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23-Ger-Mushrm-art - 2/18/07


"Twenty-three German Mushroom Recipes" by Urtatim.


NOTE: See also the files: mushrooms-msg, fd-Germany-msg, Germany-bib, Germany-msg, puddings-msg, drying-foods-msg, eggs-msg.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors.


Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s).


Thank you,

    Mark S. Harris                 AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

                                          Stefan at florilegium.org



Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 08:39:54 -0800

To: sca-cooks at ansteorra.org

From: lilinah at earthlink.net

Subject: [Sca-cooks] 23 German Mushroom Recipes


Twenty-three German Mushroom Recipes

most translated by Urtatim (once known as Anahita)


--- Introduction ---


When I was preparing the German Boar Hunt in 2001, I looked for

German mushroom recipes. Thomas Gloning was kind enough to find

fifteen for me in Marx Rumpolt and send them to me untranslated,

apologizing that he didn't have time to translate them.


Then Thomas sent me another batch of eight from five other books, for

a total of twenty-three recipes.


Although I only studied Modern German for about one semester back in

the 1970's, I translated them with the help of a dictionary and

experience reading Form of Curye. Then Gwen Cat was kind enough to

look over the first batch of seven translations and make a few

suggestions. However, Parts Two and Three didn't get "vetted".


Every different kind of mushroom has a distinctive flavor. So while

many different kinds of mushrooms appear to be cooked similarly

(wash, salt and pepper, grill or roast with butter), they will taste

different. The kind that is most common today (champignons) in

supermarkets are almost flavorless compared to many other kinds of

mushrooms (and i love even those little white champignons).


However, the recipes seem to me dependent on using the mushrooms

specified, no doubt found in the wild. While many of these are

available in the supermarkets around here, they would be rather

costly for 80 to 90 people, so i bought a flat of little mushrooms

and cooked them according to Form of Curye.


I posted my pathetic translations to the Cooks list back in late Sept

and early Oct 2001. However, other things were on our minds then, so

they may well have been forgotten.


--- Notes on the Originals ---


All these recipes were sent to me by Thomas Gloning, to whom many thanks.


In Parts One and Two, from Rumpolt, the lines that read <<R-number>>

are page numbers in the original.


Notes on orthography:

1. In the originals, wherever a vowel is followed immediately by a

colon (:) this represents a vowel topped by an umlaut (..)

2. In the originals, where there is a "j" it is pronounced like an "i" or "y"

3. In the originals, where there is a "v" it often represents a "u"


--- Notes on the Translations ---


A commonly used word in these recipes is "begeuss" which is literally

"be-gush". In my original post i left it as "gush". But in this post

i have replaced it with "baste".


Another commonly used word in these recipes is "bestra:ew" (various

spellings) which is literally "be-strew". I have left it as "strew"

since this word appears in "period" recipes in English.


Where the word "salz" is used as a verb it often means "to season",

not just "to salt", as does the verb "pfeffern", not just as "to

pepper" but "to season".


I've broken the lines in my translations to follow the breaks in the

original, so that the translation is, i hope, easier to follow.


I've gone over them again, smoothing out a few things, and correcting

others. I haven't rewritten them all in completely modern form, as i

rather like retaining the "archaic" sound.


There are still a few words or phrases i didn't quite grasp, but i

think even in most of those recipes, the basic gist is clear. If

anyone has a better understanding, i'd appreciate your ideas for

translating these better.






----- Part One -----


Seven Recipes from Marx Rumpolt, 16th century

with some corrections and notes by Gwen Cat




119. Nim{b} Keiserling/

welche Schwa:em{m} man gemeiniglich fu:er die aller besten helt/

wasch sie auss/ pfeffers vnd saltzs/

leg sie auff ein Rosst/ brat vnd begeuss sie mit Butter/

vnd gib es warm auff ein Tisch/

bestra:ew es mit Pfeffer vnd mit Saltz/

so seind sie gut vnd wolgeschmack.


