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"Il Liber de Coquina - An Anonom" by The Right Noble Upper Crust, Barony of Gyldenholt, Kingdom of Caid. Original recipes and their redactions.


NOTE: See also the files: Guisados1-art, Guisados2-art, Dairie-Book-art, Enseignements-art, Portugues-15C-art, fd-Spain-msg, Redacting-art, Redacting-Rec-art.





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Thank you,

Mark S. Harris...AKA:..Stefan li Rous

stefan at florilegium.org



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The Right Noble Upper Crust Presents:

Il Liber de Coquina - An Anonom


Introduction to Il Liber de Coquina


Il Liber de Coquina comes to us from the early 14th century Angevin court of Naples. Containing a wide collection of recipes originally published in both Latin and Italian, Il Liber contains recipes ranging from the most humble stock to the unusual complex of spectacle foods. Taking hints from several regions throughout Europe, the cookbook represents the cosmopolitan complexity typified by the early Renaissance court. In many ways, Il Liber de Coquina combines practical and common cooking styles found throughout Italy with flavors from neighboring regions and courts.


Beginning as a gauntlet-throw to the rest of the Right Noble Upper Crust cooking guild, the assembly of working recipes from Il Liber de Coquina has been a project of trial and error, laughter, and a substantial amount of lard. Over the course of years, many wonderful people have dedicated their time, talent and energy towards experimenting with recipes from antiquity. And to them, I owe a great deal of thanks. Lest I be remiss in missing anyone's name, I would instead like to simply thank the Right Noble Upper Crust for helping to bring this previously unworked piece of history back to life.


Within this publication you will find each recipe as originally presented – both in Latin and in Italian. Along with these texts, you will find notes from members of the Upper Crust discussing thoughts and observations about each recipe, and finally our redacted version. By no means do we believe that our derived version is THE one and only way to work out each recipe – simply a version that we found both tasty, and successful.


On behalf of the guild, I hope you enjoy using this book, and I wish you, "Good Eating!"


~ Messer Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia, O.L.




Sauces and Broths


Provincial Broth

Marinade for Meat

Garlic Sauce for Meat

Green Sauce





Greens – On a Fast Day

Collard Greens or Kale





Meat, Poultry, and Fish




Of the Wild Boar Meats





Festigia (Ginger Chicken)

Lemon Chicken

Chicken with Fruit & Spices

Mustard Chicken

Wild Birds (Chicken Pie)





Fish Sausage

Trout Pie




Stuffed Eggs

New Beans

Chickpea Soup



Cake of Lasagna






Gratonea of Milk

The Quest for Sheep's Milk





Latin: De brodio provincialico. Ad brodium pro appetitu, accipe pullos incisos per quartum; confrige cum lardo et cepis. Postea, pone parum aque frigide, deinde ficatella eorum, maioranam, ros marinum, petrosillum, mentam, safranum. Tere omnia et distempera cum brodio dictarum cranium; et cum carnibus pone ad bulliendum. Postmodum, accipe species, canelam, gariofilum, nuces muscatas, fusticellos, gardamomes, galangal, mel, zinziberum. Postea, ibi tere ficatella eorum lixata et vitella ovorum cocta, tanta quod sufficient. Distempera cum brodio cranium et facias parum bulire. Post, tolle ab igne.


Italian: Brodo alla provenzale. Per fare brood che faccia buon appetite, prendi dei polli tagliati in quarti; falli friggere con lardo e cipolle. Poi mettivi un po' d'acqua fredda, I loro fegatini, maggiorana, rosmarion, prezzemolo, menta, zafferano. Pesta ail tutto e stempera col brood delle dette carni; e insieme con le carni metti a bollire. Dopo di che prendi spezie, cannella, chiodi di garofano, noci moscate, sommaco, cardamomo, galangal, miele, zenzero. Poi pestavi i loro fegatini lessati e tuorli d'uova cotte quanto basti. Stempera col brood delle carni e fa bollire per un po'. Poi togli dal fuoco.


Provincial Broth. In order to make broth as an appetizer, take chicken cut into quarters; then fry them with lard and onions. Then you put into cold water, their livers, marjoram, rosemary, parsley, mint, and saffron. Stamp all and simmer with the broth of the said meats; and with the meats you put to boil. After that you take spices, cinnamon, whole cloves, nutmeg, sumac, cardamom, galingale, honey, ginger. Then crush the livers and boil with egg yolks of eggs cooked of enough quantity. Simmer with the broth of the meats and let boil for a little while. Then remove from the fire.


1 chicken, quartered

1 onion, sliced

1 cup lard

6 cups cold water


Provincial Broth


4 chicken livers

1 teaspoon each: marjoram, rosemary, parsley, mint

1 pinch saffron

3 egg yolks

2 whole cloves

1 pinch each: cinnamon, nutmeg, sumac, cardamom, galingale, honey, ginger


Fry chicken and onions in lard until the chicken is cooked. Add water, 2 chicken livers, marjoram, rosemary, parsley, mint, and saffron. Bring to a rolling boil. Crush remaining livers with egg yolks. Add to boiling broth along with remaining ingredients. Boil for 10 minutes.


Reduce flame and simmer for 3 hours. Add more water as needed. Or, place in crock pot and simmer for 9 hours.


Latin: Similiter. Potest fieri copum de carnibus caccinis vel porcinis; et in defectum agreste, potest poni succus citrangulorum et aqua rosacea frigida.


Italian: Similmente. Si può fare coppo di carni vaccine e porcine; e in mancanza di agresto si può mettere succo di aranci amari e acqua di rose fredda.


Similarly: It can be made, a coop of meats beef and pork; and if you have no agresto, the juice of bitter oranges and cold water of roses can be put.


Marinade for Meat


Chicken parts

Orange juice

Rose water


Place chicken in a bowl and cover with fresh orange juice. Slowly add the rose water, a few drops at a time until the scent of rose becomes apparent. Marinate overnight and then bake the chicken in the mixture until done.




You can use this recipe on any chicken parts you wish or with other meats such as pork.



Latin: De alleata pro carnibus Ad alleatam pro carnibus, accipe amigdalas mundates, pistatas frtier cum alleis et zinzibere distemperatis cum brodio macilento. Et potestis facere bullire et potes comedere cum piscibus dure digestionis, sicut morua et cetera.


Italian: Dell'agliata per carni Per fare agliata per carni prendi mandorle pelate, pestate a lungo con spicchi d'aglio e zenzero stemperato con brodo magro. E puoi far bollire e mangiare con pesci di difficile digestione, come merluzzi e altri.


Of the garlic sauce for meats. In order to make garlic sauce for meats you take almond peelings, crushed with cloves of garlic and ginger dissolved with lean broth. You can boil to eat with fish of difficult digestion, like cods and others.


Of the Garlic Sauce for Meats


1 head of garlic

1 three-inch piece of ginger 1 cup ground almonds broth


Using a mortar and pestle (or modern food processor), combine garlic, ginger and almonds. Add enough broth to make a paste.




Any broth can be used but we recommend using a broth to match the meat with which the sauce will be served.


This seems better if aged a few days.


Consider using a garlic press to remove the fibrous materials in the ginger before adding the rest of the ingredients.



Latin: De salsa viridi. Ad salsam viridem, accipe petrosillum cum menta, fusticellas, cardamomum, nucem muscatam, piper, gariofilum,
zinziber. Tere omnia in mortario fortiter et, cum, eis, tere parum de mica panis. Et si vis, potes ponere allea. Distempera cum bono aceto.


Italian: Della salsa verde. Per fare salsa verde prendi prezzemolo con menta, sommaco, cardamomo, noce moscata, pepe, chiodi di garofano, zenzero. Trita il tutto per bene in un mortaio e insieme sbriciola un po' di mollica di pane. E se vuoi, puoi mettervi aglio. Stempera con buon aceto.


