corpora-early-art - 3/31/95 Early SCA Corpora and bylaws. 1972-74. NOTE: See also the files: fundraising-msg, new-groups-msg, SCA-land-msg, travel-funds-msg, crown-cost-msg, households-msg. ************************************************************************ NOTICE - This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday. This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter. The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors. Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s). Thank you, Mark S. Harris AKA: THLord Stefan li Rous Stefan at ************************************************************************ Greetings unto the Rialto, from Justin du Coeur! I had cause recently to do a quick dig through a very old edition of the Corpora and By-Laws of the Society. Doing so was quite an educational experience -- I learned that the old set didn't look much like the current one, and taught a lot about what the Society used to be like (or what it *thought* it was like, not necessarily the same thing). I've been inspired to share some of the more interesting bits of the By-Laws and Corpora with the Rialto, to provide a little historical grounding for everyone. I'll be posting bits of varying size over the next weeks, whenever the mood strikes. It'll probably provide some interesting perspectives on assorted recent issues. (For example, we have the original rulings on officers being members, and a ruling on striking from behind.) Might make for some interesting discussions... What This Is ------------ The edition I'm taking these excerpts from appears to have been published around 1975, by Lady Linda-Muireall von Katzenbrasse, then Chronicler of the Society, and Sir Thorvald the Grim, Steward. It was intended for the sole use of officers, to the degree that when you stepped down, you were supposed to either pass it on to your successor, or surrender it to the Kingdom Seneschal. It collects the Bylaws of the Society, and the first four volumes of Corpora. "Volume of Corpora?", I hear you say querulously. Yes, Corpora in those days looked a lot different from today. Instead of being structured as a single coherent document, it instead looked a lot like the current Governing and Policy Decisions -- a bunch of short decisions, on assorted subjects, in the order that those decisions were made. Each "Volume" corresponds roughly to a year; the first four volumes run from 1971 thru 1975. I'm not going to type everything in, but I *am* going to enter large amounts -- this stuff is pretty fascinating from a historical viewpoint. I'll put it all under headers of "Historical Bylaws" and "Historical Corpora", so that those of you who aren't interested, who have killfile capability, can ignore the discussion easily. (I'm probably violating copyright here, but I doubt that anyone cares much...) Oh, yes, if you find any typos they are my fault -- I'm typing this at about 6:30 in the morning. (Why can't they make a model of bird that knows how to sleep late? Grrr...) Editorial comments will be tossed in as appropriate, in square brackets [like this]. Also, I'll have some commentary after most segments, pointing out the more fascinating implications of the segment. One overall change: most of the section titles in the original are in all-caps; I've generally changed this to mixed case to make it more comfortable to read (and write)... Hope people find this interesting... -- Justin du Coeur Deputy Eastrealm Royal Historian The Bylaws of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Copyright 1969 by The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Article I: Offices The Principal Office of the Corporation shall be located in the City of Berkeley, County of Alameda, State of California. The corporation may have other offices as the Board may determine or as the affairs of the corporation may require from time to time. Article II: Members 1. CLASSES OF MEMBERS: There shall be several classes of members, to be designated as follows: Class A: Members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Class B: Officers of the Corporation Class C: Kings Class D: Queens Class E: The Nobility Class F: The Gentry Class G: Subscribers Class H: Attendees And any other such classes as the Board of Directors may see fit to designate. 2. VOTING RIGHTS: Only Class A members shall have voting privileges, each member of Class A being entitled to one vote on matters submitted to a vote of said Class A members. 3. Memberships are not transferable or assignable. 4. ELECTION OF MEMBERS: Persons may be elected to the varied classes of membership as follows: (a) Class A members may be elected by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors. (b) Class B members may be appointed by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors. (c) Class C members shall be elected by armed combat, in regular Crown Tourney, in accordance with the rules of the Lists of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (d) Class D members shall be elected solely by Class C members. (e) Class E members shall be elected by any of the following methods: (1) Having attained the rank of Knight. (2) Having attained the rank of Master. (3) Having been awarded the Order of the Laurel, and thereby attained the rank of Master of the Laurel. (4) Holding membership in Classes A, B, C, or D. (5) Being members of the families of any of the above. (6) Being accepted as Squires, Pages, Ladies-in-Waiting, or other similar retainers in the retinue of any of the above. (f) Class F members shall be elected by being persons who have not achieved any of the above classes of membership, yet who are recognized as responsible persons of some character; such as Heads of Great Houses, Visiting Dignitaries, Clerics, Yeomen, Untitled Fighters of all manner not covered in the above clauses, their families and retainers. (g) Class G members shall be elected to membership by their subscribing to the Mailing List of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (h) Class H members shall be elected to membership by their attending such functions as the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., may organize or sponsor, and by their compliance with the rules for such functions (as delineated in Article X), and by their signing any waivers which may be required for such attendance. (i) Any other classes which may be designated by the Board of Directors shall also have means for election of members to such classes designated by the Board of Directors. (j) Any person may have membership in more than one of the above classes. 5. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership may be terminated in each class by the following methods: (a) Class A membership may be terminated by resignation, or by a vote of two-thirds of the members of Class A. (b) Class B membership may be terminated by resignation, or by a vote of two-thirds of the members of Class A. (c) Class C membership shall be terminated at the end of the term of office. (d) Class D membership shall be terminated at the end of the term of office. (e) Class E membership may be terminated by resignation, or, in the case of Class 4(e) (6) above, by dissociation. (f) Class F membership may be terminated by resignation, or, in the case of retainers, by dissociation. (g) Class G membership may be terminated by resignation, or by said Class G member's allowing his or her subscription to lapse. (h) Class H membership may be terminated by resignation, or by non-attendance of such functions as may be arranged by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., or by refusal to comply with the rules for such functions, or by refusal to sign any waivers which may be required for attendance at such functions. (i) Any other classes which may be designated by the Board of Directors shall also have means for termination of membership in such classes designated by the Board of Directors. 6. REINSTATEMENT: A member may be reinstated by the same procedures provided for election of new members. Article III: Meetings of Members 1. Annual Meeting: At least once each year the Board of Directors shall call a meeting of the members of Class A for the purpose of the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. 2. Tournaments: The principal social activity of the Society shall be the Tournament. Tournaments shall be held according to the means of the individual Kingdom, the date and place being designated by the King, his Seneschal, his Herald, his Supreme Autocrat (if he has appointed one), and his Advisors, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and shall be conducted under the Rules of the Lists of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. 3. Revels: The secondary social activity of the Society shall be the Revel. Revels shall be held according to the means of the individual Kingdom, the date and place being designated [blah, blah, as above] .. and shall be conducted according to the manner of the Society. 4. Special Meetings: Tertiary social activities of the Society shall fall under the heading of Special Meetings, as shall include participation in other than Society-sponsored events, classes in various aspects of pre-17th Century Western culture, and whatever other activities may be deemed suitable by the Board of Directors, the King, etc., etc., etc. [et ceteras in the original this time!] 5. Notice of Meetings: Notice consists of informing all of the members of Class G who may reside within a given Kingdom of all Society-sponsored events which may occur in that Kingdom, such notice to include time, place, and the nature of the event. Notice shall be given by mail, and shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the US Mail addressed to the members at his address as it appears on the records of the corporation, with postage prepaid. 6. Quorum: In the case of a Tournament, a quorum shall consist of not less than five (5) fighters, exclusive of the King's Dukes, participating in the lists for the Crown. In the case of a Revel, a quorum shall consist of howsoever many persons the King and Queen deem "enough". In the case of Special Meetings, a quorum shall be designated by the King or his Seneschal appropriate to the conduct of the business of the said Special Meeting. 