Aten-hist-art - 9/18/00 "Atenveldt . . . As I Remember It" by Duke Arthur of Lockehaven, MSCA, OL, OP, Crown Baron. NOTE: See also the files: Aten-hist-msg, SCA-hist1-msg, child-stories-msg, Hst-SCA-Fence-art, placenames-msg, SCA-stories1-msg, SCA-notables-msg. ************************************************************************ NOTICE - This article was submitted to me by the author for inclusion in this set of files, called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: Copyright to the contents of this file remains with the author. While the author will likely give permission for this work to be reprinted in SCA type publications, please check with the author first or check for any permissions granted at the end of this file. Thank you, Mark S. Harris AKA: Stefan li Rous stefan at ************************************************************************ "Atenveldt . . . As I Remember It" by Duke Arthur of Lockehaven, MSCA, OL, OP, Crown Baron Introduction: The period discussed here (A.S. 4 - 7 or 1969-73) encompasses the founding of Atenveldt from its beginning as the first Barony in the Known World, to its independence as the fourth Kingdom, in the SCA. These early years are now a distant memory even for the few of us who were there; but they may still be important as they contain the genesis of much of the social and political culture found in Atenveldt today. I was once at the center of the events involving the creation of Atenveldt, from fighter practices at Ironsteed's parents house, (before there was an Atenveldt) through the formation of the Barony, Principality and Kingdom. During this period of time, I held many positions and titles, including Lord, Sheriff, Knight Marshal, Earl Marshal, Master of the Laurel, Master at Arms, Tannist, Prince, Crown Baron, Crown Prince, Count, Duke and King. (In more recent years I have added Kingdom Earl Marshal, (again) and Master of the Order of the Pelican.) In contrast to this early experience, I had no contact with the organization for a period of ten years (1983-93). Because of this absence, I am often surprised at both the differences and similarities I find today, when compared to the Atenveldt I once knew. Retelling the Past: I offer this account cognizant of my responsibility to present the facts with some objectivity. But I also write this history knowing that, like all history, it originates from a limited viewpoint. There will always be more than one correct view of any historical event. Even though some aspects of any historical chronology can be verified (within a reasonable degree of certainty) two conflicting views can in a sense both be true. No individual could participate in every activity, at every event. One person might have fond memories of a tournament, at which they were Knighted, or finally got an Award of Arms, while another only remembers only how they ended up in the emergency room with a broken arm. Each participant can tell a different - but still true - story of the event. History is at its basic level, a story. It is a story we tell because it has value to us; it teaches us a lesson; it offers an explanation, and it provides us with meaning. History is always a mixture of perception and memory. Our memory is formed by what we perceive, but our perception must also be filtered through the beliefs we already hold. History is always the "re-creation" of an event, and not a reproduction of it. Much as we, in the SCA, "re-create" the middle ages in our own image, we do the same with our SCA history - we "re-create" it. In addition, I would warn that we should always remember that the creation of Atenveldt was an emotional experience, and not just a chronology of events. Our memory of any of these events is filtered through a significant personal emotional context. To any who might ask, "What really happened?" I would warn that however well intentioned, we all remember our own version of the story. It is clearly up to the reader to accept or reject any aspect of this narrative, and to form their own interpretation of the facts. I do not therefore, suggest that the following history is true - I can only say that it is . . . "As I remember it." Commentary: I have attempted to include some more personal, yet perhaps pertinent commentary, placed in smaller print. I do this to show it as distinct from the more historical chronology. It contains some more personal views, stories and observations, from myself and others who were there. They may add color and help flesh out the narrative. Quotes have been taken from "South Wind" - beginning in fall of 1969, when it was, called "The Atenvelt Times" [no "d" yet] . These quotes are in italic and may offer insight into the thoughts and actions of those present, in early Atenveldt. I have also included some quotes from newspaper articles which I collected. The S.C.A. seemed to be in the news a lot and these articles provide some interesting insights into the group and time period. I have included a listing of a few major national news stories for each year. This may help set the historical time period for the Society events discussed. (I have to remind myself that Atenveldt, for example, was formed in the same year that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon!) Philosophical Origins: Although all members of the group certainly did not then, nor do they now, agree on any specific philosophy or political view, I believe it is fair to say that the early SCA was a product of the "sixties." We were influenced by the Zeitgeist or "spirit" formed, at that time, in reaction to significant national events. Perhaps the "real world" seemed to us to be so seriously flawed that we decided to make our own world - our own "Society." Perhaps we could create one in which honor and chivalry still lived; and one where your position in the mundane world did not dictate your position in the group. Everyone in our Society, could become noble; everyone could become who they wanted to be. Some of the themes present in the early SCA were certainly influenced by the political climate of the late sixties in America. Society founder, Siegfried von Hoeflichkeit, told me that after the first SCA event, held in Berkeley in 1966, the participants marched, "to protest the 20th century!" More specifically, Duke Siegfried says that they "were protesting the limits of vision and behavior of the culture of the day." In some ways, the SCA has itself been a "protest to the 20th century!" Commentary: What is often referred to as the "sixties culture" in America, didn't really express itself until the mid to late sixties, and it continued into the early 1970s. The youthful rebellion, counter-culture, anti-war, anti-establishment, culture often described when using the term "the sixties," was not really much in evidence in the early part of the decade. Pre Atenveldt / SCA: Some readers may not be familiar with the creation of the Society, in the San Francisco Bay area, and may wish to read Diana Paxson's "The Last Tournament" and Dave Thewlis's "A Brief Look at the Past", in the 1992, third edition of the S.C.A. publication, The Known World Handbook. (These articles are truly "must reading" for anyone interesting in the history and founding of the Society.) Much of the early membership of the SCA came from the science fiction and fandom community in Berkeley. New members came primarily from acquaintances of other members - many from U.C. Berkeley and Mills College. The first event held "for the public," or to advertise the Society, was held at the World Science Fiction Convention at the Hotel Claremont. People at this convention saw the SCA and carried the idea to other parts of the country . . . like Arizona. Atenveldt 1969 "The age of mattress pad and friction tape" The following events took place in the same year that Atenveldt was created: Man first walked on the moon. Senator Edward Kennedy drove a car off a bridge at Chappaquiddick, and a campaign aide, Mary Jo Kopeche, died. A quarter of a million people met in New York to attend a three day rock concert called "Woodstock." The "Chicago Seven" went on trial in Chicago, facing charges of "inciting to riot" from incidents surrounding the 1968 Democratic National Convention. The U.S. had more than 480,000 soldiers in Vietnam and October, there was a national moratorium to protest this war. Top grossing movies, at the box office, were; "Goodbye Columbus", "The Wild Bunch" and "Midnight Cowboy." Top rated t.v. shows included; "Mission: Impossible", "The Newlywed Game" and "Hee Haw". Top record albums included the soundtracks to the movie "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hair "and top musical groups included Cream and Blood Sweat and Tears. Top selling books included; Mario Puso's "The Godfather" and Michael Crichton's "Andromeda Strain " . . . and 2,000 fans in New York greeted a new professional football player, named O.J. Simpson, when he arrived for training with the Buffalo Bills! How we began: Rick Cook traveled to a Science Fiction convention held at the Claremont Hotel, in Berkeley, California. Rick Cook and Mike Reynolds both were working at the Scottsdale Progress newspaper. Rick wanted to write science fiction (which he does professionally now) and was going to bring back some "fanzines" from the convention, with the idea of publishing one of their own. In the stack of fanzines they found a copy of Tournaments Illuminated. Mike pulled it out and said, "Hey Rick, let's do this instead!" (A comment Mike would repeat, on various occasions, with varying degrees of enthusiasm after that!) Sept. 7th, 1969: A preliminary meeting was held at Mike Reynold's house, to organize a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, in the Phoenix area. In attendance were Rick Cook (Richard Ironsteed), Mike Reynolds, then called "Michael the Inebriated" (but soon to be called "Michael of Moria," as the powers that be, in California, were not thrilled about having its "legal agent" in Arizona, called "The Inebriated"), and his wife Judy (Lady Ann of the Golden Rose). Minutes of an earlier meeting were read. [But I can find no other record of the earlier meeting.] Soon others began to hear about the newly forming group. Many came by way of the Phoenix Little Theater and an interest in science fiction and folk music. Commentary: The work that Rick Cook and Michael Reynolds did during this early period, had as its direct result, the rapid progress of the creation of the Barony of Atenveldt and its elevation to Principality and Kingdom status. Rick (Richard Ironsteed) was, in my view, the George Washington of Atenveldt. It started with Rick. Ironsteed embodied the spirit of early Atenveldt. He was not only a dedicated worker but he personally demonstrated the qualities of chivalry. He taught by example. He was the "keeper of the flame." I know that I was not alone in the pleasure that it gave me to see Rick win the Crown to become the first King of Atenveldt. It seemed right that he did so. Mike was, to me, a combination of Thomas Jefferson [excuse my historical comparisons, after teaching history for so long, it's a habit!] with just a little "Cardinal Richelieu" thrown in! [As Prince and King, I kept noticing Moria's head peeking around from behind the throne, often directing events discretely from behind the scenes.] Rick and Mike are, in my view, the only true "founders" of Atenveldt. Others of us played a role, but for the most part we followed the lead of Moria and Ironsteed. In my view, second only to Ironsteed and Moria in overall influence, and certainly above us all in influence in the arts, was Ioseph of Locksley. Ioseph worked tirelessly in the early years of Atenveldt. He entertained, organized and studied, as he pursued the arts and heraldry. I remember early meetings, and even a few fighter practices, being held at his house. He created the household of Locksley Hall and by any measure, was one of the major contributors in the formation of Atenveldt. If you look closely, the artistic credits for many of our early illuminated scrolls and awards, you will see the name "Locksley" at the bottom. I know many early heraldic devices were designed or improved, by Ioseph. Holding the office of Imperial Herald is among his many achievements. In the day to day running of Atenveldt, as the "legal agent," Moria seemed to often be the predominant force in organization. At times, Moria let me and Bobby (Robert Roundpounder) think that just because we had won the Princely crown, that we might actually be in charge! We weren't. We believed that as the "legal agent " (he was also over twenty-one years of age, and therefore legally eligible), Moria had the final say in matters - or so we believed. Moria confesses today, that the "legal agent" was, "simply the poor dunce that 20th Century folks could serve papers on, if we were sued." "Many of the other members of the group thought that 'legal agent' meant that I had some 20th Century power over the group," he told me, " I didn't bother to straighten them out. It seemed to work well that way. " As I said, Moria always reminded me of Cardinal Richelieu! However, It seems very reasonable to me, that the guy whose name is on the papers, that " 20th century folks" could use to sue us, should have some control over our actions! Sept. 24, 1969: The first official meeting of the S.C.A., was held in Phoenix. As with most early meetings, it was held at Ironsteed's house. [Probably in attendance were: Ironsteed, Moria, Ioseph, Eideard Slaightear Feusegach - "The Bearded Rascal", Laurence of Elon, William of the Shire, myself and perhaps a few others .] The name "Atenvel(d)t" was chosen. The name came from the combination of an Egyptian sun god, known as Aton, and the German word for land. To be more specific; according to (one of our college texts at the time) Western Civilizations, Their History and Their Culture, by Edward McNall Burns, p. 43. Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (about 1375 BC): " . . . commanded his people to worship a new god whom he called ' Aton, ' an ancient designation for the physical sun. He changed his own name from Amenhotep (' Amen rests ') to Ikhnaton, which meant " Aton is satisfied. " " Aton he declared, was the only god in existence, the god not merely of Egypt but of the whole universe. He restored the ethical quality of the national religion at its best by insisting that Aton was the author of the moral order of the world and the rewarder of men for integrity and purity of heart. " Since Mike Reynolds took German in high school, the German word "veldt" (for land) was added to "Aton", and we became "Atenveldt", the "land of the sun." We, at the same time, became the name sake of a god whose ethical task was the no less than the "moral order of the world" and to "reward men for integrity and purity of heart." We had taken on a great task. Commentary: The name "Atenveldt" was much better than some suggestions provided by the Kingdom of the West, which included "The Desert Kingdom" and "The Barren Wastes!" The title "Atenveldt" was the name given originally to the Barony, which included only the Phoenix area, in 1969. Michael of Moria was even given the title "Baron Atenveldt" at that time. Soon Atenveldt became a principality, and eventually a Kingdom which would stretch, roughly, [as I remember it, when I was King the second time] from Mexico to Montana, and from the Colorado River to the Atlantic Ocean (excepting the areas which were in the Eastern and Middle Kingdoms already). Atenveldt became the first Barony in the Known World and the first Principality. We (at least some of us) harbored certain resentment as we believed that we had established everything a Kingdom should have, but were held back from that status with a newly invented title of "Barony." The tradition of a new group "working your way up" from a Shire etc., had not been established in the SCA. We thought we would spring into Kingdom status in the same manner as the East and the Middle. From : "The Atenvelt Times" [the "Southwind", before it was "Southwind"] (issued Oct./ early Nov. 1969) " This is it, ladies and gentlemen: the first tournament of the Barony. " "the Seneschal and the Herald will judge what is appropriate attire. However they will not be too harsh the first time." Commentary: That's good. I didn't really have a costume at the first event, as some embarrassing photos bear witness to. I wore the closest thing that I could muster from my closest. I refused to wear the traditional "two towels fastened together with safety pins at the shoulder" tunic, which was suggested as a beginner's costume. From: "The Atenvelt Times" again: "Now is the time to bring the ladies. We've talked about them for two or three months, now let us bring the fair damsels, so that we may show off our fighting prowess in front of a crowd made up of more than just our sweaty selves." Commentary: This phrase ('more than just our sweaty selves') has stuck in my mind and upon occasion it still comes to my mind, when I think of the SCA. As a fighter (especially back in those days) I confess that it was too easy to "concerntrate on the battlefield" or the next "tournament," and possibly forget some of the important, yet perhaps gentler aspects of the game. I hope we are now, and will always be, more than just a bunch of characters "smacking each other with sticks!" "Following the Tournament, and after the grounds have been policed, the merry men of Atenvelt (sic: there was no "d" in Atenveldt yet) and their ladies shall retire to the house of Richard Ironsteed. " "Helms have been secured and will be available for fighters to try Nov. 16 (Sunday) at 1 p.m. at Richard's. This will be your first chance to find out just what combat is all about. " Commentary: Note that the fighting began only a few weeks before the first tournament was held! The most any of us had was a few fighter practices, before the first tournament. Nov. 16, 1969: This was the first official Fighter Practice in Atenveldt. It was held at Rick Cook's house. Previous to this, Atenveldt did not possess a helm! [House Lockesly came up with one, sometime in this early period, but you can't have a tournament with just one helm!] We practiced "slow work" and talked about "when the helms arrive!" Ironsteed was appointed Atenveldt's "fighting lanista", by the Western Kingdom, as he was the only one who had actually ever fought! I believe that Rick may have even fought Duke Seigfried, at a Westercon in Santa Barbara, where he and Joe Bethancourt first became members of the S.C.A.. We were not sure what a "lanista" was at the time, [apparently a "lanista" was a Roman trainer of "gladiators" and was not particularly medieval in origin] but it sounded good to us, it sounded official, and it sounded like we were about to become real fighters! Commentary: Rick Cook was a few years older than I. My brother and I knew him through a folk singing "coffee house", called the "Inner Ear." (A place where I remember a young fellow named Joe Bethancourt entertaining regularly!) I joined the Society because of Rick. One day, in the late summer of 1969, I saw Rick's BMW motorcycle parked in front of a Taco Bell. I stopped and asked, " What's new? " " Well," he said " I went to California and met people in this medieval group called the SCA. . . " I went to the next meeting, at his house. Like many of those who joined in the early years, I was already interested in things medieval. I was the kid in my neighborhood, in the mid 1950s, that made "armor" from cardboard boxes. (Actually, come to think of it, as a nine-year-old, I probably had a better set of "armor" than what I wore at the first SCA tournament!) As a ten or twelve year old child, I made a shields from a garbage can lids and vambraces from tin cans, and tried to get the neighbor kids to play "knights in armor" with me. At this point, "Atenveldt" mostly consisted of sitting around in Rick's bed room, talking about the "mysteries of the helm and the shield" and wondering when we would actually get our hands on some "rattan." We heard stories of "giants" in the Bay area, the mysterious " Land of the Mists, where all the legendary fighters (some of whom had three years of fighting experience!) were ten feet tall, and could cleave a shield in two with a single blow! After I met some of these giants, and became friends with them, they became much more human. Dec. 7, 1969 - 10 a.m.: The First Tournament was held in the Barony of Atenveldt. In many ways, Atenveldt really began at McCormick Ranch Park in Scottsdale. This was the site of all of the early tournaments, up to the Crown lists for the second King, (which was held in a grassy field that is now a parking lot behind Biltmore Park.) The lists, that day, were won by Ivan of Navarette, (du Grae). He defeated Colat of Om, in the final round. Commentary: I met Ivan the night before this event. I drove out to the tourney site just to look around and there was Ivan and his lady, Darius. I walked up to him and asked if they were going to some "weird medieval thing" the next day and they admitted that they were. The next day we met in the lists and we have been friends ever since. I remember sitting down with Ivan, the morning of this event, now more than thirty years ago, and discussing whether we were really going to do this! Were we really going to go out there and let people swing these big sticks at us, with hardly anything on but a thin helm? What were we,. . . nuts? (Yep, I guess we were / are.) The first written fighting rules I saw (in 1969), consisted of fifteen statements that fit neatly on a single piece of paper. Some of the "Rules of the Lists" have not changed since then, but in the beginning, these were the only rules. Four of the statements related to conduct and not specifically to weapons or equipment. They stated that each fighter had to be "presented to", and be "acceptable to", the King; that you were expected to behave like a "Knight and a gentleman", (even if you were not one yet); that you had to be "sponsored by a belted fighter" if they were under twenty-one years of age; [I was nineteen.] and that you had to have someone to "be your lady" if you won the Crown. The more specific fighting requirements, at that time, were: 1)"The head and the face must be protected" a "heavy saber mask" was acceptable; (my emphasis) 2) "no thrusting except with lance or short sword"; 3) "No tournament weapons may be made of metal", [This one held up the use of the "basket hilt" for awhile as some argued that it was partially "made of metal " and therefore, violated this rule!]; 4) the morgenstern may only be used "in melee or demonstration fights" [Before this ban, in the West, a morgenstern was actually used to win a Crown Lists, in the first year of the Society] ; 5) if a shield "is to be used as an offensive weapon" it must first be cleared by the King or his representative [the Earl Marshal]; 6) " weapons mutually acceptable to the combatants" in a fight may be used "if cleared by the King"; 7) " a bladed weapon may not be grasped to stop a blow "; 8) combat stops if someoneís weapon breaks, or is dropped, during the fight; 9) only javelins thrown "from a distance of 5 yards" may be used; 10) all weapons on the field must be "approved by the King or his representative"; and 11)"fighters are expected to behave as though the weapons are real, and injuries will be judged accordingly. All fighters are presumed to be armored except as otherwise stated." "[The "armor" referred to was: a chain mail hauberk, open faced helm and steel greaves.] There were no other requirements, specifications or restrictions, that I recall. Visitors at the first event included, Clint Bigglestone, Herald of the Kingdom of the West and his wife Janet. Michael of Moria was our first Seneschal, and Richard Ironsteed was our first Herald. Commentary: At this event I was made Sheriff. Moria asked me, " would you like to be the sheriff?" I said, "yes, but what does a sheriff do?" He handed me a clip board and said, "I don't know, . . . just go be sheriff!" Neither of us was entirely sure what I was supposed to do, but I had my first official title/job, in the S.C.A.. Being sheriff that day, consisted mostly of helping people park their cars in the right place. I also had to reassure a security guard, we hired for the day, that we were not all crazy. (Well, maybe we were, but we didn't want him to leave.) He seemed to be " wound a little tight." He was a Vietnam veteran, who had recently returned from the war. He told me that he thought someone had "set him up" when they assigned him to our group. I believe that he was about to take off when I got him to watch some of the fighting and he decided to stay. I believe we paid $20 for security, for the entire day. After this event, I don't think we hired any other official security, for these early events, as we relied upon ourselves. Armor for this event, consisted of two very thin barrel helms, (I would estimate them at 18 Ga.), a rather stout "Locksley" helm and a couple mattress pad surcotes. With all fighters using the same two helms, you can only imagine what these helms smelled like, by the end of the day! As I remember, one of these helms circulating amongst the fighters for many years. This particular helm came to a point in the front, and this point had a nasty habit of gouging your upper chest. It was also about four inches too high (which made an easy target) and was far too small in diameter (which encouraged smashed noses). Other than that it was a "great helm!" I don't remember that anyone had any real armor of any kind, at this event. There were no aluminum shields, chain mail, plate armor, basket hilts, or plastic during the early period. Aluminum, plastic and the extensive use of plate armor did not come for more than a decade. The fighters I remember at this first event include: Ironsteed, Moria, Eideard, Ivan, Colat of Om, William of the Shire, and I (fighting as "Michael the Unshaven"), but I think there may have been a few more. Commentary: I have heard recently, that "in the old days, they didn't hit very hard." My view, having experienced fighting both in 1969 and in 2000, is that such a statement is both true and false. It is true that it takes a harder hit to get a fighter to accept a "killing blow" today. Consequently, I believe that the "foot pounds per square inch" of the average blow today, is greater than it was in the early period. Much of this I think can also be attributed to advances made in the art form and the fact that people wear more armor. The fighting I see today seems to be almost universally, derived from the revolution in fighting, made by Duke Paul Bellatrix. This revolution was based upon the adaptation of karate movements to sword fighting. This encouraged the more efficient use of energy, when delivering in a blow. This style of fighting, like karate itself, allows someone to use their maximum energy, when striking. It is very effective and therefore, more people are able to hit harder. With proper training in these newer skills, fighters, even without great physical strength, can hit much harder, than they would have before. I also think that there was also a natural tendency to hit harder as the armor got better, and consequently it became more difficult to feel a blow. But, even at the first tournament, where we had no armor at all, we hit hard, (but perhaps not with maximum force). After the first tournament fighters began developing leather armor (chain mail came later) and I don't think that anyone was holding much back after that. In fact, with inferior armor we used weapons which would not be allowed today; such as the "tree trimmer" great sword (about seven feet long - and the two handed flail, (kind of like a six foot long, rattan "num-chuck."). These things hit plenty hard. Swords were made of very thick rattan, which we got from periodic "rattan runs" to the West. They were wrapped in black "friction tape" as we had not found "Duct" tape yet (or maybe it hadn't been invented yet, I don't know.) Without basket hilts, the style of fighting was to keep the sword behind you unless actually striking with it. Without a basket hit, and without effective gauntlets, the current style of blocking blows with your sword, is impractical and would only result in broken hands and fingers. Changes in styles of fighting were a result of changes in the rules, and changes in technology, as well as from the natural progress of the art form. After the second tournament, my brother (Charles of the JAC's) and I ordered two Great Helms, which as I remember cost us $15.00 each (including shipping from the Bay Area). They seemed miraculous to us. I painted mine blue and used it for about a year, (which was about the length of time a helm, if used regularly, was expected to last). They were so thin that a good blow left a dent in them, as any early photos will reveal. In the early days, one way you could judge if a blow was sufficient, was to see if it left a good dent! If it didn't, it probably wasn't very hard. The crown of my helm eventually crushed down an inch or so, from frequent blows. Soon we began to make our own helms. Before the discovery of the "Beverly Shear", we cut out the sheet steel with a hammer and cold chisel! (Yes, it took forever.) I believe that Charles of the J.A.C.s was the first, in Atenveldt, to make his own helm. Before long he had hammered and cold chiseled, the first suit of plate armor, (as far as we know), anywhere in the S.C.A.. He named it "Seymour." "We become the first Principality" The age of the twelve-dollar bottle helm The following events took place in the year that Atenveldt became the first Principality of the SCA: Timothy "Tune in, Turn on, Drop Out" , a former Harvard Professor, was sentenced to ten years in prison for smuggling three ounces of marijuana into the U.S.. President Richard Nixon withdrew 150,000 troops from Vietnam; An Army panel accused fourteen U.S. officers of responsibility in the covering up of a massacre at the village of My Lai, in Vietnam. The first Earth Day " was celebrated. On May 4th, four students at Kent State University, were shot to death by Ohio National Guardsmen. Four hundred and fifty universities and colleges across the country, reported anti-war demonstrations in the following weeks and many were shut down. The Senate repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized the president's use of force in Vietnam. In December, Congress created the Environmental Protection Agency. Jan. 9, 1970: The First Twelfth Night Revel, was held at the PERA Club. Robert the Blind, (Rick Cook's brother, Don) was chosen "Lord of Misrule." The PERA Club was a recreation center, for Salt River Project employees, which Mike Reynolds was able reserve for our use. Commentary: The "Lord of Misrule's" job was to keep the revel going, make sure that people were enjoying themselves and to offer up any humorous requests, or activities, that they thought of. I remember this tradition as a great deal of fun and kept these events from being "stuffy." A helm was passed and $11.91 was collected! This brought the "Kingdom funds" to a grand total of $41.85! This was a lot of money, and it would be needed, if Atenveldt