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AS-cont-docu-msg - 1/25/01


Documentation comments and ideas for SCA Arts and Sciences Contests.


NOTE: See also the files: AS-compet-msg, AS-classes-lst, AS-classes-msg,

AS-events-msg, AS-food-msg, 5x8-Doc-art, AS-ideas-msg.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that

I  have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some

messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium.

These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I  have done  a limited amount  of  editing. Messages having to do  with

seperate topics  were sometimes split into different files and sometimes

extraneous information was removed. For instance, the  message IDs  were

removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I

make  no claims  as  to the accuracy  of  the information  given  by the

individual authors.


Please  respect the time  and efforts of  those who have written  these

messages. The  copyright status  of these messages  is  unclear  at this

time. If  information  is published  from  these  messages, please give

credit to the orignator(s).


Thank you,

    Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

    mark.s.harris at motorola.com           stefan at florilegium.org



Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 01:29:47 -0500

To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG

From: Gunnora Hallakarva <gunnora at bga.com>

Subject: Re: ANST - A&S Judging Suggestions


Baron Bors of Lothian said:


>labored more on the documentation than I did on the original work.  This was

>what was required at the time-ei: GOOD DOCUMENTATION.  Entered the windows in

>Stargate Yule and got a two word comment- NOT PERIOD.  Thank you Lord or Lady

>judge who ever you are- I never entered nor will enter a stained glass piece

>again. Although some of the BEST PEOPLE in the kingdom have my work, I guess

>it's not good enough for competition.

>SO!!!!!!- my question is- what are minimum documentation requirements now and

>what should it consist of?? Not that I will be entering A&S compititions

>soon- others may whant to know.


Sael og Heill!


Bors, you are evincing the biggest A&S attitude problem I have ever seen!

And the problem is, your response is all too typical.  When you got an

idiot judge who didn't read your documentation, instead of doing something

useful about it, you sat down in the middle of the road, threw up your

hands, and began to lament loudly that now you would eat worms.  


Whining is not the answer. Neither is being a quitter.  If you had taken a

proactive response instead of a passive-aggressive one, you would be much

happier in the long run.Worm-eating will not make you feel better, and

usually doesn't get you what you want.  And if you have talent, it is dumb

to quit instead of looking for better answers.  I know you are intelligent

enough to find good answers if you'd just look.


Here are some ideas for handling this problem better:


(1) Track down the commenting judge and discuss the matter in depth.  If

you don't know who this person was, talk to whoever is organizing the A&S

at the event and find our who the judges were and speak to each of them.

Find out why they came to the conclusion they did.  I think I can tell you

what happened -- you submitted your beautiful piece of work with a research

paper (ideally should have been two entries) instead of brief documentation

that was to the point... the judge saw this huge bit of documentation and

declined for whatever reason to read it (not enough time, patience,

interest, etc). and then based on whatever they knew or thought they knew

about the artform made a judgement.  Then the person proceeded to give you

an execrable critique (a good critique would have said what was not period

and how you could do it better, plus given you the person's name and

possibly referred you to other experts in the field).  Had the critique

been better, you would have had better clues for going to talk to the

judge, or understanding what they thought was not period about the piece.

It may not have been the construction.  The design may not have appeared to

them to be period, etc. Nevermind that it was in the documentation, we

know they didn't read it.


Good documentation does not equal weight or number of pages.  Let me stress

from my own experience displaying: NO ONE WILL READ MORE THAN A PAGE OR TWO

AT THE MOST, EVER, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.  Write your documentation like it

was a newspaper article: get the essentials in the first paragraph, then

elaborate upon them as necessary at length, but still don't go over 3 pages

max, and really 1-2 pages if you can manage.  Big stacks of paperwork will

scare people off.  All your documentation for the piece you describe needed

to say was:


* What is it (i.e., an exact reproduction of this Edinburgh window dated

ca.____ in which I used foiled glass and ______ etc. exactly as was done in

the original window).  

* I used these materials ____, including these which were period:______ and

these which were not: ______.

* This piece varies from the period example in these ways ____.  It matches

the original in these ways:______

* The reasons I used these nonperiod materials/techniques was ____.


(2) If you couldn't or didn't want to find the person giving the bad

critique, take the time to track down a Laurel or two who are knowledgable

in the field.  Get their critiques, whether in the context of the display

or outside it.