Of the green sauce. In order to make sauce green you take prezzemolo with mint, sommaco, cardamomo, moscata walnut, pepper, nail of garofano, ginger. Trita all in order well in a mortar and with sbriciola a little mollica of bread. And if you want, you can put garlic to you. Stempera with good vinegar.


Of the green sauce. In order to make green sauce you take parsley with mint, sumac, cardamom, nutmeg, pepper, cloves, ginger. Grind all well in a mortar with breadcrumbs. And if you want, you can put in garlic. Dissolve with good vinegar.


2 cups parsley

2 cups mint

1 tablespoon ginger

2 teaspoons garlic

1 tablespoon sumac

1 tablespoon cardamom

1 tablespoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon pepper

Splash red wine vinegar

Splash balsamic vinegar



Of the Green Sauce


Finely chop the first four ingredients together. Add the spices and vinegars and mix well. Add enough breadcrumbs to thicken the sauce to the desired consistency.




This is a very pungent sauce but it mellows when cooked. It makes an excellent stuffing for meat, particularly chicken.


Latin: De musto et mustarda. Sic para mustum pro mustarda conficienda: accipe mustum novum, face eum bullire quod quarta pars solum remaneat vel 3. Et cave a fumo et spumetur bene. Deinde, semen senapi cum predicto musto distemperando tere fortissime. Postea, pone in barillo, et poterit conservari per .4. menses. Et valet pro carnibus porcinis vel tincis salsatis. Mustum poteris servare pro aliis ferculis.


Italian: Del mosto e della mostarda. Prepara cosi il mosto fare mostarda: prendi il mosto nuovo, fallo bollire in modo che rimanga solo la quarta parte o la terza. Guardalo dal fumo e schiumalo per bene. Poi trita molto forte il seme della senape col predetto mosto, stemperandolo. Mettilo poi in un barile; si potra conservare per quattro mesi. Serve per carni di porco e per tinche marinate. Puoi riservare il mosto per altre vivande.


Of must and the mostarda. Must prepares cosi to make mostarda: you take must new, you make it to bubble so that it remains only the quarter it leave or third. It from the smoke watches well and schiumalo in order. Then trita much fort the seed of the mustard with foretold must, stemperando it. You put it in a barrell then; potra to conserve itself for four months. Serves as a marinate for meats of pig and tinche. You can reserve must for others vivande.


Of unrefined wine and the mustard. Unrefined wine prepared so to make mustard: you take new unrefined wine, boil it to reduce it to a third or a fourth of its volume. Watch the boiling wine well and skim in order. Then mince/grind with much force the seed of the mustard with foretold reduced wine to dissolve it. You put it in a barrel then; to conserve for four months. Servants for marinate meats of pig and tinche. You can reserve it for other food.


Of unrefined wine and the mustard


3 cups wine

1/3 cup whole brown mustard seeds

1⁄4 inch thick oak planks to line preserving jar


Boil wine and reduce to 1 cup. Grind mustard seeds in a mortar, mixing in a bit of the wine reduction a little at a time.
Line a preserve jar with oak planks and pour mustard mixture over. Age in a cool, dark place.




This recipe was tried with both yellow and brown mustard seeds and several types of wine. The brown mustard seeds provided the best mustard flavor, but should be well-ground to release the flavor.


The original recipe called for unrefined wine. We used both an organic white and a Beaujolais-style wine since that was as close as we could get to unrefined wine, short of making our own. Both types of wine made nice mustards.



Latin: In die ieiunii. Se vis facere optima folia in diebus ieiunii, accipe petrosillum, anetum, maioranam, feniculum, cepam, species cum safrano. Omnia in mortario bene terantur. Postea coquantur cum oleo et ministra.


Italian: In giorno di digiuno. Se vuoi fare ottime verdure in giorno di digiuno, prendi prezzemolo, aneto, maggiorana, finocchio, cipolla, spezie con zafferano. Trita tutto quanto per bene in un mortaio. Poi cuoci con olio e somministra.


On a fast day: If you want to make optimal greens on a fast day, take parsley, dill, marjoram, fennel, onion, spices with saffron. Mince all how much in order well in a mortar. Then you cook with oil and serve.


Greens - On a Fast Day


1 fennel bulb

3⁄4 of 1 large bunch Italian parsley, washed and drained

1⁄4 cup fresh dill, chopped

1⁄4 cup fresh marjoram, chopped

3⁄4 cup large onion, finely diced

1⁄4 teaspoon powdered garlic

1 pinch thyme

1 pinch nutmeg

1 pinch saffron steeped in 2 tablespoons hot water

1⁄4 cup olive oil


Clean the fennel by cutting off any dark sections of the bulb as well as the bottom. Slice the white part of the root into 1⁄2 inch slices. Do not use the green portions of the stems.


Finely mince fennel and herbs together. Add saffron, including water. Coat the bottom of a pan with oil and fry the mixture.
Serve hot. Makes 12 one-half cup servings.




This could be used as a stuffing for fowl or beef.


Latin: De Caulibus. Ad caules virides secundum usum imperatoris, accipe cimulas caullium sanas et in caldaria bulliente cum carnibus pone et fac bene bullire. Et inde extractis, pone in aqua frigida. Accepto alio brodio in quodam alio vase, addas albedinem feniculi et fac eam bullire. Et cum fuerit hora comestionis, pone predictos caules cum brodio in vase predicto et facias totum parum bullire.


Italian: Dei cavoli. Per cucinare cavoli verdi secondo l'uso imperiale, prendi le cime Verdi dei cavloi, mettile in una pentola che bolle insieme con la carne e fallo bollire per bene. Levate dalla pentola, mettile in acqua fredda. Preso altro brodo in qualche altro recipiente, mettivi il bianco del finocchio e fallo bollire. Quando poi sarà ora di mangiare, metti I cavoli suddetti nel recipiente di cui sopra e fa bollire il tutto per un pó.


Of coleworts (Collards or Kale) In order to cook greens in the imperial way, you take the green tops of the coleworts, and put them in a pot that boils with the meat and it makes to bubble well in order. Rise it from the pot, you put them in cold water. Take another broth in some other container, and you put in the white of fennel and make it to boil. When then it is hour to eat, you put aforesaid cabbages in the container in which you also boil all for a little while.


Of collard greens (or kale) To cook collards in the imperial way, take the green tops of the collards, and put them in a pot. Boil with meat.Remove the collards from the pot, you put them in cold water. Take another broth in some other container, and put in the white of fennel and bring to a boil. When it is time to eat, you put the previously mentioned greens in a container and boil all for a little while.


Collard Greens or Kale


4 cups collard greens or kale

1 pound center-cut beef shank with bone

11 cups water, divided

1 fennel bulb

1⁄2 pound pork shoulder blade butt steak


Put the greens, beef shank and 6 cups of water in a large pot, bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 min.


Clean the fennel by cutting off any dark sections of the bulb as well as the bottom. Slice the white part of the root into 1⁄2 inch slices. Do not use the green portions of the stems. Add the sliced fennel, pork and remaining water in a separate pot, bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes.


Take greens off heat, drain and put into a bowl of cold water.


Drain the fennel and put it back in its pot. Drain the greens again and add to fennel. Add 2 cups water and cook at a boil for another 15 minutes or until the fennel becomes soft but not mushy.


Drain and serve. Makes 6 one-half cup servings.




We tried this recipe with both types of greens and prefer the kale. You may want to add 1⁄4 tsp salt just before serving.


Latin: De spiniargiis et atriplicibus. Spiniargia sive atriplicia in aqua bene calida lota extrahe, de aqua exprime et frige cum oleo et cepa. Postea, pone in scutella et desuper asperge species con sale. Et si vis facere cum lardo, ponas safranum et species et cepam at acetum si vis.


Italian: De spiniargiis et atriplicibus. Spiniargia sive atriplicia in aqua bene calida lota extrahe, de aqua exprime et frige cum oleo et cepa. Postea, pone in scutella et desuper asperge species con sale. Et si vis facere cum lardo, ponas safranum et species et cepam at acetum si vis.