was ever going to incorporate and become a separate kingdom. Ioseph the Rhymer (Joe Bethancourt) entertained at this event with varied instruments and song, as he often did. Commentary: About this period of time, I was working at a "dining establishment" (which served hamburgers), while I was attending college. There, I met a fine fellow named Bobby Messer, who had just gotten out of the army. I told him about the Society. He came to our next event, as "Robert Roundpounder," won the lists , and became our first prince! We were not only best of friends, at the time, but soon became roommates at Moreland and Weldon houses. His wife and mine, were also best friends in high school and were in school drama productions together. Both were from the household of Zagamar (known at times as "Zagnuts") which was begun by Beverly Woodford (Marya of Zagamar). Roundpounder fought wearing essentially no armor at all, except a helm. (Which was permissible under the rules at that time.) Robert had the fastest sword that I have ever seen, (then or now) and he fought with a very distinctive style. He always seemed to be at a forty-five degree angle from the ground, every time I tried to swing at him! He was fast and strong. His name suited him, "Roundpounder!" We met in the crown lists on more than one occasion and between the two of us, held five of the first eight crowns, in Atenveldt, (and he went on to win one more after that!) About this period of time, Charles of the J.A.C.s [Jeffersonian Anarchistic Conservative] Robert Roundpounder, Ivan du Grae and I formed a household called "Casa Libra" or the "free house." Eventually the original members of Casa Libra moved on to their own households and it was continued for awhile by others, before its final demise. Jan. 1970, "We're on TV": Richard Ironsteed and Arthur of Lockehaven perform the first television exposure for the Barony. We filmed at A.S.U., KAET Channel 8, in black and white, and the program was shown locally. Rick did all of the talking. He and I did some fighting on a slippery floor. As I remember KAET Channel 8 in 1970 consisted of a dim studio, one camera and three chairs. I wish I had a copy of the tape today, but this was more than a decade before people started having home video recorders! Quoted From: 'South Wind', discussing events from January to March, of 1970 " Because of the ever increasing number of persons expected for the February 22 tournament . . ." (my emphasis) "Michael the Unshaven" has been appointed sheriff for the tournament, and will have responsibility for the ordering of the tourney guards." "Anyone wishing to offer entertainment at the tournament or the revel following should contact Ijosef the Rhymer (old phone number deleted) or Michael of Moria, (old phone number deleted)." " three helms will be provided for rental " " Daniel of Om has consented once again to hold an archery tournament " " Fighter practice is still being held at Michael the Unshaven's . . . Sundays at 1p.m." " If you missed the T.V. special on the Society, you'll have one last chance to see it this Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.m. (yawn) on channel 5, KPHO." In the section of 'South Wind' called: "Morian Musings" Michael the Inebriated writes: " there seems to be only one household, namely Casa Libra, the Free Thinkers, or what-have-you, that is doing anything about it." (Referring here to what he describes as the "sorry state of weapons" in Atenveldt.) "Shields are beginning to crack under the constant rain of blows at bashing practice." "William of the Shire has access to plenty of air tanks." (for helms) and " A plea by Herald Richard Ironsteed that people think about buying some more plywood for shields apparently fell on deaf ears." "If you will notice, I have mentioned above, the name of Casa Libra (Mike and Chuck Cady's group) several times. That is because they at present are doing so much that is worth mentioning. They are recruiting, assisting their members in weaponry, trading tips on fighting, letting their ladies get together and no doubt, more lady-like traditions and conduct will come of it all." Commentary: I think Mike was chiding us, in Casa Libra, for being somewhat unruly. A charge we probably could not deny. Ladies do tend to civilize us, I think. In the case of Casa Libra, they certainly seemed to do so. Quoted from: "South Wind," Mike Reynolds in "Morian Musings", discusses the idea of a S.C.A. Verde River float! " What we're proposing to do is to go off up the Verde River some summer weekend and stage our own version of a tube float with a number of medieval twists." The use of "Styrofoam swords" was suggested. Commentary: Yes, we did do it; and more than once! It was always a lot of fun in the summer, when it was very hot. Quoted From: "South Wind", discussing the upcoming February 22, 1970 event: "Robert the Blind and his bride-to-be have announced their intentions to be married . . ." " The pipers who made such a difference at the Twelfth Night celebration are expected to return . . ." "Persons should begin to think about the construction of free-standing pavilions, because, if the Society grows much more, the porch area will be reserved for spectators of the fighting, and pavilions will have to be erected in the orchard area north of the park building." Commentary: The "porch area" mentioned, is now used for children's birthday parties! It might today, just barely, hold a meeting of the Kingdoms "Peers of the Realm." We held the entire tournament in this same area and that included all of the fighting and "pavilions," (which were really bed spreads, draped over some wood overhangs). Feb. 22, 1970: The Crown Tournament to choose the First Prince of Atenveldt. The Second Tournament in Atenveldt, was also held at McCormick Park, in Scottsdale. Duke Richard Montroyal and King Stefan deLorraine, of the kingdom of the West, were present. The final combat was between Robert Roundpounder and Ivan du Grae of Navarette, with Roundpounder being victorious. (The winner was then named the "Tannist.") Robert the Roundpounder became the first Prince of Atenveldt. His chosen lady was Katrine of Windermere (Katrine Cady; "real life" sister of myself, (Mike Cady), and my brother (Chuck Cady)- Charles of the JACs) and she became our first Princess. Robert Roundpounder was made a Master at Arms by The King of the West and Duke Richard Montroyal. The "Casa Libra" fighters federation was present in force, at this event. We made and brought our own equipment, but rented weapons were available through the Guild, run by William of the Shire. You could rent your equipment, from the guild for $2.00 and even have $1.00 refunded, when you brought it back at the end of the day! At the end of this tournament, there were only two intact swords left in all of Atenveldt! 'South Wind': "Be it also known that the equipment and knowledge of the armory of Casa Libra is available for the use of any who wish to make their own arms and armor." ". . . call Charles of the J.A.C.'s (old phone number deleted) or Arthur of Lockehaven (old phone number deleted)." Commentary: I also remember that William of the Shire became known as "the Duke Killer " after this event when he killed Duke Richard Montroyal, striking around his kite shield and hitting his side, with a mace. (William did better than any of the rest of us who fought him that day.) Richard was a Master at Arms and that fact may have influenced the number of masters who were made in the early years of Atenveldt, although I truly do not remember him promoting the idea to us. [If anyone is interested in the Master/Knight issue, in early Atenveldt, I wrote an article on this entitled " Why I was Twenty-five Years Late Swearing Fealty."} About this time, I became the Knight Marshall of Atenveldt. I remember going to the main offices of the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation, at 15th Ave. and Encanto, with Mike Reynolds, to get a permit to use Encanto Park for an S.C.A. event, for the first time! The parks and recreation people wanted to see a demonstration of the fighting, before they would let us use the park. They watched us fight, and at first, turned us down. They were not at all sure that they wanted us in their park at all! They believed that we were quite mad, but eventually they gave in. The irony is apparent to anyone today who drives by Encanto, on a Wednesday night, and sees a fighter practice (or "F.P." as I hear it referred to today) with some two-hundred people! I think it was during this event that we fought with a fighter from the West who, used pole weapons, and had attached metal "shields" to his arms. These shields, we were told, prevented any hit to the arm from counting. After the event, my brother Charles showed up with three metal "shields" attached to the top, and sides of his helm, declaring that they too, prevented blows to his head! March 1970: Tilden Park; Our trip to "The Mists." We went to have fun, but also prove that Atenveldt was worthy of advancement to Kingdom status! The tourney was held in Berkeley, California. Robert, Ivan, Ivan's Lady Darius and I, drove in Robert's car. Charles and Moria drove together, with a rental trailer full of everyone's gear. At the boarder inspection station Moria and Charles were stopped and asked, "Hey, got any fruit or vegetables?" "Nope," responded Moria, "Just some swords, shields and two thrones!" "Where are you heading?" they the boarder guard asked. "Berkeley" came the reply. "Well, it figures!" the guard responded. Robert Roundpounder, Master at Arms, was knighted by King Stefan deLorraine, and became Sir Robert Roundpounder, at this event. (As far as I know it was the first time a fighter in the S.C.A. changed from one form of Chivalry, to another.) This act was controversial, and caused considerable grief for our Seneschal Moria, but it did provide a solution to a problem we had in Atenveldt. How were we going to be able to create our own knights if everyone kept becoming Masters at Arms? We intended to become our own Kingdom and with only Masters, who was going to knight the new knights? By becoming a knight, Robert could create new knights in Atenveldt. As Moria put it, "I knew that my future king wouldn't have to send out to make a knight. And it was worth it." The following description of this event, was printed in "South Wind" as "Morian Musings" by Michael of Moria, upon his return: "Then to begin the day's fighting, the fighters from the Principality, Master Robert Roundpounder, Lord Arthur of Lockehaven, Knight Marshall, Lord William of the Shire, Guildmaster, Charles of the JAC's and Ivan of Naverette, du Grae did battle in a melee. Just to make things fair, fighters from the House of Lorraine, the King's house, and from House Havn, the house of Duke Henrik of Havn, joined to help us out. We won, with only William left alive from the Principality. Arthur was accidentally killed by one of the Duke's men. What a sight! Forty men-at-arms charging across a meadow at each other. (My emphasis.) In the fighting, we did not do badly either. Charles managed to dispatch the King's champion, Master Edwin Berserk and Robert almost did the same to Duke Henrik. After the tournament, which incidentally, was won by Steven Blackeagle, who will become king in April, Master Robert was knighted by the king. He now will be addressed as Sir Robert or Lord Roundpounder. Arthur and William received Grants of arms from the king and lady Darius won the Queen's award for the best costume." Commentary: If there ever was a day which defined, for me, the "dream" (although I have never really become comfortable with this new term) in the Society, it was this day at Tilden Park. It was a beautiful setting, on a beautiful spring day. We fought, and I was thrilled that we had done so well, against the "ten foot giants" we had heard stories about. I was proud to have gotten further in the West's Crown lists that day, than the other fighters from Ateveldt, and when I went out for my final fight I had favors from all our ladies present, on my arm. Quoted From: a "South Wind" which discusses the upcoming crown tournament for the Principality of Atenveldt "Classes in medieval dance will begin under the direction of Ijosef the Rhymer on March 28, at the Lutheran Student Center . . . gentlemen should wear swords " April 12, 1970: 9:00 am, Atenveldt becomes a Principality! The second Crown Lists (for Prince, but we called them Crown Lists not Coronet) of Atenveldt were held. Sir Robert Roundpounder was crowned the first Prince of Atenveldt and Lady Katrine of Windermere, his Princess, at this event also held at McCormick Park. The final fight in the lists, was between Ivan du Grae of Navarette and Arthur of Lockehaven, with Arthur being victorious. Ivan and Arthur were both made Masters at Arms. On that day, Ioseph of Locksley and Michael of Moria also received the first "Orders of the Laurel", given in Atenveldt; and Charles of the J.A.C.'s received the first "Order of Light Atenveldt." King Stefan de Lorraine, of the West, and Dukes Havn and Montroyal were present. Newspaper Article: The Arizona Republic featured this event on the front page of the magazine section May 31, 1970, with a terrific article and several photographs. It was entitled "Camelot In the Desert." The following are quotes from this article; "The purpose of the society", Cook (Rick) explained, "is to recreate chivalry and medievalism as we feel it should have been." "Atenveldt recently learned that because of its success it will become a full-grown kingdom with subdivisions-baronies- in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas." "The Scottsdale tournament ended with a revel celebrating the new prince, Arthur of Lockehaven, who soundly defeated all challengers for the crown." "Prince Robert Roundpounder approached King Stefan de Lorraine from the Kingdom of the West and declared: ' I have won this crown in worthy combat. Would you release it to me now, or taste the wrath of the swords of my worthy peers'?" (my emphasis) Commentary: The Atenveldt tradition, of crowning yourself, and "taking the crown by force of arms," has been seen by some as improper, (if not abhorrent), and perhaps with some justification - but I supported it. This was Robert's idea, and I stood with him when it was first performed. This tradition sprang from the "seed of rebellion" and from some ill feelings towards our relationship with the West. We were not going to be "given" our throne. We earned it, fought for it, and we were going to take it! We felt that it would be demeaning to the future of the Kingdom, to have our crown "given" to us by a "foreign" King. This is one tradition which I hope will quietly slip away and become only a footnote of history. I don't think such a tradition is necessary, or warranted today, and more celebratory ceremonies may be more appropriate. Baseball cups became popular at this event, after Duke Richard was hit in the groin, with a great sword, and crumpled to the ground. After several minutes in quiet pain, he arose and pulled a baseball cup, from his pants, broken into two pieces! I bought a cup the following day and never fought without one again! (I remember that there were many of us buying them for the first time.) Helmet straps also started to become popular when Jon de La Grand Ance was injured and ended up at the hospital, after his helm flew off during a combat. Commentary: I think that this was, and always will be, one of my favorite events. We had grown large enough to be able to feel comfortable holding an event, and we had respected representatives from the