(3) Shrug off the bad critique and take your art to a different venue.

Stay with your display so you can talk to the judges and answer any

questions. If an artist is with their display and I think they have an

authenticity problem, I will ask them about it.  Either they will teach me

or I will end up teaching them, a win-win situation.  As a case in point, I

remember Mistress Muriel displaying a pastel portrait at an A&S.  I knew

pastel was period, the portrait was much like a period oil painting so the

overall style was period, but my question was whether pastel was used to do

portraiture in this manner. Muriel was able to show me where I had missed

the answer to this in her documentation (yes, it is period) and let me tell

you that I had just read that documentation, but either overlooked the

sentence I needed or didn't understand it the first time I read it.



(4) Exhibit in body of work displays where the judges expect to talk with

the artisan.  Make sure you do talk to the judges.  If they don't seem to

getting the clue, gently lead them to it.


I am certain that others will be able to come up with other alternate ways

to deal with this type of thing better than just quitting.


One thing to remember for everyone.  If an event or a competition or the

whole world does not turn to your expectations, it is up to you to do

something about it.  You can change your expectations.  You can change the

world.  It is up to you.


Gunnora Hallakarva




Subject: Re: ANST - Need some costuming advice

Date: Wed, 29 Apr 98 15:03:22 MST

From: "Wayne Ross" <eat at joes.com>

To: <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG>



>Regardless of what fabrics, tools, or techniques you use for this garment-

>and so long as your end product *appears* to be of the same construction

>(see the note in this thread about not using zig-zag topstitching) as an

>original would have- there is a way for you to use time saving devices such

>as your serger and your sewing machine without ever violating anyone's

>accuracy issues.  The trick is in the set-up of your documentation.

>A dear friend of mine showed this method to me and I find it most useful:

>Heading- what this thing is supposed to be and from when it's supposed to

>be.  (note: do NOT include your name in your documentation- this is not a

>popularity contest)

>Part the Firste-  A carefully documented (use footnotes) short dissertation

>on how this entry fits into it's historical context:  where it was used, who

>used it, and most importantly, *how THEY made it*.   This should be the

>largest section of your documentation and should go the farthest to teach

>the reader how some task was really done in period.  Use primary sources

>here to support your views and use notes such as, "if you look in photo A

>(Painting of Significance, Leonardo di Whoeverpaintedit)  attached to the

>back of the documentation you can clearly see..." to stress your points.

>Parte the Seconde- An exact and detailed account of how you reconstructed

>this whatchamacallit to include materials, methods, and tools.  This is the

>tell-on-yourself portion of the documentation.  In essence, when Ms

>Authentic Nose-in-the-air comes by to look at your stuff and inform you on

>how you made your left-handed-spam-opener with a modern squoozle, this

>portion of your documentation will allow you the ability to reply, "Yes, I

>know... I even said so right there in my documentation... and if you'll read

>the documentation you'll see that in Parte the Thirde I explain just why I

>did it..."

>Parte the Third- I call this the justification.  If you haven't already

>guessed, this will be the portion of your documentation that allows you to

>tell the judge or reader your reasoning for errata betwixt the first and

>second portions of your documentation...

>*I used poly-rayon because it has the same weight and drape and color as the

>silk and wasn't so bloody expensive.

>*I used another pepper instead of grains of paradise because I couldn't find

>the darned things.

>*I used a serger because I intend to be a bit rough on this garment and

>would like it to last longer... also, you can't see any of my serging so it

>doesn't spoil the appearance of the garment.

>*I used acrylic gesso rather than a period gesso because I am not yet

>comfortable with the process to a degree that I would risk the entire piece

>by utilizing it.

>*I used my sewing machine because I work and don't have the time to do it by

>hand... but you can't see any of the machine stitching- you can even see at

>the cartridge pleats where I broke down and hand sewed them on because they

>would be visible.

>Parte the Fourth- Bibliography.  Now this may seem an easy thing to do- but

>you wouldn't believe how badly it can be ruined.  Did you note how many

>folks referred you to Janet Arnold in regards to Elizabethan costuming? You

>can guess from that response that if you left out Arnold, noted expert on

>the subject, as a reference there had better be a good reason.  In a similar

>vein, check your references with *other* references as there are some REALLY

>inaccurate references out there in one form or another and a good judge in

>your category will know it.  As an example, almost all my costuming friends

>own Patterns for Theatrical Costumes, by Holkeboer because it's a lovely

>'ideas' book for people new to the sca... but if any of us caught the others

>using it as a serious historical reference it would be a disappointment.

