false-hair-msg - 4/18/19 False hair in period and today. NOTE: See also the files: hair-msg, hair-dyeing-msg, cosmetics-msg, Hst-Cosmetics-art, Medieval-Hair-lnks, p-hygiene-msg, Tubd-a-Scrubd-art. ************************************************************************ NOTICE - This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday. This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter. The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors. Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s). Thank you, Mark S. Harris AKA: THLord Stefan li Rous Stefan at florilegium.org ************************************************************************ From the FB "SCA Garb" group: Emily Aqualime 7/3/15 · Richmond, VA Does anyone have experience with Puppycatmeow or MagicTribalHair on Etsy? I'm looking to get 2 long braid pieces to use with the bliaut I'm making. Wendee Abramo Magic Tribal Hair looks gorgeous, but I've never seen any in person. Diva Dreads also makes braids. They may be able to custom make the color and style you want. Their quality is excellent and they hold up well over time. Elizabeth Layton PuppyCatmeow is an amazing woman, she has been doing faux hair pieces for years. I have asked her so many questions over there years and she has always answered them with such grace and easy. She even said I could send her a clipping of my hair and she would match the color of the braid for me. She's a great woman. Amy Gembala I recently purchased a braid from PuppyCatMeow and I am very happy with it. Really nice quality and the color is a great match. From the fb "The Medieval Woman-Health and Beauty of the Middle Ages" group: Jane Fox 3/13/18 Asked in another group which was less than helpful. Might have better luck here. I need to make some fake braids. What I need is some how to instructions. How do I go about the actual making of the braids and attaching them to my head? I had to whack all my hair off not long ago, and it's messing up my medieval look! I have access to all the violin bow grade horsehair I could possibly ever want for anything (this is good quality stuff, not that dirty poop stained crap they sell as craft grade) so that's what I plan to use. As a bonus, I get it for free! Chrestienne DeWaterdene The wonderful blogger behind Neulakko has the best information on this I have seen for the middle ages. Follow her links from this page and you'll find her tutorials and photos to help you. http://www.neulakko.net/?p=1876 Chrestienne DeWaterdene Jane Fox I hope you post back with your results! It must be lovely to have the quality horsehair to use. I have some flax I was saving for the purpose. Jane Fox My neighbor and friend of 30 years is a violin repair man. When he found out that there was a use for the used bow hair he'd been throwing away, he started saving it for me. I usually pass it on to someone else, but I never had a use for it before. Serious musicians who play bowed instruments get their bows re-haired like every 6 months. The hair still looks OK, but it has lost enough of it's grippiness that it's no longer any good for playing. It has rosin in it when I get it, but that's easily removed with rubbing alcohol. It's white, but regular human hair dye will work on it. Chrestienne DeWaterdene A spinner taught me I could add lanolin to a fleece that was a bit "dry" from age and I purchased a small jar of lanolin to use to condition it. I wonder if that might work on horsehair, and would be plausibly period as well? ETA: I soaked the carded wool and added the lanolin while it was in the water, and worked it through. Jane Fox IDK, that's an interesting idea though! My own hair has a texture not that different than horsehair. In fact, when I cut it (I cut off over a foot due to having shoulder surgery and I needed a one hand 'do) I offered it to him to put into bows, but it was just a tad too short. LOL Kasia Gromek It is not s period technique but works well for short and thin hair. Get the tiny combs that are used for attaching modern hairpieces. Tie the hairstyle one end, braid it and secure when braiding is done. I fold over the hair on one end and sew on the wig clip. They usually have holes for sewing on and you can buy special thread for wig making. I get my supplies from Sally Beauty. You can use some oil or ointment to smooth the braid. Heather Adams Barnette 11:31am Mar 13 Templar braids you can attach to a ribbon or fillet and hide the rest of your hair with a veil. Longer braids I loop over my short pigtails with a hair tie and hide the join with linen strips for Norman or a hood for Norse. Edited by Mark S. Harris false-hair-msg 2 of 3