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medieval-tech-msg - 2/22/11


Medieval technology. References.


NOTE: See also the files: med-machinry-lnks, timeline-art, ovens-msg, clocks-msg, Med-Lighting-lnks.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors.


Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s).


Thank you,

    Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

                                          Stefan at florilegium.org



From: danny at orthanc.cs.su.oz.au (Danny)

Subject: Book Review - The Medieval Machine

Organization: Basser Dept of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Australia

Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1993 09:04:19 GMT


[ note followup ]


The Medieval Machine -

The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages

Jean Gimpel

Pimlico 1992 (2nd edition, first published 1988)

(translated from the French)

pp. 294 (+preface, +chronology, index)

[ history of technology, economic history ]


Economic history has a reputation for extreme dryness, and probably

conjures up visions of statistical compilations in most people's minds.

On the other hand works on the history of technology are few and far

between.  Gimpel's _The Medieval Machine_ is an unusual mixture of the

two, being an extremely readable work aimed at a popular audience.  It

presents a potpourri of information about the technological successes

and achievements of the Middle Ages, and should do much to correct the

still stereotypical view of the Middle Ages as backward, superstition-

ridden and technologically primitive.  The basic idea is that in the two

centuries from around 1050 Western Europe went through a kind of

industrial revolution that was as significant as that of the nineteenth

century.  (The evidence Gimpel presents is drawn largely from France and

England, but Italy and Germany and to a lesser extent other countries

also get a mention.)  This is fitted into a thesis of wider scope, which

I discuss at the end of this review.  


The first three chapters deal with medieval "primary industry" - with

energy sources, agriculture and mining.  The first chapter describes the

crucial importance to the economy of different sources of energy -

river, wind and tidal.  Their most important use was in mills for

grinding corn, but they were also used to drive machinery for many other

purposes, including fulling cloth and pressing olives.  The role of the

Cistercian monasteries and the social factors leading to a more general

acceptance of machines than in classical times are discussed.  An

interesting snippet is a brief history of the worlds first joint stock

company - a French mill owners organisation formed in the late 14th

Century that survived until nationalised after World War II.


The next chapter looks at the agricultural revolution.  The introduction

of the modern harness (making horses more effective than oxen in plowing

and pulling loads), the three year fallow system, the heavy wheeled

plough and other innovations contributed to a large increase in food

production.  The effects of this on the diet and living standards of

people were considerable, with records showing that students at a Paris

school had diets that are almost impeccable when subjected to modern

nutritional analysis.  Another effect was a large population increase

throughout the period.  Gimpel is also concerned to demonstrate that

medieval agriculture was to a large extent, with treatises on the

subject being extremely popular.  


Stone quarrying and iron were the most important mining industries in

medieval Europe, but tin, lead and of course silver and gold were also

very important. Again the Cistercian monasteries played a critical role.

German miners attained a particular reputation for excellence and moved

throughout Europe (apparently this is reflected in the large proportion

of words of German origin in mining vocabulary).  The importance of

mining was reflected in the prevalence of Crown rights over mineral

wealth throughout much of Europe.  


The next two chapters deal with the broader social aspects of medieval

technology: one on environmental issues and one on working conditions in

medieval industries.  I was intrigued to discover that pollution and

resulting concern about the quality of the environment are not modern

phenomena - England had national anti-pollution laws as early as 1388!

Working conditions differed drastically between industries.  Miners and

mining communities were granted exceptional privileges while workers in

the textile industry were under the tight control of financial and

commercial interests, with working conditions foreshadowing those of the

later industrial revolution.  Working conditions in the building industry

were better in the medieval period than in the seventeenth and

eighteenth centuries.  Strikes in the latter two industries were not


Then there are chapters on two more specific aspects of medieval

technology: one on the role of the great architect-engineers (focusing

on Villard de Honnecourt) and their construction of the cathedrals that

were the pinnacle of medieval achievement, and another on the

development of the clock.  The final chapter looks at medieval science

and its relationship with medieval technology.  Here Gimpel is concerned

to point out that Leonardo and the other Renaissance humanists drew many

of their ideas from earlier writers, who have got a bad press from



The general effect of all this is pretty convincing, but due to the

selective and anecdotal nature of the account it is hard to tell what

bias there may have been in the selection of facts.  So I am a little

wary about basing any generalisations on the content.  However a more

"objective" and statistically rigorous approach would certainly have

detracted from the book's readability, so I can't really complain about



The last chapter is particularly controversial, as it is here Gimpel

goes further and argues that the medieval "industrial revolution" was

followed by a setback in the progress of technology.  It is worrying that

much of the evidence he presents in the other chapters for the

forward-looking and progressive nature of medieval technology in fact

dates to within the period he wants to describe as an "era of decay"

(this can be seen by internal analysis - Gimpel isn't falsifying the

evidence).  It is also unclear how much bias there may have been in the

selective use of statistical materials.  The book contains many graphs

showing wages, prices, etc.  varying in a fashion consistent with

Gimpel's thesis, but perhaps there are others that could have been

included that would suggest otherwise.  