>And every single subject has it's books in the same vein so beware what you


>Now, all that said (and I'm sure others will follow on with more comments),


>if you wish to be as competitive as you can be with the entry, then let

>there be as little difference between your first portion of documentation

>and your second... (nonono... don't *lie* about it... just do it right when

>you make it).  The shorter your third paragraph needs to be, generally

>speaking, the more authentic the piece will be and the higher your marks for

>authenticity.  Keep in mind that even though what you have done may be very

>authentic there are many other categories to be judged including


>originality, attention to detail, and creativity (the 'C' in SCA) to name

>some that I've seen.  Be sure also, to make your documentation less of a

>labor to read by adding in a splash of wit where you can, people being what

>they are.  I know I'm more likely to get through documentation if I get a

>giggle out of it.

>Ritter Dieterich


I think that Dieterich makes very good points on how to do documentation

except that I disagree him on one point. That is I believe that you should

include your name in your documentaion. You don't include your name for

popularity but as a refrence as to who made the piece. I personally have

given my documentation to other people when I am finished because they have

asked about a particular subject therein. When these people in turn use my

documentation I would like to be given credit for my work. Also, if I happen

along and want to know who did the piece and they are not present then all I

have to do is look at their documentation. Besides, I am a student and it

has become ingrained - you put your name on everything you do.


Genevieve de Courtanvaux



Subject: Re: ANST - Need some costuming advice

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 98 07:57:17 MST

From: "Casey&Coni" <cjw at vvm.com>

To: <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG>


Genvieve had penned:

>I think that Dieterich makes very good points on how to do documentation

>except that I disagree him on one point. That is I believe that you should

>include your name in your documentaion. You don't include your name for

>popularity but as a refrence as to who made the piece.


Perhaps a good solution to this problem would be to make a cover sheet for

you documentation.  When actually competing in the competition proper,

remove it, but when handing out copies of your work afterwards, include it.

I find that if someone needs to tell you something about your piece, they

will leave their name and a way to contact them on your commenting sheet-

this has happened to me twice.  I really desire my judging to be as

impartial as possible, not judging me against my own ability, but rather, my

work against the public highbar.


Although it's a sticky comparison, the knights (I feel) would never knight a

person on the basis of how far their fighting has progressed, but will

always attempt to measure their ability against the mean level of the

circle.  It's not that we don't take note of progress- we do notice and

praise it- it's just that we would feel awkward knighting a person whose

personal best doesn't measure up to our standard as a whole.  Adding your

name to your piece in an A&S competition *could* cloud someones judging one

way or another so I try to avoid letting the judges even see me putting

things out.  I would hate to win a competition simply because (and I have

heard this said...) "... it wasn't exactly a masterwork but, my goodness, a

_man_ made it... isn't that impressive?".  The other side of the issue is

that there may be those out there who don't get along with you *personally*:

"Good grief, Mistress Whoever, there's that loudmouth, Ritter Dieterich...

let's just get through his stuff as quickly as possible, shall we?"


Peers should be above all that?  Naaah.  Peers are people, too, and I'd

rather just narrow the odds of them judging to either side of the line.





Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:20:16 EST

From: <LadyPDC at aol.com>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Re: Documentation difficulties [SCA]


I also find that using the OED to show word meaning and sources for the actual

name of whatever you are doing can be a very useful source and can lead you

to other sources but very few people either know about it or think to use it.





Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 21:06:40 -0800

From: Edwin Hewitt <brogoose at pe.net>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Top 10 Documentation difficulties


Chris Laning wrote:


> *  What do you find most difficult about documenting your projects? What

> *  do you hear *other* people saying they have the most trouble with?

> (lady) Christian de Holacombe


First, congratulations and Godspeed on your project.If the documentation

exists, I can usually find it or at least make a reasonable

extrapolation of existing documentation.  However, when I was judging our

local Arts/Sciences Pentathlon a number of years ago I did see some common

deficiencies.  These included:


1.  No documentation at all.


2.  Xeroxed encyclopedia entries or pages from books without specifying what

they were trying to document by doing so.


3.  Confused and unorganized documentation making it difficult to understand

what they were trying to document.