Concerning spinach and kitchen herbs: Spinach or kitchen herb in water warm then remove. Squeeze the water and fry with oil and onions. Afterwards, put in a saucer and from above strew on salt. And if you wish more strength with lard put saffron and spices and onions and if you want, vinegar for strength.


Concerning spinach and kitchen herbs: Rinse the spinach and/or herbs in warm water, then drain them and squeeze them dry. Fry them in oil and onions. Place them on a serving dish and sprinkle with salt. If you want a stronger flavor, add lard and saffron, and other spices with the onion. You could also add vinegar for a stronger flavor.




1 pinch saffron steeped in 2 tablespoons hot water

2 pinches salt


Rinse spinach in warm water, drain and squeeze to dry. Heat oil over medium heat. Add lard, onions, nutmeg and saffron. Cook until onions are translucent, about 10 minutes. Add spinach to pan and continually stir until cooked, about 3 minutes. Drain oil and sprinkle with salt before serving.




While the recipe calls for lard, we found bacon provided more flavor to the dish.


Mace can be used instead of nutmeg.


2 bundles spinach

1⁄2 cup olive oil

1 tablespoon lard

1 medium yellow onion, sliced

1⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg


Latin: Lenticulas. bene lotas et electas pone ad coquendum cum herbis odoriferis, oleo, sale et safran. Et cum fuerint decocte, tere bene; et, super positis ovis debatutis et caseo sicco grattato, et da comedere.


Italian: Lenticchie. Ben lavate e scelte mettile a cuocere insieme con erbe odorose, olio, sale e zafferano. E come saranno cotte, pestale per bene; e postivi sopra uova sbattute e formaggio secco grattato, dà a mangiare.


Lentils. Wash well and sort, and put them to cook with savory herbs, oil, salt and saffron. When they are cooked, stamp them well in order; and put over scrambled eggs and grated dry cheese, present to eat.




2 cups lentils

4 cups water

1 tablespoon dried basil

1 tablespoon dried marjoram

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons salt

1 pinch saffron


Combine all ingredients and put to boil. Reduce heat until all the water is absorbed. Allow mixture to cool slightly. Mash lentils to a porridge-like consistency.


Latin: Accipe fabas novellas. perbullitas et colatas et pone ad coquendum cum lacte cum pecia cranium porcinarum. Et cum decocte fuerint, colla eas et in mortario tere et misce cum dicto lacte, safranum, species et sal.


Italian: Prendi fave novella. Bollite a lungo e fatte scolare, e mettile a cuocere con latte insieme con un pezzo di carne di maiale. E quando saranno cotte falle scolare e pestale in un mortaio mescolando, coldetto latte, zafferano, spezie e sale.


Take new beans: Boil and drain, and put them to cook with milk and with a piece of pig meat. And when they are cooked, drain them and press them in a mortar stirring in the previously mentioned milk, saffron, spices and salt.


Take new beans. Boil and drain, and put them to cook with milk and with a piece of pork. And when they are cooked, drain them and crush them in a mortar stirring in the milk broth, saffron, spices and salt.


Take New Beans


2 cups whole milk
5 oz. salt pork (cut into chunks)
2 15oz. cans cannelloni beans (drained and washed) 6 strands of saffron
1⁄2 teaspoon marjoram
1 teaspoon coriander
salt to taste


In a heavy sauce pan, place milk, salt pork, and beans and heat slowly over low heat for 40 minutes (do not boil). Take out pork chunks and strain the beans through a sieve, saving the milk broth in a bowl. Steep the saffron in 1⁄4 cup of the milk broth for a couple of minutes. Place the beans, 3⁄4 cup of the milk broth, infused saffron mixture, marjoram, and coriander into a bowl and mash to desired consistency (see notes). If needed, add a pinch of salt.




There are different uses and consistencies for this dish. For a sauce to use over a meat, add more milk broth and blend it until smooth with a liquid consistency. It can also be mashed for use as a side dish. For an appetizer or snack, blend it until smooth and use it as a dip.


Latin: De carnibus apri. Carnes recentes apri decoque fortiter in aqua. Postea fac salsam sic: recipe piper, zinziberum, gariofilum, cinamomum et tere fortiter simul cum pane assato madefacto in aceto; et distempera totum de aqua mixta cum aceto, ita quod non sit nimis forte nec debile. Deinde cepas frissas cum pinguedine misce cum eis et fac totum bullire dum salsaveris moderate. Et da comedere.


Italian: Delle carni di cinghiale. Cuoci a lungo in acqua carni fresche di cinghiale. Poi fai una salsa in questo modo; prendi pepe, zenzero, chiodi di garofano e cannella e tritali a lungo insieme con pane tostado intriso in aceto; e stempera tutto con acqua mista d'aceto, in modo che non sia troppo forte né troppo debole. Poi mescola cipolle fritte con grasso insieme con queste cose e fa bollire il tutto mentre spargi la salsa con misura. E dà a mangiare.


Of the wild boar meats. You cook to along in water fresh meats of wild boar. Then you make one sauce in this way; you take pepper, ginger, nail of cloves and cinnamon and mince them to along with bread toasted and minced finely in vinegar; and stamp all with mixed water of vinegar, so that it is not too much strong neither too much weak. Then it stirs onions fried with oil these things and fry all while you scatter the sauce with measure. And it gives to eat.


Of wild boar meats. Boil for a little while in water fresh meats of wild boar. Then you make one sauce in this way; you take pepper, ginger, nail of cloves and cinnamon and mince them along with finely minced-bread crumbs that have been soaked in vinegar; then stamp all with mixed water and vinegar, so that it is not too strong nor too weak. Then, stir with onions fried in oil all these things and stir gently. And then present to eat.


Of the Wild Boar Meats


2 pounds pork shoulder or butt roast, cut into 1 inch strips

1⁄2 teaspoon pepper

1⁄2 teaspoon ginger

1⁄2 teaspoon cloves

1⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon salt, divided

1 slice french bread, toasted and crumbed

1/3 cup plus 4 Tablespoons vinegar

2/3 cups water

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 large onion, sliced


Place pork pieces in a pot, cover with water, boil 30 minutes and drain. Meanwhile, mix the pepper, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and salt together; set aside.


In a mixing bowl, mix 3⁄4 of the spice mixture, bread crumbs and 4 Tablespoons of vinegar. Let mixture sit for several minutes. Add remaining vinegar and water and puree into a sauce-like consistency.


In a sauté pan, heat oil and fry onions until translucent. Add pork and; turning to brown evenly on all sides. Once meat is cooked through, add sauce mixture and cook until heated.


Latin: De Salciciis. Ad salcicias faciendas, recipe bonas carnas porcinas crudas non nimis pingues nec macras minutissime cum cutello percussas; et, bonis speciebus cum sale simul cum eis mixtis, imple intestina porci bene mondata et pone ad fumum. Quidam ligant per digitos, quidam non. Postea, possunt caqui in aqua vel brassa vel patella vel quomodo vis.


Italian: Della salsicce. Per fare salsicce prendi buone carni di maiale crude, non troppo grasse né troppo magre, battute minutissimamente con un coltello; e mescolandovi buone spezie con sale, riempi intestini di maiale ben puliti ed esponili al fumo. Alcuni li legano a distanza di un dito, altri no. Poi si possono cuocere in acqua o sulle bracie o in padella o come meglio vuoi.


Of the sausage. In order to make sausage you take good meats of pig raw, fat neither not too much too much lean, struck very tiny with a knife; and stirring good spices with it throughout, stuffing intestines of pig very cleaned up and you expose them to the smoke. Some at a distance tie them of a finger, others not. Then they can be cooked in water or on the quick- burning coals or in frying pan or as better you want.


Of the sausage. In order to make sausage, take good raw meats of pig, with neither too much too much nor too little fat, chop very small with a knife, and stir in good spices throughout. Then, stuff very clean intestines of the pig, and you expose them to the smoke. Tie some of them at the distance of a finger. Others, tie at a different distance. Then they can be cooked in water or on the quick-burning coals or in frying pan or however else you want.