If the final chapter is controversial, the meta-narrative (contained in

the preface and the chapter-length epilogue) is even more adventurous

(one might even say wildly speculative).  Gimpel's central idea is that

the modern United States is going through a similar cycle to medieval

France and is now in process of decay.  In so far as this is based on a

theory of history as driven by two fundamental underlying properties of

society (namely "technological evolution" and "psychological drive") and

in so far as specific dates are given as the changeover points between

phases, this seems massively oversimplistic to me.  Some parts of the

comparison, however, are quite interesting, and the bulk of the book can

be read and appreciated even if one disagrees completely with the more

general theory.


At any rate, while _The Medieval Machine_ did manage to make me rethink

my conception of medieval Europe, the most impressive thing about it was

how much fun it was to read.  I can heartily recommend it to anyone

interested either in medieval history or in the history of technology,

but it is the sort of book that will also be enjoyed by people who have

no interest in either.  As well as being clearly written, it is nicely

illustrated with black and white photographs and makes good use of line

drawings and graphs.


Danny Yee (danny at cs.su.oz.au)




From: phefner200 at aol.com (PHefner200)

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: medieval science listserver

Date: 23 Jul 1996 14:26:54 -0400


Calling all medieval science enthusiasts! There is a medieval science

listserver. It's at listserv at brown.edu. Write "subscribe" (without the

quotation marks) MEDSCI-L (your name) and you'll be signed on! ---Isabelle



From: LIB_IMC at centum.utulsa.EDU

Newsgroups: rec.org.sca

Subject: The Economics of the Middle Ages (Long)

Date: 27 Jul 1996 18:37:37 -0400


>Relative cost/time to produce various types of armour and weapons,

>compared to cost of bread/income from an acre of land?


Somehow, I suspect that "A LOT" isn't going to be good enough.  The

A&E program on the Crusades said that the average suit of chain for

the Second Crusade cost about as much as we would spend buying a

house today (relatively speaking), although they didn't give any

source for this comment.  This may take some time to work up.


>How hard would it be to melt-down or otherwise reuse old weapons

>and metalic armour?


Remember when reading this, that metal working is NOT my area of

expertise.  All I know is based on observation and some reading,

and any decent smith's apprentice should know more than I do.


I think it depends on how hot your furnace can get.  Finished steel

requires higher temperatures than raw ore to melt.  (I believe that

you could  break down the older metal bits, get them to lose their

temper, and gradually become easier to melt, over time.)  The

furnaces needed to make large scale molten iron weren't developed

until the 1350s in Germany.


>How late did the technology for making wire cheaply get developed?

>It is my understanding that this greatly reduced the cost of mail.

>Any thoughts on why it didn't get developed earlier?


Before the 10th century, wire was made by forging, hammering out

long, thin pieces of metal.  In the 10th c. the Draw Plate was

developed, a plate made with progressively smaller holes with hot

cast iron pulled through the plate by a man with tongs.  They began

to apply waterpower to add more power to the wire-pulling early in

the 14th century.


As for why they didn't develop these techniques any earlier, they

didn't for the same reason that they didn't develop the hand gun in

Rome even though they had the materials readily available, or why

the desktop PC wasn't invented in WWII.  Invention is really an

evolutionary process, step by step, building upon the developments,

the work of those that were there before.


As a rule, people don't make wild leaps of invention, often

combining many technologies into something new and different.  They

tend to make those changes that they need in order to make

something they know work better.  Sometimes, the changes that are

required aren't going to be available because of a failure of some

other technology, or because of the expense involved.  In which

case, a development will not catch on.  For example, in Henry

VIII's armory, there are examples of many firearms.  Among them are

breechloaders and revolvers similar to the 19th century Colt

Patent.  Why did they wait for the 19th century to be reinvented?

In the case of the revolver, it was the metalurgy that was

insufficient.  I'm not sure why the breechloader muskets didn't

catch on, but I suspect that it was because of the expense.


>Is iron in demand in the Middle-ages?






Swords, Axe heads, mace heads, and so forth.




Also ox-shoes




The iron Plowshare really became widespread during the Roman era.

The major development in the plow which made farming far more

efficient came in the 11th century with the moulding board (to push

the dirt aside), but those were most often of wood.