4.  A lack of understanding of what is period documentation for a particular

historic object (Just because a technique was used within the SCA time-period

doesn't mean it is period for the object in question.  For instance, an oil

painting on a viking cart. Or 12th century Irish food using potatoes).


5.  Mis-matched historic periods or locales in a single entry (not exactly a

documentation problem, but it overlaps).  For instance, having Golden-age

Celtic knotwork on a rapier frog.


6.  Using documentation which itself is unclear about what dates it refers

to. (it's very common to call 19th century techniques "old" or traditional).


7.  "Creative" extrapolation of technology or techniques (i.e. "the Chinese had

all the separate technologies to make a fully-automatic blackpowder firearm



8.  Reference to sources without period references as well.  (i.e. "I liked the

way Laurel Cnut did this so I did it his way..." or, "I saw on the Learning



9.  Not using "scholarly" sources (i.e. "I saw this in a 'Conan the

Barbarian' movie")


10.  Relying on verbal sources without documenting the reason that these sources

are valid or where these sources received their data  (i.e.  "My grandfather

said," or "my college professor said...")


These are common problems off the top of my head.  None of these have to do

with what first, second nor third-hand sources are, nor what to do if period

documentation is lacking. That is a whole different kind of issue.



Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 01:06:43 EST

From: <LadyPDC at aol.com>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Re: Documentation - Where & How do I Begin?


Please teach in your class two important things (things which I had been

told but didn't really understand until I did them the wrong way)


1.  Research and start your documentation before you start doing your



2.  Copy, highlight, and begin notes on your documentation *as you are doing

your research*.     Can't tell you how many times at the last competition I

entered I found myself doing the documentation and able to picture the very

page where I had found the information I needed but unable to remember which

of the many books stacked about me it was in.  Such last minute re-researching

is not only frustrating and time consuming but it might result in your

discovering that something which you thought you remembered in a book was just

slightly different and you have done the whole project wrong. (Hasn't

happened to me yet but came close a couple of times)


Also, it is helpful in the documentation to tell the judges why you decided to

do a particular project.  It makes it real for them, makes you real for them.

Remember in your documentation that you are talking to real people just like

you.  If you write and organize it in such a way that you could understand

it if you had no knowledge of the subject it will read well to them too.


Last, but not least.  Have someone else look at the project and the

documentation and see if they understand it.  Makes all the difference in

the world and also helps to share the knowledge.


Constance de Larose



Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 09:06:15 -0500

From: "Gray, Heather" <Heather at Quodata.Com>

To: "'sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu'" <sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu>

Subject: RE: Documentation - Where & How do I Begin?


Well, there certainly have been some wonderful suggestions made so far.

The only other thing I might add is on the question of whether to have

long or short documentation -- why not both?  Put all the basic

information on one page (as described so well by other folks on the

list), with an indication (like the word Summary at the top of the page,

after the subject title) that this is the synopsis of your

documentation.  Add pictures of what you based your work on (if

possible/available), or other pictures as you feel are necessary (tools,

work in process, etc.).   Then (if you have it available -- really

depends on what you're submitting) include the more detailed

information.   That way those judges who prefer the short form can read

that (but know that you have more info if they want it), and those who

want everything also have it. The nice thing about the one pager is

that even if they read the whole thing, they have been given an idea of

what type of details they'll be reading about, and that helps to provide

focus.   As a plus, by the time you have it written up as concisely yet

completely as possible to fit on that one page, if someone asks you

questions about it (here's the oral part...), you pretty much have all

the important facts memorized.





Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:29:14 -0600

From: khkeeler <kkeeler at unlinfo.unl.edu>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Re: Documentation difficulties


I'll add a couple of difficulties


as entrant:  remembering to explain all the really obvious steps

  like: cooked it on an electric stove.  Not at all period, but the only

way I cook things, so I overlooked it while carefully documenting all

the other steps and ingredients.


as judge:  the web.  My Kingdom doesn't have a policy yet.  I think the

web is not documentation unless the item is published on paper somewhere.

It a godsend for people in small towns.  At the same time, we risk very

bad scholarship if you can cite a personal web page (of "clothes I

made") equal to the archaeological publications of the Museum of London.


as judge: judging good references from lousy ones.  In my specialties,

sure.  When judging something else--much harder.  Quality of references

is not very important for picking a winner, it is important for the

underlying educational goal: helping people learn about the Middle

Ages.  Some sources are the best available information, some are full of

undocumentable statements. Entrants should get praise for using The

Best, help/suggestions if they found only fourth hand sources.