West visiting us. We accumulated many major awards and felt that we were on our way. The "Camelot in the Desert" article attracted new members to the group, including the house of Zagamar, and Lorelei, my future lady and wife. April 25, 1970: A Curia Regis was held at Michael of Moria's House. Those present (as recorded in South Wind) were: Prince Robert Roundpounder, Princess Katrin of Windermere, Prince designate, Knight Marshall, Arthur of Lockehaven and the Lady Angela, Master Michael of Moria, Seneschal, O.L., Master Ioseph the Rhymer, O.L., Lord Richard Ironsteed, Herald, Master Charles of the JAC's, O.L., [Sic: This should actually be O.L.A.] Lord William of the Shire, Guildmaster, Lord Terrance Corflu, Chronicler, Master Ivan of Navarette, du Grae. May 9, 1970: A Spring Guild Revel was held at the PERA Club. Admission was $2.50. The autocrat was Ioseph the Rhymer. Profits went to the acquisition of rattan. Moria first toasted his "laundry coming back!" A fine toast, which was used many times, as was "Up the long ladder and down the short rope. . ." Quoted from: "South Wind", discussing the May 9th revel and the Crown Lists, April 12th "William of the Shire has promised a PLAY, if it is finished in time, and LOCKSLEY HALL shall have an entertainment for the edification of the guests, also." May 31st, 1970: The "Salt River Bed Wars begin and continued for many Sunday afternoons. [Other wars were also held at the junction of the Salt & Verde Rivers, north of Tatum Boulevard around Bell Road and at "Ship Rock."] Commentary: "Wars" could not be official events, in those days. It was thought that it would be unchivalrous to attack when you have a numerical advantage or to strike when the opponent is not ready. I organized the first Atenveldt wars which often had only ten or fifteen fighters in attendance. Many of the locations of these wars are now housing subdivisions in north Phoenix. Early fighter practices were held at Richard Ironsteed's parent's house, Arthur of Lockehaven's parent's house and later, at Moreland House. They would later be held at Weldon House, Machen School, and Pierce Park. This park, behind Thomas Mall, had one problem. When we fought at night in the summer, the lights would go out in the middle of a fight and someone then had to go put another quarter in the box that controlled them! Commentary: Moreland house was a house rented by Charles of the J.A.C.s, Robert Roundpounder, Arthur of Lockehaven and William of the Shire. It had an S.C.A. oriented atmosphere, to say the least. Most nights we either practiced sword fighting, throwing javelins, or we were busy building armor. I remember it as being as "hot as the blazes" in the summer, with little or no evaporative cooling, but also very exciting. People were always coming over and discussing various aspects of the S.C.A., often talking long into the night. Bill Shirley's world famous "mead" was always bubbling away in large jugs in the kitchen,. . . getting honey all over the floor. Unfortunately, Moreland House (which was on Moreland Ave., east of 15th Ave.) was in the way of the proposed "Moreland freeway." We were tossed out of the place, with only ten days notice, in the late summer of 1970. They leveled the house for the new freeway, and then waited ten years to actually build anything! Then we moved to a rented four bedroom house, which was on Weldon Ave., which would become known as, "New Moreland" house, and then "Weldon House." The more or less, permanent residents of Weldon House included; Michael of Moria , Charles of the J.A.C.s , Arthur of Lockehaven, Robert the Roundpounder, Joseph of the Golden Dragon - known as "the Good", Reynard of Foxmoor and Denis of the Titans. I would have to say that this is a veritable "Who's Who" of the early society. Between these seven men you would produce three Dukes, two Counts, the first Seneschal and co-founder of the barony, the Premier of the Order of Light, (and the only guy with a full suit of plate armor). At various times we also hosted visitors from many other S.C.A. groups. Weldon House had a "walk-in" freezer, (which didn't work), but did make a great armory. It must have contained half of the fighting equipment, in the Kingdom at the time. We had armor and swords hanging all over Weldon House. Chuck's suit of plate greeted you as you entered the front door and pole weapons lined the walls. I remember a census taker who once came to the door and had a hard time filling out the questions on her form; questions like - "who is the head of the household?" and "how many households live here?" We tried to answer! In the years we lived there I don't think there was ever a key to the door. Someone was always home, (except on tourney days) and something was always going on. Games of "Risk", poker and "Diplomacy" ran long into the night. We had a major party at Weldon house, the night of the creation of the Kingdom. (We decided we couldn't duplicate it, and survive a second time, so it was also the last big party we had.) Among other bright ideas, we practiced throwing axes and spears at the palm trees in the front yard. I remember an early participant in the Kingdom, who made our first really good swords (and continues to make and sell them today) Kirby Wise, picking up two large axes, each of different size and weight, and hefting them for a moment as we put a quarter on a spot, on a palm tree. Kirby threw both axes overhand, simultaneously, and both axes struck exactly on either side of the quarter! We were impressed and, for some reason, because of this kind of stuff, the neighbors seemed to sort of leave us alone. On Thanksgiving we began a tradition of having large groups (often thirty or more) over for a huge dinner, which often lasted for three days. This tradition continued into the 1980s. I believe that the presence of such early "residential houses" like "Bag End", "Moreland House", "Weldon House" and similar houses in the West, had a definite effect on the group. They provided a central meeting place and a focal point for the Society. We had a workshop and fighters came over to work on equipment, nearly every day. Chuck, (who unlike many of us, had a "real job,") ended up financing much of the material costs of everyone's equipment repair, during this period of time. The thrones sat in our living room. With five minutes notice, we might throw together a fighter practice in the front yard. We also had our own siege engine. The Trebuchet: The twenty-two foot tall, "Angie Leann" trebuchet, (named, by Michael of Moria, in honor of my first Princess, Angela of the Meadows) sat in the front yard. It was designed by, and a working model was built by, Robert the Blind, while living at "Bag End" in Tempe. It was constructed by Richard Ironsteed, Charles of the JAC's, Michael of Moria and Woodford of Lorien. Woodford, (known as Woody) later made major improvements on the machine. It was made from 6x8s and 4x6s, with an arm pivot made from 2 inch cold rolled steel. It could fire a can of dog food . . . well, lets say . . . off our property. Commentary: I have a memory of "Michael the Inebriated," with a pillow tied to his back, swinging back and fourth from the top of the trebuchet arm, screaming like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, one night . . . but I'm sure that it must have been a dream! A more complete explanation and discussion of the Trebuchet can be found in Tournaments Illuminated, issue number Twenty-five, Volume Six, Number Four, 1972. At the end of the article author, Michael of Moria states, "we fired a four pound rock 200 yards and a fifteen pound rock 375 feet. Happy shooting. But be careful. This thing has nearly broken my back a couple of times. Don't let people stand closer than fifty feet on the sides and not at all behind or in front. Get waivers made for your crew. It is a war machine. It works, It can kill." Commentary: The city manager of Scottsdale was not enthusiastic about letting us fire the trebuchet at McCormick Park, but we did eventually get permission. I believe that the trebuchet was last assembled and fired at Brady's Castle, and that part of it ended up as a flower box. I have since been told that at least part of it ended up in front of a restaurant in Tucson. People would drive by our house and ask, "is it a flag pole?" We'd just say, "sure." June 21,1970: A Revel at the Lutheran Center at ASU. (This was also the site of the "Inner Ear" coffee house.) Arthur of Lockehaven and Lady Angela of the Meadows became the second Prince and Princess of Atenveldt. Richard Ironsteed was Knighted at this event. This was also the first event for the future first queen of Atenveldt, Felecia MacClurain. Commentary: About this time, William of the Shire began a long process of building a 25 foot long Viking ship! I remember going to Bag End and seeing him working on it. I am told that it did in fact sail on Lake Pleasant! I believe that Billy actually had plans of sailing it to San Francisco! Billy was always working on something. It was this kind of thing that resulted in William of the Shire becoming the Imperial Master of Sciences. Aug. 23, 1970: Guild Revel at the Lutheran Center. ú Ivan gives out the celebrated "Inebriate Award "started by Michael of Moria. (I guess I might have even "earned" this dubious honor myself, on a later occasion, as did a few other notable Atenveldtians! It was one tradition which did not need to continue.) As Prince I also got into trouble, at this revel, (rightly so) for putting my feet up on the table! Quotes from: "South Wind", discussing events in August of 1970: "All of the good people of Atenveldt are invited to each of these functions. . . . the events will be held at the Moreland House, 1329 West Moreland, Phoenix," August 2 . . . Crafts tapestry, etiquette for reveling 2:00 p.m. Medieval cooking 7:00 p.m. Eating medieval cooking August 9 . . . Fine Arts . . . brewing August 16 . . . Crafts leather & metal working, costuming, tapestry August 30 . . . Fines Arts FREE FORM Quotes from: "South Wind," August 12, 1970, "the newsletter of the Principality of Atenveldt" discussing the August 23rd, 1970, Guild Revel: "Admission for the event, to raise money for the Guild . . . is $1.50 in advance, and $2.00 at the door." "For nine months, The South Wind has been bringing you free of charge announcements of coming events in the Principality. To get on the list all you had to do is ask. That's over. There are over 80 people on the list and costs are too high." (The cost went up; $2.50 for T.I. and a one year membership in the S.C.A., and fifty cents to cover South Wind!) "Proclamations of Arthur, Princeps, II. Be it proclaimed that anyone in a melee or war who willfully strikes his opponent while his opponent is unaware of the attack, and if the blow lands anywhere other than the opponents helm, such conduct shall be considered a excessively dangerous and ample cause to restrict the fighter from further fighting that day." "A fighter practice will be held at 1326 W. Moreland (Moreland House) Aug. 16 at dusk. All fighters are welcome. The ladies will gather at 2 p.m. for the cooking of medieval desserts. Other fighter practices will be announced at that time. " Quoted from: South Wind: "Fall Crown Tourney -- Oct. 10-11" "This will be the tourney to choose the first King of Atenveldt." (emphasis is mine) Sept. 5, 1970: "Viva Zanjero" Swarthout Studios, in association with the Salt River Project, shot a film in which the Society played a small part. (It was originally planned for Sept. 5th, but I believe, may have been put off until November.) It was an educational film about irrigation water and southwest history, which featured its employees doing unusual hobbies like; training dogs, playing the guitar and . . . Mike Reynolds at a S.C.A. tournament, (which we simulated just for the filming). The film was used until it was retired to their archives, in the mid-1970's. (As a beginning school teacher I remember using it myself, in the early 70s.) Apparently it had not been seen again until 1994! With the help of Kathy Cook, (Duchess Kathleen MacChlurain, the Pure Delight) who happens to work there, we were recently able dig it out of the S.R.P. archives and see it, for first time in over twenty years! Participants at the filming included: Ivan Du Grae, Dale the Small (known to many as "Tiny"), Charles of the J.A.C.s, Arthur of Lockehaven, Dav Grayheart, Solomon the Enchanter (my squire), Richard Ironsteed, Eideard Slaightear Feusegach, Cynthia of Arianhrood, Lady Ann of Tannithcourt, Laurence of Elon, the House of Zagamar and of course - Michael of Moria. Commentary: We all owe a great deal to a gentlemanly fellow named Larry Meek, (Laurence of Elon). While others of us were bashing heads, Larry was quietly taking photos. He has the only complete assembly of photos from the first years of Atenveldt. When attempting to create a presentation regarding this early period, for a Collegium recently, I found out how few photos anyone had taken from this early period. Without Larry, much of it would have been lost forever. We all owe Larry a debt of gratitude and our thanks. A fighter who was at all of the very early fighter practices and events, was a fellow called James the Prussian. He was a steady fighter, who seemed to really like fighting with pole weapons, years before it became common. I see him periodically, walking around the Encanto fighter practices. Few people there realize that he was one of the first fighters in Atenveldt. Another person you might have seen at an early fighter practice is Raymond the Mild, who wore one of the first coats of mail in Atenveldt. Raymond went on to create a private publishing company, "Raymond's Quiet Press" which prints excellent information of interest to the anachronist. About this period of time a fellow name Roderick the Sly came on the scene promoting his pirate or "corsair" persona. Roderick, a good friend and war gaming opponent of mine for more than twenty-years, was actually in attendance at all the early events from the beginning of Atenveldt, but converted to the less chivalric image of the Corsair. He played the part of what he describes today as the "seamy underbelly" of Atenveldt. "Pirates were never figured on "as part of the medieval scene" he says, "but we had them" and "they didn't go away." I notice today that the Society has branched out into many areas which may not have been originally envisioned. An event today might find everything from pirates, cavaliers, musketeers, samurai and so on. To me this indicates the strength of the group - its diversity. In the S.C.A., you can be what you want to be. Another early participant I remember, was a fellow named Crocket the Innovator, who made very intricate, miniature siege engines. There are probably many more citizens of early Atenveldt that I don't recall. I knew most of the people at the early events, but a few faces in the old photos elude me. After the filming, a "war" started when two ladies were abducted by villains. (I was one of the villains and the lady I happened to pick up, and carry off, was my future wife, Lorelei.) This has given us a somewhat unique answer to the question sometimes asked of married couples, "How did you two meet?" The answer is - I carried her off to start a war! The other lady abducted was Roundpounder's future wife Jacque, or Sequora.) The ladies were rescued and the villains were soundly trounced (as they were supposed to be) by the assembled fighters. (Any excuse for a good war!) I remember this as being a great deal of fun but, I must also say, that it is painful for me to view this old film today. It