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p-Coronat-fst-art - 3/26/01


Information on the Coronation feast of Richard III, taken from Sutton, Anne F. and PW Hammond, The Coronation of Richard III: the Extant Documents, New York; St. Martin's Press, 1983.


NOTE: See also the files: p-feasts-msg, p-menus-msg, p-cooks-msg, Fst-Menus-art, fst-entertain-msg, feast-menus-msg, feast-serving-msg, EK-Crwn-Fst-art.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors.


Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s).


Thank you,

    Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  THLord Stefan li Rous

                                          Stefan at florilegium.org



Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 12:55:20 -0600

From: Ted Eisenstein <Alban at delphi.com>

Subject: SC - LONG! - coronation feasts and purchases


Sutton, Anne F. and PW Hammond, The Coronation of Richard III:

the Extant Documents, New York; St. Martin's Press, 1983.


The Manuscript.


These menus occur on folios 71-78 of the British

Museum Additional MS. 45,716A. The coronation feast's menu and

its accompanying 'proportion' describing the requirements of the

offices of the royal Household employed in providing the feast is

only headed as for King Richard on Sunday 6 July and it seems that

the copyist ascribed it to the year 1327. The date of Sunday 6 July

can only refer to the coronation of Richard III. This is corroborated

by the internal evidence of the one personal name which occurs in

the manuscript, john Lamplew. Lamplew was a grocer of London

in Richard III's day, and was a supplier of the short lived

Household of Edward V. The titles of the preceding menus for the

Friday and Saturday mention neither king nor date but the

sequence of days is correct for Richard III's coronation. It was

customary for the king to stay at the Tower of London before his

coronation, the vigil of the prospective knights of the Bath being

held, in this case, on the Friday night and the actual creation on the

Saturday morning, followed by the dinner described in this

manuscript and the procession of the king from the Tower to the

Palace of Westminster where he spend the night immediately

preceding his coronation. The hand of these eight folios is smaller

and neater, at least to start with, than that of the preceding pages

which gives a further impression of a single copied piece of work.

this and the unity of the subject matter in particular convince the

editors that the whole should be ascribed to the coronation of

Richard and not just the coronation feast entitled for King Richard.

British Library Additional MS. 45,617A is a folio volume of 126

leaves, its original limp vellum cover still in place within its new

British Library one. On this vellum cover is written 'Anno xxximo

Regis H. viijvi. The booke of the Newe Ordinarye of the kinges

most honerable houshold'. On the flyleaf is 'Liber Willelmi Dunche'.

It is a book of the royal Household in use from 1540 to probably

1543-4 since it refers to the establishment of Queen Catherine

Howard. It is mainly a collection of ordinances, lists of wages,

declarations of bouche of court, lists of household officers and bills

of fare. These are mostly of 31 Henry VIII with copies of earlier

records of ceremonies such as the Richard III menus and

proportions which were of interest and use to the compiler of the


. . . . .

Editorial Procedure. The manuscript is in an informal and often

careless hand. As has been mentioned, it starts as a neat copy but

rapidly deteriorates to a scrawl by its finish. It was probably

written by the same person who wrote the rest of the 'Liber

Willelmi Dunche'. The menus and proportions here transcribed are

in a curious mixture of English, Latin and some French, lapsing

from one to either with no observable rules in the manner not

uncommon in manuscripts covering similar subjects. It is highly

abbreviated and it is occasionally very difficult to know which

language is intended when the word has the same root in more

than one of the three alternatives. It is also clear that the copyist did

not always understand his original and did not always take very

much care to be accurate when he did. The editors have attempted

to rationalize the confusion. The menus themselves have been

rendered exactly. For the rest, the Latin has been translated except

where a translation would be ridiculous, as for 'aqua vite'. The

English or French of the original has been put between inverted

commas. Throughout, any abbreviated word, of which an

extended form occurs elsewhere in the manuscript, has been

extended. Any apparently otiose abbreviation and the copious use

of a paragraph mark at the beginning of most items in the

proportions have been ignored. Punctuation and capitals have been

modernized. Roman have been replaced by arabic numerals and

pries and weights are given in the modern style. . . . .