7. Places of Meetings: Meetings may be called at any place suitable to the conduct of the business of the event, subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Article IV: Board of Directors 1. Powers: The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors. 2. Qualification, Number, and Tenure: There shall be three directors on the Board: although more may be added, at the discretion of the Board, by amendment of these By-laws, but only in such multiples that the number of directors remains uneven. Directors remain on the Board until termination of their membership in Class A. 3. Manner of Acting: An act of the Board consists of an affirmative decision of two-thirds of the members, except as otherwise provided for in the By-laws, such special cases requiring unanimous consent. 4. Vacancies: In case of vacancy, the remaining directors may choose a successor, or, if the vacancy does not cause the Board of Directors to number less than three, choose to leave the position vacant. 5. Removal: A majority of the members of Class A may call a special election meeting with 10 days notice to all members of Class A for the purpose of holding a special election of directors. Article V: Officers 1. Officers: The officers of the corporation shall be a Steward (which is equivalent to President), a Master or Mistress of Arts (which is equivalent to Secretary), a Chancellor of the Exchequer (which is equivalent to Treasurer), a Chronicler, a King of Arms, a Master or Mistress of Sciences, and such other officers as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of Steward and Master or Mistress of Arts. 2. Election, Qualifications, and Term of Office: The officers of the corporation are ex-officio Class B members, and must be elected by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors. They shall hold office until such time as their Class B membership is terminated. 3. Removal: Any officer elected by the Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any time. 4. Steward: The Steward is the principal executive officer of the corporation and shall supervise and control all of the business and administrative affairs of the corporation, and shall preside at all meetings of the Officers. He may sign and authorize such instruments as he deems appropriate to the conduct of the Society's proper business, grant charters, and delegate similar responsibilities, but is subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. 5. Master or Mistress of Arts: The Master or Mistress of Arts shall, in the absence of the Steward, or in the event of his refusal or inability to act, perform the duties of the Steward, and when so performing, shall have all the duties, powers and restrictions of the Steward. In addition, the Master or Mistress of Arts shall be responsible for the artistic well-being of the Kingdoms, and shall act to coordinate the efforts of artists of all kinds, in all arts, so that the total environment may remain well-balanced; and shall be responsible for encouraging especially those artistic pursuits in keeping with the overall aims of the Society. 6. Chancellor of the Exchequer: The Chancellor of the Exchequer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation; receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the corporation from any source, and deposit money in the name of the corporation in such depositories as the Board of Directors may select. He must maintain records and funds of the corporation separately from his own, in order to avoid confusion. 7. Chronicler: The Chronicler shall maintain the Mailing List of the Society, publish the official organ of the Society, _Tournaments Illuminated_, and act as a center and clearinghouse for communications between the members and between the Kingdoms. He shall be responsible for seeing to it that the Seneschal of each Kingdom has a mailing list for that Kingdom, and shall maintain a mailing service of which said Seneschals may avail themselves if they do not have proper equipment for notifying the Class G members of their Kingdoms of events in accordance with the above rules for notification of meetings. The Chronicler shall have charge and keeping of such machinery and equipment as the corporation may own for the purpose of effecting the above notifications and maintenance. The Chronicler shall be responsible for making sure the Mailing List is not used for any purpose not concerned with the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., but it shall be his prerogative to decide what shall so constitute "concern with the Society, etc.", subject to the approval or disapproval of the Board of Directors. 8. King of Arms: The King of Arms shall be the head of the College of Heralds. It shall be his responsibility to direct the use of arms and other heraldic devices within the Society, and he shall maintain a record of all such arms as are submitted to him, complete with an history of such members as do submit said arms and devices, and the reasons for the use, style, granting, etc., of such arms and devices. he shall keep an history of the Society, and he shall maintain communications with the Heralds of all the Kingdoms, directing them on matters of Heraldry, on the keeping of court records, on the nature of protocol, on such problems as may be brought before him by them, and on court ceremony. Courts of Chivalry come under his jurisdiction, and he shall be empowered to plead causes with the Board of Directors on behalf of the various kinds and classes of members. 9. Master or Mistress of Sciences: The Master or Mistress of Sciences shall be responsible for the scientific well-being of the various Kingdoms and of the Society in general. He shall direct and authorize such research projects as he may deem suitable to the purposes of the Society, and shall present the results of such researches to the Chronicler for publication, thereby to benefit the membership. He shall act to coordinate the efforts of those engaged in scientific activities (such as, but not limited to, historical, research, construction of weapons and other artifacts, etc.), so that the tital environment may remain well-balanced; and shall be responsible for encouraging especially those scientific pursuits in keeping with the overall aims of the Society. Article VI: Contracts, Cheques, and Funds 1. Contracts: The Board may authorize any officer or agent of the corporation, in addition to officers so authorized by these By-laws, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of the corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Such authority must be given in writing, dated, and signed by at least two members of the Board of Directors. 2. Cheques, Drafts, etc: All cheques, drafts, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation shall be signed by such officers or agents of the corporation, and in such manner, as shall from time to time be determined by the Board of Directors. In the absence of such determination, such instruments shall be signed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and counter-signed by the Steward. 3. Gifts: The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the corporation any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purposes of or for any special purpose of the corporation. Article VII: Books and Records The corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the meetings of its Board of Directors, and shall keep in the custody of the Chronicler a record giving the names and addresses of the members, which record shall not be copies [sic] or viewed by any person except the officers, exce[t with the permission of the Board of Directors. All books and records may be inspected by any member or his agent, for any reasonable purpose at any reasonable time; however, the lists of names and addresses of members shall not be made available to the public without prior written approval of the Board of Directors. Article VIII: Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year. Article IX: Amendments to By-Laws These By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new By-Laws may be adopted by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors. Such amendments and alterations must be made in writing, and must immediately be placed in the records of the Society, and appended to copies of the By-Laws available to the membership. Article X: Rules for Attendance of Meetings Anyone may attend meetings of the Society designated as social activities (as in Article III, Clauses 2 and 3), provided he or she is willing to wear pre-17th Century dress, of any period or culture, sign waivers which may be required for such attendance, and to behave as a Lady or Gentleman. No one shall be admitted to such functions who is not in pre-17th Century dress, or who has not made some attempt at pre-17th Century dress, the acceptability of said attempt to be judged ultimately by the King. *** CURRENT STOP POINT *** Amendment I: Attached Exhibit A shall read as amended February 22, 1971, in attached "Exhibit B." Copyright 1971 by The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Exhibit B -- The Rules of the List: 1. Each fighter, recognizing, the possibilities of physical injury to himself in such combat, shall assume unto himself all risk and liability for harm suffered by means of such combat. 2. No fighter shall participate in combat unless and until he shall have executed a written waiver of liability and presented same to the King or his representative. 3. Every combatant who has not yet attained the age of 21 years shall present to the King or his representative a written waiver-of-liability form signed by his parent or guardian prior to commencement of combat by such combatant. 4. All combatants must be presented to, and must be acceptable to, the King or his representative. 5. Combatants shall behave in a knightly and chivalrous manner. 6. Fighters are expected to behave as though the weapons used in combat are real and "injuries" sustained will be judged accordingly. In judging "injuries", all fighters are presumed to be fully armoured unless otherwise stated. 7. Each combatant fighting in the lists for the Crown shall have a lady to receive the Queen's Crown should he be successful in combat, though her name need not be revealed until her crown is secure. 8. The head, face, and neck shall be protected from injury. 9. the King or his representative may bar any weapon from use upon the combat field. 10. Any weapons mutually acceptable to the combatants in a fight may be used on the field of battle subject to the provisions of Rule #9. 