Agnes deLanvallei

Mag Mor, Calontir

kkeeler1 at unl.edu



Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 10:16:00 -0500 (EST)

From: Jenne Heise <jenne at tulgey.browser.net>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Re: Documentation difficulties


[The comments below are from a librarian who helped people research

papers, not an A&S Judge)


On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, khkeeler wrote:

> as judge:  the web.  My Kingdom doesn't have a policy yet.  I think the

> web is not documentation unless the item is published on paper

> somewhere.


I don't think this says what you think it means. 'Published on paper

somewhere' doesn't automatically make something a better

source.  Now, 'published by a reputable academic publisher or journal'

would make it a better source. However, an essay by a reputable student of

the genre on the web is 10x better than something cited from some craft

magazine or 'Sewing News'.


The Quality of your source matters; journal names and publisher names help

to establish that. If you don't have such information, but you think the

author is reputable, see if you can find their credentials and make a note

to that effect in your source list.


> It a godsend for people in small towns.  At the same time, we risk very

> bad scholarship if you can cite a personal web page (of "clothes I

> made") equal to the archaeological publications of the Museum of London.


One of the major problems I see in SCA society is that one printed source

is seen as good as another. If your printed source isn't high quality,

you might well be better off writing to an expert and getting back a

personal communication and citing that.


The trouble with web sites is that you need to dig to find out about the

author-- it could be a second-grader or it could be a professor, museum

curator, or doctoral student.


>Quality of references

> is not very important for picking a winner, it is important for the

> underlying educational goal:  helping people learn about the Middle

> Ages.  Some sources are the best available information, some are full of

> undocumentable statements. Entrants should get praise for using The

> Best, help/suggestions if they found only fourth hand sources.


It's important to distinguish between primary (written in the time period

by someone who knew firsthand), secondary (so and so said), and tertiary

(not written in the time and place, not reviewing what so and so said)



Jadwiga Zajaczkowa (Shire of Eisental; HERMS Cyclonus), mka Jennifer Heise

jenne at tulgey.browser.net



Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:51:50 EST

From: <LadyPDC at aol.com>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Re: Documentation difficulties


This seems to be getting into just the sort of documentation type discussion

that scares many about doing A&S because they don't know what to put in for



I helped a 7 year old and an 8 year old put together documentation for our

last Barony A&S.  I think that some of the things which I told them would

work for anyone.


1.  Sources mean start with where did you first hear/read about this and tell

where you looked to find more information step by step just as you researched

it until you ran out of material and were ready to do the project.  Example

which the 7 year old used: "I read this book which talked about infusions on

this page - then I looked up the word infusion in the dictionary and here is a

copy of that.  Then I looked up several herbs in this book on these pages and

decided what I wanted in my infusion for these reasons. (reasons being based

on two herbals written in period)"


2.  To write your documentation just answer these questions:


       a.  Why did you decide to do this project

       b.  How was this used/done in period

       c.  Did you do it differently?  How & Why?

       d.  Explain exactly the steps you took to do it

       e.  How did it come out?

       f.  How has it been used since you did it and what were the results.

       g.  What did you think of the project and would you do it again

       h.  (referring back to statement #1)  What did you read that told you

how to do it or what materials to use?


BTW - there were only two children's entries so they grouped the children in

with the adults and the 7 year old still took top honors in the area where

she competed.


If a 7 year old can do good enough documentation just following those simple

directions and questions, any of us should be able to do as well.


Constance de Larose



Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 10:22:10 -0500

From: "Daniel Phelps" <phelpsd at gate.net>

Subject: Re: SC - Huh?


>LrdRas at aol.com wrote:

phelpsd at gate.net writes:

>> << a recreated 12th century Yorkish hole >>


>> Ok, I'll bite. Explanation, please?

>> Ras

>Typo for "Yorkish home", perhaps???



Regarding "The 12th Century Yorkish Hole"  Suffice it it say that when you

combine a fit of pique, a soupcon of whimsy, and really good documentation

of an obscure period object you get results which can be quite outre'.  In

my case "The Excavations at York; The Viking Dig" by Richard Hall, 1984 The

Bodley Head, London, ISBN 0-370-30802-6 has on page 127 plate 153 a picture

in situ of "Twelfth-century toilet seat fallen into a cess pit."  In

approximately 15 pages I document in exhaustive detail the hole in the plank

and my reconstruction of it. It was in essence a study of documentation.