As long as you are at it, bladed farming equipment (scythes,

adzes), shears, iron cutting edges on shovels (not a regular thing,

but some were made), knives, awls, files, saws, etc. are made of



>What were bags, tents and tarps made of?  

>Wasn't cotton expensive/nonexistant?


Linen/flax, hemp. Linen, btw, is actually stronger and more

durable than cotton.  It's just cheaper to produce and dye today.

Flax is also grown for its seeds, which are used to make Linseed

Oil (which some people claim can be used as a cooking oil, although

we tend today to use it as a varnish.  Until about 1300, Egyptian

linen was the best, with Spanish linen a near second.  In the 14th

century, the Dutch invented a method for cheaply and efficiently

breaking up the plant, and soon they became a center for linen



Wool was a very common cloth, coming in different grades, for

different uses. Note that some course English wools were at times

called "cottons".


Cotton manufacture was imported into Spain by the Moors in the 8th

century, and from there spread by the 12th century to Italy and

France, and by the 14th into Germany, and by the 15th even to

England.  However, cotton was, at this time, more expensive to

produce, and the European grades were really inferior to those

grown elsewhere.


>What is homespun?  (I know it is cloth spun at home!  What would

>it typically be spun OF?) Or is homespun a term from early Col.



I don't know when the term came to be used, but essentially

Homespun is cloth that was spun and made at home, rather then

produced by professional spinners and weavers.  Since (in theory)

amateur spinners can't maintain the control over the quality of

the threads they spin that professionals can, the term is used to

refer to cloth of an uneven manufacture quality.  I suspect that

the term is post-Medieval, however many people made their own cloth

during the Middle Ages.


>What do peasants wear during the summer?


This is a complicated question since you are covering a large area

of land and time. However, the laborer's costume (in fact, most

men's costume) consists of the basic pieces of leather boots; two

wool hosen (each a separate leg covering) each tied to a belt

(these are sometimes worn untied and pushed down); a pair of linen

drawers (These are very long early on, and get shorter as the tunic

length gets shorter.  In the 12th C, they were about knee length,

and tied around the knees like knickers); a long shirt, and a

tunic/cote over that.  The tunic/cote could be (and usually was)

for doing hard work.  Sometimes, we see "Peasants" shown barelegged

and/or barefooted. [You might try looking for a book called "The

Common Man through the Centuries" by Max Barsis].

>Did peasants typically live in town or on "their" land?

>(given hostilites most would live in town in this MUD but some may

>be moving out)


Let me see if I can do this.  A Peasant simply means that they are

a non-noble worker of the land, a countryman, a rustic.


A Serf is a Semi-free peasant who works his lord's demesne and pays

him certain dues in return for the use of land, the possession (not

ownership) of which is heritable. These dues, usually called

corvee, are almost in the form of labor on the lord's land.

Generally this averages to three days a week. Generally subdivided

into classes called Cottagers, small holders, or villeins although

the later originally meant a free peasant who was burdened with

additional rents and services.


During the Middle Ages, I believe the percentages are about 75 to

80% of the people lived in the country to those who lived in towns.


>Was the near-property-like situation of serfs pervasive throughout



By "Serf", in this case, I believe you are using the definition of

Serf as "un-free" property, i.e, "Servile".  They not only don't

own the land they work, but they are effectively *owned* as slaves

by the landowner. This was not a universal condition throughout

the whole period you refer to, but was pervasive enough, and was

"enforced" by economic conditions, legal juggling by lawyers

ossifying aspects of the law, and so forth, that it can appear that

the people who remain on the land are trapped there.


>Things that would effect the price of weapons and armour:

>near past war and growing adventurer pop. would increase/maintain

>the # of weaponsmiths.


You might look at the wars of the Swiss and Burgundians in the

1400s as a model.


>Availability of oil for boiled leather


Not Oil, Not Wax. Cuir Bouilli is made with water, and simply

refers to the heating of wet leather, which polymerizes it into a

much harder, thinner form.


>Availability of tanning agents for leather (oil? vegatable)


The most difficult to find ingrediant in leather tanning, I

believe, is time.


>Ring armour requires fairly low metal working skills


I assume you are referring to rings sewn or studded onto a quilted

padding or leather backing?  I am not sure that this was common, if

it was done at all.


>Raids on trading routes would reduce imports (raw materials and

>finished goods)


Or it would just make the merchants take different routes.




Padded was quite popular, particularly for the lower classes.


>preserving food:


Drying it is cheaper than salt.




Linen rags were useful for making paper.


>Cups, tableware, food storage


Not tin.  Wood, earthenware, glazed pottery, horn (not drinking

horns, mind you, although those were sometimes used).




"Bankers" as such were not really all that common in the Middle

Ages.  They were more of a Rennaisance development.