11. Where the combatants mutually desire to use any weapon previsouly [sic] barred by the King's representative, they may present their cause to the King. The King shall, after receiving the advice of his representative, pass judgment upon the use of the barred weapon for a particular fight. prior to the use of the barred weapon at a subsequent event, it shall be presented to a Court of Chivalry for determination of its safety and use. 12. Any combatant may without dishonor or penalty reject any challenge, or the use of a particular weapon by his opponent, should he deem the weapon unusually dangerous. 13. No tournament weapons shall be made of metal and no metal shall be drawn in an offensive manner on the field at any Society event. 14. If a shield is to be used as a weapon, the shield becomes subject to weapons restrictions and must be approved by the King or the King's representative. 15. There shall be no thrusting except with weapons specifically designed for thrusting, subject to the provisions of Rule #9. 16. A bladed weapon may not be grasped as a means of stopping a blow. If a weapon in broken or dropped on the field, the combat shall stop while the fighter is rearmed. If the fighter slips the combat shall stop while he recovers. 17. No projectile weapons shall be allowed, and No weapons shall be thrown, within the lists of a Tourney. All other uses of such weapons are subject to the provisions of Rule #9. Amendment II: As of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 1, Subsection "Class G", shall read as follows: Class G: Class G Members shall be of five (5) kinds: 1. General Members 2. Subscribers 3. Subscribing Members 4. Contributing Members 5. Patrons ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 4, Subsection (g), shall read as follows: (g) (A) Class G Members shall be of five (5) kinds: *General Members*, who shall be issued a Membership Card. *Subscribers*, who shall be entered on The Mailing List. *Subscribing Members*, who shall be issued a Membership Card and entered on the Mailing List. *Contributing Members*, who shall be issued a Membership Card, entered on the Mailing List, and listed in the Annual List of Contributors, unless they wish to remain anonymous. *Patrons*, who shall be issued a Membership Card, entered on the Mailing List, and listed in the Annual List of Patrons, unless they wish to remain anonymous, and entitled to Special Privileges. (B) Class G members shall be elected to Membership in accordance with a schedule of donations to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 4, Subsection (h), shall read as follows: (h) Any other classes which may be designated by the Board of Directors shall also have means for election of members to such classes designated by the Board. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 4, Subsection (i), shall read as follows: (i) Any person may have membership in more than one of the above classes, but all Members *must* maintain Membership in Class G. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 1, Subsection "Class H", shall cease to be designated. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 1, Subsection (j), shall cease to be designated. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 5, Subsection (g), shall read as follows: (g) Class G Membership may be terminated by resignation, or by said Class G Member allowing his or her Class G Membership to lapse. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 5, Subsection (h), shall read as follows: (h) Any other classes which may be designated by the Board of Directors shall also have means for termination of membership in such cases designated by the Board of Directors. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article II, Section 5, Subsection (i), shall cease to be designated. ****** Further, as of January 1st, 1972, Article III, Section 5, shall read as follows: 5. Notice of Meetings: Notice consists of informing all Subscribers, Subscribing Members, Contributing Members, and Patrons, i.e., all Members who are entered on the Mailing List, who may reside within a given Kingdom, of all society-sponsored events which may occur in that Kingdom, such notice to include time, place, and the nature of the event. Notice shall be given by mail, and shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the US Mail, addressed to the member at his or her address as it appears on the records of the corporation, with postage prepaid. Amendment III: As of November 20, 1971, Article V, Section 1, shall read as follows: 1. Officers: The officers of the corporation shall be a Steward (which is equivalent to President), a Deputy Steward (which is equivalent to Vice-President), a Clerk (which is equivalent to Secretary), a Master or Mistress of Arts, a Chancellor of the Exchequer (which is equivalent to Treasurer), a Chronicler, a King of Arms, a Master or Mistress of Sciences, and such other officers as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate. Any two or more offices may be held be the same person, except the offices of Steward and Clerk. Further, as of November 20, 1971, Article V shall include a Section 4a, which shall read as follows: 4a. Deputy Steward: The Deputy Steward shall, in the absence of the Steward, or in the event of his refusal or inability to act, perform the duties of the Steward, and, when so performing, shall have all the duties, powers, and restrictions of the Steward. When the Steward is not absent, or otherwise inactive under the above conditions, the Deputy Steward shall be the chief assistant to the Steward, and carry out such duties as are assigned to him. Further, as of November 20, 1971, Article V shall include a Section 4b, which shall read as follows: 4b. Clerk: The Clerk shall be responsible for carrying on correspondence for the corporation, and for any related duties which the Steward may assign him or her. The Clerk shall also be responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings of the Officers of the Corporation. Further, as of November 20, 1971, Article V, Section 5, shall read as follows: 5. Master or Mistress of Arts: The Master or Mistress of Arts shall be responsible for the artistic well being of the Kingdoms, and shall act to coordinate the efforts of artists of all kinds, in all arts, so that the total environment may remain well-balanced; and shall be responsible for encouraging especially those artistic pursuits in keeping with the overall aims of the Society. Amendment V to the By-Laws A) Amendment II to the By-Laws is hereby repealed. B) Article II, Section 1, Subsection 'Class G' shall read as follows: Class G: Class G Members shall be of five (5) kinds: 1. Sustaining Members 2. Contributing Members 3. Patrons 4. Associate Members 5. Family Members C) Article II, Section 4, Subsection (g) shall read as follows: Class G Members shall be of five (5) kinds: 1. Sustaining Members, who shall be issued a membership card and entered on the Mailing List. 2. Contributing Members, who shall be issued a membership card, entered on the Mailing List, and listed in the Annual List of Contributors (unless they wish to remain anonymous). 3. Patrons, who shall be issued a membership card, entered on the Mailing List, listed on the Annual List of Patrons (unless they wish to remain anonymous), and be entitled to special privileges as the Board shall define. 4. Associate Members, who shall be issued a membership card. Associate Membership is reserved to persons who have the same mailing address as a Sustaining Member, Contributing Member, or Patron. 5. Family Members, who shall be issued a membership card. Family Membership is reserved to persons who are legal dependents (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America) of Sustaining Members, Contributing Members, or Patrons. Class G Members shall be elected to membership in accordance with a schedule of donations to be determined by the Board of Directors. D) Article II, Section 4, subsection (h) shall read as follows: Any other classes which may be designated by the Board of Directors shall also have means for election of members to such classes designated by the Board of Directors. E) Article II, Section 4, subsection (i) shall read as follows: Any person may have membership in more than one of the above classes, but all Members must maintain Membership in Class G. F) Article II, Section 1, 'Class H' shall cease to be designated. G) Article II, Section 4, subsection (j) is hereby repealed. H) Article II, Section 5, subsection (g) shall read as follows: Class G Membership may be terminated by resignation or by said Class G Member allowing his or her Class G Membership to lapse. I) Article II, Section 5, subsection (h) shall read as follows: Any other classes which may be designated by the Board of Directors shall also have means for the termination of membership to be designated by the Board of Directors. J) Article II, Section 5, subsection (i) is hereby repealed. K) Article III, Section 5, shall read as follows: Notice consists of informing all Sustaining Members, Contributing Members, and Patrons (i.e. all Members who are entered on the Mailing List) who may reside within a given Kingdom of all Society sponsored events which may occur in that Kingdom, such notice to include time, place, and the nature of the event. Notice shall be given my (sic) mail, and shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the U.S. Mail, addressed to the Member at his or her address as it appears in the records of the corporation, with postage prepaid. L) This amendment shall become operative as of 1 January, 1975. Action passed at meeting of 24 September, 1974. Amendment IV As of August 13, 1974, Article II, Section 4, paragraph (e) is amended by the insertion after sentence (3) of a sentence to be numbered (4) and to read as follows: Having been awarded the Order of the Pelican, and thereby attained the rank of Master or Mistress of the Pelican. Further, the sentences now numbered (4), (5), and (6) shall be renumbered (5), (6), and (7), respectively. Amendment to the Bylaws: 1. Article V, Section 7, sentence 2 shall henceforth read: He shall be responsible for seeing to it that the Chronicler of each Kingdom is provided with a mailing list with which to notify members of that Kingdom of events, in accordance with the above rules of notification of events. Passed unanimously by the Board of Directors at their meeting of 10 December, 1974. The Corpora of The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., Volume 1 Copyright 1971 by The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Corpora: being a body of decisions and rulings made by the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, for use by said Board of Directors, the Officers of said corporation, those to whom they may