I asked them to judge not the plank but the hole as it was analogous to

judging a painting but not the frame.   What insued was a brief decision of

what was appropriate for Art/Sci and what category it should be entered in.

We decided domestics and the consensus was that it indeed was appropriate

for art/Sci.  Incidentally we came to the conclusion that, for example, the

instruments used in the regicide of Edward II were not.  The Principal of

the Laureate in Trimaris said upon reading the documentation  that it was

worth the trip as I made her laugh twice.   Everyone involved asked for a

copy of the documentation. The King declined to test it but at least one

person said it was more cumfortable that hers at home.  I have sent copies

of the documentation privately to several persons on this list.   If anyone

else is interested I will attach them to private side messages to avoid

clogging up the works.   If you are at Gulf War next I plan on entering it

in the grand melee competition.


Daniel Raoul le Vascon du Navarre'.



Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:23:49 -0500

From: Philip & Susan Troy <troy at asan.com>

Subject: Re: SC - Huh?


Daniel Phelps wrote:

> Regarding "The 12th Century Yorkish Hole"  Suffice it it say that when you

> combine a fit of pique, a soupcon of whimsy, and really good documentation

> of an obscure period object you get results which can be quite outre'.  In

> my case "The Excavations at York; The Viking Dig" by Richard Hall, 1984 The

> Bodley Head, London, ISBN 0-370-30802-6 has on page 127 plate 153 a picture

> in situ of "Twelfth-century toilet seat fallen into a cess pit."  In

> approximately 15 pages I document in exhaustive detail the hole in the plank

> and my reconstruction of it.   It was in essence a study of documentation.


Ooohhhh, flashbacks!


I'm put in mind of an event I autocratted many years ago (14 or so) in

which Master Alric Bowbreaker, O.L. and then seneschal of the East,

submitted to the A&S competition a period artifact with exhaustive

documentation on construction and usage of the artifact. The entry was

entitled "The Rock in the Middle Ages".



Østgardr, East



Subject: ANST - Documentation -- A Viewpoint from a West Kingdom Laurel

Date: Mon, 15 Feb 99 18:06:48 MST

From: Gunnora Hallakarva <gunnora at bga.com>

To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG,


In the interests of sharing with the general populace some information baout

how documentation is regarded across the Known Worlde, I have sought out

permission to repost the contents

of several collected messages on this topic which originated on the SCA

Laurel List, the SCA Arts List, and through private correspondence.  I have

been collecting this information for

use in creating a formal Ansteorran Documentation Standard that hopefully

will be useful to our artisans as a "blueprint" for how to write

documentation without having to commit hari-kari due to "documentation fear".


Here is the first piece of this information, graciously provided by Mistress

Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, OL, OP, Ct. Baroness, etc., of the

Kingdom of the West, and a noted

contributor to the College of Heralds for her expertise in Welsh Studies.




Tri geir wrth dogfeniad:

- Mynag a wnaethant

- Mynag a wnaethost

- Eglura'r gwahaniaeth

Ac un geir sy'n uchaf: ymchwil, nid dogfeniad.



"Three sayings concerning documentation:

- Tell what they did

- Tell what you did

- Clarify the difference

And one saying is chiefmost: research, not documentation."


I. Research, not Documentation


  I.e., if you are only now trying to put together "documentation" for

some artifact you already have, you have a much more difficult, and

possibly impossible, task. If you did research (and kept notes) before

coming up with the artifact, you have a very easy task. Why set yourself

up to do unnecessary work?


II. The Tripod of Documentation

  A. Tell me what _they_ did.

  B. Tell me what _you_ did.

  C. Point out and explain the differences.


III. Leave a Trail


  I.e., give me enough information that I could double-check your

information, if I so desired. And give me enough information that I could

precisely re-construct your artifact, if I so desired.



Thanks to Mistress Tangwystl for sharing her outline.





Subject: Re: ANST - Diarmaid on Documentation

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 99 08:28:05 MST

From: "Don Christian Doré" <jtc at io.com>

To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG


On 15 Feb 99,, Gunnora Hallakarva wrote:

> This segues into the other major reason for documentation, besides the

> argumentative, "prove to me you didn't just make this up" thing -- you may

> have information that the judges, people who are ostensibly (one hopes)

> versed in the field you are displaying or competing in, don't have and may

> want to study themselves.