Of the Sausage


5 1⁄4 pounds pork shoulder or butt roast, bone-in (approximately 4 1⁄2 pounds meat) double ground

1 tablespoon kosher salt

2 tablespoons Poudre Forte (Cubeb, clove, mace, ginger, black pepper, grains of paradise, cassia, cinnamon)


Sausage Casing


Mix pork and seasonings until well blended. Stuff into casing, and tie every 4-5 inches. Prick casings with a fork and poach the sausages in 160o-180o water for 20 minutes; allow to cool. Finish cooking by grilling.


Latin: De Festigia. Ad festigiam faciendam, pullos integros frige cum lardo. Postea, pone ad coquendum cum aqa et zucara et pulvere zinzibewris albi, et fac spissum.


Italian: Della Festigia. Per fare festigia friggi polli interi con lardo. Poi mettili a cuocere con acqua e zucchero e zafferano bianco in polvere; e falla densa.


Of the Festigia. In order to make festigia you fry whole chickens with lard. Then you put them to cook with water and sugar and powdered white ginger; and it makes it dense.


Of the Festigia


1 pound boned chicken thighs, skins on

2 tablespoons lard

1⁄2 cup sugar

1⁄4 cup water

1 tablespoon ground white ginger


Fry the chicken in lard over medium high heat until browned; drain. In a separate pot, heat the sugar and water and simmer to a thick syrup consistency (be sure not to allow the sugar to caramelize). Add chicken and ginger to syrup and simmer 10 -15 minutes until done.


Latin: De limonia. Ad limonia faciendam, suffrigantur pulli com lardo et cepis. Et amygdale mundate terantur, distemperentur cum brodio carnis et colentur. Que coquantur cum dictis pullis et speciebus. Et si non habentur amygdale, spissetur brodium cum vitellis ovorum. Et si fuerit prope horam scutellandi, pone ibi succum limonum vel limiarum vel citrangulorum.


Italian: Della limonia. Per fare limonia si facciano soffriggere dei polli con brodo e cipolle. E si pestino delle mandorle pelate, si stemperino col brodo della carne e si facciano colare. Dopo di che si fanno cuocere con i detti polli e con spezie. E se non si hanno mandorle se infittisca il brodo con tuorli d'uova. E se e vicina l'ora di scodellare, mettivi succo di limoni o di lumie o di aranci amari.


To make a sauce made of lemons, fry in a frying pan hen with lard (bacon) and onions, and almonds peeled ground together with broth of meat and strained. After that, boil together with said chicken and cut into pieces. And if you do not have almonds thicken all manner of broth with yolks of egg, and when it is nearly an hour before serving, put there upon the sour juice of lemons or alum or bitter oranges.


1⁄2 pound bacon, diced

1 medium onion, diced

1 chicken, cut into pieces

2 cups ground almonds

Juice of 2 lemons


Lemon Chicken


Fry the bacon until crisp. Remove bacon from pan, reserving 2 tablespoons fat. Fry onion in bacon fat until translucent. Add chicken pieces and brown evenly. Remove chicken and place in a separate pot with water to cover and boil until tender; remove chicken and reserve broth. Once cool enough to handle, remove chicken from the bone and shred. Stir the shredded chicken back into the onions. Add onion/chicken mixture back to broth, and add ground almonds to thicken. Simmer gently until heated through. Before serving, mix in the crispy bacon and add lemon juice to taste.




You can substitute 2 pounds boneless skinless thighs and/or breasts for the whole chicken.


Latin: De pullis. Elixa pullos. Postea, frige cum lardo et cepis et speciebus cum safrano trittis et distemperatis cum brodio in quo elexata sunt; colentur et ponantur cum pullis. Et pone etiam prunes crudas, uvas passas, amigdalas mondatas, daxtilos, zucaram.


Italian: Dei polli. Fa lessare I polli. Poi friggili con lardo e cipolle, spezie e zafferano, tritati e stemparati col brood in cui sono stati lessati I polli; si facciano colare e si mettano con I polli. E mettivi anche prugne crude, uva passa, mandorle pelate, datteri, zucchero.


Of chickens: Boil the chickens. Then you fry them with lard and onions, spices and saffron, minced and stamped with the broth in which they have been boiled with the chickens; they are made to strain and they are put with the chickens. And you put also raw plums, raisins, almonds peelings, dates, sugar.


Of chickens: Boil the chickens. Then you fry them with lard and onions, spices and saffron, minced and crushed with the broth in which they have been boiled with the chickens; strain them and mix with the chickens. And you put also raw plums, raisins, almonds peelings, dates, and sugar.


Of Chickens


Chicken with Fruit and Spices


1⁄2 chicken, cut into parts

1⁄2 tablespoon saffron

2 tablespoons lard

1⁄2 medium onion, thinly sliced

2 teaspoon ginger

2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 medium plum, diced

1⁄2 cup chopped dates

1⁄2 cup golden raisins

1⁄4 cup almond slivers

1 tablespoon granulated sugar


Add chicken parts to a pot and cover in water. Boil until chicken is completely cooked; cool. Remove skin and bones from chicken and shred meat. Reserve the cooking water.


Heat 4 tablespoons of reserved water and steep saffron; set aside. In a large skillet, melt the lard over medium heat. Add chicken, onions, ginger and cinnamon, stirring well. Strain saffron from broth and add broth to the chicken mixture. Let cook 1-2 minutes, adding more of the chicken water 2 tablespoons at a time if needed for moisture. Add rest of ingredients one at a time, stirring well after each. Cook for several minutes to heat through.


Latin: Sapor pullorum qui dicitur mustarda. Sic fit: recipe pullos et mite ad frissandum cum lardo et cepis. Et cum fuerit semicoctum, ponas species. Et habeas mustum dulce et ibi pone ad coquendum. Et pro quolibet pullo, teras. 4. rubea ovi et pone safranum et distemera cum eodum musto.


Italian: Il sapore per polli detto mostarda. Si fa in questo medo: prendi I polli e mettili a friggere con lardo e cipolle. Come saranno a mezza cottura, mettivi spezie. Abbi del mosto dolce e mettivelo a cuocere, e su ciascun pollo trita quattro rossi d'uovo, aggiungi zafferano e stempera con lo stesso mosto.


The snack of chicken called mustard. It is made in this way: You take one chicken and place in a frying pan with bacon and onions. As they will be to average baking, you put spice. Have sweet wine must and put it to cook, and on every chicken beaten four egg yolks, you add saffron and mix with the same wine must.


The snack of chicken called mustard. Take a chicken and put it in a frying pan with bacon and onions. When it is almost done cooking, add spices. Have a sweet wine must (slightly fermented grape juice) and mix in saffron and four beaten egg yolks. Pour this over the chicken while it cooks.


Mustard Chicken


2 large sweet onions, diced

1⁄2 pound bacon, cut in to small pieces 1 chicken, cut into parts, skin on

3 cups sweet white wine

5 teaspoons dry mustard

2 pinches saffron


Sauté the onions and bacon until the onions are almost translucent. Add the chicken and cook slowly, turning frequently, until chicken is browned and almost cooked through.


In a separate bowl, mix the wine, mustard and saffron. Pour the wine mixture over the chicken and deglaze the pan. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes or until the chicken starts to come free from the bone.




This recipe could be adapted for use in a slow cooker.


Latin: De avibus silvestribus. De fasianis. Fasianos, capons vel alias aves silvestres elixa parum. Postea, extrahantur de aqua et lardantur. Deinde, forma copum de pasta, secundum quantitatem predicte avis. Et tunc avis una, vel plures, includantur cum speciebus. Et fiat foramen in summitate paste; et antequam bene coquantur in furno, per idem foramen intus ponatur succus citrangulorum, vel lomiarum, vel limonum, et aqua roseate, et bene decoquantur. Idem potes facere de carnibus capriole et aliis silvestibus animalibus similabus.