119. Take Keiserling/

[Gwen Cat suggested: Emperor mushrooms]

which Mushrooms one generally holds best of all/

wash them off/ pepper and salt (them)/

lay them on a Grill/ roast and baste them with Butter/

and give them warm on a Plate/

strew them with Pepper and with Salt/

thus are they good and well tasting.






135. Nim{b} frische Maurachen/ wasch sie auss zehen Wassern/

steck sie an ein ho:eltzern Spiess/ vnd bestra:ew sie mit Pfeffer vnd Saltz/

leg sie auff ein Rosst/ brat vnd begeuss sie mit Meybutter/

die vngeschma:eltzt ist/ bestra:ew es mit Saltz vnd Pfeffer/

so werden sie gut vnd wolgeschmack.


135. Take fresh Morels/ wash them in ten Waters/

[Gwen Cat NOTE: morels have lots of nooks and crannies

and could be really gritty if not washed very carefully and in many

changes of water]

stick them on a wooden skewer/ and strew them with Pepper and Salt/

lay them on a Grill/ roast and baste them with May butter/ that is unmelted/

strew it with Salt and Pepper/ thus are they good and well tasting.




136. Du kanst auch Maurachen auff ein ander manier machen.

Wen{n} sie sauber gewaschen/ so thut man sie in eine Pfannen/

oder in ein Kessel/ thu Butter/ Pfeffer vnd Saltz/ darein/

lass damit auffsieden/

so geben sie gnugsam feuchtigkeit von jnen/

lass sie kurtz eynsieden.

Vnnd wenn du schier wilt anrichten/

so thu darein gru:ene wolschmeckende Kra:euter/

die klein gehackt seyn/ so werden sie gut vnd wolgeschmack.


136. You can also make Morels in another manner.

When they are washed clean/ then one does them in a Pan/

or in a Kettle/ Do Butter/ Pepper and Salt/ therein/

Let seethe therewith/

then give them enough Moisture (of/from) jnen/

let them seethe a short (time).

And when you will make them quickly/

so do therein green well-tasting Herbs/ that are chopped small/

Thus are they good and well tasting.




[While i arrived at what i think this recipe means (see my note

below), the translation remains rough and there are places where i'm

really not sure what it is saying.]


137. Klaub die gro:essten Maurachen/ die fein gantz seyn/

auss/ die kleine aber druck wol auss/

dass kein Wasser darinnen ist/ hack sie klein.

Nim{b} Eyer/ schlag sie wol durcheinander/

vn{d} lass durch ein Ha:erin Tuch lauffen/

thu gru:ene wolschmeckende Kra:euter/ die klein gehackt seyn/ darvnter/

thu auch die klein gehackte Maurachen darvnter.

Nim{b} Butter in ein Pfann/ mach sie heiss/

vnd thu die Maurachen vnd Eyer darein/ mach ein eyngeru:ertes/

vnd thu es widerumb auff ein Sack/ vnnd hacks klein/

dass wol durcheinander kompt/ pfeffers vnd gelbs/ saltzs/

vnd fu:ell die Maurachen darmit/ thu sie in ein vberzindten Fischkessel/

mit frischer vnzerlassener Butter/ auch ein wenig Pfeffer/

geuss ein wenig Erbessbru:eh daru:eber/ Saltz/ vnnd gru:ene Kra:euter/

die klein gehackt seyn/ setz auffs Feuwer/ vnd lass sieden/

dass ein kurtze Bru:eh


gewinnet/ so wirt es gut vnd wolgeschmack.

Vnd solche Maurachen/ die zugericht seyn/ kan man auch wol braten/

oder in Pasteten eynmachen.

Du kanst sie auch mit Rindtfleischbru:eh kochen an einem Fleischtage/

so werden sie auch gut vnd wolgeschmack.


137. Gather the biggest Morels/ that are nicely whole/

away from/ those small but squeeze out well/

that no Water thereon is/ hack them small.