delegate authority, and any and all who may have reason to have dealings with said Corporation, its Board of Directors, its Officers, and those to whom authority may be delegated within its framework. No decision or ruling contained herein should be construed in any way to affect, effect, or alter in any way the Bylaws of the above mentioned Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., nor to abridge in any way the power and authority of said Bylaws; although some rulings and decisions may be regarded as interpretations of said Bylaws. All rulings and decisions contained herein should be considered as directives by the above-mentioned Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and should be followed scrupulously until such time as said directive may be altered by the Board of Directors of the Society, or unless specific exception is granted by said Board of Directors in writing. Volume One, Entry Number One Due to the increasing difficulties in communication between the various branches and offices within the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and due to the increasing amount of work necessary to the accomplishment of each position, and due to the need for more general dissemination of information at the level of corporate action; all of which are due to the increasing size and scope of the Society and its activities: It is the decision of the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., to excerpt its specific decisions and rulings of such nature that they may alleviate the above mentioned problems, and publish them in a small [hah!] edition under the title "The Corpora." This publication shall be provided free of charge to the members of the Board of Directors, to the Officers of the Corporation, and to the Chief Seneschal of each of the various Kingdoms. It shall be copyrighted. It shall be made available to the general public on the next to last day of the calendar year, to which general public it shall be sold for a nominal fee, which fee shall cover the cost of production at a minimum, any surplus revenue from which publication shall go to the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., Research Fund. Volume One, Entry Number Two It has come to the attention of the Board of Directors that a considerable portion of the correspondence which the officers of the corporation are forced to carry on would be eliminated if the officers of the various Kingdoms, Principalities, Baronies, etc., all were Class E members of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.; that is, if they were subscribers to the mailing list of the Society and thereby received notices of events in their Kingdom automatically, and issues of Tournaments Illuminated, which publication is designated and designed to disseminate much of the information which is requested in the above- mentioned correspondence, as well as to notify the populace at large of any major policy decisions the Society may make. Such membership in Class E would also obviate much embarrassment on the part of officers who would otherwise not be aware of policy, both at the local and corporate level. As the Mailing List is coded with regard to rank and position, such membership also keeps channels of communication within the various special departments open. [Note to myself: Class E? Class E is the nobility. This is corrected in a later amendment.] It is therefore the decision of the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., that henceforth all officers within a Kingdom shall have and maintain Class E membership in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., i.e., subscription to the Mailing List of the Society, and that non-subscription of [sic] lapsing of said subscription shall be considered sufficient grounds for dismissal from any post whatsoever. It is the feeling of the Board of Directors that any person sufficiently interested in the Society to accept the responsibilities of an office and to carry out those responsibilities satisfactorily will be able in good conscience to part with the small sum required for said Class E membership. It is left to the discretion of the officers of the Kingdom (the great lords of State) whether a King shall pay his own subscription or whether the Royal treasury shall provide such monies. It is also left to the ingenuity of the local populace whether those who work hard but who have little money shall be removed from office or provided for through the myriad forms of fund raising available to the clever, and/or intelligent, those two qualities respectively assigned to the peasantry and the nobility. Volume One, Entry Number Three It has come to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., that the criteria for the status of Kingdom within the Society which they have previously established are no longer adequate. Although those criteria seemed sufficient grounds for ascension at the time they were created, the size and responsibilities of a full Kingdom have multiplied since that time to such an extent that fulfillment of those criteria is no longer sufficient grounds for the supposition that the group which meets those criteria will be able to fulfill the responsibilities of a full Kingdom and adequately serve the populace of a full Kingdom. It is therefore the decision of the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., that all previously established criteria for the creation of a Kingdom within the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., shall be considered to be only minimums, and that the fulfillment of those criteria shall be considered only as minimums for the creation of a full Kingdom, and that the fulfillment of those criteria shall not be considered in any way as sufficient grounds for the establishment of a Kingdom within the Society, nor shall the fulfillment of those criteria be regarded as binding upon the Board of Directors of the Society, or its Officers, nor upon any other duly designated authority of the Society, in such a way as to require that Board of Directors, those officers, or those duly delegated authorities, that a Kingdom be created or established. It is further the decision of the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., that any and all applications for change of status of any branch of the Society shall be duly considered on the basis of the merits of the individual application for alteration of status, and upon the evidence and opinions submitted with said application, and upon such opinions and evidence as may be solicited by the above mentioned Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., its officers, and other duly delegated authorities. [Notes to myself: did Atenveldt cause this? Note that this leaves *no* solid guidelines of how to become a Kingdom. Also, *all* branches have to be approved by BoD.] [From here on, I'm going to abbreviate "Board of Directors" to "BoD", and "Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc." to "SCA".] Correction of datum in Volume One, Entry Number Two Class E membership in the SCA denotes members of the Nobility, not Subscribers to the Mailing List. It is not the intention of the BoD of the Society to open the ranks of the Nobility to anyone and everyone who subscribes to the Mailing List. Nor is it their intention to require all members of the Nobility, as defined in the Bu-Laws, to become Subscribers (as some may be married to each other, for instance), though it would be nice. Therefore, wherever in Volume One, Entry number Two, reference is made to "Class E Membership," please correct the mention to read "Class G Membership"; which is, in fact, Subscription to the Mailing List of the SCA. Volume One, Entry Number Four In order to clarify certain confusions, and to solidify certain procedures, as well as to distribute the equivalent factors of power and work more evenly, the BoD of the SCA, hereby defines some of the practice and structure with regard to Heraldry within the SCA. A: The head of the College of Heralds of the SCA is the King of Arms of the Society. For further definitions of his duties, powers, and responsibilities, see the By-Laws of the Society. B: By direction of the King of Arms, and with the approval of the BoD of the Society, the College of Heralds is henceforth divided into two parts; to wit, the College of Heralds and the College of Arms. C: The College of Heralds shall consist of the King of Arms, the Chief Herald of each of the various Kingdoms, and all other Heralds who may function as Heralds throughout the Society: at the discretion of the King of Arms, of the Kings of the various Kingdoms, and of the Chief Heralds of the various Kingdoms, and of the BoD of the SCA. D: The College of Arms shall consist of the King of Arms and the Chief Herald of each of the various Kingdoms. E: The Chief Herald of each Kingdom may appoint assistants to help him with the work of the College of Arms; subject to the approval of the King of Arms, etc. F: The King of Arms of the Society, with regard to his functioning as the head of the College of Arms, and with regard to his other functions, shall be known by the specific nominative "Laurel King of Arms." G: The Chief Heralds of the various Kingdoms shall be known by the following specific nominatives, such names being chosen on the basis of tradition in the various Kingdoms. (1) The Chief Herald of the Kingdom of the West shall be called the Clarion Herald (of the West). (2) The Chief Herald of the Kingdom of the East shall be called the Mural Herald (of the East). (3) The Chief Herald of the Kingdom in the Middle shall be called the Dragon Herald. [Note to myself: yes, that says Kingdom *in* the Middle. Why? And why "of the West" and "of the East", but not the others?] (4) The Chief Herald of the Kingdom of Atenveldt shall be called the Aten Herald. H: The order of precedence in presentation, in ceremony, and in council shall be as follows: The Laurel King of Arms, The Clarion Herald, The Mural Herald, The Dragon Herald, and the [sic] Aten Herald. I: Other nominatives and chairs of the College may be added at such time as new Kings may ascend new thrones. J: The duties of the Laurel King of Arms with regard to the College of Arms are as follows: (1) He shall preside over all meetings of the College of Arms, although he may delegate this responsibility at such times as he may see fit. (2) He shall maintain records of arms and devices in such manner as is defined in the By-Laws of the Society. (3) He shall peruse all arms and devices submitted to him through the College