Italian: Degli uccelli selvatici. Dei fagiani. Fagiani, capponi' e altri uccelli selvatici falli lessare. Poi si tolgano dall'acqua e si lardellino. Fa poi un coppo di pasta secondo la quantità dei detti uccelli; e allora vi chiudi dentro un uccello o piú, insieme con spezie. Fa un foro in cima alla pasta e, prima che si cuociano bene nel forno, attraverso quel foro introduce succo d'aranci amari o di lumie o di limoni e acqua di rose: e si fanno cuocere a puntino. Lo stesso puoi fare con carni di capriolo e di altri animali selvatici simili.


Of the wild birds. Of the pheasants. Pheasants, capons and other wild birds you should boil them. Then they are removed from the water and they are larded. Then make a pastry coop of twice the amount of said birds, and then you close within a bird or more, together with spices. Make a hole in the top of the dough and, before that they are cooked well in the furnace, through that hole introduce juice of oranges or apricots or lemons and water of roses: and they are made to cook little while. The same one you can make with meats of faun and other wild animals similar.


Of the Wild Birds


Chicken Pie


2 1⁄2 pounds chicken parts, with skin and bones 1⁄4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄4 teaspoon ground pepper Pastry crust for a 9" pie

3 apricots, liquefied

3 tablespoons water

1 tablespoon rose water


Boil chicken parts in water until cooked and allow to cool. Remove the bones and skin from the chicken and shred the meat. Add the spices to the meat and mix well. Line a pie pan with half of the pastry crust. Place the chicken mixture into the pie pan and cover with the remaining pastry crust. Cut holes in the top of the crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Mix the apricots, water and rose water. Pour the liquid through the holes in the top of the pastry crust and bake for another 25 minutes.


Latin: Della seppia. La seppia grossa si può lessare e friggere con olio e pepe, e mangiare con salsa verde, oppure, se è lessata, puoi metterla con verdure tenere e mangiare col medismo sapore. La stessa, in altro modo: il sapore per le seppie lessate o per le triglie è la salsa verde oppure il succo di aranci amari.


Italian: De sipia. Sipia grossa potest elixari et frigi cum oleo et pipere et comedi cum salsa viridi vel, elixam, potes ponere cum oleribus mollibus et comedere cum eodum sapore. Item, aliter: sapor pro sipiis elixis sive trillis est salsa viridis sive succus citrangulorem.


Of the Cuttlefish: The large small cuttlefish can itself be lessare and be fried with oil and pepper, and to eat with green sauce, or, if it is lessata, you can put it with verdure to hold and eat with the sapore medismo. The same one, in other way: the sapore for the lessate small cuttlefishes or the triglie is the green sauce or the bitter orange juice.


Of the Cuttlefish: The large cuttlefish can itself be boiled and be fried with oil and pepper and be eaten with green sauce, or, if it is boiled, you can put it with leaves (greens) to hold and eat with the herbal sauce (or savory herbs). Another way: the sauce for the boiled cuttlefishes or the mullet is the green sauce or the bitter orange juice.


1 cuttlefish
olive oil for frying pepper

to taste green sauce


Of the Cuttlefish


Wash the cuttlefish and score it. Place in a hot pan with a little bit of oil. Cook until it is still lightly translucent in the center. Remove from heat and pepper to taste. Serve with green sauce [page 9]. If not serving with green sauce, sprinkle with a little bit of salt to taste.


Latin: De salciciis piscium. Ad faciendum salcicas de piscibus, ponantur pisces in aqua calida ad bulliendum, ita quod possint bene depulpari a spinis. Post, accipe herbas odoriferas et species, tere bene cum pulpa piscium; et ponantur in panno lineo perforato et comprimantur fortiter. Et ponantur in frissorio cum oleo feruenti et facias oblungum, rotundum vel transversum, sicut volueris.


Italian: Delle salsicce di pesci. Per fare salsicce di pesci, metti i pesci a bollire in aqua calda, in modo che si possano spolpare per bene dalle spine. Poi prendi erbe odorose e spezie, tritale bene con la polpa dei pesci; e si pongano in un panno di lino traforato premendo forte. Si mettano a friggere in padella con olio bollente, e falle oblunghe, rotonde o a strisce, come vorrai.


Of the salsicce of fish. In order to make salsicce of fish, you put the fish to bubble in warm water, so that they can be spolpare well in order from the thorns. Then take to odorose grass and spezie, trita them well with the polpa of the fish; and they are placed in a traforato linen cloth pressing strongly. They are put to fry in frying pan with hot oil, and them oblong, round or strisce, as you will want.


Of the sausage of fish. In order to make sausage of fish, you put the fish to boil in hot water, so that the flesh can be stripped well from the bone. Then take sweet-smelling herbs and spices, mince/grind them well with the flesh of the fish; and they are placed in an openwork linen cloth pressing strongly. They are put to fry in frying pan with hot oil, and them oblong, round or in strips, as you will want.


Of the sausage of fish


1 pound boneless cod filets
1 bay leaf
1 sprig fresh thyme, stem removed 1 pinch saffron
1 sprig lemon thyme, stem removed 1 pinch grated nutmeg
1 pinch powdered ginger
5 cloves, ground
1⁄4 teaspoon black pepper
1 pinch salt
olive oil


Poach fish 6 minutes per side, or until cooked thoroughly. Remove from heat and let steep for 10 minutes; drain and flake.


In a food processor, combine spices until well-ground. Add fish to spices and pulse until mixture is dough-like.


Put fish in a square of linen and squeeze to remove some of the liquid. Form fish mixture into palm-sized patties. Fry slowly in olive oil on both sides until a crust forms (be sure to turn carefully as the patties will be delicate).


Drain on paper towel and serve hot.


Latin: De troitis in pastillo. Pastillum de troitis; fiat forma de pasta ad longitudinem troite, et troite bene scamate, lote et eventrate ibi ponantur et parum de oleo; bonas species trittas cum safrano desuper sparge. Postea, claudatur pastillum, et fiant cornua in quolibet capite, ad modum barche. Postea, fac duo foramina, unum prope caudam et aliud ad caput; vel tantum unum in medio. Postea, dequoquatur. Postquam fuerit bene coctum, per illa foramina ponatur aqua rosacea et succus citrangulorum vel limonum. Et tempore carnis, potes ponere lardum loco olei.


Italian: Del pasticcio di trote. Per fare pasticcio di trote fa una forma di pasta lunga quanto la trota e mettivi la trota ben squamata, lavata e sventrata, con un po' di olio; spargivi sopra buone spezie tritate con safferano. Poi chiudi il pasticcio, ma fa delle corna da ciascuna parte, a modo di barchetta. E fai due fori, uno dalla parte Della coda e l'altro dalla parte Della testa, oppure soltando uno nel mezzo. Dopo che sarà ben cotto, attraverso quei fori s'introduca acqua di rose e succo d'aranci amari o di limón. E in tempo di carne puoi mettere lardo in luogo dell'olio.


Of trout pie. To make trout pie, make enough dough to match the amount of trout. Put the de-scaled, washed and gutted trout with a little oil. Scatter over it good spices minced with saffron. Then you close the pie, but making two horns, in the shape of a boat. And you make two holes, from the part of the tail and other from the part of the head, or only one. After cooking it well, through those holes introduce rosewater and the juice of bitter oranges or lemon. In time of meat you can use lard in place of oil.


Trout Pie


1 tablespoon rosewater

1 tablespoon orange blossom water

1 trout, cleaned and gutted

1 pie crust, separated into top and bottom crusts

1 tablespoon olive oil or lard

Pinch saffron

Pinch garlic

Pinch marjoram

Pinch tarragon

Pinch black pepper


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine rosewater and orange blossom water; set aside.


Measure the top crust to be approximately the same size as the fish and the bottom crust to be slightly larger than the fish. Place the bottom crust in a non stick pan. Place the fish on the crust, lying on its side. Drizzle the fish with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs and spices. Cover fish with top crust and seal the edges all around. Approximately one inch from each end, make a small cut in the crust.


