music-lnks - 4/22/04 A set of web links to information on medieval music and instruments by Dame Aoife Finn of Ynos Mon. NOTE: See also the files: guitar-art, flutes-msg, music-bib, music-msg, P-Polit-Songs-art, song-sources-msg, p-songs-msg, instruments-msg, harps-msg, trumpet-build-art, singing-msg. ************************************************************************ NOTICE - This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday. This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter. The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors. Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s). Thank you, Mark S. Harris AKA: THLord Stefan li Rous Stefan at ************************************************************************ From: Lis Date: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:02:14 PM US/Central To: Stefan li Rous Subject: Links: Music Greetings everyone. Reginald Bertram asked me for Music Links. Here You Go! Herein you will find links for sheet music, instruments, midi files, and even a fun quiz (can you tell a schawn from a cittern?). There were so many hits to this particular search that I finally had to set limits, or, like the kid set free in the candy shop, I would have gorged on music files entirely too much. I finally gave up when the teenager started whining "Mom, I need to use the phone line nooooooow!" I could have gone on for considerably more than the couple hours I spent on this search :). Below you will find 26 sites to explore, but be assured there are many more out there, waiting to be discovered. I remember doing this Links topic a couple of years ago, and a great deal has changed in those years. The amount of information available on the web has exploded recently, and that's wonderful. Huzzah to the Early Music Community for putting the music they love out there for public perusal. As always, please share this links list where it will find a ready audience. And I still am taking topics suggestions---please reply directly to me and not to the list upon which you read THIS list, as I do not read every forum this weekly column appears within. Cheers Aoife Dame Aoife Finn, OL (Lisbeth Herr-Gelatt) Riverouge, Aethelmearc Medieval Music & Arts Foundation © 1991-2002 Medieval Music & Arts Foundation (Site Excerpt) The term "early music" sometimes causes confusion. As a very casual indication, music from the 1400s is early music in the sense which we use here, whereas music from the 1940s is not. The context is European classical music, which had its best-known pieces written in the 1700s & 1800s, and so the "early" in early music means earlier than that. In this way, early music usually designates the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods of Western music. Early Music is a standard term, used in trade magazines, journals, record store classical sections, etc. (See also) Scores, Sounds & Sources (and) Links to information on buying or making instruments (and) Chord structure in medieval music Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music © DIAMM 2003 (Site Excerpt) The DIAMM website provides information about the Digital Image Archive of Medieval music. The main aim of the project is to obtain and archive high-resolution digital images of al the existing fragments of medieval medieval music, and most of our time and energy is devoted to that end. The website exists to give information about the project, and where possible to provide access to low-resolution versions of images that the copyright holders are prepared to make available in this way. The inclusion of images on the website is ongoing, and entirely dependent on the wishes of the owners of the documents..... Images of sources from the Bodleian library do not require the use of a DIAMM password and can be accessed by all visitors to the site, but are nevertheless still copyright, and may not be copied or reproduced in any form without the permission of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Access to the remaining images requires a password and username that can be obtained with the clearance of the project directors: if you have a genuine reason for wishing to view these medieval musical sources, you should first complete the Restricted Website Access Agreement, which all users are required to sign, and return this by post to:The Project Manager, DIAMM, 41 Freelands Road, Oxford OX4 4BS UK ORB Mediecal Music Gallery copyright 1999 by Cynthia J. Cyrus (Site Excerpt of a dictionary of medieval music terms) ambitus the range of pitches used in a piece or a melodic line; narrow ambitus is typically a sixth or less, normal ambitus an octave or so, and wide ambitus would be an eleventh or more. antiphon a musically interesting section of chant which is sung by a choir; the text and music were intended to serve as a frame to a psalm verse (or a series of psalm verses), introducing and following it. The term is used sometimes to mean sacred song (e.g. Marian antiphons). antiphonal (1) an antiphonal chant origianlly used a musically interesting section sung by the choir (the antiphon) to frame a musically boring section (usually the recitational psalm tone). The antiphonal chants of the mass are the introit, offertory and communion. Georgetown University's OLD Medieval Music Databases and Labrynth Medieval Music Search Results Page: Early Music Resources on the Web copyright Sharon Spanogle 1997 A list of websites to find information and recordings of Medieval Music. Providence College Medieval Music Links Page Medieval Period (1200 - 1450) In Classical Music (Site Excerpt) A large proportion of the music developed in Europe during the medieval period was vocal, both of a religious and secular nature. In church music, this took the form of Gregorian and other types of chants, while non-religious music consisted largely of the songs of traveling minstrels and troubadours. Vocal music was, until the 9th century, written for one voice part only. Then a second, lower part was introduced, which duplicated the top melody exactly by an interval of a fifth or fourth. A third voice was sometimes added, sounding an octave below. A Selection of Medieval Music (copyright Todd M. McComb???) Although the Medieval era stretches back centuries, and indeed plainchant repertories go back much farther, the starting point for this survey will be the early polyphonic music and contemporaneous monophonic songs of the 12th century. This is the time at which the medieval repertory can really be said to begin.The earliest stages of polyphony in France, first in a basic notation lacking precise pitch designation, actually flowered in the 11th century with some interesting examples. This has recently been reconstructed, and is presented in a compelling recording: Les premieres polyphonies françaises Organa et tropes du XIe siècleEnsemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard Virgin Veritas 45135 SCA Medieval and Renaissance Music Homepage (Site Excerpt) Western European music in the SCA period has long been studied under the name `early music.' There are many groups which perform such music and many sources should be available in a good library. In addition, there is Usenet newsgroup,, which covers this topic. You may also obtain this newsgroup via a mailing list. Songs / Minstrels / "Bardic Arts"In the SCA, you'll often find solo music performances lumped in with poetry, juggling, and other performances arts under the term "Bardic Arts". These areas are covered on their own page, the Minstrel Homepage. Almost all of the music material there is repeated here. Try Your Luck As A Medieval Musician (c) 1997 The Annenberg/CPB Project. (Site Excerpt) Listen to the sound of a medieval instrument and then try to determine which instrument, from those pictured, made that sound. (Instruments listed: Recorder, Cittern, Shawm) Classical Net Links Page (Site Excerpt) The number and variety of web sites devoted to topics of potential interest to classical music lovers has grown at a rapid pace. In order to provide a logical structure wherein sites can be found easily, this section has been organized into a set of link pages arranged by topic. In some cases, the topics overlap, so it may be necessary to visit a couple of different pages to find the link you are looking for. Within a subject, links are listed alphabetically. As always, you can use the Searchable Index to help locate information based on keyword(s). Choral Public Domain Library (Site Excerpt) The Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) is the largest website devoted exclusively to free choral sheet music. Begun in December 1998, the site has over 250 contributors and 6,000 scores. The easiest way to find scores is to use the 'Quick Search' in the left hand corner. If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please contact the manager. The Internet Renaissance Band Early music midi files by Curtis Clark (Site Excerpt) All the Midi files available here are Copyright © 1995-2000 by Curtis Clark. They are licensed for personal use at no cost. For other uses, please see the licensing agreement . (Rable of Contents includes) a.. Music of the Renaissance a.. Mediæval music a.. European carols: Mediæval, Renaissance, and traditional a.. Original compositions A Selection of Medieval Music (Site Excerpt) Although the Medieval era stretches back centuries, and indeed plainchant repertories go back much farther, the starting point for this survey will be the early polyphonic music and contemporaneous monophonic songs of the 12th century. This is the time at which the medieval repertory can really be said to begin. La Trobe University Library Medieval Music Database (Site Excerpt) This database is a systematic collection of scores, colour images, texts and bibliographic information of medieval music which can be searched by text or melody and which will return musical information in the form of a modern score, text data and, where available, a colour facsimile of an original manuscript. In contains a complete annual cycle of liturgical chant taken from original medieval sources and complete works of selected composers from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. Ars Antigua © Ministère des Affaires étrangères / Culture, France Site is entirely in French, but you should be able to access the audio and music files. Arto Wikla's Early Music Pages A List of pages with lists of Early Music Links (not all Medieval) Georgetown University Medieval Music Resource Guide © 1994-1997, Martin Irvine and Deborah Everhart (SiteContains:) Medieval Music Databases , Other Resources, Medieval Music Societies, Ensembles, and Concerts, Vendors "Instruments pour jouer les musiques du Moyen Age" (Site Excerpt)This site presents many instruments I use to play medieval musics. This site is in French, but don't be afraid of that! The iconography is very important! You'll find in this site many informations about instruments in medieval musics, but also about their representations in Iconography, their musics , .... and also many midi files and many links . The Written Notation of Medieval Music copyright Nigel Home (acrobat reader required) (Site Excerpt) When visiting a vcollectionof old music such as those held at the British Museum in London, I am often struck by the beauty and painstaking effort that went into producing these maniscripts.... Who Wants to Be an Early Music Genius? Copyright © 2004 About, Inc. (Site Excerpt) Do you muse on Machaut? Prance about Palestrina? Well then, this quiz is perfect for you! Try out your medieval mettle and more with this "Millionaire" style quiz focusing on music before 1650. Sorry: no real money here, but you are welcome to break out the old Monopoly box! The Guitar pre-1650 © copyright 1989, 1990, 1994, 1995,1996, 1997 W. J. Bethancourt III (Site Excerpt) It is probably well-known, at least among most musicians, that the steel-string guitar (the acoustic type) as played in the USA today, is out-of-period with the current interest in historical re-enactments and the proliferation of Renaissance Faires all over the country. It also tends to be assumed that no moderately priced replicas of "period" (pre-1650 CE) instruments, that can be played by the modern guitarist, exist on the market....and that is WRONG! Edited by Mark S. Harris music-lnks Page 5 of 5