for registration, and he shall give final approval or disapproval as to their qualification. His word on the matter shall be considered final. (4) He shall give notification of approval or disapproval of arms and devices submitted to him, and he shall see that the arms and devices which he approves are placed in his files, thereby going on record with the Society as unique and original. K: The duties of the Chief Herald of each of the various Kingdoms, with regard to the College of Arms, are as follows: (1) He shall peruse all arms and devices which are to be submitted to the College of Arms of the Society as may originate in the Kingdom of which he is the Chief Herald. He shall screen such prospective arms and devices as to their acceptability to the College, as well as to their suitability with regard to the Society's aims and concerns, and he shall accept for submission to the College those whic he feels will be approved: and he shall reject those which he feels will not be accepted, notifying the petitioner at the time of rejection of the reasons for rejection; and advising the petitioner of such steps as may be taken to make the arms or device in question acceptable, if that is possible. (2) He shall submit such arms and devices as have survived his scrutiny to the College of Arms, such submission to take the following form: He shall submit to Lord Laurel King of Arms a fully emblazoned and blazoned copy of the arms or device, this to be done on the proper forms; which have already been defined and executed elsewhere. He shall then submit to the other members of the College (the Chief Heralds of the other Kingdoms) a copy of the blazon of said arms or device. (3) He shall peruse and scrutinize such blazons as are submitted to him by the other members of the College, bringing to bear his full knowledge upon the matter. If the individual blazon thus submitted meets with his approval, he shall do nothing. But if the individual blazon does not meet with his approval he shall put down in writing his reasons for so disapproving, along with any evidence he may feel necessary for substantiation, and he shall send these to the Lord Laurel King no more than thrity days from the postmark date of the material submitted to him. [This is *very* specific; doesn't it more properly belong in the CoA policies? Why is this written into Corpora?] L: The Chief Herald of each Kingdom shall be so appointed by his King, but with the approval of the Laurel King of Arms. Such approval or disapproval shall be based solely on the competence of the above- mentioned Chief Herald to perform his duties as defined with regard to the College of Arms, but subject, as are all matter pertaining to the SCA, to the discretion of the BoD of the SCA. Volume One, Entry Number Five A Question has been raised before the BoD concerning the suitability of striking from behind during combat engaged in under the Rules of the Lists of the SCA. The Board has deliberated upon this matter. [Note: the following is in square brackets in the original; I've translated this to curly braces to avoid confusion with my parenthetical comments.] {Whereas; if a man knows that he is being attacked, it is possible that he may be struck from behind because he is unable to guard the attack sufficiently. In such a case it is judged that he will probably be, at the very least, prepared for the blow he receives. {Whereas; if a man does not know that he is being attacked, it seems probably that he will not be prepared for any blow he receives. {Whereas; if a man is not aware of impending attack, he may inadvertantly move in such a way as to expose to danger angles or portions of his body which are not normally exposed to such danger. {Whereas; if the attacker aims a blow at a certain angle or portion of his opponent's body, and the opponent, unaware that he is being attacked, moves; the attacker may deliver a blow such as he would not normally attempt. {Whereas; more injury is caused in the practice of this sport by mistake than by deliberation. {Whereas; attacking from behind is conducive to making such mistakes as may be regarded inordinantly [sic?] dangerous. {And Whereas; attacking a man without giving him any warning, and without giving him the opportunity to defend himself, may be considered to be Ambush. {And Whereas; Ambush is the act of a craven, not of an honest, noble, brave, or chivalrous man. It is the decision of the BoD of the SCA, that: {A} "Attacking from Behind" is constituted by attacking an opponent in such a way that he is not aware of the fact that he is being attacked. {B} "Attacking from Behind" is unchivalrous and ungentlemanly behaviour, and as such is in violation of the Rules of the Lists of the SCA. Volume One, Entry Number Six Requirements for elevation to the rank of knight or master: Fighters may be elevated to the rank of knight or master at the pleasure of the King, subject to the following regulations. If these regulations are not complied with, the elevation shall be subject to suit in the Court of Chivalry, which may then submit to the Board of Directors its opinion as to whether the elevation should be allowed to stand. 1. When a candidate for the rank of knight or master has been approved by the King, the King shall call together all knights and masters present, if it be at a tournament or other event, or by telephone or letter attempt to discover the opinion of all those of this rank as to whether the candidate has fulfilled the requirements listed below. He may also seek other opinions if he considers it necessary. 2. Requirements: a. Prowess -- the candidate must be considered the equal of his prospective peers with the basic weapons of tournament combat, namely the roundshield and heater and broadsword and mace, and competent in the use of the other weapons commonly used in the lists. b. Loyalty -- the candidate shall have been obedient to the By-Laws, the Rules of the Lists, and the laws of his Kingdom, and shall have consistently shown respect to the crown and to its wearers. He shall have demonstrated his support to the ideals of the Society be being as authentic in dress, equipment, and behaviour as has been within his power. Before receiving the accolade, he shall give his word to continue to fulfill the requirements set forth in this article, to seek to increase his skills, and to train any squires or other dependents he may have to do likewise, as far as may be within his power. c. Courtoisie -- the candidate shall have displayed the following virtues: 1) Truthfulness -- a gentleman does not lie or break his word. 2) Generosity -- a gentleman gives his opponent the benefit of the doubt when on the field, does not repeat gossip, is willing to share his knowledge and impart his skills, and practices hospitality according to his means. 3) Restraint -- a gentleman is always self-controlled; he can afford to speak softly and politely and keep calm because he is strong. 4) Gallantry -- a gentleman always remembers that his lady is the inspiration of all honor, and respects all ladies for her sake. 5) Courtliness -- a gentleman strives to learn and practice those manners and skills which will make him worthy of a civilized court. He displays a knowledge of courtly etiquette and proper forms of address, and is acquainted with all and able to practice at least one of the following: ACQUAINTANCE ------------ a) Dancing -- identify basic dances done at court and do one couple and one circle dance. b) Music -- identify common period instruments played at court. c) Literature --tell a medieval tale. d) Chess -- identify the pieces and recognize the basic moves. e) Heraldry -- blazon own arms and identify common heraldic terms. MASTERY ------- a) Dancing -- perform all basic dances done at court. b) Music -- play an instrument or sing in the manner of the period. c) Literature --compose and/or perform poetry and/or drama in the manner of the period. d) Chess -- play the game. e) Heraldry -- blazon the arms of all nobility at court. These requirements are not to be considered retroactive, however all present holders of this rank are expected to attempt to remedy any deficiencies they may have. It is the duty of the Kingdom to offer instruction in all the arts and skills required via tutoring, classes held by an appropriate officer of the Kingdom, etc. Requirements for elevation to the Order of the Laurel: Subjects may be elevated to the rank of Master or Mistress of the Laurel at the pleasure of the King, subject to the following regulations. If these regulations are not complied with the elevation shall be liable to suit in a special court to be convened by the Master or Mistress of Arts, and presided over by him or her, and to include the Seneschal or Legal Advisor, the Herald, the Guildmaster, if any, any others whose knowledge the president of the Court deems necessary, which may then submit to the Board of Directors its opinion as to whether the elevation should be allowed to stand. 1. [Same as for knights/masters, with Master or Mistress of the Laurel substituted in.] 2. [No "Requirements" heading given here.] a. Achievement -- the candidate must have attained the standard of excellence equal to that of his prospective peers in some art, skill, or area of knowledge, and have made this art, skill, or knowledge available for the service and instruction of the Kingdom, above and beyond that expected of S.C.A. members. b. Loyalty -- the candidate shall have been obedient to to By-Laws and the Laws of his Kingdom, and shall have consistently shown respect to the Crown and its wearers. He shall have demonstrated his support of the ideals of the Society by being as authentic in dress and equipment as has been within his power. Before receiving the Order, he shall give his word to continue to fulfill the requirements set forth in this article, to seek to increase his skills and disseminate them within the Kingdom, and to train any dependents he may have to do likewise, as far as may be within his power. [Note two subtle differences from knights/masters. 1) Laurels do *not* have to be authentic in "behaviour". 2) Laurels have to disseminate their skills, not just improve them.] c. Courtoisie -- the candidate shall have displayed the following virtues: 1) Truthfulness -- a gentleman or lady does not lie or break his or her word. 2) Generosity -- a gentleman or lady does not repeat gossip, and practices hospitality according to his or her means. [Note that it doesn't require teaching here, presumably because this is covered above.] 