Bake for 35 minutes.


Remove from oven and pour rosewater mixture into the cuts in the crusts, dividing the mixture evenly between the two. Serve warm.


Latin: De ovis, primo de implendis. Ad faciendum ova plena, findas unumquodque per médium, dum fuerint bene cocta et hoc integra. Tunc extrahe rubedinem et, acceptis maiorana, safrano, gariofilis, distempera cum rubedine predictorum ovorum; et pista fortiter, adiuncto parum de caseo per singula octo ova, distempera unum ovum crudum. Hoc facto, de isto zapore imple albedines ovorum. Et frige cumbono lardo; et cum agresta comede.


Italian: Delle uova, e per primo delle uova ripiene. Per fare uova ripiene, tagliale ciascuna per metà, purché siano ben cotte e perciò intere. Poi estrai il rosso e prendendo maggiorana, zafferano e chiodi di garofano stemperali col rosso delle sopra dette uova; e pesta forte, aggiungendovi un po' di formaggio. Per le singole Otto uova stempera un uovo crudo. Fatto questo, riempi il bianco delle uova con questo sapore. E friggi in buon lardo; e mangiale con agresto.


Of eggs, and for first of eggs stuffed. In order to make eggs stuffed, cut them each one in half, provided that they are very cooked and therefore entire. Then you extract the yolk and taking marjoram, saffron and nail of cloves stamp them with the yolks of aforesaid eggs; and stamp them well adding a little cheese. For every eight eggs, stamp a raw egg. Having done this, stuff the whites of the eggs with this relish. And you fry in good lard; and eat them with agresto.


1 pinch saffron
2 tablespoons hot water
8 hard boiled eggs
1 teaspoon dried marjoram
4 small whole cloves, ground 1⁄2 cup parmesan cheese, grated 1 raw egg
1 cup lard


Stuffed Eggs


Steep saffron in 2 Tablespoons hot water. Cut boiled eggs in half lengthwise, scoop out yolk, and mash in a bowl. Add marjoram, cloves, and saffron water to the yolks and mix well. Add parmesan cheese and raw egg yolk to the yolk mixture. Scoop mixture back into the egg halves.


Melt lard in pan on low to medium heat. Fry eggs in hot lard for 10 minutes (5 minutes on each side).


Serve with agresto.


Latin: De fabis novellis. Fabas novellas fac bulliri et post, aqua eiecta, pone ad coquendum cum lacte pecorino vel amigdalarum. Et ponas desuper ova batuta. Et in scutellis, potes ponere carnes salsas minutissime incises vel lardellos, si volueris.


Italian: Delle fave novella. Fa bollire le fave novella e poi, cacciata fuori l'acqua, mettile a cuocere con latte di pecora o di mandorle. E mettivi sopra uova sbattute. E nelle scodelle puoi porre carni salate tagliate minutissimamente oppure pezzetti di lardo, se vorrai.


Of new beans: Boil the new beans and then, removing them from the water, you put them to cook with sheep's milk or almond milk. And you put them over beaten eggs. And in the bowls you can place salted meats cut very tiny or pieces of lard, if you will want.


New Beans


2 cups cooked white beans (great northern), drained 2 cups almond milk
5 large eggs
Salted meat


Combine the cooked beans and almond milk. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce to a simmer. Continue simmering until the mixture thickens (about an hour).


Meanwhile, scramble the eggs.
Serve the beans over the eggs and top with sliced salted meat.




We suggest cooking the beans with salted meat or flavored broth to add more flavor to the final dish.


Latin: De leguminibus. Recipe cicera et pone ad distemperandum per unam noctem in lexivio bene salsato. Mane autem, ablus bene cum aqua tepida. Postea, decoque ea in aqua tepida et, in fine decoctionis, pone sal et oleum vel aliam pinguedinem. Et, si vis, in diebus ieiunii, coque cum eisdam castaneas depilates.


Italian: Dei legumi. Prendi ceci e mettili a stemperare pre una notte in una soluzione ben salata. La mettina seguente lavali per bene con agua tiepida e al termine della cottura mettivi sale e olio o altro grasso. E nei giorni di digiuno, se vuoi, cuocivi insieme della castagne pelate.


Of the Beans: Collect suitable amount of Chickpeas and put to soak in water with salt for the length of one night. After this time has passed, rinse the Chickpeas well with lukewarm water. Place the rinsed Chickpeas in a large pot with the water from boiled meat and oil and boil until done. In times of no meat, one may use peeled chestnuts.


Of the Beans: Soak chickpeas for one night in a saltwater. The following morning, rinse them thoroughly with lukewarm water and cook them in meat broth and oil until done. On fasting days, you can use peeled chestnuts.


Of the Beans


1 lb. dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

4 cups water

1⁄4 cup kosher salt

3 cups low sodium beef broth

1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil


The night before, mix water and salt in bowl. Place chickpeas in water solution and soak for at least 7 hours. The following day, drain and rinse the chickpeas. Place chickpeas in a pot with the beef broth and olive oil; bring to boil. Turn down heat and let simmer for 20-30 minutes.




Canned chickpeas can also be used. For a thicker texture, mash or puree the beans after cooking.


Latin: De mortarolo. Ad mortarolum cum carnibus, accipe lardum et cepas minutim incises et frissas cun eodum. Postea, ventrescam porci fortiter coctam percute cum eis bene super tabulam et pone ibi de brodio pingui cranium. Et fac bullire omnia simul et apponas ibidem species pulverizatas et safranum distemperatum ad sufficientiam. Iterum, pone panem grattatum in bona quantitate. Et cum omnibus predictis misce rubea ovorum bene batuta. Et postea, fac bullire parum, ita quod sit spissum. Et cum feceris scutellas, pone desuper zucaram cum speciebus pulverizatis.


Italian: Del mortarolo. Per fare mortarolo con carni, prendi lardo e cipolle tagliate sottili e fritte con lo stesso. Poi, insieme con loro, batti per bene sopra un'asse pancetta di maiale ben cotta e mettivi brodo grasso di carni. Fa bollire tutto insieme e mettivi spezie in polvere e zafferano stemperato quanto basti. Poi, mettivi pane grattato in buona quantita. Con tutte le cose sopra dette mescola dei rossi d'uova ben sbattuti. Successivamente fa bollire per un po', in maniera che il composto diventi denso. E come farai le scodelle, mettivi sopra zucchero con spezie in polvere.


* mortarolo: vivanda che prende il nome dal mortaio in cui viene confezionata


Of the mortar: In order to make mortar with meats, take onions cut thin and fry with lard. Then, together with weak wine, you strike in order over a plank very cooked pig bacon/pancetta and put in broth of meat fat. Bring to a boil together and put in powdered spices and dissolve saffron in good quantity. Then, put in grated bread in good quantity. With all the said things stir in very beaten egg yolks. Then boil for a little while, to thicken. And as you make the bowls [for serving], sprinkle sugar with powdered spices.


Of the Mortar


1 tablespoon pepper

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1⁄4 teaspoon allspice

2 cups onions, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons lard

1⁄4 cup chardonnay mixed with 1⁄2 cup water

1 pound bacon, cooked well and crumbled

1 pinch saffron threads

1⁄4 cup dry breadcrumbs

2 egg yolks, well beaten



Mix all the spices together except for the saffron and set aside. Place the saffron in 2 Tablespoons hot water and allow to steep. Cook the onions in the lard until opaque. Add the wine mixture and the bacon to the onions. Bring to a boil. Add 2 teaspoons of the spice mixture, the saffron water, and the bread. Simmer until the bread dissolves. Add the egg yolk; mix well. Simmer until heated through. Before serving, sprinkle with the remaining spice and sugar.




This recipe is easily one our favorites from this project. It is very versatile, working well on its own, as a side dish, or in a pie. As a pie, it can be served hot or cold and fits into any meal of the day (including breakfast).


