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per-literacy-art - 7/28/94


"If You Can Read This......." by Mistress Nicolaa de Bracton of Leicester.


NOTE: See also the files: literacy-msg, Latin-msg, Latin-online-art,

languages-msg, p-education-msg, per-latin-art.





This article was submitted to me by the author for inclusion in this set

of files, called Stefan’s Florilegium.


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reprinted in SCA type publications, please check with the author first

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                             Thank you,

                                   Mark S. Harris

                                   AKA:  Stefan li Rous

                                        stefan at florilegium.org



Really a book review, rather than an article.  Good filler stuff.


If You Can Read This.......

--Mistress Nicolaa de Bracton of Leicester


Have you ever wondered whether your persona could read and write?  If

you have, have you ever wondered how common literacy was in the Middle

Ages, or how medieval people defined "literacy"?  If these questions

are of interest at all to you, read on...


It is commonly assumed that in the early Middle Ages, knowledge of

Latin was confined to clerics, and even then, to only the most

educated among them.  In The Carolingians and the Written Word

(Cambridge University Press, 1989), Rosamund McKitterick contests this

view, contending that knowledge of Latin was far more widespread than

previously thought in the Carolingian age (approx. 750-950 AD).

First, she argues that the language spoken in the part of Francia west

of the Rhine was, for all intents and purposes, Latin, rather than Old

French as was previously thought.  Thus, when a person living in this

era encountered a page written in Latin, he or she read it as  his or

her native language, even though pronunciations clearly had changed

since the classical age.  One can compare it with the position of

English in many Caribbean countries today:  though as written, it

looks just like "regular" English;  when spoken, it sounds very different.


Since Latin, in a sense, was still the "vernacular" of the western

part of Francia, there was no need to learn it as a "second" language,

though scholars from Anglo-Saxon England who had had to learn it this

way were often appalled by the bad Latin of the Carolingians.  Thus,

there is evidence that a far wider segment of the population was

literate at least in practical terms.  Court officials and counts

often possessed a wide collection of books, including law books, which

they were clearly expected to use.  Upper-class men and women who are

clearly not clerics are known to have written works in Latin;  and of

course, there was the famous school for sons of noblemen sponsored by

Charlemagne himself.  The Carolingians, following in the footsteps of

the Merovingians, also put a great deal of weight on written legal

documents as proof of transactions, though oral modes continued to

exist alongside them. The Carolingian period also is remarkable for

the developments in cataloging and organization of libraries.


McKitterick thus concludes that the Carolingians were in some sense a

"literate society", in that they valued and made use of the written

word; though she does acknowledge that her study has concentrated

mostly on the upper ranks.  It nonetheless adds another nail in the

coffin of that outdated term of "Dark Ages".


Turning to a slightly later period, there is M. T. Clanchy's From

Memory to Written Record:  England 1066-1307  (Blackwell, 1993).

Clanchy's subject is the spread of literacy and literate culture in

England in the centuries following the Conquest, specifically in

relation to the proliferation of written documents. The evolution of

charters, from Domesday book to the explosion in records-keeping in

the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century is traced, along the

corresponding spread in literacy which made this possible.  Also

discussed are the mechanics of literacy-- who kept records, how they

were trained, and what materials (parchment, ink, wax, etc.) they

used. Also discussed are the invention of recordkeeping methods, such

as indexing, and the growth of libraries.


The book"s second section is invaluable when attempting to gain an

understanding of the way medieval people perceived writing and written

culture. Included is a discussion on the meanings of "literate" and

"illiterate" in the medieval context (the meanings today are

considerably different), as well as a discussion on the evolution of

writing from pure artwork to something which can have a purely

practical use in some circumstances, and the corresponding spread of

literacy which makes this possible.  Finally, the growing acceptance

of a piece of writing over a memory as evidence of a transaction is

detailed, along with conventions of dating, signing, and sealing which

become necessary to guard against forgery.  Readers may want to

compare English society, where Latin never held the sway it did in

France and Italy, with the Carolingian society described by McKitterick.


Reading this book should give you a good idea of what any given person

from the time period covered would have known of writing and language.

I also recommend the book to scribes for its in-depth treatment of the

construction, meaning, and use of medieval documents.


Copyright 1994 by Susan Carroll-Clark, 53 Thorncliffe Park Dr. #611,

Toronto, Ontario M4H 1L1  CANADA.  Permission granted for

republication in SCA-related publications, provided author is credited

and receives a copy.


If this article is reprinted in a publication, I would appreciate a notice in

the publication that you found this article in the Florilegium. I would also

appreciate an email to myself, so that I can track which articles are being

reprinted. Thanks. -Stefan.


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org