3) Restraint -- a gentleman or lady is always self-controlled; he or she can afford to speak softly and politely and keep calm because his or her character will always assure him of [sic] her a defender. [Contrast with "because he is strong" in knights/masters.] 4) Gallantry -- a gentleman always remembers that his lady is the inspiration of all achievement, and respects all aldies [sic] for her sake. A lady is always mindful of her responsibility to remain worthy of this respect. 5) Courtliness -- a gentleman or lady strives to learn and practice those skills and manner which will make him or her worthy of a civilized court. He or she displays a knowledge of courtly etiquette and proper forms of address, and is acquainted with all and able to practice at least one of the following in addition ot [sic] the art or skill for which he or she was granted the order: [Same list as for knights/masters, with the additions:] ACQUAINTANCE f) Martial Arts -- he or she knows the names of the various weapons used on the field and the theory of their use. MASTERY f) Martial Arts -- fight on the field. These requirements are not to be considered retroactive [etc. -- same as knights/masters]. ******************** Point of Clarification. Although it is a King who bears the responsibility in the creation of a knight, only a knight can create a knight. Therefore, if the King should, for some reason, not be a knight (as in the case that he should be a master) the sword with which the knew [sic] knight is given the accolade must be held in the hand of one who is a knight; the King's hand may then be clasped over the hand of the knight who is actually passing on this succession. ******************** Volume One, Entry Number Seven Dissemination of information. Although reproduction of any part of the Corpora is forbidden by Law without the consent and permission in writing of the BoD of the SCA [yes, I know that this is illegal -- I'm assuming that no one much cares any more], it is considered by the above-mentioned Board that the Corpora will better fulfill its function if the information contained therein is disseminated in a fashion appropriate to the structures and goals of the Society. Therefore does the BoD direct the Seneschal of each of the various Kingdoms to see that the Corpora is proclaimed in part by the Herald of each of the various Kingdoms, this proclamation to take the following form. That the complete text of the Corpora *up to this point*, i.e., from the beginning of the Corpora through the text of Volume One, Entry Number Seven, be proclaimed by the Herald at the *next immediate event* officially scheduled by his Kingdom; and that all succeeding rulings and entries be proclaimed at such events as may follow the Seneschal's receipt of notice that such rulings and entries have been made. [Note that phrases in asterisks, *like this*, are italicized in the original.] To further clarify: this proclamation shall take the form of a public reading aloud of the Corpora, and shall not in any case take any other form; most specifically shall it not take any written or printed form. The public readinf of this material shall take place once, and once only. The assembled populace is expected to pay attention to what the King's Herald says. Those who miss the event at which the proclamation occurs may consult the Seneschal, those who do not pay courtesy and attention may purchase a copy of the Corpora at the end of the year. Volume One, Entry Number Eight Matters coming before the Board. HENCEFORTH, All matters to be considered by the BoD of the SCA must be submitted *in triplicate*, at *least* Fifteen days before the next meeting of the Board; in order that the Members of the Board may have time to consider such matters fairly and consult any authorities said Members may feel in need of consulting. Matters submitted for the consideration of the Board should be *typed*, double-spaced, on white paper eight and one half inches wide, by eleven inches long, with print on one side *only*. Exceptions to this Rule may be made, but only in the most exceptional of circumstances. Volume One, Entry Number Nine Conduct of Board Meetings. HENCEFORTH, All Meetings of the BoD of the SCA, shall be recorded on magnetic tape in their entirety. Further, All decisions shall be recorded, along with the names of which members voted in which ways, in the minutes. [Note that the init-capped "All"s are that way in the original.] A schedule of Meetings shall be established at the last Meeting of each year, such schedule to govern the Meetings of the Board in the coming year. Such schedule is not to be inviolable, but alterable only upon special notice. All the Members of the Board shall be notified of such Meetings of the Board by Registered, Return Receipt Mail, such notification to be mailed two weeks before the Meeting is to take place. -- In the event of a change of schedule, the same notification shall be given. Volume One, Entry Number Ten Creation of a New Position. The Position of Librarian and Archivist is hereby created. The duties of the Librarian and Archivist shall be to Keep and Build a Library of Books, Pictures, Recordings, Motion Picture Films, and so forth, for the Purpose of Research into Pre- Seventeenth Century Western European Culture; and to Maintain the Archives of the SCA. [Geez; I thought *I* liked to use init-cap too much...] Volume One, Entry number Eleven Fees for the Chronicler's Office. A flat fee of $5.00 is hereby authorized for 'additional copies' of the Mailing List. This is not to be construed in any way as the sale of this Mailing List, or authorization of unauthorized personnel to view the Mailing List. It merely authorizes the Chronicler of the Society to levy a fee of $5.00 for any copy of the Mailing List which must be run in addition to those copies run for regularly scheduled publications: such as special mailings due to late submission of material, or special mailings which the Society may make in cooperation with other educational institutions. Said fee is to be used exclusively for the expenses incurred by the Mailing Clerk in running said extra copies. Volume One, Entry Number Twelve RECOGNITION of a New Office. The BoD formally recognizes the Creation, by the Lord Laurel King of Arms, of the Office of the Marshall of the Society; and recognizes and approves the Office's jurisdiction over matters concerning the Marshalling of Society Events; and the manner and conduct of duties by Marshalls throughout the Society: Subject, as always, to the discretion of the Board. Volume One, Entry Number Thirteen PERMISSION to Reprint. The Board hereby grants the Office of the Chronicler of the Society permissions to reprint, in *Tournaments Illuminated*, the Criteria for Knighthood and Mastery, printed first in Volume One of the Corpora; this permission subject to the usual restraints with regard to copyright notice. The Board further grants the Chronicler of the Society permission to run extra copies of these Criteria, so that they may be constantly available from Society Headquarters. Volume One, Entry Number Fourteen RESERVATIONS by the Board. (A) The BoD of the SCA, also known as the Council of Imperial Electors, explicitly reserves unto itself the sole and exclusive right to determine: 1) What territorial or administrative subdivisions of the Society shall exist, and how they shall be named or designated. 2) Who shall exercise authority within the various subdivisions of the Society, what rights, power and authority they may have or exercise, and what titles, appelations or designations they may assume. Matters of the determination of subdivisions and the authority of the officers of such subdivisions shall be handled by the Imperial Chancery, in the person of the Steward, with the advice and consent of the Council of Electors. Matters of the determination of names, titles, designations and appelations shall be handled by the Imperial College of Arms, in the person of the Laurel King of Arms. 3) What publications, statements or documents may be issued by, in [sic] behalf of, or in the name of the Society or any of its subdivisions. Maters [sic] of the determination of issuance of publications and documents shall be handled by the Imperial Chancery in the person of the Chronicler. (B) All other persons or officers of the Society are specifically forbidden to exercise such right or authority without the written approval of the above mentioned officers. Volume One, Entry Number Fifteen [Simply sets out the dates for BoD meetings in 1972. Suffice it to say, there are 12, one each month.] *THUS ENDETH THE CORPORA, VOLUME ONE, 1972 ***************** The Corpora of the The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., Volume 2 Copyright 1973 by The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. [First page, describing what Corpora is, is repeated.] Volume Two, Entry Number One No Tourney shall be considered legal or its results recognized as legitimate unless (a) It has been announced properly in a Kingdom Neesletter [sic] to all SCA subscribers within that Kingdom, and (b) the Imperial Marshall shall receive the properly numbered and executed Waivers of all participating fighters within one month after the Tourney date. Volume Two, Entry Number Two The policy of the SCA, with regard to publications, shall be as follows: 1: A Society publication shall be defined as any material mass produced (more than ten copies) by any means, and disseminated by the national office of the Society or any branch or department thereof. This includes: *Tournaments Illuminated*, the Kingdom newsletters, divers [sic] handbooks, information sheets and brochures, monographs, etc. 2: Any statement of general Society policy, particularly with regard to government, appearing in a Society publication must have the approval of the BoD (this does not include quotes or close paraphrases of existing policy statements).* [This is clearly the John of Brook Lynn clause. Does anyone know more?] 3: Articles for Tournaments Illuminated must be approved by the appropriate Imperial Officer, if any, and the Editor. If said Officer does not reply within six weeks of the time the article was mailed to him, then approval will be assumed. 4: Any monograph or handbook published by the Society must be approved by the appropriate Imperial Officer, if any, and if possible by an expert in the field chosen by said Officer or by the Chronicler, or recommended by the work's author, and agreed to by one of the above. 