This is my Florilegium article for March 2020.


Over the past twenty-nine years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists, facebook groups, and articles whose authors have given me permission to publish. In order to make this information available to others, I have placed this information in a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium.


The Florilegium is on the web at:


I am always interested in new articles. If you have written an article that would be of interest to others in the SCA, please send it to me for possible inclusion in the Florilegium. A&S documentation and class handouts will also often work well. I am especially interested in research papers submitted as A&S entries.


If you see someone's A&S documentation or perhaps an article in a local newsletter that you think deserves a wider audience, please let me know. I won't publish anything without the author's permission, but many authors are too reserved to send me their articles on their own.


THLord Stefan li Rous Ansteorra stefan at


Here are the new files for this month:

Norse-Tr-Chns-art "Viking Treasure Chains" by Hextilda Corbett.

BAS-Rom-Coins-art (10K) 3/18/20 "Behind the Scenes of A&S: Medieval Coins by the Moneyers Guild – Episode 1" by THL Elska á Fjárfella.

Bak-Meat-Pies-art (5K) 2/ 4/20 "Dyed Bake Metis: A Recipe for Meat Pies"

by THL Dagonell Collingwood of Emerald Lake.

bear-meat-msg (5K) 3/ 1/20 Period recipes for and the eating of bear meat.

An-Arab-Jelly-art (31K) 2/22/20 "Not an Arab Mead" by Baron Caleb Reynolds. An Arab medicinal jelly for coughs and sore throats.


Here are the updated files:

artichokes-msg (61K) 3/17/20 Period artichokes. Recipes. Cardoons.

AS-food-msg (44K) 3/ 1/20 Displaying food items at A&S events.

Paris-msg (20K) 3/ 7/20 Medieval points of interest in and around Paris.

pearls-msg (30K) 3/ 7/20 Period pearls. Use in jewelry and elsewhere.

pig-heads-msg (27K) 3/ 7/20 Cooking, displaying or otherwise working with pig's heads. Real and artificial.

sheep-lambs-msg (42K) 3/ 7/20 Medieval sheep and lambs. Breeds.



Copyright 2020, Mark S. Harris. Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the file descriptions are left unchanged. Removing any of the updated files listed in order to fit the article into limited publication space is allowed.  The article introduction may also be edited, provided the web address and contact info are retained.