saddens me greatly to remember that since then, and from a small group of only about twenty early members, five I know of, have since passed away. Oct. 10-11, 1970: The Crown Tournament for Prince of Atenveldt. This was our first two-day tournament and it was again held at McCormick Park. Arthur and Angela were the Prince and Princess and the lists were won by Robert Roundpounder. (I can not remember, and have found no record of who he fought in the final round. Was it Carole?) Robert asked Kathleen MacChlurain to become the next Princess. I believe that this was Kathy's (Kathleen MacChlurain's) first S.C.A. event! (Why not start at the top?) Carole the Grim was Knighted at this event, and Rodema de Rohan received the Order of Light. Lady Kay of Locksley, Lady Cynthia Arianhrood, Lady Anne Tannith Court, Sir Carole the Grim, Lord Woodford of Lorien, Sir Eideard Slaightear Feusegach and Lord Robert the Blind, all received awards of arms. This was also the first official event for the household of Zagamar. Commentary: Carole the Grim was a major fighter, and fine fellow, in this early period. He was a clean and skilled fighter, who hit hard. He was also the first black (African-American) knight in Atenveldt. Dec. 30th, 1970: A Coronation Revel was held and Robert Roundpounder and Kathleen MacChlurain became Prince and Princess of Atenveldt. House Zagamar performed the play "The Fat Prince of Atenveldt" in their honor. Bobby and Kathy would have a short reign; we were about to become a kingdom! Newspaper Article: (undated, but from the photo and text, it must be from this period): Headline: "Medieval Society Stages Mock Duel" Quotes: "A tournament on the green surprised Phoenix Little Theatergoers last week during intermissions of 'The Lion in Winter' . . . the Arizona Society for Creative Anachronism, members participating are Michael Cady, left, a 13th Century Norman and Ted Myrick, right, 14th century Scot." "Concept of the medieval society to surround the fighting soon developed and the Kingdom of the West was formed in 1966. Kingdoms were also formed in New York and Chicago. Then in the fall of 1969, Phoenix started a 'Barony,' which is under the Kingdom of the West (emphasis is mine) and in 1970, became a Principality. Next year Phoenix will become the fourth Kingdom." "No dues are assessed . . . a helmet is passed at official events for voluntary contributions." Commentary: I find that this is one of the differences I find in the Society today. At first, we didn't have any money, individually or as a group. One thing we told people, to promote the benefits of the Society, was that "it didn't cost anything to go and have fun." All you needed was a costume, which you could borrow from the Hospitaler's pavilion, to participate. Sites were very cheap and I don't think we spent very much on rented halls. We could usually cover the cost of events, by "passing the helm." 1971 "Independence - Atenveldt Becomes a Kingdom! " National events during this period: Lt. William Calley is convicted of killing twenty-two civilians at Mylai. The twenty-sixth amendment to the Constitution of the United States is ratified by three-fourths of the states and gives eighteen-year-olds the right to vote. From : "South Wind " April/May 1971. "the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. a California Corporation, voted unanimously to extend full kingdom status to the Principality of Atenveldt." Quoted from : South Wind "Kingdom Countdown Minus Four Status Report": The following guests are expected for the tourney: Eight reps. --Barony of the Angels --will stay at New Moreland* Diana, Jon, Edwin Bersarc and Bonquer (sp?) -- will stay at Joe's Three from San Diego-- will stay at Bagend [or "Bag End"] Tannist from Chicago--will stay at New Moreland* Henrik, Steven Blackeagle, plus four--will stay at New Moreland* Richard, Frog, plus? -- will stay at New Moreland * * "New Moreland" became "Weldon House." Jan. 16, 1971: A tournament was held at McCormick Park to choose the first King of Atenveldt. The final fight that day, was between Richard Ironsteed and Ton the Traveler, with Richard Ironsteed the victor. He and his lady, Felicia MacChlurain, were coronated immediately after the lists. The "Great Kingdom Party" followed at Weldon House. The Kingdom had fewer than two hundred members at the time, but it stretched from Mexico to Montana and from California to Florida. Baronies were growing in Las Cruces (started by Duke Richard Montroyal), Denver, Prescott and Tucson. From an undated South Wind, discussing events from Feb. 6, 1971 to April 19, 1971: "Many subjects have been wondering about the proposed medieval fair which was to have been held in March at Biltmore Fashion Park. Because of an advertising agency's shortsightedness, the event cannot be arranged for this year. However, we are going to use their property for a tournament, " "As you know, we have suffered a rash of broken fingers and hands in recent months. ". . . the cause of this has been inadequate hand protection. ". . . anyone presented without adequate hand protection is not going to be acceptable (to the crown to fight)." Commentary: We began fighting using no real hand protection, other than a leather work glove, if that. The lack of proper hand protection was having an impact on the fighters. (I broke three fingers during this early period.) Charles of the JAC's developed the first gauntlet called the "Mark I". It consisted of a piece of sole leather, about the size of your hand, cut about half way through, to make articulations at the position of the finger joints. The leather was then riveted to a leather glove. The partially cut leather bent just enough to allow you to bend your fingers. It was better than bare hands, which was many of us were using previously. "We would also point out that under the new interpretation of the rules of the lists, blows below the knee count." Quoted from: South Wind announcing the March 14, 1971, Crown Tournament: "10 A.M. Grand Processional before the throne. If you aren't formed up at 10 sharp, you don't march." "The residents of New Moreland House have asked that it be announced that there positively will not be a revel there following the tournament." "Master Arthur of Lockehaven, the Earl Marshal of Atenveldt will be inspecting weapons between 10:45 and noon. The Earl Marshal says he will require that helms fit snugly enough that they will not come off when the fighter bends over and shakes his head. Test yours . . . attach a chin strap. This is very important. The King recently suffered a slight concussion after being struck in the head while wearing a poorly fitting helm. " "The Associated Guilds are setting up a table to display guild work. This is under the supervision of Lady Rodema de Rohan, " "Kirk of Wendarrow as Hospitaler will have the prime responsibility for acquainting them with the Current Middle Ages," Commentary: I remember doing endless public fighter demonstrations during this period of time. It seemed like every Cub Scout group, school class (from elementary to graduate school), church group, drama group, fraternal organization, civic group etc., wanted a demo. I felt that it was one of the best ways to become better known in the community, and to gain membership. I have had people in the organization today tell me, many years later, that they first heard about the Society from a demo we did at their school. I remember one such demo, in particular, that we were invited to do at A.S.U.. We arrived and started unloading our fighting gear, when a rather portly security guard came up to us quickly, and demanded to know just "what we thought we were going to do?" We told him that we had come "for a demonstration." He quickly told us, "There ain't goin' to be NO demonstrations on MY campus!" (Remembe the time period.) After we assured him that all we did was hit each other with sticks, and that we had no political statement to make, he decided that since we were not anti-war demonstrators, we could continue with our demonstration! March 14, 1971: The Second Crown Tournament for the King of Atenveldt, was held at Biltmore Fashion Park, 24th St. and Camelback Road. I remember King Richard ordering that the Processional be "held on time!" In the lists that day, Arthur of Lockehaven and Robert Roundpounder fought to the final round. The final fight lasted nearly half an hour (but it seemed to last forever to both of us.) Arthur eventually became the victor. Arthur and Sara de Rosamonde, (called Irving), became the second King and Queen of Atenveldt. Eideard Slaightear Feusegach was Knighted. This was the first event for future Count, and War Lord, Denis of the Titans; future Duchess Care Cheri of the Fallen Stars, and for a true expert in costume, Lady Louise of Woodsholme [now Mistress, O.L.]. Commentary: At this event, my brother Charles and I were fighting with "net and trident." He with short sword and buckler and I with a trident in one hand, and a heavy, knotted rope fish net, in the other. At one point he charged me (which is the best thing to do of course, to get inside the longer weapon) and I began to back up . . . and up . . . and up, until I backed of the edge of the field and unintentionally, hit a table of food, landing in an ice chest. A local t.v. station was filming the tournament that day. Guess what, out of all the brilliant pageantry available, unfortunately, ended up on t.v. that night! Denis of the Titans recently reminded me of a story from his event. He had just joined the group and he wanted someone to teach him fight. He was introduced to me, just minutes after I had won the Crown Lists and was exhausted from the big fight with Robert. I was lying on a pile of armor bags, when he came up to me and asked if I would teach him to sword fight. My plaintive reply to Denis was, a very weak, "you mean now?" Denis certainly "learned to fight" and was soon winning tournaments to prove it, becoming King in 1975, and several times, Prince of the Sun and War Lord. Newspaper Article: Sunday April 4, 1971, The Arizona Republic: Headline: "Once, for a time . . . in Camelot the world was perfect" Quotes from the article: "Devoted to reconstructing medieval customs, costumes, combat and chivalry, they say, only half jokingly, ' What else can you expect from a world where honor is dead?'. The society is their answer to the dehumanizing forces of a technological culture. Within their microcosm honor prevails; a man's word is his most valuable possession, and it is never doubted without justification. At least half of the approximately 40 members are under 21, but they make their own costumes, armor and weapons; sponsor well-researched tournament; and revive intricate build craft s. . ." "The current King, His Majesty King Richard I (Rick Cook), who gained the throne in stout combat, expressed this view: "In battle we use real armor, but dull weapons. Still, every knight is expected to be honest with his opponent. If a blow, in real combat, would prove fatal, he's obligated to admit defeat." April 18, 1971: The first, Firebird Festival of the Arts," was held at the library, Central Ave. and McDowell Road. The Firebird Festivals became major demonstration events for the Society. The Trebuchet was assembled and it held the spectators in awe. Both the fighting and the more gentile arts were demonstrated fully. We brought Charles's forge and fired it up, providing blacksmithing demonstrations. It was an over night event, with many of us sleeping in tents on the lawn. Commentary: The Firebird Festivals were one of the best public things we did. They were a blast and everyone seemed to enjoy them. Everyone seemed to get along, possibly because there wasn't a "Crown List" to distract us from the fun. We put a lot of work into these events and it showed. I remember attending the first meeting of the Arts Guild for the library/museum with Mike Reynolds, to discuss our participation in the festival, as at first they were not at all sure about us being a part of it. I believe that we became the most popular part of the festival. Years later I would have many people tell me that they first heard of the Society, at the Firebird Festivals. May 5-6, 1971: The "no official name" tournament, sometimes referred to as Ralph's "Dust Bowl" tournament took place. Ivan got a broken arm, after abducting Queen Felecia (sorry Mike). A side of beef was cooked in the ground, compliments of Dale the Small and Denis of the Titans. Kirk of Windarrow received a well-earned Order of Light. Kirk of Windarrow, and his family, added a lot to the group during this period of time with their exacting period costumes and more formal manners. At this event, new members to the group included, the future Count Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolfe, his lady the future Duchess, Lyn, and their child (and future Princess of the Sun and Queen) Nichelle, (who was then only four months of age). I would have the honor of meeting Johnathan in the final fight in the Crown Lists in the fall of 1972, and Knighting him a few months after that. A young rascal named Geoffrey of Chadhunt was assassinating people with cream pies and my good friend, Baldric the Ballbarian, took on a Court of Love; . . . a true example of "beauty vs. the beast." At a "Court of Love", ladies could hold a trial concerning the actions of any one they felt was unjust, to any of the ladies, in any way. At such a trial (held in a spirit of fun to be sure, and such courts were, at times, not unbiased in their views) each side of the issue was represented by their spokesperson. Most any penalty might be meted out, as a result of losing in such a court! Commentary: Baldric was one of the people that I remember as being a lot of fun to fight. Certain people seemed to be more "fun" to fight with. I don't think it reflected directly on their ability, although all were good fighters, but more on their attitude towards the fighting. They were willing to use "weird" weapons and enjoyed using unusual combinations of weapons and they were there to enjoy themselves. Charles of the J.A.C.'s and Ivanoff von Schloss loved to fall on top of you if you killed them, so that even if you won the fight, both of you were going down! In one melee, I remember lying on the field, after having killed my brother Charles, trying to pry the weight of his body, and Seymour (his full suit of plate armor), off me with my sword, while hearing "quiet laughter" resounding from inside his harness of plate, as he knew that I couldn't get up!) We tried to present a different type of fighting for demos and even practiced "demo" type fighting. We didn't want to reproduce a small "crown lists", which only a few people could really appreciate, or want to see. We thought that SCA fighting was fun, and these demos should look like it. Even in tournament fighting we encouraged "a good show" for the populous. The "Camile" award was given out for the "best death" of the day. Fighters would compete for this honor by yelling when struck, falling half way over, rising again, only to drop to one knee, crawl towards their lady and fall over on their back, only to have their legs jerk up into the air one last time, in the final death throes. I also remember a story, told by Moria, about Craig, whose Society name was "Shawn MacChlurain" but was called "Osmium the Dense", ("since osmium is very dense element"). To one and all, he was simply "Oz." (Through Oz, both Kathleen and Felecia MacClurain came into the SCA, as well as Denis of the Titan's future Queen, Samantha.) Once upon a time, "Oz" presented himself before the throne and