5: Handbooks produced under the auspices of an Imperial Office, College, etc., shall arrange payment as follows: (a) All production expenses shall be paid back to the original source of funds from the first profits. (b) Further profits shall be divided among the Research Fund, the Office or College treasury, the editor or author and contributors, according to a contract which shall be drawn up at the time the material is accepted for publication. A copy of this contract must be filed with the Imperial Chronicler. 6: Monographs by a single author shall be reimbursed as follows: (a) As in 5: (a), above. (b) 50% of further profits shall go to the Research Fund; 50% to the author. * Failure to observe this ruling may render the perpetrator liable to legal action. Volume Two, Entry Number Three Policy on Magic and Religion The BoD of the SCA, acknowledges the existence of magical and religious phenomena, at least as psychological factors, that can be used for the good or ill of the Society and its members. The following policy shall therefore be enforced, for the intent to use religious, magical, or psychic powers dishonorably is unethical and constitutes grounds for censure. The SCA shall neither establish nor prohibit any system of magic or religion among its members. It is therefore unlawful to violate or infringe the religious or magical freedom of the Empire and of its members, collectively and individually, by performing a religious or magical ceremony at any official S.C.A. event or the association with the name of the S.C.A. in such a way as to (a) imply that the rite is officially authorized, sponsored or promulgated by the S.C.A.; (b) force participants or bystanders at the event, by either direct or indirect pressure, to join the rite; (c) perform the rite in such a location as forces others to participate or observe whether they will or not; (d) cause religious, magical, or psychic effects upon those who do not wish to endure them; or (e) invoke supernatural powers or gods to the political or social benefit or detriment of any member of the S.C.A., of the S.C.A. as a whole, or of any of its parts and branches. It shall be unlawful for the S.C.A., or any member acting in the name of the S.C.A., or any of its parts or branches, to interrupt or interfere with any other person's lawful ceremonies, or for an officer to discriminate against any member of the S.C.A. upon religious, magical, or psychic grounds. It shall likewise be unlawful for any member to claim such interference without specific and objective evidence. Nothing in these laws shall forbid the performance by competent representatives of religious, magical, or psychic groups and movements of ceremonies previous to an official event of the S.C.A. with the intention of benefiting the event and those gathered at it as a whole, e.g., with the intent of preventing rain, major injuries, the unethical use of religious, magical, or psychic powers, etc. It shall be unlawful for any combatant at an official S.C.A. event knowingly and deliberately to use any amulet or device of magical, religious, or psychic nature to give him thereby an advantage upon the field of honor. Recognition of magical, religious, or psychical organization(s) by the S.C.A., or any of its branches, shall not be based on the magical, religious, or psychical claims of such groups. Volume Two, Entry Number Four Definitions of status for branches of the Society. 1: Descriptions (a) A *Shire* is a branch which is in the process of forming. Its hope is to become a territorial Barony, but it has not yet developed to the point where it deserves this title. It shall hold events, recruit members, acquire a set of officers, and initiate registration procedures for the Society in its state (unless another branch has already registered there) in order to qualify as a Barony. Its officers shall be titled "Acting Seneschal," Acting etc.," until it advances to Baronial status. [*This* must be why Shires aren't allowed Sheriffs! I'd bet that the no-Sheriff rule dates back to these days, where a "Shire" corresponded to what we think of as an incipient group! This is *great* evidence to get the damned rule changed...] n.b. Those groups presently titled Barony which have not yet developed sufficiently to meet the requirements for this status as defined in #1 (b) shall have a reasonable time to meet that definition before being considered for reclassification. (b) A (territorial) *Barony* is a branch sufficiently far from the guardian Kingdom capital that its members cannot easily attend Tournaments, Revels, and other events held at the capital. Like a province, it has a full set of officers who are responsible to their counterparts in the Kingdom. A Barony holds its own Tournaments, at which the champion chooses a Queen of Love and Beauty, as well as Revels, classes, etc. Its members are defined as those who can easily attend events held near its capital (the residence of its Seneschal). ["the residence of its *Seneschal*"? Why not the Baron? *Is* there a Baron for a territorial Barony?] (c) A (charter) *Barony* is a branch formed of voluntarily associated individuals within the territory of a Kingdom (although a member who moves to another Kingdom may retain his affiliation with the Charter Barony). A Charter Barony may be located in any part of a Kingdom, but must fulfill certain other requirements in order to be granted this status (see #2 (c)). This type of Barony is headed by a Baron or Baroness appointed as such by the King under his power to appoint "Court" Barons, and it has a full set of officers, who, like those of a province rank as subordinate to those of the Kingdom. It holds tournaments and other events and pursues a program of education and research, while participating fully in all the activities of the Kingdom as well. (d) A *Canton* is a branch which bears the same relation to a Barony as a province does to a Kingdom (see #1 (e), below). Like a province, it has its own officers, etc., and when its Barony advances in status, it becomes a Province. In cases where the name of the Barony includes the term *Marches* (i.e., "The Barony of the Middle Marches"), its cantons may be titled *Marches* instead. (e) A *Province* is a portion of a Kingdom or Principality whose members live close enough to the Kingdom's capital to attend Tournaments, Revels, and other main events, but who would find weekly attendance at guild or other meetings too difficult. Provinces have their own officers, who are subordinate to those of the Kingdom, and may put on their own Tournaments, Revels, and other events as well as holding meetings, classes, etc. [Note the extraordinary similarity of Barony and Province, especially since it never defines whether Baronies have Barons. (Is the Baron the Seneschal? The Baronial Champion? Both are possible readings.) More on Territorial Barons in Entry Number Five. Note also how important the concept of a Kingdom Capital is at this point.] (f) A *Principality* is a branch which has a full set of officers, and is developing well, but needs experience and more variety. A Principality has the right to choose Princes at its Tournaments, who may reign over its events and may be given the power to make certain awards by the King. A Principality is still a part of the Kingdom, to whom its officers are responsible. It may eventually become a Kingdom itself, or remain to increase the glory of the Kingdom of which it is already a part. (g) A *Kingdom* is a fully developed branch of the Society. It has officers in charge of all the main aspects of Society activity and is developing its own specialties, has regular, well-attended Tournaments and Revels, guild and study group meetings in between, and has taken on the responsibility of offering demonstrations of skills learned in the Society, and other educational activities in the community. It has the right to hold Crown Tournaments at which its Kings are chosen, and its Kings have the privilege of raising deserving subjects to the Peerage and Gentry, making laws for the Kingdom, etc. A Kingdom is also capable of advising and guiding branches of lesser development, and is answerable for them to the Imperial government. The Kingdom is also responsible for putting out a newsletter which will announce the activities of all the branches within its bounds. (h) A *Protectorate* is a term used to describe an irregular Society branch which for some reason cannot exist within the regular feudal structure. It is under the protection of the nearest King, but its officers, if any, are responsible directly to the Imperial government. 2: Criteria for advancement in status. (a) *Shire* -- The prospective Seneschal of a new Society branch shall have formally requested permission to form a group and received authorization from the BoD. To receive this authorization the new group must include at least three paid memberships, including at least one paid subscription. (b) *(Territorial) Barony* -- At least twenty (20) paid memberships, and at least ten (10) subscriptions (required of all officials), a reasonably complete staff of officers, and evidence of significant activity in the form of Tourneys, Revels, and other events appropriate to the period. It shall have submitted regular reports to the Kingdom Seneschal and accounts of its activities to the *Chronicles* section of *Tournaments Illuminated*. It shall have initiated registration procedures for the Society in its state if this has not already been done, and shall have chosen a name acceptable to the College of Arms. (c) *(Charter) Barony* -- At least thirty (30) paid memberships, and at least ten (10) subscriptions, a complete staff of officers, and a record of notable participation and contribution to the Kingdom and the Society in the various aspects of current medieval culture by a substantial number of its members. The members shall demonstrate in these areas on the occasion of the Barony's elevation to this status. (d) *Canton* -- At least three (3) paid memberships, including at least one paid subscription. It shall report regularly to the Barony of which it is a part. (e) *Province* -- Although this type of group is organized for the administrative convenience of the Kingdom, ordinarily there should be at least twenty (20) paid memberships, ten (10) paid subscriptions, that including subscriptions from all provincial officials. The Province shall report regularly to the Principality or Kingdom of which it is a part. (f) *Principality* -- No less than fifty (50) paid memberships, and at least twenty (20) subscriptions, a well-developed staff of officials, a record of activity in the various fields of current medieval culture which is appropriate to this status, and a sufficient number of fighting men of such caliber as to provide the competition for the Princely Coronet with the dignity and value it deserves. It shall report regularly to its parent Kingdom, and submit regular contributions to the *Chronicles* section of *Tournaments Illuminated*. (g) *Kingdom* -- The groups to be included in the prospective Kingdom shall have a total of at least two hundred (200) paid subscriptions. The group which is to become the capital shall have a full staff of officers with the capability to provide guidance for the groups which shall be under their care. The Kingdom shall be able to offer instruction in all areas of knowledge required for admission to the Peerage, and shall have a sufficient number of fighting men of such caliber as to provide the competition for the Regal Crown with the dignity and value it deserves. It shall report regularly to the Imperium on its own development and that of its subsidiary branches, and shall submit regular contributions to *Chronicles*. [Fascinating -- Kingdom officers were expected to be from the Capital.] (h) *Protectorate* -- Protectorates shall be formed by special authority of the Imperial Electors as conditions shall warrant. 