Some Sources used for this:


Baris. The Common Man Through the Ages.

Embleton and Howe. The Medieval Soldier.

Morgan.  The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain.

Oxford English Dictionary, 2d Ed.

Singer, Holmyard, Hall and Williams.  A History of Technology (v.2)


I. Marc Carlson, Reference Technician   |Sometimes known as:      

McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa   | Diarmuit Ui Dhuinn

2933 E. 6th St., Tulsa, OK  74104-3123  | University of Northkeep

LIB_IMC at CENTUM.UTULSA.EDU (918) 631-3794| Northkeepshire, Ansteorra



Date: Sat, 14 Mar 98 12:25:27 PST

From: "Alderton, Philippa" <phlip at morganco.net>

Subject: SC - Fw: [Mid] Greek Fire (Stolen from the Arabs)


Hey, folks, this looks like an interesting resource. Anybody on Cooks

checked it out? I'd be interested in finding out if it has anything

interesting on early ovens.


phlip at morganco.net


: To learn more about little known technology of earlier times, please

: check out _Ancient Inventions_  by Peter James and Nick Thorpe (1994)

: ISBN 0-345-40102-6.  It is cram-packed with information about devices

: and techniques from many cultures, including:

: plastic surgery (nose reconstruction)--India, last few centuries BCE;

: primitive lodestone compass--China, 2000 BCE;

: the Baghdad battery--Parthia, 250 BCE-250 CE;

: pregnancy test--Babylon, 700 BCE;

: lunar calendars--France, 13,000-11,000 BCE


: Rest assured that this is no Von Danken clone book.  Thorpe is a

: lecturer at King Alfred's College, Winchester, and James is a

: professional writer specializing in ancient history and archeology.


: The book itself is written for the general public.  It is divided into

: chapters on such divers subjects as food, drink and drugs, urban life,

: high tech, etc. There are plenty of eye-opening pictures (b/w) and line

: drawings.  This is a must for anyone interested in the history of

: science and technology.


: --Kyle of Tara, AOA, CSO, CW



Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 12:45:32 -0600

From: "John E. St.Lawrence III" <jes at mail.utexas.edu>

Subject: Re: SC - Fw: [Mid] Greek Fire (Stolen from the Arabs)


Hey, folks, I know this is off-topic, but as for Greek Fire being stolen from

the Arabs, check out


Lewis, Bernard. The Muslim Discovery of Europe. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.,



Judging from what the Arabs themselves *wrote* about their first encounters with

Greek Fire, cited in this work, I'd say it was pretty new to them!



Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 07:06:24 -0600

From: "Decker, Terry D." <TerryD at Health.State.OK.US>

Subject: RE: SC - Fw: [Mid] Greek Fire (Stolen from the Arabs)


> Hey, folks, this looks like an interesting resource. Anybody on Cooks

> checked it out? I'd be interested in finding out if it has anything

> interesting on early ovens.


> phlip at morganco.net


> : To learn more about little known technology of earlier times, please

> : check out _Ancient Inventions_  by Peter James and Nick Thorpe (1994)

> : ISBN 0-345-40102-6.


You might also try Gies, Frances & Joseph, Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel;

Harper Collins, New York, 1994.  ISBN 0-06-016590-1.  It covers technical

innovation and technology transfer in the Middle Ages.  Popular, but good.

The bibliography points to more scholarly works.  Unfortunately, nothing

about ovens.





Date: Fri, 22 May 98 09:22:23 MST

From: rmhowe <magnusm at ncsu.edu>

Subject: Another interesting idea from Magnus

To: stefan at texas.net


Leonardo Da Vinci's Drophammers:

I suspect some folks would be interested in trying this:




Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 05:20:05 -0400

From: Melanie Wilson <MelanieWilson at compuserve.com>

To: LIST SCA arts <sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu>

Subject: Forbes Info


Here is the info on the volumes I have


Studies in Ancient Technology by R Forbes


Volume I

Bitumen, Petroleum, Alchemy and Water.


Volume II

Irrigation,Drainage, Power, Land transport, and Road Building.


Volume III

Paints and Pigments


Volume IV

Fibres and Fabrics.


Volume V

Leather and Glass.


Volume VI



Volume VII

Mining and Quarrying, Geology.


Volume VIII

Metallurgy, Tools, the Smith, Gold, Silver, Lead,Zinc & Brass


Volume IX

Copper, Tin, Iron, Bronze, Antimony, Arsenic





Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 09:18:11 -0500

From: "Gray, Heather" <Heather at Quodata.Com>

To: "'sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu'" <sca-arts at raven.cc.ukans.edu>

Subject: Medieval Dreams at Medieval Technology Centre, Copenhagen




The Medieval Technolgy Centre is a living history museum, located in

Nyk=F8bing F (south of Copenhagen).  Their main web site is mostly an

advertissement of the activities and goals of the museum, but they have

a news section, which currently is featuring something called Medieval

Dreams.  The focus is on a working diving suit, made with medieval

technology and materials, based on drawings and writings from the middle

age and renaissance. They're not saying that diving suits actually

existed, but their challenge is to review these ideas and see which ones

could have been done at the time.