Take Eggs/ beat them well "thorough one another"/

and leave (let) to drain through a Hair Cloth/

do green well tasting Herbs/ that are chopped small/ there-over/

do also these finely chopped Morels there-over.

[i.e., add herbs and chopped small morels to the eggs]

Take Butter in a Pan/ make it hot/ and do these Morels and Eggs therein/

make an eyngeru:ertes/ and do it again on-in a Sack/

and hack small/ that well through one another (thoroughly) come/

pepper and yellow (them) [i.e., add saffron]/ salt (them)/

and fill these Morels therewith/

do them in an "overtinned" (i.e. tin lined) Fish kettle/

with fresh unmelted Butter/ also a little Pepper/

pour a little Pea broth there over/ Salt/ and green Herbs/

that are chopped small/ set on the Fire/ and let seethe/

that a short Broth <<R151a>> is obtained/

so it is good and well tasting.

And such Morels/ that are prepared/ one can also well roast (fry)/

or make in Pastry.

You can also cook them with Beef broth on a Flesh day/

Thus are they also good and well tasting.


[Anahita's NOTE: I know i've made an awkward and confusing

translation. However, i get the impression that one keeps the biggest

Morels, but chops up the small ones. Then one beats eggs well, adds

chopped herbs (often parsley and sage, although others may be

possible) and the small mushrooms finely chopped. Then one cooks this

egg-mushroom mix in butter in a pan. To this is added pepper and

yellow (saffron) and salt. Then the stalks which have been taken off

the big whole Morels are also chopped. Then the egg- mushroom mixture

and the chopped stems are stuffed into the big mushroom caps. The

stuffed caps are put in a deep pot with butter and pepper. Then some

pea broth is poured in (but not submerging the caps?). This is

seasoned with salt and more finely chopped herbs. And this is

simmered over a fire until the moisture comes out of the mushroom

caps - i.e., it is done.]




138. Nim{b} Maurachen/ quell sie in einem Wasser/

druck das Wasser widerumb davon/

hack sie klein mit gru:enen wolschmeckenden Kra:eutern/

thu sie in heisse Butter/ vnd ro:esst sie/

nim{b} alsdenn Eyer/ die auffgeschlagen seyn/

saltzs/ pfeffers/ machs gelb/

vnd ru:ers vnter die Maurachen/

so wirdt es gut vnd wolgeschmack.

Also kocht man Lungenmuss von Maurachen.


138. Take Morels/ soak them in one Water/

squeeze that Water again (repeatedly) from them/

Hack them small with green well-tasting Herbs/

Do them in hot Butter/ and grill (cook/fry) them/

Then also take Eggs/ that are beaten/

salt (them)/ pepper (them)/ make gold/

and stir under these Morels/

thus are they good and well tasting.

One also cooks Lung pudding of Morels.


[Anahita's NOTE: i'm not sure if the final sentence means:

(1) Lung Pudding is cooked with Morels

(2) Lung Pudding is cooked with Morels replacing the Lung

(3) Lungenmuss is another kind of mushroom which is cooked like the Morels.]




139. Nim{b} du:erre Maurachen/ weich sie in Wein/

vnd lass ein stundt darinnen ligen/ so lauffen sie fein auff/

steck sie an ein Spiess/ bestra:ew sie mit Pfeffer vnd Saltz/

leg sie auff ein Rosst/ vnd brat sie geschwindt hinweg/

begeuss mit frischer Butter/

vn{d} gibs warm auff ein Tisch/

bestra:ew es mit Pfeffer vnd saltz/

so ist es gut vnd wolgeschmack.


139. Take dried Morels/ soak them in Wine/

and let an hour therein lie/ so drain them fine off /

[Gwen Cat notes: I'm wondering if he means they swell up nicely - reconstitute]

stick them on a skewer/ strew them with Pepper and Salt/

lay them on a Grill/ and roast them quickly hinweg/ baste with fresh Butter/

and give warm on a Plate/ strew it with Pepper and salt/

so is it good and well tasting.