Latin: De lasanis. Ad lasanas, accipe pastam fermentatum et fac tortellum ita tenuem poteris. Diende, divide eum per partes quadratas ad quantitatem trium digitorum. Postea, habeas aquam bullientum salsatam, et pone ibi ad coquendum predictas lasanas. Et quando erunt fortiter decocte, accipe caseum grattatum. Et si volueris, potes simul ponere bonas species pulverizatas, et pulverize cum istis super cissorium. Postea, fac desuper unum lectum de lasanis it iterum pulverize; et desuper, alium lectum, et pulverize: et sic fac usque cissorium vel scutella sit plena. Postea, comede cum uno punctorio ligneo accipiendo.


Italian: Delle lasagne. Per fare lasagne prendi della pasta fermentatta e tira una sfoglia piu sottile che puoi. Poi dividila in parti quadrate della lunghezza de tre dita. Poi abbi dell acqua bollente salata e mettivi a bollire le predette lasagne. Quando saranno cotte, prendi del formaggio grattato. E, se vorrai, puoi mettervi insieme delle buone spezie in polvere e spargi le stesse in polvere sopra il tagliere. Poi facci sopra un letto di lasagne e polverizza do nuovo; di sopra, un altro letto e polverizza, e fa cosf fino a quando il tagliere o la scodella non siano colmi. Poi mangiale servendoti di un bastoncino di legno.


Of the lasagna. In order to make lasagna you take the leavened dough and pull one leaf as thin as you can. Then you divide it in square parts the length of three fingers. Then have hot water that when bubbles you put the aforesaid lasagna. When they are cooked you take grated cheese. And if you want, you can put good spices in powder. And you scatter the same ones in powder over the trencher. Then it makes over a bed of lasagna and new dust; if over, another bed and powder, and until the trencher or the bowl is not overflowed. Then eat it, serving them to you with a wood spoon.


Of the Lasagna


1 package (1/4 oz.) active yeast proofed in 1⁄4 cup tepid water

3 cups flour

1 teaspoon salt

Water, room temperature

2/3 – 1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

1⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg

1⁄2 teaspoon cardamom

1⁄2 teaspoon allspice

1⁄4 teaspoon cloves Pinch ginger ground pepper


To make the dough, combine first three ingredients. Add water until dough forms a ball suitable to kneed. Kneed dough 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Place dough in a bowl, cover and place in a warm spot to rise for an hour. Roll dough as thin as possible (approximately 1/6") on a floured board (try for 1/6"). Cut to the width and length of 3 fingers.


To assemble lasagna, cook by adding 5-6 pieces at a time to boiling salted water. When the pasta looks translucent, remove it from boiling water with a slotted spoon and place individually on a warm platter, overlapping the edges. Sprinkle with a generous amount of cheese and dust with each of the spices, distributing evenly over the pasta. Apply freshly ground pepper to taste. Continue until all pasta is cooked. Serve immediately.




We found it easier to have two pots of boiling water as the flour residue from the noodles made the water and caused the dough to stick to the bottom of the pot. If you have to, change the water to keep the cooking consistency the same. Do not be alarmed at how much water the dough sheets absorb.


Latin: Si vis facere toram de lassanis, pone lassanas, ova frissa vel lixa vel perduta et raviolos incisos vel integros, caseum pinguem grattatum vel inciscum, lardum sufficientem; et hoc compone solaris faciendo, species apponendo. Et forma super Islam de pasta unum serpentem preliantem cum Columba, vel quecumque alia animalia volueris. Deinde, accipe intestina implecta de bona impletura et ponatur in circuito quasi murus. Tunc solaria colorentur pro voluntate et ponantur in furno. Postea, portetur coram domino cum pompa.


Italian: Se vuoi fare torta di lasagne. Meeti lasagne, uova fritte o lessate o strapazzate e ravioli fatti a pezzi o interi, formaggio grasso grattato o tagliato, lardo quanto basta; disponi il composto a strati aggiungendovi spezie. E su questo con la pasta fa un serpente che combatte con una colomba o con qualunque altro animale che tu voglia. Poi prendi dei budelli pieni di buon ripieno e mettili all'intorno a guisa di muro. Poi colora i vari strati a tua volontà e metti al forno. Poi s'imbandisca al cospetto del signore in gran pompa.


If you want to make cake of lasagne. Put lasagne (noodles), eggs that are fried or boiled or scrambled, and ravioli made in pieces or entire, grated or sliced fatty cheese, a sufficient amount of lard ; you arrange the compound in layers adding to it spices. And on this, with the dough, you make a snake that it fights with a dove or any other animal that you want. Then you take the sausages full of good filling and put them all around like a wall. Then you color several of the layers to your will and you put to the furnace. Then parade it about to the view of the gentlemen in great pomp.


Cake of Lasagne


1 box lasagna noodles

5 eggs, beaten

1 Tablespoon lard

15 ounces ricotta

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 1⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1⁄2 Cup parmesan cheese, grated

Sausage links


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cook the lasagna noodles per package instructions. Melt lard in a frying pan and scramble eggs until fully cooked; remove from heat. Combine scrambled eggs, ricotta, and spices; set aside. Line the bottom of a baking dish with a layer of cooked noodles, leaving approximately one inch on all sides. Spread a thin layer of the egg mixture on the noodles and sprinkle with Parmesan. Continue layering noodles, eggs and cheese, making sure the top layer is noodles. Line the perimeter of the lasagna with sausage links. Cover with foil and bake 45 minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 10 minutes.




The remaining noodles and food coloring can be used to create a scene on the top of the lasagna (the recipe suggests a snake fighting with a dove or other animal).


Latin: Crispellas. Sic fax: habeas farinam albam distemperatam cum ovis, addito safrano. Et pone ad coquendum in lardo tantum; et quando decocte fuerint, pone desuper zucaram vel mel. Et comede.


Italian: Le crispelle. Si fanno in questo modo: abbi della farina Bianca stemperata con uova, aggiuntovi dello zafferano. E metti a cuocere lo strato nel lardo; e come siano cotte, mettivi sopra zucchero o miele. E mangia.


The crispelles. They are made in this way: have of the flour white mixed with eggs, addition of saffron. And you put to cook the layer in the lard; and as they are cooked, you put over sugar or honey to you. And then eat.


Crispelles. They are made in this way. Have white flour mixed with eggs, along with the addition of saffron. Cook in a layer of lard; and as they are cooked, put sugar or honey over them, and then eat.




2 cups flour

3 eggs, beaten


ground raw sugar



Mix flour and eggs into a dough. Roll dough very thin and slice into strips three fingers in width. Drop into hot lard and fry until puffy and golden. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with ground raw sugar or honey.


Serve hot.


Latin: De gantis Ad gantas faciendas accipe cicera, superposita zucara vel speciebus, alba bene distemperata in aqua. Postea, lixentur bene et, extracta de ista aqua, terantur fortiter et misceantur cum eadem aqua. Postea collantur et de illa aqua collata distemperetur farina. Et facias tortellas sicut volueris. Et frigantur in lento igne cum lardo vel oleo et superponatur mel. Et tales tortelli vocantur ganta.


Italian: Dei guanti. Per fare guanti prendi dei ceci, mettendovi sopra zucchero o spezie; e stemperali bene in acqua chiara. Poi si fanno lessare al punto giusto e, tolti da quest'acqua, si pestino forte e si mescolino con la stessa acqua. Poi si fanno scolare e con l'acqua scolata si stempera la farina. Fai tortelli come vuoi e si friggano a fuoco lento con lardo o olio, mettendovi poi sopra del miele. Tali tortelli si chiamano guanti.


Of the guanti. In order to make gloves you take of the ceci, putting over sugar or spezie to you; and stempera them well in clear water. Then they are made to lessare to the just point and, removed from quest?acqua, they are stepped on strong and they are stirred with the same water. Then they are made to drain and with l?acqua drained stempera the flour. You make tortellos as you want and fry then to slow fire with lardo or oil, putting to you over of the honey. Such tortellos call gloves.