Here's a short excerpt from one of the pages about the diving suit (link

name for this page in the TOC is Hose from Surface):

"The first depiction of a diver with a hose from the surface is that

which appears in an engineering and military treatise of circa 1425 - 1430. known as the Anonymous of the Hussite Wars ( Codex latinus monacencis 197 part 1) Bayerishe Staatsbibliothek MYnchen. The coloured drawing (fol. 14r1) is well executed however it unfortunately has no accompanying text.


The rest of the manuscript features a number of drawings of carefully

thought out mechanical devices, gearing systems, lifting machines and siege warfare equipment - even buoyancy aids equipped with inflation valves, for both man and horse which would enable a fully armored knight to safely cross a moat! The degree of detail which is apparent in these illustrations would suggest that the diving dress design is also carefully considered. The diver is clearly engaged in the salvage of sunken goods, perhaps from a shipwreck."




Heather Gray

Heather at quodata.com                             Fiat Lux



To: meridies_metalsmiths at egroups.com

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 16:08:24 -0600

From: "Jason Duffey" <jduffey at mindspring.com>

Subject: Article on steel making in the 5-6th century from the New



I saw this on the Armour Archive, and thought you might be interested.




New Findings on Old Foundries

Foundry Fathers

Dark Age blacksmiths forged their own Industrial Revolution

Mick Hamer (in New Scientist for December 23/30, 2000)


It took the industrial steel makers of Sheffield a thousand years to catch up with the Saxons of Southampton, says archaeologist Gerry McDonnell of the University of Bradford. Saxon blacksmiths in the Dark Ages developed the same sort of high-quality steel that made Sheffield famous during the Industrial Revolution. The finding "turns the conventional idea about early iron-making on its head", he says.


In the 1740s, Benjamin Huntsman found that he could purify steel by melting it and allowing the slag to rise to the surface so it could be skimmed off. The resulting high-quality steel, an alloy of iron with about 2 per cent carbon, was perfect for making watch springs, which was Huntsman's profession. But the discovery of small steel ingots and steel-edged knives in Hamwic, a Saxon port buried under Southampton, proves that blacksmiths made "Sheffield" steel in the middle of the Dark Ages.


McDonnell believes that the Saxon smiths used a two-stage process to make the steel. First they dropped iron ore and charcoal into a small "bloomery", a clay furnace about 1.5 meters high. Heating this mixture produced cast iron - a compound with about 4 per cent carbon.


Secondly, the smiths heated the cast iron on a hearth, using bellows to pump air over the iron. The iron melts at 1100 C but as the temperature continues to climb, the air from the bellows oxidizes the carbon, which escapes as carbon dioxide. When the molten metal has reached 1200 C, and its carbon content has fallen to 2 per cent, it suddenly solidifies. This is because the decrease in carbon raises the metal's melting temperature. The result was a blob of steel "about the size of a currant bun", says McDonnell, which could then be worked into knives or other tools.


The ancient world did have other ways of making steel but none of these produced a homogeneous lump of steel of this quality, says McDonnell. Analyses carried out at Bradford show that the steel from Hamwic is two to three times as hard as steel made by other techniques of the time.


Some archaeologists doubt the Saxons had the technology to reach temperatures high enough to melt iron and produce high-quality steel. The blast furnace was not introduced to Europe until the 15th century. When solidified lumps of molten iron were found at other ancient sites, researchers dismissed them as mistakes or more recent contamination.


Hamwic was only occupied in the 8th and 9th centuries, so later contamination can be ruled out. Paul Craddock, a metallurgist at the British Museum in London, says: "It's not impossible. There are big advances being made in our understanding of iron and steel in the Roman and early medieval period."


So why was the secret of modern steel lost for a thousand years? The most likely answer, says McDonnell, is that it was only made in small quantities and was very expensive. When the demand for steel increased in the Middle Ages, mass production of poor-quality metal forced out the higher-quality product.


(more at: Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, vol 34, p 87



Subject: ANST-Announce - The Medieval Technology Pages

Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:31:50 -0700 (PDT)

From: Ashlin Chrystal <ashlin_c at yahoo.com>

To: Bjornsborg at yahoogroups.com, ansteorra-announce at ansteorra.org, ravensfort at ansteorra.org, bryn-gwlad at ansteorra.org


Something interesting I thought I'd forward.

