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brooms-msg - 3/9/10


Period brooms. Period references and pictures.


NOTE: See also the files: straw-crafts-msg, basketweaving-msg, chairs-msg, furniture-msg, lighting-msg, p-cleaning-msg, bucket-yokes-msg.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors.


Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s).


Thank you,

   Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

                                         Stefan at florilegium.org



From: tip at lead.tmc.edu (Tom Perigrin)

Date: 27 Nov 91 19:21:26 GMT

Organization: A.I. Chem Lab, University of Arizona


Unto the Rialto doth Thomas Ignatius Perigrinus send his Pollonic Greetings...


       Some time ago, a gentle requested information about brooms.  I am

doubly abashed that I have taken so long to respond, and that I have also

forgotten their name.  I hope they forgive me on both accounts.


       For pictures of brooms thou may find the following of interest;


(16'th century mode off)


In the book,  Durer,  by Knappe, Wellfleet Press, Secauscus NJ  ISBN

1 55521 260 3,  I found;


p 298,  St. Jerome in his Cell, 1511.  On the back wall there are hanging a

bill, a broom, and shears.   The bill and shears are interesting since they

are probably used in broom making.  When I spent time learning how to thatch

in East Anglia we used identical bills and shears on the thatching straw!


p 302,  The Mass of St. Gregory, 1511.  There is a broom hanging from a beam

behind St. Gregory, but unfortunately, it is somewhat hidden behind a



p 385,  The Emblum of the Printer Joducus Badius,  1520,   there is a small

brush or a broom hanging ont he wall.


In the book, Bruegel, by Brown, Phaedon Press,  St. Ebbes, Oxford, ISBN

0 7148 1663 9;


p11, The Netherlandisch Proverbs, 1559,  in the upper left hand corner there

is a 'twig' broom sticking out of the window.


p27, Temperantia (1558?),  a 'twig' brush stuck in the belt of the teacher.


p55, The Ass at School,  no date,  A teacher has a 'twig' brush tucked into

the band of his hat (!),  and a second broom is lodged in a pot in the lower

left.    This engraving has very good detail on the bindings!


p63, Fides,  no date, there are two brroms in the lower left corner.


Note I am making a distinction between a 'twig' brush and broom, and one

made from broom corn or other grain plants.   The twig broom is made from

small (1.0 to 1.5 mm) twigs,  and is much stiffer and less "dense"

than a corn broom.


An EXCELLENT picture of a corn-broom can be found in a hard to obtain

book;   The Medieval Woman,  Sally Fox, Collins, 8 Grafton St, London,

W1, 1985.   There is a lovely illustration of a woman sweeping with

a long corn broom.  The details of the bindings are clearly seen, and

some of the construction details can be seen or inferred.   The original

comes from  Barthelemy d'Anglais,  Livre des Proprietes des Choses,

MS FR 9140,  f107,  Bibliotech Nationale, Paris.   There are also

two more sweeping illustrations,  and other fascinating illustrations

of women performing non-traditional roles such as blacksmithing, etc...


I havn't found any books on broom making in my library, yet.   But,  I did

find the following books on straw work (apart from thatching);


Straw Plait, Jean Davis, Shire Album 78,  Shire Pub,  Crmwell House,

Church St., Princes Risborough, Aylesbury, Bucks,  ISBN 085263 580 X


Craft of Straw Decoration, Alec Coker, Dryad Press,  Woodridge NJ  07075  

ISBN 085 219 0786


And as someone mentioned before; Skapa Med Halm, M{rta Kashammar,

Bokf|rlaget, Spektra, Halmstad, 1983,  ISBN,  91 7136 346 7.


But if you can't read Swedish,  denna bok {r into s} bra!


I have ideas about broom making,  having seen brooms in the City of London

Museum, and having worked with straw while learning to thatch.  I have made

some rude brooms and can tell you what worked and what didn't.  If you want

me to send you some ideas,  please feel free to ask.  


(back to C 16)


It is my deepest desire that this information may be of some small service

to thee,  and I remain,


thy humble servant

Thomas Ignatius Perigrinus



From: Jessica Ackerman <shandra at LEGENDSOFGLORY.COM>

Date: February 16, 2010 9:50:54 PM CST

To: CALONTIR at listserv.unl.edu

Subject: Re: [CALONTIR] need assistance in finding this item


<<< Anyone have a line on handmade Amish style or Shaker style kitchen brooms.  I am looking for one that has a "tree" limb style handle. Adult size.


Là-bas elle coups >>>


You can always contact Living History Farms in Iowa, www.lhf.org, they have a broomshop there and I know they take (reasonable) commissions…

Since I’ve 1. Worked there, and 2. Commissioned a broom. They make both “round” and “flat” style brooms, with both long and short handles.  And I’m sure it would be easy to substitute a “tree limb” for their normal handles.

My “children’s broom” is wonderful for sweeping out a tent.



From: "David C. Boddie" <dboddie at UARK.EDU>

Date: February 16, 2010 4:51:36 PM CST

To: CALONTIR at listserv.unl.edu

Subject: Re: [CALONTIR] need assistance in finding this item


Handmade brooms?




From: "<Eadweard Boicewright>" <Boicewright at AOL.COM>

Date: February 16, 2010 5:00:58 PM CST

To: CALONTIR at listserv.unl.edu

Subject: Re: [CALONTIR] need assistance in finding this item


try www.shakerworkshops.com   They have some brooms in Kitchenware in the online catalog.

<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org