Of the guanti. In order to make guanti, you take chickpeas, put sugar or spices over them; and stamp them well in clear water. Then they are made to to boil to the just point and, removed from the water, they are stepped on strong and stirred with the same water. Then they are made to drain and with the drained water dissolve the flour. You make cakes as you want and fry with low flame with lard or oil. Put honey over them. Such cakes are called guanti.




1 15 oz. can chickpeas, drained

1 15 oz. can water

1⁄4 tablespoon nutmeg

1 1⁄4 tablespoon powdered ginger, divided

1 1⁄2 tablespoon cinnamon, divided

1⁄4 Cup flour
Olive oil for frying



In a saucepot, bring the chickpeas, water, nutmeg, 1⁄4 Tablespoon ginger, and 1⁄2 Tablespoon cinnamon to a boil over medium high heat. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and mash with a potato masher. Add flour and heat mixture until it's the consistency of pancake batter. Mix in remaining ginger and cinnamon.


In a frying pan, heat about 3 Tablespoons of olive oil until hot. Drop spoonful's of chickpea batter into the oil and fry 3-4 minutes per side over medium-high heat. Drain.


Drizzle with honey and serve hot.




'Guanti' means gloves or paste-meats fashioned as hands.


Even though we prepared this dish as a dessert, we think the spices could be adjusted to make this a savory side dish.


Latin: De gratonea Gratonea lactis sic fit: recipe lac ovile et distempera cum ovis fortiter; et pone lardum in sartagine iuxta ignem, ita quod sit valde calidum. Postea, cum cocleari perforato, sparge lac in sartagine per totum. Postea, cum decoctum fuerit competenter, remoto ab igne, zucaram super adde.


Italian: Della gratonea La gratonea di latte si fa in questo modo: prendi latte di pecora e stemperalo per bene con uova; e metti del lardo in una padella, in modo che sia molto caldo. poi, con un mestolo forato, spargi il latte nella padella dappertutto. Quando poi sara cotto al punto giusto, toltolo dal fuoco, aggiungi sopra dello zucchero.


**gratonea: appellativo tipico della vivanda in oggetto (dallo spagnolo gratonada)


Of the gratonea. The gratonea of latte is made in this way; you latte of sheep and stempera it well with eggs; and you put of the lard in a frying pan, so that it is much warmth. Then, with a mestolo pierced, you scatter the latte ones in the frying pan everywhere. When the sara cooked to the just point, toltolo from the fire, you add over the suger.


** gratonea: typical name of the vivanda in object (from the Spanish gratonada)


Of the gratonea. The gratonea of milk is made in this way: You take sheep's milk and dissolve it well with eggs. Heat lard in a frying pan until very warm. Then, with a slotted spoon, scatter the milk in the frying pan. When it is cooked to the just point, remove from the fire and add sugar over it.


** gratonea: typical name of the food in object (from the Spanish gratonada)


Gratonea of Milk


1 tablespoon lard
4 tablespoons sheep milk*

1 egg, beaten


*If using dry sheep's milk, mix 3 tbsp. dry milk with 4 tbsp. water.


Heat the lard in a skillet over medium heat to melt. Mix the sheep's milk and egg until well blended. Pour milk and egg mixture into lard until done, turning if needed. It will look similar to an omelet when cooked.


Remove from heat and sprinkle with sugar to taste.




Sheep milk is extremely difficult to find in the United States so we tried this recipe with goat milk, cow milk, and dried sheep milk. Goat milk was the best substitute, per most tasters. Surprisingly, cow milk did not work for this recipe. The sheep and goat milk add a sweetness that cow milk does not have.


Eventually, we were able to find fresh sheep milk and discovered using fresh sheep's milk does not make a big difference over the dried.


To find out more about our Quest for Sheep Milk, see below.


The Quest for Sheep Milk


When this project started I don't think any of us really expected sheep milk to become the Holy Grail of the cookbook. But there we were, a group of historical cooking geeks, or "culinary historians" determined that we had to have it. And so our quest began.


The Gratonea of Milk recipe was assigned to me for translation so I decided to keep it for the first round of redactions. How hard can it be to find sheep milk? Living in Southern California we are lucky to have many specialty food markets near us. I assumed I could run by my local health food store, pick up some sheep milk and be on my way.


I quickly discovered sheep milk is not readily available so turned to Plan B – the Internet. I searched online and still couldn't come up with any sheep milk for sale. Unfortunately, I don't take failure easily so became even more determined to find sheep milk. I decided that if I couldn't buy it from a retailer, I'd have to turn to Plan C – find a sheep and milk it. But apparently that is also easier said than done.


I started by emailing several local 4-H groups, thinking there may be a 4-H kid somewhere nearby raising a sheep. No such luck. I didn't even receive responses to my inquiries. I then emailed two separate agricultural professors at nearby universities. They were both sheep-health specialists so I thought they may know where I could find a ewe that needed milking. While I did receive responses, neither professor was able to help me locate sheep milk.


Back to the Internet I went. On a lark I decided to check Yahoo! Groups for sheep and sheep related groups. Jackpot! I found a sheep farmers' group and joined. I could practically taste the sheep milk as I posted an inquiry to the group.


Within a day, I had responses but not the responses I'd hoped for. Instead of finding a nice sheep farmer to send me some milk, I started a massive flame war over the best breed of sheep to milk. Not exactly the outcome I'd had in mind.


By this time, a few months had passed. During that time, one of our group members moved to England. She mentioned that sheep milk was readily available in England and offered to bring some back during an upcoming visit. At last sheep milk would be mine! But the US Customs Agents at the Los Angeles International Airport had other plans. The sheep milk was confiscated and thrown out. We were very sad.


Finally one of our fellow SCA-ians found food-grade dried sheep milk while buying soap-making supplies. Hooray! We used the dried milk to test our recipe. After many months of searching we found our Hold Grail, at least a dried version of it.


Our group moved on and over the next two years, finalized the rest of the recipes and edited the book. Just before the final editing was complete, Messer Guiseppe went to Yosemite to visit friends who live on a farm. Guess what? They had a ewe that had just given birth and was full of milk! He quickly jumped at the chance to milk a sheep (after several text messages taunting me about what he was about to do) and brought 1 cup of fresh sheep milk back to Southern California. After almost three years we finally got to test the Gratonea of Milk recipe with real sheep milk! I'm sorry to report that the real thing was anti-climatic and not worth the wait. We determined that the fresh milk did not improve the recipe compared to the dried milk. But at least now we know and can put an end to our Quest. Although I'm still bitter that Guiseppe was the one to finally find the milk!


~ Mistress Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto O.L.




Cover art: Kuchenmaistery, Conradus Celtis, Germany (1490)


All other art: The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi, Italian (1570)

Original cookbook provided by: Mistress Giovanna Magdalena Firidolphi


Contributors and Redactors:

Adrianna von Vogelsang: Maureen French

Algythia of Ashwood: Erin Alderson

Barthomew Marchant of Studley Green: Brian Suskind Beathog nic Dhonnchaidh: Rebecca Duval

Caterucia Bice da Ghiacetto: Kerri Morin

Ceara ingen Chonaill: Carolyn Trontoski

Colette de Montpeller: Carol Ann Stanley

Dametta Sweet: Janet Snyder

Domnhall mac Pharlain: Joe Duval

Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia: Joseph Cook-Giles

Lasairfiona nhe chon Chonnact: Christianna Johnson Adelheit

Schwarzenkatze: Lalena Hutton




Edited by: Kerri Morin and Carolyn Trontoski Visit us at: www.uppercrustguild.com/



Copyright 2012 by The Right Noble Upper Crust, Barony of Gyldenholt, Kingdom of Caid. Permission is granted for republication in SCA-related publications, provided the author is credited. Addresses change, but a reasonable attempt should be made to ensure that the author is notified of the publication and if possible receives a copy.


If this article is reprinted in a publication, please place a notice in the publication that you found this article in the Florilegium. I would also appreciate an email to myself, so that I can track which articles are being reprinted. Thanks. -Stefan.


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org