                                   Lady Ashlin


> This is a great history site shared by a chemistry professor.


> Medieval Technology Pages

> http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/technology.html


> The Medieval Technology Pages are an attempt to provide accurate,

> referenced information on technological innovation and related subjects in

> western Europe during the Middle Ages. There are several ways to access

> this information. The most direct method is through the Subject Index

> http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/~tekpages/Subjects.html


> which provides direct access to all the technology pages. Many of the articles > are also present in a historical Timeline

> http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/~tekpages/Timeline.html

> And material can be found by examining the References

> http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/~tekpages/Refs.html

> which back-reference all articles through the sources used.


> Try the subject index at

> <http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/~tekpages/Subjects.html>;



From: Theron Bretz [tbretz at montroseclinic.org]

Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:12 AM

To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org

Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] SCA slang


>     I agree with everyone on this. It is wonderful to try to recreate as

> accurately as possible. But, four hundred years ago +, people didn't really

> understand science and physics and many times explained away normal phenomena

> with magic and witchcraft. When I hear terms such as magic time pieces, it

> makes some sense to me.


The mechanical clock was introduced to Europe in the 11th century.  A clock

with a face on it was called a watch in period (the earliest clocks simply

tolled the hours). When they got small enough to put on your wrist in the

20th century, they were dubbed 'wristwatches'.


Medieval people (not necessarily the villeins in the fields, but certainly

those of the middle and upper classes, the ones we choose to portray) were a

good deal smarter than you credit them.  Medieval European hydrologists were

probably the best ever produced (they used water to power things in much the

same way the Victorians later used steam).  Did idiots build Notre Dame or

Chartres?  Did people with no concept of engineering other than "magic"

build 2000+ foot long bridges that still stand today?  Of course not.  Take

a gander at Gies and Gies, _Cathedral, Waterwheel, and Forge_, it's very

accessible and gives a tremendous look at how sophisticated our medieval

forebears truly were.


The problem is that our Victorian forebears were so ardent about seeing the

medieval period as Dark Age that much of their accomplishments were wrongly

attributed to the Romans (great adaptors, lousy innovators), or the

Renaissance (accomplished folks in their own right, but they built on what

was already present).  The problem is that the knowledge of medieval man is

largely apparent only through his works.  Engineers didn't have manuals

because they had an uninterrupted line for transmission of information

through their guilds and apprenticing methods.  When written works do

appear, they are masterful.  Look at Agricola's De Re Metallica (Basel,

1550), still considered an important work in the field of mining and it's

452 years old.


Certainly, in some areas, there was ignorance (medicine and the life

sciences in general), but these people had practical knowledge that could

tell you the what, if not the why of their work.


Was their superstition in the middle ages?  Certainly, but by and large, it

was either a case of the same level of superstitions we see today, or (in

the case of witch trials and the Inquisition) educated people preying on

provicial superstition to achieve their own ends.  In either case, to use

medieval belief to justify calling a wrist watch "a magic time-piece", or

cars "dragons", is pure sophistry.


Luciano Malatesta



From: "spider" <synovial_98 at yahoo.com>

Newsgroups: soc.history.medieval

Subject: Interesting site...

Date: 8 Jul 2006 10:20:15 -0700


Just doing some reading on Da Vinci and his inventions, etc. Ran across

a website that has downloadable version of his notebooks, about 1100 page's worth, according to the website.

Sounds as if it might be worth a look, who knows??


URL is http://www.davincinotebooks.com



Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 13:13:41 +0800 (WST)

From: jtstewart at westnet.com.au

Subject: Re: [Lochac] Milling was Knockers, was Grinding Balls in


To: "The Shambles: the SCA Lochac mailing list"

        <lochac at lochac.sca.org>


Some basic researching latter it appears that the first patent for a mill with cast iron balls went to Issac Wilkingson in Italy in 1753. More efficient ball mills were created about the mid 19th century for use in the cement and gold mining industries using steel balls. Autogenus mills use the ore by itself to grind itself. There is mention of pebble mills which are longer than ball mills for the same output and may use non-metalic balls of porcelain, flint or small rocks to avoid iron contamination of the material being ground. So probably not period.


However roller mills are period from very early on as they were the big stone wheels (known as edge rollers) being pulled around a circular trough by a donkey, usually to crush grain or cinnabar. By the 16th century they were being used to crush silver ore in South America. Also the conical stone mills of Pompeii for turning grain into flour.

In Sicily 1449 Pietro Speciale developed a 3 roller mill to crush sugar cane. The wooden rollers were mounted on vertical axes.  