complained, "no one will call me by my real name." "My real name is Shawn MacChlurain! Will you order them to do so, your majesty?" he pleaded. To which the king replied " Sure Oz, anything you want!" Moria tells me that "It was those kinds of tidbits that made lurking near the throne so enjoyable. He says, "I could never hear in the back of the room." Commentary: Sadly, Craig (or "Ozzie" as eveyrone called him) is one of these close friends, and early SCA members, who has passed away. In Ozzieís case, just within the past year. I might also mention here that Clan MacChlurain was one of the biggest households (perhaps the biggest) we had. Its members won many of the awards and held many of the important positions in the early period. They also seemed to demonstrate a sense of unity, tradition and they were a great deal of fun to hang out with. Like "Casa Libra" they were also a group of rebels who described themselves as "cut throats" and "cut purses." They prided themselves on having no real structure or leader but, as Duchess Care and Countess Felecia remind me, there were those reoccurring "rumors about sheep!" June 22, 1971: The Mid Summer Coronation Revel, was held at Gerard High School and it was very hot! The hall had no air-conditioning in June, in Arizona! (As I remember it, we rented the hall but we didn't know, until that night, that A.C. was not included!) Arthur and Lady Sara de Rosamonde were coronated King and Queen. Arriving at their first event was the future Count Stephan von Geist and his lady (and future Countess) Shannon of Eire. In only four months, Stephan won the crown lists and he his lady were crowned King and Queen of Atenveldt. I had the honor of knighting Stephan after his victory. (As King, and also Master at Arms, when Knighting someone I always had a Knight hold the sword, as well as I, during the ceremony.) Commentary: About this period of time, Moria showed up in a costume that one had to see to believe. Many, but not all, of the male costumes, at this time, were simple tunics, although women's costumes were becoming quite fancy. This night, Moria wore a white costume which consisted of white tights, an inner long sleeve shirt with outer brocade, white tippets, and a proudly worn, (and a not inconsiderable), cod piece! As I remember, he also had a pair of shoes, whose ends tied with a gold chain to his calves. It was a sight to behold! I feel that I may have a right to discuss Moria's costume considering some comments he (and others) made regarding some of my costumes. As prince, I had a costume made which was dark blue and gold (my colors), quartered and belted at the waist. In theory, I thought it would look good, but it came out looking kind of like "jockey silks" you might see at a race track. Moria, and others, loved to harass me by walking past the throne singing, (to the tune of "Camp Town Ladies ") "do-da!, do-da!" (Obviously, as early Princes, we were held in great awe by the populace!) I believe, that in the early days, we were serious about the game. We were serious about the ideas of chivalry and honor; but I believe we were somewhat less conscious of rank, than what I see today. When you lived together in the same house, it was harder to be in awe when someone received a new rank or title. (It was all very new and there weren't very many of us playing the game.) We could perform a play called "The Fat Prince of Atenveldt" and no one (like Prince Robert) was offended, nor were they expected to be. We could pile into Moria's van and drive by Ironsteed's house at night, run out into the yard and yell, "The King is Fink" and jump back in the van and drive away, without anyone thinking it improper, or being offended. It was obviously done in a sense of fun. When an entire belted fighter's circle consisted of three or four guys; and a Laurel's circle might consist of two - everyone had to work together, regardless of rank. Oct. 3, 1971: A Crown Tournament was held at the Phoenix Country Day School. The final fight was between Stephan von Gheist and Robert Roundpounder, with Stephan, (his first time fighting in a Crown List), being the victor. Commentary: Other activities you might have found at tournaments during this period of time would be the" ladies pillow fight" and a game called "clench-a-wench." Clench-a-wench, (a title which might not be viewed as "politically correct" by todays standards), was really a variation of the game children play called, "Red Rover-Red Rover. " As best as I remember, in the case of "clench-a-wench", the person called had to kiss the person in the middle of the group, before they could run away. If they failed, they assumed their place in the middle and called out the next name. Dec. 3, 1971: A Coronation Tournament for Stephan von Geist and his lady Shannon (of Shannon) of the Eire, who became King and Queen and Stephan was knighted. Richard of Arkham known as "the Strange," who shared his musical talents at many events, received the Order of Light, Atenveldt at this event. In the evening, Dale the Small, Lady Dovanna, Daniel of the Downs, and William of the Shire cooked a Boar's Head for the assemblage. The Laws of Atenveldt were first written down during the reign of King Stephan. The following description is from: Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Two, Volume Six, Number One, Spring 1972. "The day began with the Grand March, followed by the Court of HM Arthur I. Following this, HM Stephan I and his Queen, Shannon, were crowned according to the custom of the land and to the cheers of the populace. The College of Bards was formally presented to Throne, along with its most recent efforts, which included two hand-made and hand-carved and ornamented Irish Harps built by the Lords Rett and Walter." "this (contest for right to crown your lady Mistress of Love and Beauty for the day) was won by Eideard Slaightear Feusegach, KSCA, who crowned his Lady Wife, Cheri of the Gardens. " Commentary: Eideard Slaightear Feusegach, resident of "Bag End" and, a friend to all, had entertained us on this, and on many other occasions, with his bag pipes and dramatic productions. Eideard was one of the original founders of the Clan MacClurain, and a major figure in the creation of this Kingdom. His last event, in Atenveldt, would be in 1974. He died in a car accident soon after leaving Arizona. I never heard a bad word spoken about Eideard, from anyone. He added a great deal to the early days of this Kingdom. He generously presented me with my first leather Masters baldric, which he made himself. He was a chivalrous and skilled fighter who always looked precisely authentic in his costume. He has been missed by all who knew him. Tournaments Illuminated quote con't: "A large Viking-style pavilion has been constructed by Lord William of the Shire " "the College of Musicians, led by Lord Richard the Strange, O.L.A." played "Richard's composition "Fanfare & Procession for His Majesty's Supper." "There was much goodly entertainment, in the persons of Crown Baron Lockehaven, who gave a demonstration of how an unarmed man could disarm an opponent quite easily, a very funny mime by Lord William of the Shire & Sir Eideard Slaightear Feusegach, some bagpipe music by Sir Eideard, with an accompanying dance by Siobhan an Lochlannach " Commentary: I was not exactly trying to show that it was "easy," to disarm someone with a sword, only that, with some specific Judo/Jiu Jitsu techniques, and a little luck, it might be possible. I thank my Judo instructor, of many years, "Gerald of Wales", for his help in performing this demonstration. Tournaments Illuminated quote con't: "Joseph the Good led a Suite of Bransles, with music by the college of Musicians, and Lord Locksley presented some Bardic verse and song, some of his own composition." "The Noble Duke of Havn . . . challenged all comers to a "gerning" melee before the Throne, to the merriment of all." Commentary: So what, you might ask, is a "gerning" contest? As a participant in this contest I can attest that it was, the attempt to reproduce the "grunting" noises, and the outrageous facial expressions, we found in the classic Japanese Samurai films, we liked to go see, while in San Francisco. Each contestant would attempt to make their opponent laugh, and therefore lose, by making outrageous faces and noises, but without touching them. The contest usually resulted with everyone else in the hall laughing, long before either of the contestants, especially if the contestants were of a "noble rank." I remember one of the favorite sounds uttered was something like "naaaa-nee," and another was something like "soo-O"! (Well, it actually was pretty funny. I guess you really had to be there.) Tournaments Illuminated quote con't: "Everyone felt that it was the best Revel the Kingdom had yet seen, and all thanked the acting Guildmaster, Lord William of the shire, for a marvelous evening. " "The Banns of Marriage have been published . . . for Sir Robert, Crown Baron Roundpounder and his lady Sequora of Zagamar" 1972 we begin to grow,. . . and to change National events: J. Edgar Hoover (director of the F.BI. since 1924) died. Alabama Governor George Wallace, was shot and left paralyzed. Five men were caught breaking into the Democratic National Headquarters, in the Watergate Office Building, in Washington. The Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional. George McGovern was chosen as the Democratic nominee to face Richard Nixon, in the fall election. McGovern advocated an immediate withdrawal from Vietnam. President Nixon advocated the policy of "peace with honor", and suggested that he was supported by the "silent majority." Nixon won in a landslide. In December, the U.S. instituted the "Christmas Bombing" of North Vietnam - the heaviest bombing of the war. Jan. 22, 1972: Twelfth Night Revel at Cedar Hall with Stephan and Shannon King and Queen. March 18, 1972: Crown Tournament at Phoenix Country Day School. The final fight was between Joseph of the Golden Dragon, known as "the Good" and Robert Roundpounder. Joseph was the victor, placing Kathleen MacChlurain "the pure," (the last princess of the Principality, as part of the West) , on the throne as Queen. May 2, 1972: The "Las Cruces Tournament": Denis of the Titans, Arthur, Lorelei and Charles of the JAC's, make a mad dash to New Mexico, to visit Duke Richard and his growing barony. Fighting all day at a tournament, attending a revel that evening, and then driving all the way home, was not very wise. (As I remember, it was necessary to make it back to classes at A.S.U.). May 5-7, 1972: Second Firebird Festival of the Arts". Woodford of Lorien receives the Order of the Laurel, for the first time, given by a King of Atenveldt. June 18, 1972: A Midsummer revel, was held at the Jewish Community Center. Joseph the Good and Kathleen MacChlurain are coronated King and Queen. The play "Ralph Roisterdoister" was presented. All I can remember from the play was the line "here come the servants to make a good show," which we turned into "here comes the servants to ruin the show." (I was one of the servants.) Lady Marya of Zagamar, "the Mad" (later Baroness Tir Yisgatheir) received the Order of Light. In addition, Woodford of Lorien, (O.L.) Arthur, Crown Baron Lockehaven, M.S.C.A., (O.L.), Shannon of Eire, (O.R.) and Stefan von Geist, (K.S.C.A. and former King), received Patents of Arms for the reasons indicated. Huldah von Jael, Ivanoff von Schloss, Alilianora Lysharet, and Ann Tannithcourt, are all awarded the titles of "Court" Barons and Baronesses. Alilianora Lysharet, Arianwen of the Tuntlawald, Dale the Small, Dovanna, Geoffry of Chadhunt and Laurence of Elon received awards of arms. Stefan von Geist, and Shannon of Eire were made Crown Baron and Baroness. In Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Four, Volume Six, Number Three, Fall of 1972, on page 40, under "Chronicles of the Knowne Worlde" is states "The College of Musicians played a suite of dance tunes, a pavane, a Galliarde and several Bransles, all authored by Lord Richard the Strange, OLA, who also sang a few of his most engaging songs." "The Honourable Company of Marionettes, Puppets and People, gave a mime of several acts and studies, being composed of Lord William of the Shire, Lady Kim and Sir Eideard Slaightear Feusegach. 'Ralph Roisterdoister' was most engagingly played by the College of Performing Arts, composed of, (among others) Crown Baron Roundpounder, Crown Baron Lockehaven, Lady Marya the Mad, Lord Lorien, Lord Laurence of Elon, Lady Lorelei and Lady Sequora." "A minstrel from the March of Tuscony sang an original song in the honor of Their Majesties, which was well received by the company. The Clan Chluarain attempted to introduce an assassination by Custard Pye . . . the evening was concluded by a most marvelous and engaging belly-dance by Lady Sherri." "Banns of Marriage were published for: Sir Richard, Crown Baron Ironsteed and Katherine of Cate Hall, Baron Ivanof von Schloss and Bonilyn of Londinium, and Lord Dale the Small and Lady Dovanna" Aug. 19, 1972: A summer, small and hot evening tournament"ïú was held at Machen School. Ton the Traveler, from the Shire of Ysgithr, was Knighted. Robert Roundpounder, rather dramatically, resigned his Knight's belt and chain, at this event. Huldah von Jael, (certainly one of our best field heralds ever) received a well earned, Order of Light. In the Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Five, Volume Six, Number Four, Winter 1972, Ioseph, Ld. Locksley, O.L., Aten Herald, Y Bardd Gwyn describes : "After the Grand Processional, Awards and Honors were given, and Raymond the Mild, Baron Madrone . . . read a most interesting Poem, . . . which His Majesty and the assembled Lords and Ladies found hilarious." "Eliminations were held for the right to crown one's Lady 'Mistress of Love and Beauty.' Through an amazing demonstration of skill and chivalry, the final Combat was fought between Loren Mac Chluarain and Sir Richard Ironsteed. Sir Richard being Victor crowned his Lady and wife, Catherine of Cate Hall, with the wreath of laurel." Oct. 8, 1972: A Crown Tournament was held at Phoenix Country Day School. The final fight of the lists was between Arthur of Lockehaven and Jonathon Chrisaden of Whitewolf, with Arthur being the victor. Michael of Moria was Knighted at this event. In the Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Five, Volume Six, Number Four, Winter 1972, Ioseph, Ld. Locksley, O.L., Aten Herald, Y Bardd Gwyn describes : "In attendance from outside the Principality were representatives from the Barony of Ysgithr and a delegate from the Barony of the Angels, one Sieglin de von Krause." "preceded by six days of Great Rains which had left the field in a most soggy condition." "The newly appointed Mistress of Games, Lady Louellen of Whitewolfe, and the Hospitaller, Care-Cheri of the Fallen Stars, then invited all Ladies present to the Hospitallers' Pavilion, where they distributed largesse in the form of gifts contributed by the Ladies of the Principality . . . each recipient was invited to take one: whereat followed great Merriment. " "During the (Sword Oath) the Ladies held a mock Battle with Pillows." "At the Crown Lists, no one Personage could be singled out above the rest for outstanding Chivalry or Courtoisie: never before hath Atenveldt seen such a splendid display of these Qualities among contenders for the Crown. The final Combat was between Lord Jonathan Crusadene of Whitewolfe and Arthur, Crown Baron Lockehaven, M.S.C.A., O.L., and it was as true Model of these Qualities, finally won by Lockehaven, who will thus become our