140. Du magst auch solche Maurachen zum eynmachen nemmen

mit ein wenig Erbessbru:eh/ Butter/ vnd ges[t]ossenen Pfeffer/

vnd mit gru:enen wolschmeckenden Kra:eutern/ die klein gehackt seyn/

lass darmit resch eynsieden/

dass ein kurtze Bru:eh gewinnt/ so wirt es gut vnd wolgeschmack.


140. You make also such Morels to eynmachen nemmen


with a little pea broth / Butter/ and brayed Pepper/

and with green well-tasting Herbs/ that are chopped small/

leave therewith quite briefly to seethe in/

that a little Broth is obtained/ so is it good and well tasting.




----- Part Two -----


Eight more recipes from Rumpolt.

These were never commented on by someone who actually knows German




164. Nim{b} du:erre Peltzschwammen/

lass sie vber Nacht in Wasser weichen/

vnnd wenn du es wilt zusetzen/

so thu geschweisste Zwibeln darein/

mit eyngebrenntem Mehl/

geuss Erbessbru:eh oder Wasser daru:eber/

vnd lass ein stundt oder zwo fein gemach damit sieden/

wu:ertz es ab mit Pfeffer/ Saffran vnd Jngwer/

machs saur/ dass mans kan essen/ vnd schaw versaltz es nicht/

so ist es gut vnnd wolgeschmack.

Denn in Bo:ehmen ist es ein gemein essen von diesen Schwam{m}en.

Vnd man kan sie auch wol hacken wie ein Lungenmuss/

vnd man kans auch zurichten mit Eyern vnnd Essig/

ist es gut vnnd wolgeschmack.


164. Take dried Peltz mushrooms/

leave them over Night in Water to soak/

and when You will, press them/

then do drained [sifted] Zwibeln [crumbs?] therein/

with burnt [i.e., toasted] meal [flour[/

pour Pea broth or Water thereover/

and leave one hour or two fine to make it seethe therewith/

spice it up with Pepper/ Saffron and Ginger/

make sour/ that one can eat/ and see it is not over-salted/

thus it is good and well tasting.

Then in Bo:ehmen is it a common to eat of these Mushrooms.

And one can also well chop them such as for a Lung pudding/

and one can also prepare with Eggs and Vinegar/

it is good and well tasting.




188. Nim{b} Redling Schwammen/ schel vnnd wasch sie auss/

saltz vnnd pfeffer sie/ leg sie auff ein Rosst/ vnnd brats/

begeuss mit Butter/ vnnd gibs warm auff ein Tisch/

bestra:ew es mit Pfeffer vnd Saltz/

so ist es auch gut vnd wolgeschmack.

Du magsts auch wol fricusiern in Butter/

mit gru:ene{n} Kra:eutern/ Pfeffer vnd Saltz/

so ist es auch gut.


188. Take Redling Mushrooms/ peel and wash them off/

salt and pepper them/ lay them on a Grill/ and roast (fry)/

baste with Butter/ and give warm on a Plate/

strew them with Pepper and Salt/

thus it is also good and well tasting.

You make also well fricassee in Butter/

with green Herbs/  Pepper and Salt/

thus is it also good.




189. Du kanst auch die Redling fein klein hacken/

vnd auss Butter ro:ssten/ geuss su:esse Milch darvnter/

pfeffers vnd gelbs/ vnnd versaltz sie nicht/

so werden sie gut vnd wolgeschmack.


189. You can also chop the fine Redlings small/

and grill in Butter/ pour sweet Milk there-over/

pepper and yellow [saffron?]/ and over-salt them not/

thus they are good and well tasting.




190. Nim{b} Redling Schwammen/

saltz sie eyn mit Wacholderbeern/ vnnd mit Ku:emel/

beschwer sie wol mit Steinen/

so werden sie viel Bru:eh geben/

geuss ein theil Bru:eh weg/ vnd lass also bleiben/

so halten sie sich Jar vnd Tag.