3: Procedure for advancement in status. (a) Any group wishing to change its status must make a formal request to the Imperial Electors (BoD) which should be accompanied by the authorization of the King of the realm in which it is located. The Seneschal of the Kingdom should be asked to send a report expressing his opinion of the proposed change, and the group should submit any other related evidence of achievement they may have. If the King and Seneschal do not recommend advancement, the case may be appealed through the Lord Laurel King of Arms. (a-1) If the request is for advancement to Kingdom status, the possessions to be attached to the new realm will be decided by negotiation and treaty between the various existing Kingdoms concerned and the Imperial Electors. (b) The Imperial Electors may, at their discretion, for good and sufficient reason modify the above requirements in any particular case. In particular, sustaining and patron memberships may be considered in determining whether a branch does meet its obligations to support the Imperial administration financially in proportion to the services which a branch of its status generally requires. [Oooh! If you read that maliciously, it *almost* says that the BoD can be bribed into advancing a group...] (c) The Imperial Electors (BoD) reserve(s) the right to deny any of the foregoing statuses to any group, regardless of other criteria met, if they have reason to believe that the interests, goals, or intentions of the group are not compatible with the chivalric ideals and educational goals of the SCA, in either its modern/legal or its medieval character. Volume Two, Entry Number Five Ranks and Titles, Duties and Privileges 1: Court Barons a; The title of Court Baron shall be awarded at the discretion of a King, and shall carry only such privileges and duties as he may indicate. b; The Baron of a Charter Barony shall be responsible for seeing that it is conducted so as to continue to meet the criteria by which it attained Charter status. c; It is recommended that the donation of this title be accompanied by an Award of Arms, if the prospective baron possesses no rank already. 2: Territorial Barons a; The title of Territorial Baron or Baroness shall be awarded by the King with the permission of the Imperial Electors to the person responsible for the establishment of a branch which has achieved the status of Barony. [Note that this entirely glosses over the fact that most groups are established by a number of people.] b; The Territorial Baron shall have the right to wear the badge of the Barony upon a cloak bearing his own arms, and to fly the Baronial banner before his pavilion. c; The Territorial Baron shall have the option of presiding over Baronial events. He may make such awards as the King specifically delegates (such permission having to be renewed by each new King), or establish awards which shall be specific to his Barony. Since the duties of the Baron are ceremonial only, he shall not be assigned, neither shall he take upon himself, any governmental duties in his character as Baron. He may hold any Society office for which he is fitted, but he must not in that case allow his duties and/or privileges as Baron to influence or interfere with his performance of his duties as an officer. [Fascinating; the King could, according to this, assign to a Baron the power to give, say, AoA's.] d; If the Baron has achieved no rank already, it is recommended that his title be accompanied by an Award of Arms. e; If the branch founded by the Baron becomes extinct, and a new group is later founded in the same area, the new group shall take a different name, and its founder shall be eligible for the title of Baron/Baroness. f; If a territorial Baron moves out of his Barony, resigns from the Society, travels extensively, or for some other reason will be temporarily or permanently absent, he must appoint a Vicar, which appointment shall be confirmed by the King. If he does not do so, the King, advised by the Seneschal of the Barony in Question, shall appoint a Vicar for him (this procedure to be followed in case of the Vicar resigning, etc., also). The Vicar shall exercise the duties and privileges described in 2: c;, and fly the Baronial banner in front of his pavilion. [*Really* lousy law. The implication here is that you can *never* replace the founding Baron -- any successors are Vicars, instead. Ten to one this is the origin of the idiotic "Baron X" vs. "Baron of X" distinction. Note also that Carolingia did *exactly* what the law suggested during the Great Interregnum; not at all what I'd gathered...] g; When a Barony advances in status to Principality, the Baron, or his Vicar, shall resign to the Prince his right to fly the banner of the branch in front of his own pavilion, his right to make such awards as have been instituted as specific to the group (this does not include any awards be may have been making in his own person), his right to make any awards delegated to him be the King, and his option to preside over the group's tourneys, revels, etc. He shall retain his title, his rank, and the right to wear the badge of the group on his own cloak. The office of Vicar, if any, shall cease. 3: Territorial Princes a; The title of Prince shall be given to the winner of an officially announced Coronet Tourney held in a Principality for that purpose, and the title of Princess shall be given to the lady for whom he fought, at coronation ceremonies to be held either at the close of that event or at some other officially announced convenient time. b; The coronation of the new Prince and Princess will be held at an event or portion of an event previously announced as being for that purpose. The tanist shall receive the ancient and honorable coronet of the Principality according to the traditions of the Principality. The previous Princess shall then transmit the coronet of the Princess to the new Prince, and he shall crown his lady as Princess (personal coronets may be assumed after the ceremony). Such other ceremonies as are traditional in the Principality shall also take place. [Great -- they introduce the term "tanist" suddenly, with absolutely no definition...] (1) The first Prince in a new Principality shall receive his coronet from his King, or the King's special ambassador. c; No fighter shall enter the lists for the Princely coronet who knows himself unable to fulfill the responsibilities that will be his as Prince, and no Prince shall hold any other Society office during his reign. d; The duties of the Prince shall include: (1) Being present at his own coronation, at the next coronet tourney, at the coronation of the next Prince, and at all other primary events of his reign, and signing such documents as may be necessary for the conduct of the Principality; (2) Being for his people the chief example of chivalry and all the virtues appropriate to a nobleman; (3) Knowing, upholding, and abiding by the laws of the Kingdom and the Society, being a true and faithful servant to his King and lord to his people, upholding their rights and working for their benefit, maintaining the King's Justice impartially among them; (4) Recommending to the King for recognition those who through their achievement and service within the Principality are worthy of honour; (5) Providing a Princess to fulfill the functions of that office. e; The rights of the Prince shall include: (1) The right to make such Royal awards as shall have been specifically delegated to him by the King, and the right to make awards specific to his Principality and such other awards as he shall deem proper; (2) The right to make such laws as he shall deem necessary for the conduct of the Principality, subject to the approval of the King, and such qualifications as govern the laws of the Kingdom (see #5 e. (3)); (3) The right to receive such tithes and gifts as shall be made to the Principality during his reign, and to make use of such possessions and treasures as the Principality already possesses; (4) The right to fly the banner of the Principality as his own during his reign; (5) The right to make his own lady Princess of the Principality; (6) The right to call such courts as shall be necessary for the government of the Principality with the approval of the King. f; If the tanist of the Principality finds himself unable to serve as Prince, he shall inform the Seneschal immediately so that arrangements for a new Coronet Tournament may be made. If the tanist fails to appear at his coronation without notification, the Seneschal is authorized to proclaim that event (If it is a tournament) or the next Tournament, a Coronet Tournament, in order to choose a new Prince, who shall be crowned at its conclusion. If the tanist is in all honour unable to attend his coronation event, but will be able to reign, he may be crowned at a subsequent event, or the ceremony may be performed privately, if necessary. g; If a Prince must be absent from one of the principal events of his reign, he may appoint his Princess to reign in his place, or if she is unable, some great lord of [sic] chief officer may preside. If he is unable to complete his reign, he shall inform the Seneschal so that a new Coronet Tournament may be called as soon as possible. Edited by Mark S. Harris corpora-early-art Page 34 of 34