It might even show us something that none of the rest of us know.

When it does, that's really cool. Better yet, it may disprove

something that we all "know".


Documentation also gives us an idea of the scope of a project. I

was a judge in one A&S where we awarded top honors to a mead. A

few people were quite upset that a "simple" project like a mead

won out over more complex projects. They did not read the

documentation. That mead started with raising the bees!


I have also seen a knitted shawl place well over items that seem to

be more complex. But if you read the documentation you will

realize that shawl was started when the lady visited a sheep farm

and had them sheer a sheep for her. That should be worth extra

points in anyone's book.


I have to agree, serious A&S entries revolve on the documentation.





Subject: ANST - Documenting Original Performance Art

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 99 10:27:54 MST

From: Gunnora Hallakarva <gunnora at bga.com>

To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG


Karl Muller <apophysis at hotmail.com> asked:

> How do you document when your song, story or poem is your own composition?


If an original song, story, or poem is appropriate in any way for

performance within the SCA, then it should be documentable.


You should be able to document some (ideally all) of the following at least:


(1) period form (i.e., ballad, sonnet, oral delivery of Norse alliterative

poetry, rondelay, virelay, etc., etc. ad infinitum)


(2) period performance technique (i.e., no vibrato, opening a Saxon poem

with a loud and resounding "Hwaet!", specific period dance

steps, period harmonic technique, period instrument technique etc. etc. ad



(3) period content (i.e., topic and content of the piece is similar to

actual medieval poems, songs, dnace etc.)


If you are not using at least one of these three items, then your piece

probably doesn't belong in an SCA venue.



To document period form, generally you have to pick out the form BEFORE you

compose the piece -- probably the most pathetic

documentation I've ever seen (and I mean pathetic in the sense of I really

felt sorry for the poor artisan, as opposed to the

documentation just being sorry) has been for people who wrote a poem out of

the blue with no regard for form or previous research, and

are after the fact trying to find a period poetic form that is similar

enough to what they wrote to use as documentation.


In cases where you wrote the piece, and then find that you cannot locate a

period form that is in anyway similar, seriously consider

adapting your work for an actual period form.  I had a bunch of "heroic

fantasy" poetry that I wrote before I became interested in the

SCA.  Once I discovered the SCA, I found that a lot of this poetry had

similar content and themes as Norse, Old English, and Finnish

poetry, so I actually sat down and re-wrote almost all of that early poetry,

following the proper forms. It was fun to do.  For one

thing, I was much more mature when I undertook to rework the poetry, so

aspects which were very juvenile could be happily discarded.

Plus, being forced to hammer the loose original verses into a specific form

forced me to be more precise in my word choice, and I

think made for much better poetry in the end.  I am not a wordsmith -- I

admit it, I'm a hack -- but I aspire to being a wordsmith of

the caliber of Thomas of Tenby or Mari ferch Rathyen.  And while

wordsmithing requires discipline, I found it was also rewarding and

best of all, fun.


And before anyone starts tearing their hair and shrieking that there ARE no

period forms that they like, there are SO many different

forms available out there, ANYONE can find at least one period form that

they like and work well in. WHY limit oneself to writing

that darned Hallmark Greeting Card doggerel of four lines to a verse,

end-rhymed ABAB, CDCD, EFEF and so on?  There are so many

exciting forms out there that can be used to great dramatic effect in a




I've heard people state with great conviction that there is no way to

document period performance technique.  My answer is "Pshaw!"

Actually, you might be VERY surprised at what can be documented in the way

of period performance technique.  I found a really

fantastic paper a while back in a journal called "Literature in Performance"

by a man named Dwight Conquergood on Anglo-Saxon poetic

boasting as a performance art, which used Beowulf and The Battle of Maldon

to illustrate some common performance techniques that can

be used to very good advantage when performing ANY early Norse or German or

Anglo-Saxon boast, poem, story, song, etc.  And there's

lots more interesting literature about early period Old English performance

(buried in scholarly discussions about music and meter).

And the same "Literature in Performance" journal no doubt has many other

equally useful articles for other cultures and periods.


I'd be interested in hearing from performers what other documentation they

have found for period performance technique.