Vnd wenn du sie wilt zurichten/

es sey zum kochen oder zum Braten/

so legs herauss/ vnnd wasch auss/

lass ein stundt oder zwo im Wasser ligen/

so zeucht es das Saltz herauss/

werden fein frisch/

als wenn man sie erst abgebrochen hett/

so magstu sie zum Backen oder eynmachen nemmen/

oder magst sie fricusiern in Butter/

vnnd wol pfeffern/ mit gru:enen Kra:eutern/

so werden sie auch nicht bo:ess.


190. Take Redling Mushrooms/

salt (i.e., season) them with juniper berries/ and with Caraway/

weight them well with Stones/

then weden them much Broth give/

pour a theil Broth away/ and let then stay/

then keep them (by themselves) a Year and Day.

And when you would prepare them/

it is to cook or to roast (fry)/

then lay hereon/ and wash off/

let (them) lie in Water an hour or two/

then draw it that Salt herein/

become fine fresh-new [as if fresh?]/

then when one has first abgebrochen them/

then you make them to Bake or eynmachen nemmen/


or make them fricassee in Butter/

and well pepper/ with green Herbs/

thus are they also not bad.




196. Schwammen. Weiss bitter Schwam{m}en wasch auss/

pfeffers vnd saltzs/ so legt man es auff ein Rosst/

bra:ets vnd begeusst es mit Butter.

Vnd wenn sie gebraten seyn/

so gib es warm auff ein Tisch/

bestra:ew es mit Pfeffer vnd Saltz/

so werden sie desto besser.


196. Mushrooms. White bitter Mushrooms wash off/

pepper and salt (them)/ then one lays them on a Grill/

roast (fry) and baste them with Butter.

And when they are roasted (fried)/

then give them warm on a Plate/

strew them with Pepper and Salt/

thus are they all the more better.



197. Weiss Schwammen/ die auff der Heiden wachsen/

nimpt man/ schelt sie/ wa:escht sie auss/

vnd thut sie in zwo Schu:essel/ setzt es auff Kolen/

so wirdt ein schwartz Wasser herauss rinnen/

geuss dasselbige hinweg/

nim{b} die Schwammen/ pfeffers vnd saltzs/

legs auff den Rosst/ vnnd brats/ begeuss mit heisser Butter/

gibs warm auff ein Tisch/

bestra:ew es mit Pfeffer vn{d} mit Saltz/

so werden sie gut vnd wolgeschmack.


197. White Mushrooms/ that grow in the Heath/

one takes/ peels them/ washes them off/

and does them in two Tureens/ set it on Coals/

thus will a black Water herein run/

pour dasselbige hinweg [pour this off?]/

take these Mushrooms/ pepper and salt (them)/

lay on the Grill/ and roast (fry)/ baste with hot Butter/

give warm on a Plate/

strew it with Pepper and with Salt/

thus are they good and well tasting.



198. Nim{b} Stockschwammen/ zerschneidt/ vnd wasch sie auss/

quell sie im Wasser/ ku:el sie auss/ vnd druck das Wasser wol davon/

hack sie klein/ vnd ro:esst sie auss heisser Butter/

geuss su:esse Milch daru:eber/ lass auch damit sieden/

pfeffers/ saltzs/

vn{d} thu gru:ene wolschmeckende Kra:euter/

die klein gehackt seyn/ darein/

so seind sie gut vnd wolgeschmack.


198. Take Stock mushrooms/ cut/ and wash them off/

soak them in Water/ ku:el them off/ and squeeze that Water off well/

chop them small/ and grill them in hot Butter/

pour sweet Milk there over/ let also therewith seethe/

pepper (them)/ salt (them)/

and do green well-tasting Herbs/

that are chopped small/ therein/

thus are they good and well tasting.



199. Stockschwammen mit Eyern gekocht/

seind auch nicht bo:ess.


