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Platina-bib - 11/7/00


A bibliography on Bartolomeo Platina by Thomas Gloning.


NOTE: See also the files: cb-rv-Platina-msg, cookbooks-msg, cookbooks-bib, merch-cookbks-msg, online-ckbks-msg, p-Italy-food-bib, 16thC-cookbk-bib.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors.


Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s).


Thank you,

    Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

                                          Stefan at florilegium.org



Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 01:09:40 +0200

From: TG <gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE>

Subject: Re: SC - Bartolomeo Sacchi, called Platina


>   I've decided I'm going to use Platina as the figure for my paper, even if he

> isn't a cook per se, he is someone who I can get a sufficient amount of info

> on to write a paper (and he looks like he'll be interesting to read about).

> Other than Milham's translation of De Honustae Voluptae... (On Right Good

> Health and Pleasure) can people here suggest any books I may want to look

> into?


Here are some bibliographical notes on Platina and his culinary source,

Maestro Martino:


Beck, L.N.: Praise is due Bartolomeo Platina. A note on the

librarian-author of the first cookbook. In: Quarterly Journal of the

Library of Congress 32 (1975) 238-253.


Benporat, Cl.: Maestro Martino e i suoi ricettari. In: Appunti di

gastronomia 14 (June 1994) 5-13.


Benporat, Cl.: Il recettario di Martino de Rubeis nel contesto della

cucina rinascimentale italiana. In: Appunti di gastronomia 13 (Feb.

1994) 5-14.


Benporat, C.: Cucina italiana del quattrocento. Florenz 1996 (Biblioteca

dell'Archivum Romanicum 272).


Bertoluzza, A.: Libro di cucina del Maestro Martino de Rossi. Cucina

tardomedioevale in uso alle corti degli Sforza, dei Visconti e nel

Principato Vescovile di Trento. Trento 1993.


Campana, A. (ed.): Bartolomeo Sacchi, il Platina (Piadena 1421 - Roma

1481). Atti del convegno Internazionale di Studi per il V Cententario

(Cremona 1981). Padua 1986.


Faccioli, E.: Arte della cucina. Libri di ricette, testi sopra lo

scalco, il trinciante e i vini dal XIV al XIX secolo. Zwei Bände.

Mailand 1966.


Laurioux, B.: I libri di cucina italiani alla fine del medioevo: un

nuovo bilancio. In: Archivio Storico Italiano 154 (1996) 45-54.


Maestro Martino: Libro de arte coquinaria. In: Faccioli, E. (Hg.): Arte

della cucina. Band 1. Mailand 1966, 115-204.


Martino da Como - Libro de arte coquinaria composto per lo egregio

maestro Martino coquo olim del Reverendiss. Monsignor Camorlengo et

Patriarcha de Aquileia. Handschrift, Washington: Library of Congress, De

Ricci 153 (15. Jahrhundert).


Martino da Como: Libro de Arte Coquinaria. In: Faccioli, E. (ed.): Arte

della cucina. Vol. I. Milano 1966, 115-204.


Martino da Como: Maestro Martino da Como, »Libro de Arte Coquinaria«. A

cura di E. Montorfano e con introduzione di E. Travi. Mailand 1990.

[Faksimile und Transkription der Handschrift `Washington, Library of

Congress, De Ricci 153'.]


Martino da Como: Libro de arte coquinaria. Premessa e commenti di P.

Micoli. Udine (Società Filologica Friulana/ Arti Grafiche Friulane)

1994. [Text nach der Ausgabe Faccioli 1966.]


Michelutti, M.: Di un salutare umanista e di un piacevole tipografo.

Udine 1994.


Milham, M.E.: The manuscripts of Platina »De honesta voluptate« and its

source, Martino. In: Scriptorium 26 (1972) 127-129.


Milham, M.E.: The latin editions of Platina's »De honesta voluptate«.

In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 52 (1977) 57-63.


Milham, M.E.: The vernacular editions of Platina's »De honesta

voluptate«. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 54 (1979) 87-95.


Milham, M.E.: New Aspects of »De honesta voluptate ac valitudine«. In:

Campana, A./ Masotti, P. Medioli (eds.): Bartolomeo Sacchi il Platina.

Padua 1986, 91-96.


Milham, M.E.: Platina and papal politics. In: Lambert, C. (Dir.): Du

manuscrit à la table. Montréal/ Paris 1992, 81-84.


Milham, M.E.: Platina and Martino's Libro de arte coquinaria. In: Acta

Conventus Neo-Latini Hafniensis. Ed. by. A. Moss et al., general editor:

Rh. Schnur. Binghampton, NY 1994, 669-673 (MRTS 120).


Milham, M.E.: Martino and his De re coquinaria. In: Medieval food and

drink. The Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, vol. 21.

Binghampton, NY 1995, 62-66.


Platina Cremonensis. Von der eerlichen zimlichen, auch erlaubten Wolust

des Leibs, sich inn essen, trincken, kürtzweil &c (...). Durch Bap.

Platinam (...) verteütscht, durch M. Stephanum Vigilium Pacimontanum.

Augsburg (Stayner) 1542. Nachdruck Hildesheim/ New York 1980.


Platina, B.: Von der Bäpst vnd Keiser leben. Von Petro vnnd Tiberio an

biß auff Carolum V. und Paulum III. Des Jars MDXLVI continuirt und

zusammengetragen. Straßburg (Rihel) 1546.


Platina, B.: Il piacere onesto e la buona salute. Hg. von E. Faccioli.

Turin 1985.


Platina: Platyne De Honesta Voluptate: & Valitudine (Cividale: Gerardus

de Flandria 1480). Reprint Udine (Società Filologica Friuliana/ Arti

Grafiche Friulane) 1994.


Platina: On right pleasure and good health. A critical edition and

translation of »De honesta voluptate et valetudine« by M.E. Milham.

Tempe, Arizona 1998 (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies 168).


Scully, T. (ed.): Cuoco Napoletano. The Neapolitan recipe collection

(New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, MS Bühler, 19). A critical edition

and English translation. Initially with the collaboration of R. Grewe.

Ann Arbor (Univ. of Michigan Press) 2000.


Vehling, J.D.: Martino and Platina, exponents of Renaissance cookery.

In: Hotel Bulletin and Nation's Chefs (October 1932) 192-195.


Vehling, J.D.: Platina and the rebirth of man. Chicago 1941.


Von Speisen. Natürlichen vnd Kreuter Wein/ aller verstandt. Vber den

zuosatz viler bewerter künst/ insonders fleissig gebessert vnd

corrigirt. Auß Apitio, Platina, Varrone. Bapt. Fiera &c. Frankfurt a.M.

1531. Nachdruck hg. von M. Lemmer. München 1984.


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org