As a note, it's probably not enough that your piece have dragons and knights

in it to *really* be able to say that you're using period

content.  For example, if you had a poem about some knight feeling sorry for

a poor dying dragon and they become fast friends until

the dragon dies etc., you're probably going to have a VERY hard time finding

a similar story in any form during the period -- this is

a fairly modern fantasy type of idea.


The best way to make sure that your original pieces have period content is

to actually read poetry and literature from the period.

That will give you a feel for typical poem and story themes that you can

then use for your own works. The Catalog of Folklore Motifs

is a great place to find plots for performance pieces as well.


If you want your performance works to "ring true" you have to capture the

essence of actual works of the period, even in totally

original works.  For instance, those who are familiar with Master Ragnar

Ulfgarsson's work, "Dragon's Gold"

(http://lonestar.texas.net/~rferrell/rsdraggo.html) will quickly recognize

that the original tale does not use an actual period form,

yet the content uses themes which are very period, and would be recognized

as familiar by many medieval audiences.  Ragnar captured

the flavor of Norse and Anglo-Saxon poetry by using elements of speech and

image actually used in the sagas and Eddas.  Furthermore,

though there are no Norse tales told first person from the dragon's point of

view, anyone in Northern Europe would have been familiar

with the story of Fafnir, a man become dragon. (see

http://lonestar.texas.net/~rferrell/rstoc.html for the complete texts of

Ragnar's poetry)


The moral of the story...


The moral of all of this documentation information is that it is best to

read a little *before* you compose your original work -- it

not only makes it easier to document your work, but it also makes your work

better by allowing you to incorporate more period

techniques, themes, and forms.


None the less, even if you *didn't* do any research before composing your

piece, it may very well be possible to document it anyway --

it's just a little harder.


This should get you started.





Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:39:30 -0600

From: Roberta R Comstock <froggestow at juno.com>

To: sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu

Subject: Re: Documentation Question


It's difficult to give specific advice without knowing the particulars of

the competition you are entering, but I suggest you consider the

following questions:


Is this a kingdom championship?


Is this your only entry?


Is it a special category related to the theme of a particular event?

(Best <xxx> in any medium...)


Is your category a popular one in your area?


How complex is your entry?


How long will the judges have to evaluate each entry and its documentation?

If there are twenty entries in a category and the judges have four hours

to complete their evaluations and written comments, they will have to

judge five entries per hour. That gives them twelve whole minutes per entry.

Think about it.


Will the judges have a slide projector and screen in a dark room for

viewing slides?  How would your slides be presented?  Would they be in a

carousel or would they be tucked into individual pockets of a plastic

storage page?  (Looking at slides with a hand held viewer is not an

acceptable way to observe details and fine points.)


Is you entry in a category that is familiar to the available judges, or

is it something obscure that few other people in your area have studied?

(Are you attempting to teach the judges something new?)


Are you providing a copy of the documentation for each judge, or will

they have to take turns on a single copy?


Is this a face-to-face judging process, in which you will be present and

available to answer their questions on the spot?


How much time does it take to read your documentation? (If you don't know,

give it to a friend who has never seen it and time their reading.  Is

this a reasonable amount of time to expect a judge to spend on a single



Do you know the extent to which the judges are familiar with your



Have you included enough reference(s) to recognized experts in the topic

of your entry to demonstrate your familiarity with acknowledged experts?


Does your interpretation of the evidence differ from that of the

recognized experts?  If so, have you explained how and why your

conclusions differ?


If you were giving an oral presentation of your entry to several people

who know nothing about the subject, how long would it take you to

describe it and explain your rationale?


How long would it take you to give such a presentation to a panel of experts?

Could you do it in 5 minutes?


Have you clearly specified the date, cultural and geographic setting,

use, purpose or function of the entry, materials, methods and tools used,

how and why you deviated (if at all) from period practice?


What is your reason for entering this competition?

What is your reason for preparing such extensive documentation?

What is your previous experience entering A&S competitions?


I may be misinterpreting, but it seems to me that you are preparing for

the judges to be antagonistic and are being overly defensive.  Are you

trying to prove a specific obscure point?  Have your past entries been

unjustly criticized?   Is this a trial run for defending a master's



Are you having fun, yet?


Mistress Hertha Blair of Froggestow, OL, OP, etc.....

Experienced A&S competition judge in Calontir


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org