199. Stock mushrooms cooked with Eggs /

are also not bad.




----- Part Three -----


After the first batch, and knowing that Thomas is very busy, i was

astonished to receive another message from him with the recipes below.


Thomas is incredibly generous with his time and knowledge - as are so

many folks on this list.


The dialect is very different - or at least how it is written - in

these recipes from Rumpolt - there's almost 150 years between Rumpolt

and some of these - and was much more difficult for me to figure out.

It looks to me like the "sz" == "ss" and the "cz" == "tz" in the

Rheinfra:nkisches Kochbuch and Kochbuch der Handschrift, and like

they sometimes use "p" where later there is "b".


My translations of these were also never commented on and corrected.






Here are some more German mushroom recipes.

Best, Th.




Here is a garlic sauce for mushrooms.


Ein Buch von guter Speise (c. 1350)


32. Ein geriht.

Rib knobelauch mit saltze - die haubt schele schone -

vnd menge sehs eyer dar zv:o on daz wisse vnd nim ezzig

vnd ein wenic wazzers dar zv:o, niht zv:o sur,

vnd la daz erwallen, daz ez dicke blibe.

damit mac man machen gebratene hu:enner, morchen

oder swemme oder waz du wilt. (ed. Hajek, #32)


[Anahita NOTE: "v:" equals "u:", that is, "u with an umlaut"]


32. A dish.

Crush garlic with salt - these have been well peeled -

and mix with six eggs thereto without the [egg] whites

and add vinegar and a little water thereto, not too sour,

and let it boil, that it remains thick.

Therewith one makes grilled hens, morels, or mushrooms,

or what you want.




A similar recipe from the 15th century


Parallelrezept im Mondseer Kochbuch (Cod. vind. 4995; 15. Jh.)


[30] Wie man sallsen macht u:ber h:nner mauroch vnd Swamen

Reib knobloch mit saltz vnd meng aier dar zu:o

tu:o das weis ab von den aieren

nim essig vnd ain wenig

wassers das es nicht zu:o saur werde

vnd la das erwallen das es dik pleib

da mit mag man machen praten hu:ner morchen oder swammen

(fol. 199a; cf. Nauwerck, p. 17 & 47).


[30] How one makes sauce over hens, morels and Mushrooms.

Crush garlic with salt and mix eggs thereto

that have had the whites removed from the eggs.

Take vinegar and a little water so that it is not too sour

and let that boil that it stays thick.

Therewith may one make roasted hens, morels, or mushrooms.






79. Ein mu:os.

Der wo:elle machen ein morchen mu:os, der nem morchen

vnd erwelle daz vz einem brunnen. vnd geballen vz eime kalden wazzer.

vnd gehacket cleine vnd tu:o ez denne in ein dicke mandel milich.

vnd mit wine wol gemacht die mandel milich

vnd die morche dor inne erwellet.

vnd tu:o dorzv:o wu:ertze genu:oc.

vnd ferve ez mit fial blu:omen

vnd gibz hin. (ed. Hajek, #79)


English translation:

(tr. Melitta Weiss Adamson, Das buoch von guoter spise, Krems 2000, p. 108).


79. A pudding.

Whoever wants to make a morel-pudding, take morels,

and bring to a boil in spring water. Rinsed in cold water,

chopped up small, and then put it in thick almond milk.

The almond milk prepared well in wine,

and the morels brought to a boil in it.

Add enough seasoning,

color it with violets,

and serve.


[Anahita's note: i have broken the original and Weiss's translation

into short lines so they can be more easily followed line by line]




Kochbuch aus dem Wiener Dorotheenkloster, Cod. vind. 2897 (15. Jh.)

Cookbook from the Viennese DorothyCloister (15th c.)