first home-grown Duke." "His Highness Arthur accepted his Crown, and in the absence of his Lady, the Princess' Crown was accepted by proxy, on a cushion held by Lady Darius of Navarre." Commentary: Lorelei couldn't get the day off from work to be with me. She quit that job! Even the Floods failed to dampen our Festivities; and so, fresh in the memory of this splendid Tourney, all began excited preparations for the Coronation Tourney, scheduled to be held in this same Field on the 2nd and 3rd of December." Commentary: I would like to share some thoughts from Michael of Moria regarding his knighting, as I think it is a lesson to all. Moria was doing very well fighting in the crown lists, that day. He defeated two other fighters and then faced Ton the Traveler. (Ton was a skilled fighter who ended up in the finals on more than one occasion, and later became King of Atenveldt). At one point Moria had taken out Ton's arm. Moria, to the surprise of many, then threw away his own shield! "You don't have to do that in the crown lists" he was told, "Here you fight to win!" Moria did not win the lists that day, but he was knighted. The King, Joseph the Good, knighted him saying, in part, that a knight could throw down his shield, "regardless of the stakes." Joseph was entirely correct and certainly, Moria deserved to be a knight. Moria once told a television reporter that the idea of chivalry was "the greatest non-religious dream that man has ever had." "I wanted to build it, be a part of it, be involved in it, learn from it", Moria said to me, "I took the challenge of being a knightly gentleman seriously." That day was probably "the best day of my life in the Society" he said. "While organization was my thing," he said," I secretly dreamed of being a knight." He recalled how that before S.C.A. events, (as we both lived at Weldon House) I would play "Camelot" on my stereo, and then he would play "Man of La Mancha." "That was me, dreaming the impossible dream" Moria said. Commentary: What is a Peer? What does it mean to accept a belt, baldric, Laurel or Pelican? This act, I believe, does not in its self, give the wearer power or authority. It should only symbolize the wearers willingness to accept additional obligations, beyond that expected by other fighters. From this willingness alone, comes any authority. The term "noblesse oblige" is often interpreted as the "privilege" that the nobility receives. But I believe it also means the "obligation" or "responsibility" that one accepts, when becoming a noble. Becoming a peer does not mean that others are now obligated to please me, or to bend to my will. Accepting the rank of a peer of the realm, indicates primarily, ones willingness to be held to a higher standard; to accept a greater personal obligation to the organization as a whole, and to accept the commitment to give back more than you take November 18, 1972: Fall Tourney, held in Ysgithr. At this event Lady Morgaina la Fonce was awarded the Order of the Light by King Joseph I. An award of Arms was given to Vassillissa Koschkovna (the Resourceful) who later married Charles of the J.A.C.s. December 2-3, 1972: The Winter Coronation Tournament was held at Eldorado Park, in Scottsdale. Before stepping down from the throne, King Joseph the First, awarded Lady Huldah von Jael, a well deserved, Order of the Laurel. (Huldah was the first lady to receive this honor in Atenveldt.) For most of us, Mistress Huldah von Jal, personified the best possible qualities needed in a Herald and was responsible for keeping many of our events progressing in an orderly manner. The ones which started on time were probably due to her efforts. She took charge, was organized and had a Herald's voice, which would be heard across the entire field, even with your helmet on! Sir Ton the Traveler received the Order of Light. Awards of Arms were given to Lady Care-Cheri of the Fallen Stars, Siobhan an Lochllanoch and to Will the Whisp. Crown Baron Arthur of Lockehaven and the Lady Lorelei, were coronated King and Queen. Joseph the Good was created Crown Baron and Kathleen "the pure" became Crown Baroness. Reynard Crusadene Foxmoor, won the first "War Lord" title, at this event. Ivanoff von Schloss and Bonalyn of Londonium were married on Saturday evening by Ioseph of Locksley. Ivanoff was a "Roman Legionnaire" who entered Atenveldt a year or two into the game. He was Knighted in the ninth year of the SCA, (the same year as Duke Deaton Claymore, Count Pontias Maximillian, and Duke Kois Natterhelm) and became the Kingdom Earl Marshall. Ivanoff was a great friend and was at every event, and most demonstrations, during this period. He liked to fight with most any type of weapon and didn't mind grappling in a non-Society event. He could often be heard shouting "wine and fresh horses for my men! " to mundanes when ever we found ourselves out in public, in costume. At the first Renascence Faire held in Phoenix at about this time, Ivanoff, Charles and I put on a fighting demonstration. Unfortunately, Charles got his nose broken and I severely sprained my ankle, when Ivanoff fell into me and landed on my feet. This knocked me off balance and I fell backward but had my feet pinned to the ground, with his weight on top of them. My shoulders hit the ground behind me before my feet lifted off the ground. Ouch! Well, whose were the "good old days." In Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Six, Volume One, Number One, Spring 1973, page 37, "Chronicles of the Known World" states "the Overnight Winter Coronation Tourney of His Majesty Arthus I, pt II and his Queen Lorelei . . . Visiting were . . . His Grace of Havn, Count Blackeagle, Sir Tumas O'Conaire, and Renfield Morgan Claybrook of the Inland March." "a large delegation from the March of Tyr Ysgithr attended, and also representative from Ered Sul and Draconia" "The Grand March composed about 200 people, all eagerly a-waiting the combats for the title Warlord . . . This was won by Reynard Crusadene of Foxmorr, in some of the greatest fighting that Atenveldt has yet seen." "Clan Chluarain also changed their Chieftainship in the ancient ceremony of the clan: The Old Chief was challenged to give up his rule by the Tannist, and when the Chief, Robert the Blind, stepped on to the field in his Armour to defend his title, the Tannist, Laurence of Elon, threw him a bag of gold. Robert immediately pocketed same and lay down in defeat." "No less than two Bardic circles were held during the course of events. . . . presided over by the Baron Madrone . . . and Lord Locksley." Commentary: This was a big weekend for Dena and me. We were mundanely married on Friday night and then coronated on Saturday. We had not planned it that way! (We also had to both be back for classes, at ASU, Monday morning.) I began the "Warlord" tournaments to encourage the use of weapons other than sword and shield. I always found other weapons, and weapons combinations, to be more interesting, and I thought that this type of event would encourage people to keep up their skills in this area. I thought that the Crown Lists would always motivate people to keep up their skills in sword and shield (or "sword and board" as I hear it called today). The name "Warlord" came from a movie of the same title. I was pleased to see it won by Reynard of Foxmoor, future King and Duke of Atenveldt. Eldorado Park had, and still has, a bridge crossing a small creek. We found it to be a great prop for a battle, having one side attempting to cross, against opposition from the other. I believe that it was enough fun that the idea of a "Bridge Battle" continued in the Kingdom and I notice today, it is still part of the scenario at Estrella. Quoted from: "South Wind"; December 28, 1972 CE, 7 AS, Chronicler: Woodford, Lord Lorien, OL. Events are scheduled in this South Wind in Stargate, Draconia and Ysgither as well as Atenveldt. William of the Shire announced the creation of the College of Sciences. "Southwind" quote con't: "Fighter practice continues at Machan School, 2140 East Virginia, Phoenix. The practices start at 2:00 PM every Sunday unless there is an official society event scheduled . . . Remember, these fighter practices are not Society sponsored or sanctioned." "A war will be held along the shores of the Salt River on Saturday, January 13, 1973 . . . the location is . . . just west of the old Tempe bridge." [The really old Tempe bridge - which no longer exists.] "For those of you not familiar with river bed wars here is a brief description. It is different from Ship Rock style combat because there is little siege warfare. It usually consists of one side running off into the hills and ravines, (and usually grabbing one or more of the other side's ladies). The other side hunts until they find their quarry, or they are ambushed, (usually the latter.)" "This is not a Society event . . . participants may be required to sign a city of Tempe waiver. Archers are urged to bring good eye protection" Commentary: We used regular bows and arrows, tipped with blunt "rabbit" points. At one of these "River Bed" wars a Tempe police car drove up. The officer got out asked what we were doing. We told him we were "having a war!" He looked around and got back into his car saying "well, I guess you don't need a permit to have a war!" "Southwind" quote con't : "The first meeting of the College of Squires will take place at the second fighter practice in January." "Support the A.V.A. Ladies! If interested, contact Lady Sioban." Commentary: The A.V.A. stood for "Atenveldt Virgin's Association," - a group whose membership seemed to decline over time. "Southwind" quote con't: "An instructional film on fighting is available from the Kingdom office, and is a must for anyone in any area. The film is Super 8 and color, and is accompanied by a cassette of instructions . . ." Commentary: What ever happened to this film? I remember being filmed at Eldorado Park at one point, demonstrating some fighting techniques, which were to be part of this film, but I never saw the finished product. I have heard that it was lent out to another area and not returned; and I have heard that it was never finished, as no one could afford the duplication fees required. I'd love to find a copy if it still exists. 1973 new baronies, new rules - the cost of a SCA membership, including a subscription to Tournaments Illuminated and "Southwind" JUMPS to $4.00 a year! National events: Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho signed a Vietnam peace treaty in Paris. The Senate began televised hearings of the Watergate affair. Watergate participants, G. Gordon Liddy and James McCord are convicted of conspiracy, wiretapping and burglary. Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Dean resign. Vice President Spiro Agnew, accused of crimes involving bribes, plead "no contest" to charges of income tax evasion. He resigned from office and Gerald Ford became Vice President. President Nixon proclaimed "I'm not a crook", on national television. Jan. 5, 1973: The Baronies of Tir Ysgither, Stargate and Draconia are actively organizing events by this time. Lord Woodford of Lorien, a student at U. of A. and living in Tucson, was appointed the first Baron of Tir Ysgither. Jan. 13, 1973: The Sunday, "Salt River Bed Wars", were being held near (and under) the old Tempe Bridge. Commentary: Roderick the Sly, one of the original members of Atenveldt who is still out there fighting rapier occasionally, (and has earned the "Order of the White Scarf" for it) tells a story from the "Salt River Bed Wars." Charles of the J.A.C.s, fighting in Seymour, had been killed beside a small stream, which flowed through the site. He fell, face up, with the water flowing around him, just low enough so that his face was showing just above the water line. Ivan ran past him and shouted out, "Hey, I just found the biggest tuna fish I ever saw in that river . . . and it's already in the can!" I also remember Roderick and I fighting when I had a morgenstern, (which were used in wars, melees) and actually managed swung it around my head, and killed myself with it, before he even landed a shot! [That was only one of the problems with morgensterns.] At one of these wars, Ivan and I rented horses (well, they had four legs, and looked like horses, but they seemed rather old and tired). We tried to fight on horseback and even tried to get them to charge at each other. The poor horses were much smarter than we were, and refused to cooperate. Jan. 27, 1973: A Twelfth Night Revel was held at the Jewish Community Center. Tickets were $2.00 at the door, from the autocrat Lady Louellen of Whitewolfe. At this revel the arts were emphasized. Awards were given for projects such as needlework, cooking, poetry, brewing and costume. Master Ioseph of Locksley, as a challenge to those lacking in the more gentle arts in the Kingdom, proclaimed himself to be the "only poet in Atenveldt", at the previous tournament, and challenged the rest of the Kingdom to prove otherwise! The Countess Lorelei still treasures a number of wonderful poems submitted to her, at this event, in praise of her beauty, as the Queen. William of the Shire was Knighted at this event. William's years of service, with his guild, the Kingdom sciences, and his steady support, go back before the first event was held in Atenveldt. William went on to become the Imperial Master of Sciences working on many projects and writing many articles in T.I. on everything; including weapon effects, Viking ships and mead. Commentary: I must say, that I remember him making lots of mead! Some was very good; some was . . . but it was always there and it got better with age. We were roommates at Moreland House and I remember mead bubbling away in five gallon jars. In an article in Tournaments Illuminated Number Twenty, Volume Five, Number Three, Autumn of 1971, Billy discusses mead making, and lists other "mead producers" in Atenveldt. They are: Thomas ap Thomas, Huldah von Jaeh, Carole the Grim and Lawrence of Elon. Others awards that day, went to Lady Kay Gwenhwyfar of Locksley, the Order of Light; a Patent of Arms, to William of the Shire; and Banns of Marriage for Woodford Lord Lorien and the Lady Marya of Zagamar, known as the Mad, who are to be married in the Spring. In Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Six, Volume One, Number One, Spring 1973, page 37 "Chronicles of the Known World" it states: "The Honourable Company of Marionettes, Puppers and People . . . performed several engaging and humorous mimes for the assembled company that all found most pleasing." "The guitar and voices of Mistress Huldah von Jal and Lord Geoffrey of Chadhunt and Lord Richard the Strange gave several period ballads and songs . . . Sir Eideard played his bagpipes to everyone's enjoyment." "Lady Anne Tannithcourt performed an exotic dance before the Throne, to the music of Lord Locksley and Lord Richard the Strange. Comments ranged from "Fascinating!" to " I didn't think that as being physically possible . . ." Commentary: I remember Richard and Sir Eideard playing the traditional "bagpipe and tuba" combination on various occasions. The Seneschal from Calafia (of the West) presented greetings from her Baron, and also a bottle of wine to His Majesty Arthur I." "A Lord of Misrule was appointed, being Crown Baron Roundpounder, who immediately called all the Crown Baronesses present before the throne . . to keep him from being lonesome." "His Lowness then had the Chief of Clan Chluarain try to identify the Ladies of the Clan simply by how they kissed him. The MacChluarain got a perfect score." "the Cornette from Tyr Ysgithr, one Hans von Bremen, had several mistakes in announcing the Nobility at the recent Tourney, . . . having lined up the Nobility of the Kingdom, (he) was made to identify each by his proper titles . . . he wasn't helped any by the Laurel King of Arms and the Lady Aten Herald conspicuously measuring him for a coffin, in the meanwhile." "it was the birthday of the Chief Monster of House Locksley, Denis of the Titans" February 17,18, 1973: A "Fun and Games" overnight tournament was held at Eldorado Park, in Scottsdale. Two spring tournaments were scheduled because of the argument against a two day Crown Tournament. It was thought that if the Crown Lists were held on the second day, of a two day event, no one would fight on the first day, saving themselves for the following days lists. To resolve the issue, two spring tournaments were held. At this event, Reynard Foxmoor and Jonathan Whitewolfe were simultaneously Knighted by King Arthur. (I am unaware of any other such simultaneous/double belting ceremony in the Society, at least to that time.) The Crusadene Brothers were both honorable, able and skillful fighters, and due the award of a belt. I told them that, as brothers, I didn't want to be the cause of any "sibling rivalry" by giving one of them precedence over the other, so we would have to knight them both at the same time! (They did not object.) Duke Henrik of Havn, and Sir Stephen Blackeagle aided in the Knighting ceremony. Commentary: About this period of time we outlawed the flail, for good reason. Duke Deaton tells the story of being hit on top of the head, with a two handed flail and having the flail drive the helmet down around his head, buckling his knees with the impact. If a flail does this to Deaton? . . . (it is best that they were outlawed.) Quoted from South Wind, discussing events from March to May of 1973, and printed by the Chronicler Woodford , Lord Lorien, O.L. There is mention of events now in: Barony of Draconia, Barony of the Southdowns and the Barony of Ysgithr, along with events in the Principality of Atenveldt. 