I've never really seen anyone do it, so i don't recommend it. Personally, I would look for other bagpipers to allow you to sing while he plays.


Great accompaniment for large pipes are shawms. Shawms essentially use similar reeds to the large bagpipe's chanter, and are as loud. In fact, medieval German bagpipe chanters are practically identical in construction, shape,and sound to the shawms from the same period. Corvus Corax, one of the most popular contemporary Medieval bands in Germany, uses shawms and bagpipes together with great effect. Though their arrangements are very modern, Corvus Corax's instruments are all authentic, and deliberately custom-made to be in  compatible keys.


(6) Final thoughts. I'd like some input on these suggestions. I can be contacted at priscus.forem at gmail,com. I'm interested in hearing from other pipers all the time. Thanks! Please distribute this article only in it's  entirety, and with proper credit to the author.


Related Links (where I got most of my info from).


Highland Bagpipe History Links:











Medieval Bagpipe history links:





Bagpipe historical illustrations:







Index of Cantigas De Santa Maria illustrations









Strange Double-flute with resonator?






Wikipedia on Cantigas De Santa Maria




Carmina Burana (Burana Codex):


Wikipedia entry for Carmina burana



Online text of the Carmina Burana




Historical Bagpipe Illustrations:


Bagpipe Iconography page (large collection of medieval bagpipe images)




Places to buy Medieval Bagpipes from:


The best bargain in Medieval Smallpipes:



Alternative link for same set of pipes:



The medieval Bagpipes in F, which you should avoid at all cost:



Alternative link to same set of pipes:



Dancing Stickmen (Bagpipe Craftsman)



Stefan Fischer, Sackpfeifenmacher (German)



Jens Guenzel (IN German and English)



Folkster Music Netshop



Andreas Rogge (German and English)



Von Huene Workshop, The Early Music Shop of New England



Paul Beekhuizen's Early Woodwind Instruments



England's Early Music Shop, LTD




Copyright 2006 by David W. Irish, Email: priscus.forem at gmail,com. Permission is granted for republication in SCA-related publications, provided the author is credited and receives a copy


If this article is reprinted in a publication, I would appreciate a notice in the publication that you found this article in the Florilegium. I would also appreciate an email to myself, so that I can track which articles are being reprinted. Thanks. -Stefan.


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org