Ein gmu:es von swamen

(W)Jldu gmu:s machen von swam

so nym sie in dem mayn ab raysling vnd ro:tling

dy hakch klain vnd loss trukchen

so machtu sy lang halten in der vasten sie sein

als ich das sagen mues sy weren vor vasnacht auch guet

du macht sy haben wi lang du wild

(fol. 14b; cf. Aichholtzer, p. 310)


A pudding of mushrooms

If you want pudding made from mushrooms

then take them, in the main of rayslings and redlings.

Chop small them and let drain

thus you make them hold long in the vasten them their

als ich das sagen pudding sy weren vor vasnacht also good

you make have them however long you will.


[Anahita's NOTE: Lots of unidentified phrases in this one, but it

looks to me like this is just saying to dry them for later use]


aber ain veyal mu:s

(N)Jm morchen erwelle die in pru:n wasser

vnd pall sy aus in ain kalcz wasser

vnd tue sy dann in ein dikche mandl milch

vnd mit //mit\\ wein wol gemacht

vnd erwell das vnd tu: gwu:rtz genu:g dartzue.

verb es mit veial pluemen

gib ez hin versalcz nicht.

(fol. 16b; cf. Aichholzer, p. 318)


Another veyal pudding

Take morels soak them in spring water

and pull them out in a cold water.

And do them then in a thick almond milk

and with wine well made.

And boil that and do spices enough thereto.

Color it with many flowers [violets in another recipe].

Give it in [i.e., serve it]. Over-salt not.




Rheinfra:nkisches Kochbuch, c. 1445


||44|| Wiltu gebacken morach machen

so nym clein morech vnd wesche sie schon

vnde snyde die bu:czelin dauon

vnd mach einen dunnen deig von wyszem mele

vnde gusz enwenig wins dar ane vnd ferbe isz

vnd czu:ch die morach da durch vnd backe sij


||44|| If you would make baked morels

so take small morels and wash them clean

and cut the bu:czelin [stems?tails?] from/off them

and make a thin dough of white meal-flour

and pour a little wine there on and color it [with saffron?]

and close the morels there in and bake them.




Kochbuch der Handschrift, UB Basel D II 30


31. Ein essen von morchen vmb weinnachten

Wiltu machen vmb weinachten morchen essen

so mach einen taig ausz weissen melb prott vnd sla ayer dor an

vnd mach zwen knobel vnd wirffs in den taig

vnd zeuch sie dor vmb

vnd legs in ein smalcz daz nicht zu heisz ist

vnd wen es ein wenig gepach so nym es her wider ausz

vnd sney:d es do mitten auf dem knobel von ein ander

vnd full es domit einem gerurten ay:eren taig weisz oder gru:n

oder mit gepranten opffell in honig

vnd nym denn einen linden strauben taig vnd zeuch es dor durch

vnd leg ez in ein smalcz wil aber er es aber keren

so mach ein gelbes platt

vnd secz dy morchen dor ein vnd la sie pachen vnd richt es an

vnd versalcz es nit


31. A food of morels for weinnachten

If you wish to make a weinachten morel dish

so make a dough of white bread flour and beat eggs there in

and make ten garlic cloves

and toss in the dough and close them there in

and lay in fat that is not too hot

and when it is a little baked so take it out of there

and cut it do with auf the garlic from another

and fill it therewith a gerurten eggs dough white or green

or with roasted apples in honey

and take then a linden strauben dough and close it there in

and lay it in fat wil aber er es aber keren

so make a yellow/golden leaf (crust)

and set the morels there on and let them bake and right on it

and over-salt it not



46. Ein essen von gesulczten morchen

So full dy morchen mit einer guten full von ey:ren an spissel

vnd prott sie schon

vnd geusz dor ein ein gute prw:-dy

gemacht sey: vonn gesultzten vischen

oder sust ein gut prw dy: gemacht sey von guten dingen


46. A dish of gesulczten [?stuffed?] morels

So fill the morels with a good fill of eggs and seasonings

and roast them nicely

and pour there on a good broth

made of salt fish

or sust a good broth made of good things.


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org