10:00 Processional, court of King Arthur I "If you are formed up and in your place for the processional before 10:00, you get announced. If you aren't, you don't." "The following is a notice from Lady Whitewolf: The Mistress of Games asks that the ladies of the realm dig out all their ugly, old jewelry . . . for the ladies gag bag of gifts." ". . . this activity was one of the happiest things for the ladies of Atenveldt in ages." "The following is a notice from the Earl Marshall: (Baron Lord Ivanoff von Schlos s) Neck protection IS REQUIRED." "Woodford, Lord Lorien, O.L. was awarded the Queen's Favor by Her Majesty Lorelei after winning the lists for the Queen's favor." This South Wind also mentions two fighting demos and the Arizona Highland Games, at Scottsdale High School, Saturday March 31st. It also mentions a College of Squires run by Lord Jonathan Crusadene of Whitewolfe, Ivanoff Von Schloss, Thomas ap Thomas Thorheim Brakensbane and Reynard Crusadene of Foxmoor. The "Professors" for this event are listed as: "Heraldry: Master Ioseph, Lord Locksley"; "Armament: Lord Charles of the JAC's"; "History: Arthur, Duke Lock(e)haven"; and "Law: Master Michael, Lord Moria. " Commentary: I notice that "South Wind" was two words in the early publications, but later became one word, "Southwind" as it is today. We participated in many "Highland Games" held in various locations such as High Schools and Encanto Park. It was always a lot of fun "toss the caber" [basically a short telephone pole] and sword fighting. Then, as now, we have members in both organizations. Households, listed in South Wind are: Lockehaven, Clan MacChlurain, Edenwaith, Gold Dragon, Grammerye, Greyheart, Kralensheim, Lamb, Locksley, Moonswane, Northvale, Ramshead, Von Schloss, Thornridge, Whitewolf, Zagamar and the Horde. March 11, 1973: Tournament at Bradys Castle in Tucson: A great time was had by one and all. Commentary: Bill and Barbara Brady built a castle. We were invited to have events there. The Bradys were extremely gracious and hospitable. This event was covered in the Tucson papers, with a full page spread. This event was one of the truly magic moments I remember in the SCA. I remember how the red sun set over the crenellations on the walls of the castle; I remember riding beautiful black horses provided by the Brady's, for our use during the event; I remember a revel that night which was hosted by the Bradys. It was terrific. My lady Lorelei and I became friends with Bill and Barbara and visited them on other occasions. Newspaper Article: The Arizona Daily Star, Sunday March 18, 1973. Headline: "The Kingdom of Atenveldt An Escape To Yesterday" Quotes: "Unbeknownst to the United States Government, our country is divided into four kingdoms." "Last week King Arthur of Lockehaven, Queen Lorelei and member of their court came down to join their subjects here in a two day medieval revel. Who are these dropouts from the 20th century?" "Their anachronism is creative in that whatever talents members possess they translate to the Middle Ages. Chain mail is not a commodity today so King Arthur made his own, welding link by link. It took him a year. Sewing duffs make the costumes members always wear to major events. There's poetry, drama and music to be written, weapons to be made and food to be cooked. One member built a 30-foot catapult, some other a Viking ship." [The Viking ship was made by William of the Shire.] "We're blatant romantics," says King Arthur (Mike Cady, a Phoenix Teacher) "and the society is sheer escapism. But active escapism. You can find what you want here if you can't find it elsewhere. It's a hobby, but it's more real to many of us in terms of human relationships and interaction than our everyday lives are. But I suppose any member you asked would give you a different reasons for joining." "Says host Bill Brady, "They were the nicest crowd I've ever known. They're just what my castle bit is all about. Fun and fantasy." March 23, 24, 1973: Crown Tournament, Phoenix Country Day School. The final fight was between Count (Crown Baron) Stephen von Geist and Reynard of Foxmoor. The day was won by Reynard of Foxmoor "the Red Fox" and his chosen lady, Countess (Crown Baroness), Kathleen MacChlurain. [It should be explained that in early Atenveldt, ex monarchs, including ex-Princes and Princesses of Atenveldt, by tradition, were given the title of "Crown Baron" or "Crown Baroness." After 1973, the award was changed to the more common title of Count or Countess, for one who has been King or Queen one time. These early monarchs still have, and may still use, this rare title of "Crown Baron" or "Crown Baroness."] At his first event, was a newcomer. The future Duke Deaton Claymore. In the next year, Deaton would be Knighted and become King (for the first time), in 1976. He and his lady, and Queen, (the future Duchess) Care Cheri of the Fallen Stars, would help to reshape Atenveldt in the period which follows this history. Together with Count Denis of the Titans, they would help midwife the birth of four Principalities in Atenveldt and see them become six independent Kingdoms. They have earned, together and individually, most every title and award the Society has to offer. Quoted from: "South Wind" April 7, 1973. Chronicler Woodford, Lord Lorien, O.L.: "The Spring Coronation Revel of the Kingdom of Atenveldt will be held in the courtyard of Brady Castle . . . Saturday, April 14, 1973. . ." "In addition to the Coronation and no doubt other colorful activities, the creation of Atenveldt's first Duke will take place at this revel." "A Proclamation from the King and Queen of Atenveldt, and the Crown Prince and Princess: Beginning in the fourth month of the reign of Arthur and Lorelei, and with the agreement of Crown Prince and Princess Reynard and Kathleen, there shall be from hence forth three reigns a years in Atenveldt. Each of these reigns will be approximately four months each in length, with crown lists being held in the fall, spring, and summer." Interestingly enough, in a list of eighteen things from King Arthur I, Rex Atenveldt, #6 reads: "6. We have never had a Kingdom Historian, someone who will record the events of this Kingdom, and to construct the history of Atenveldt and keep it up to date." Commentary: I remember thinking at the time, that someone should be writing this stuff down. Just in case Atenveldt survives (which we were not at all sure that it would, by the way) in five or ten years someone might wonder who did what, in the early days. We always seemed to be busy planning the next event, building more armor and so on, and didn't have time to stop and record the history. I couldn't find a Kingdom historian back in 1973, but more than twenty years later, I was appointed "Kingdom Historian" by King Trelon of the Woods! Also from the same South Wind: "An Announcement From Queen Lorelei. The meetings of the Ladies School will be held every Sunday afternoon at 1:00 PM at Machan School, one hour before fighter practice and the Squires School." Included in this school: Heraldry -- Baroness Huldah von Jal, Aten Herald History of costumes -- Lady Louise of Woodshome Basic First Aid -- Sir Jonathan Crusadene Whitewolf At this time, you could be a member of the Society for $1.00; if you also wanted a subscription to T.I. and South Wind-it was $4.00. April 14, 1973: The Coronation Tournament of King Reynard I and Queen Kathleen MacChlurain. This event was held at the Bradys Castle in Tucson. Joseph of the Golden Dragon (known as "the Good") received the award of Master at Arms from King Arthur, before leaving the throne. Arthur then became Atenveldt's first "home grown" Duke and his lady assumed the title of Countess Lorelei, Duchess Lockehaven. (I believe that this may have been the first major Atenveldt event held outside of the Phoenix area.) April 27, 28, 29, 1973: The Societies Third, Firebird Festival Michael of Moria autocrated this event and it is the last Firebird Festival that I remember. Lady Whitewolfe organized the Society information table. Lady Louise of Woodsholm organized a Fashion Show. May 20th, 1973: A small revel celebrating the Arts was held at Machen School. ú King Reynard and Queen Kathleen attended. Various crafts, arts, embroidery, illumination, jewelry, banners and costuming were displayed. As described in Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Nine, Volume Seven, Number Four, Winter 1973: "the fine arts of belly dancing (was won) by the Lady Jessica" and "The evening was capped by a kissing contest." "After revel revels were held at Craven Manor and Woodshome." June 23-24, 1973: The Second Warlord Tournament, was held at Fort Tuthill, near Flagstaff (Erud Sul) and was won by Denis of the Titans, who defeated Ton Lord Traveler, K.S.C.A.. Thomas ap' Thomas Thorheim Kraken'sbane was named "Hurtman to the throne" and Woodford of Lorien was Knighted at this event. Commentary: I still don't know what the heck a "Hurtman" is! August 1973: The Crown Tournament, was held at Fort Tuthill, in Erid Sul. It was won by Robert Roundpounder, who fought Jonathan Whitewolfe, in the final round. Robert received the Golden Laurel, from King Reynard, which was then given to the Lady Sequora of Zagamar. An archery contest, with categories for men and women, was won by Lord Jonathon of Whitewolfe and Lady Rowen Silverfleece respectively. As described in Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Nine, Volume Seven, Number Four, Winter 1973: "Kathleen, the Queen (known as the hanging judge of Atenveldt) held a court of love and dealt out just punishments to those miscreants of the heart brought before her. It was altogether an enjoyable and pleasant event." September 22, 1973: The Barony of Tir Ysgather, held a Revel in the Neuman center of the U. of A.. Lord Woodford of Lorien was invested as Baron, by the representative of the Crown, Crown Prince Robert Roundpounder. After the oath, a court was held by Baron Woodford where founders of the Barony such as Lady Rodema, were thanked for their kindness, and in specific for the crowns which the lady Rodema made for the Baron and Baroness. September 29, 1973: A Coronation Tournament, was held in the Sir Thomas Moore Hall, on the campus of Gerard High School. Robert Roundpounder and his Lady Sequora were coronated King and Queen. Kathleen MacChlurain then became the first "home grown" Duchess; or Duchess "in her own right", in Atenveldt and Reynard of Foxmoor became Count Reynard. Countess Felecia, our first queen, relates that at this event she was given the award of "The Sacred White Elephant of Atenveldt" by King Reynard and Queen Kathleen. "To this day," she states that it is, "my most treasured award!" As described in Tournaments Illuminated, Number Twenty-Nine, Volume Seven, Number Four, Winter 1973: "Sir Eiderad Slaighter Feusegach and Lord Robert the Blind played and sang, games were played, dances danced, poetry was read and sung, and an Ode to the new King and Queen, performed by the Lady Meggen St. George and Lord Dennis of the Titans. After the court an acrobatic demonstration by the Lady Jessica pleased the crowd, group dancing helped to settle dinner, and the evening was ended with belly dancing." December 2,3, 1973: A Warlord Tournament was held at Machen School and was won by Count Sir Richard Ironsteed. Machen School was for many years, the location of Sunday afternoon fighter practices. This event also marked the end of the forth year of Atenveldt, the end of this history. Postscript / 1999 Atenveldt began with a small group of lunatics. What else could we be called? We fastened pieces of material together with pins, formed a tunic, and became "Lords." We stood in the raw desert, and saw the green grass of the medieval tournament grounds. We fought in mattress pad surcoats, and saw a fine harness of armor. We hung up bed spreads and saw them magically become pavilions. We sat on dining room chairs and they became Royal thrones. That is how the Society works - imagination, creativity and will. The S.C.A. has grown because in it you can become what you want to be. It has grown far beyond anything we had ever imagined in 1969. But, the basics of the organization are still the same. We have come a long way. There is evidence of the contribution of many years of valuable research in the noticeable rise in the general knowledge in all things medieval. We are becoming more educational. Something we always worked toward. But, in many ways, the Society today exists in a different world. We have had to become much more organized and more professional and today, you don't have to make everything yourself! This is very different from earlier days and a great advancement. (I still have a hard time believing that we have armor shops accept Visa cards!) The early days are gone. The Society has grown up - as it had to. I have fond memories of the early days - now more than thirty years ago - the days of "friction tape and mattress pad, ". . . but they never were a "Golden Age." The greatest time for Atenveldt is the age you are living in. The "Golden Age" is now. Arthur of Lockehaven 2000 ------ Copyright 2000 by Michael Cady. e-mail: . Permission is granted for republication in SCA-related publications, provided the author is credited and receives a copy. If this article is reprinted in a publication, I would appreciate a notice in the publication that you found this article in the Florilegium. I would also appreciate an email to myself, so that I can track which articles are being reprinted. Thanks. -Stefan. Edited by Mark S. Harris Aten-hist-art 39