In 1558 Giovanni Turriano developed a very efficient conical roller with spiral grooves cut into it. The roller rotated in a grooved cone and was hand powered and small enough to fit in a monk's sleeve. (Ramelli 1588)  


That is probably more than you really wanted to know about mills.


John of the hills



Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 21:39:52 +1100

From: Ian Whitchurch <ian.whitchurch at gmail.com>

Subject: Re: [Lochac] Milling was Knockers, was Grinding Balls in


To: "The Shambles: the SCA Lochac mailing list"

        <lochac at lochac.sca.org>


On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Stefan li Rous <StefanliRous at austin.rr.com>


<<< One of the big changes in the Middle Ages from Roman times was the

substitution of animal, water and wind power for slave muscle power. The

Romans knew of water power but had plenty of cheap slave power so felt no

need to develop it. >>>


On the other hand, the Roman use of water mills is clearly shown by this

series of archeological excavations outlining physical evidence




Next, as far as documentary evidence is concerned Cato the Elder (*)

recommends this for a small olive yard in his On Agriculture.


Quo modo oletum agri iugera CCXL instruere oporteat. Vilicum, vilicam,

operarios quinque, bubulcos III, asinarium I, subulcum I, opilionem I, summa

homines XIII; boves trinos, asinos ornatos clitellarios qui stercus vectent

tris, asinum molarium9 <http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/L/Roman/Texts/Cato/De_Agricultura/A*.html#note9>

I, oves C;


If your Latin isnt too good, this is the translation Bill Thayer provides


This is the proper equipment for an oliveyard of 240 iugera:


overseer, a housekeeper, 5 labourers, 3 teamsters, 1 muleteer,

1 swineherd, 1 shepherd ? a total of 13 persons; 3 yoke of oxen,

3 pack-asses to carry manure, 1 ass for the mill, and 100 sheep;





Again. Cato the Elder tells you to get yourself an asinum molarium.


Anton de Stoc

At Southron Gard

XXIX Januarie b+l


(*) The guy who once arrested a Senator for kissing his own wife in public.

Cartago Delanda. *That* Cato the Elder.



Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 19:49:16 +0800 (WST)

From: jtstewart at westnet.com.au

Subject: Re: [Lochac] Milling was Knockers, was Grinding Balls in


To: "The Shambles: the SCA Lochac mailing list"

        <lochac at lochac.sca.org>


Alas the whole idea of the Romans having cheap slave power and not developing other power sources is an urban myth. Or rather it is much more complicated than that. Slaves are not cheap. You have to buy them, house, clothe and feed them and bury them when they die. So if a cheaper more economical alternative was available they would have and did use them.


There are donkey powered rotary grain mills found in Pompeii and I believe that even a donkey or two were discovered still harnessed to these mills.  There was an export industry of grinding stones because of the easy to carve rock found at Pompeii.


The Romans are well known for their aquaducts, sewers and the movement of water so it should come as no surprise that they used its power in other ways. Water wheels were used throughout the Roman Empire. Both undershot and overshot water wheels and even the remains of a water turbine have been discovered. The largest water wheel complex discovered so far is in Barbegal in France consisting of a complex of 16 overshot water wheels grinding enough flour to feed 12,500 people in the 4th cent AD. Two other smaller multiple water mills are now known (Tunisia and Israel) but as the largest was only found last century in a heavily populated area of France there are certainly more to be discovered.  There is also evidence of water powered vertical pounding mills for fulling, grain hulling and ore crushing. Also water powered saw milling of marble blocks. Water wheels were used for pumping water out of mines. Ox powered (oxen being shorter than donkeys or people and so less rock mined to install them) bucket chains were also used for draining mines and moving water for irrigation.


There are carvings and writings about donkey powered stripper harvesting machines developed in Gaul during the 1st cent AD and were used until Gaul was invaded by the Huns some 3 to 4 centuries latter. These harvesting machines greatly increased the productivity of the farms as they not only took more heads of grain in a given time but also made winnowing easier too.


Roman seagoing vessels used sails to take advantage of the wind.


I hope that these examples show that the Romans did indeed know how to substitute animal, water and wind power for slave muscle power. The search for Roman technology continues and more is found or recognised all the time.


John of the Hills



From: Terrell Alderman <terrellalderman at gmail.com>

Date: February 11, 2011 6:40:09 PM CST

To: the-triskele-tavern at googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: {TheTriskeleTavern} Water Raising Machines


2011/2/11 christopher chastain <ckchastain at hotmail.com> said:

<<< Water Raising Machines


Pomestnik Dmitrii Ivanov >>>



Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 07:47:31 -0400

From: "Garth G. Groff" <ggg9y at virginia.edu>

To: Atlantia at atlantia.sca.org, isenfir at virginia.edu

Subject: [MR] New Book: Da Vinci's Giant Crossbow


Just received at the UVA library: LEONARDO DA VINCI'S GIANT CROSSBOW by

Matthew Landrus (ISBN 9783540689157; our call # T40 .L46 L36 2010). Wow!

Talk about cool! Many of you have probably seen Da Vinci's drawings for

his giant crossbow, which are often reproduced in books and magazines.

Was it for real, or just the mad scribblings of a frustrated engineer

looking for a job? The author, who assisted with the design on a

near-full-scale replica for an ITN/PBS television program, certainly

thinks Da Vinci was serious. He makes the case that the design is

carefully based on Euclidian and Archamedian geometric principals, and

was intended to be a working plan. The author also examines Da Vinci's

design from a modern engineering standpoint, and from the techniques and

materials of the time. Along the way he compares Da Vinci's work to

contemporary crossbows and ballistas, as well as other seige machines.

While technical, the text is well within the reach of a lay reader. The

book is lavishly illustrated with many drawings, including geometric

overlays on top of Da Vinci's original, as well as views of other

Renaissance machines. Truly a fascinating book, and extremely useful for

any Scadian seige weapon engineer.


Lord Mungo Napier, Who Would Love to Make a Ballista



Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:32:23 +0000

From: John Gahrmann <twosword at hotmail.com>

To: <ggg9y at virginia.edu>, <atlantia at atlantia.sca.org>,

        <isenfir at virginia.edu>

Subject: Re: [MR] New Book: Da Vinci's Giant Crossbow


Just for fun check out this link to Da Vinci's "resume"




Johann VR



From: gottskrieger at GMAIL.COM

Subject: Re: [CALONTIR] Period engines, was Re: [CALONTIR] Silk Banners

Date: September 16, 2011 8:08:15 PM CDT

To: CALONTIR at listserv.unl.edu


On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Mathurin Kerbusso <mathurin at gladiusinfractus.com> wrote:

>Nor can you argue that *any* reciprocating engines, including steam

>engines are plausibly Period. There are fundamental concepts that they did

>not have, and would not discover, until post-Period. Less than a century

>post-Period, but post-Period nonetheless.


In 1106, a Muslim by the name of Al-Jaziri published a tome of 1000 mechanical devises. Included in this book was a water wheel driven water pump for moving water from the river to the irrigation ditches in the field. (Unfortunately, I haven't found an english translation of the original arabic)

This pump had several innovative features.

First, it actually used a vacumn draw, pulling the water into the cylinder from above the water level. This was thru an effective "piston in cylinder" design with adequate ring seals to actually have a water/air tight unit.

Second, it connected two such pistons to opposite ends of the same rod, creating a system where the draw stroke of one cylinder created the compression stroke of the other. IOW, a "reciprocating piston".

Third, it was the first application where a circular motion was effectively transfered into a lateral motion, thru the use of a rocker arm with a slide slot for a pin on the wheel to travel thru as the wheel spun.

The ONLY reason this cannot be considered a reciprocating engin is the wheel drove pistons rather than the other way around.  Since the science of steam power, valves and cams had been understood by the greeks, had anyone put two and two together, reversed the process, the technology was there to have an effective reciprocating piston steam engine. They just never reversed their thinking from the water wheel being the driver to being the driven.

So, in the interest of academic debate, what other "fundemental concepts" are you thinking is required?





Subject: Re: [CALONTIR] Period engines, was Re: [CALONTIR] Silk Banners

Date: September 17, 2011 8:20:39 AM CDT

To: CALONTIR at listserv.unl.edu


<<< Third, it was the first application where a circular motion was effectively

transfered into a lateral motion, thru the use of a rocker arm with a slide

slot for a pin on the wheel to travel thru as the wheel spun. >>>


Exactly. The fundamental principles involved here -- the piston, the

valve, and the crank -- were just being discovered, or rather

rediscovered, in the 12th C.


<<< The ONLY reason this cannot be considered a reciprocating engin is the

wheel drove pistons rather than the other way around >>>


That is a necessary and sufficient reason :-)


<<< had anyone put two and two together, reversed the process, the technology was there to have an effective reciprocating piston steam engine.  They just never reversed their thinking from the water wheel being the driver to being the driven. >>>


That was the biggest fundamental concept they didn't have, that they could

turn the system around. Other things are technical, in that dealing with

steam is a whole lot different than dealing with water.


<<< So, in the interest of academic debate, what other "fundemental concepts"

are you thinking is required? >>>


Some others are dealing with the explosive and corrosive natures of gases

at high temperatures and pressures, the ability to machine metals capable

of withstanding those forces to close enough tolerances to be effective,

at a cost that was not prohibitive. It was a long and discouraging list.




<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org