Ane Ordynaunce one Frydaye at Night at the Towre or Wher the

King Wilbe the Same Day


Rise molene and prune de orenge to potage

Salt fyshe in foyle

Salt lamperns with galentyne

Pike in soupes

Grett place in sarry sauce

Crabbes of the sey

Gurnard fried

Frittour covert

Conger bake


A cours

Creme in almondes and pynat to potage

Tenche in gresill

Gret basse in foile

Freshe conger in foile

Calworthe salmon in foile

Soles in Salamy

Perche in foile


Crevez de ew doulce

Troutte in sesie

Porpas rost

Curnart bake and quynces


A proporcon for the said orcdynaunce

Pepper -- 2 lb

'Saffron' -- 1/2 lb

'Ginger' -- 1 lb

'Suger' -- 12 lb

'Pott suger' -- 4 gallons

'Clovez maces' -- 1 lb

'Greynes' -- 1/4 lb

'Saunceres' -- 1 lb

Dates -- 8 lb

Raisins 'cours' -- 8 lb

'Prunes' -- 6 lb

'Almoundes' -- 20 lb

'Poundes of annesedes' -- 1 lb

'Holle rise' -- 20 lb

'Confettes red and whit' -- 2 lb

'Sugar plat' -- 1 lb

Olive 'oile' -- 2 gallons


The Pultre

'Milke' -- 50 gallons

'Creme'  -- 10 gallons

'Eges' -- 1000

'Butter'` -- 6 gallons

'Gret onyons' -- 1 'peces'


Ane Ordynaunce for Saturday at the Towre at the Making of the

Knightes of the Bathe at Dynner for the King

'Salt lamperns' -- 6 dozen

'Salt elis' -- 112 dozen

'Pikes' -- 250

'Gret turbuttes' -- 16

'Gret halibuttes' -- 6

'Gret places' -- 600

'Conger' -- 12

'Calworth salmon' -- 12

'Soles' -- 48

'Salt sturgion' -- 2 barrels

'Crabes of the see'  -- 3 'semes'

'Salt salmon' -- 26

'Shaft ellis freshe' -- 300

'Stubbull elis' -- 200

'Lamperns' -- 600

'Stopped salmon' -- 24

'Roches' -- 800

'Celinges welkes' -- 1000

'Forland welkes' -- 6000


Soupes in dorrey

Viaunt comfort

Salt ling in foile

Salt lamperns with galentyne

Pike in erbe lade

Breme de mare in foile

Gret place

Crabbes of the sea

Chynes of salmon broiled

Mollettes in foile and hallowes

Marlinges fryed

Elis lamperns rost

Chewettes of eles bake


ijde cours

Gely ipocras


Freshe coddes in foile

Freshe conger

Calworth salmon

Tenche in gresill

Soles in salamy

Perche in foile

Roche in foile

Flounder in sarry sawce

Goiouns with parcelley

Popos rost

Leche lombard

Trowte bake

Quynces bake


Souper at Westminster One Saturdaye

Mamorry riall

Grene fishe

Pike in soppes

Place in foile

Haddoc blaunched

Cheven in foile

Base in sarry sawce

Soles fryed

Leche siper

Gurnard bake


ijde cours

Dates in compost

Steyned creme

Tenche in foile

Freshe conger

Troutt sesilled

turbutt stewed

Freshe sturgion

keling welkes

Roche in foile

Flounder in sarry sauce

Goions in foile

Elis and lamperns rost

Dowcettes bake


Dominica anno MlCCCxxvij, ex huic CCxxvij annis

An' Ordynaunce for King Richardes Coronacion at Westminster

the Sonday the vjth day of July

First an' harold of arms proclaymyng the feast

Potage: Frumentie with veneson and bruett Tuskayne

-- Viand comford riall

-- Mamory riall

Bief and moton

Fesaunt in trayne

Cignett rost

Crane rost

Capons of hault grece in lymony

Heronshewe rost

Gret carpe of venyson rost

Grett luce in eger doulce

Leche solace

Fretor Robert riall

Gret flampayne riall

Custard Edward planted

A sotiltie

-- xiij


A cours

Gely partied with a devise

Viand blanc in barre

Pecokes in his hakell and trapper

Roo reversed in purpill

Runers rost

Betorr rost

Peiene rost

partriche rost

Pomes birt

Scotwhelpes rost

Rollettes of veneson farced

Gret carpe and breme in foile

Leche frument riall planted

Frettour rosett and jasmine

Tart burbonet bake

Venyson bake

A sotiltie

-- xv [sic] [sic as to the sic]


A cours


Nosewis (?) in compost

Venyson rost

Telle in barre

Langettes de lyre

pety chek in bolyen

Egrettes rost

Rabettes souker rost

Quailes rost

Briddes brauncher rost

Freshe sturgion with fenell

Creves de ew doulce

Leche fiole and canell

Frittour crispe

Rosettes florished

Oranges bake

Quynces bake

A sotilty

-- xix [sic] [sic as to the sic]


For the lordes and the ladyes in thall the same day att dyne

Vyand riall

Bief and multon

Grene ges rost

Capon rost

Lardes de veale

Pike in erblad

Leche siper

Fretor covert

Custard riall

A soltiltie


A cours

Viande blanc in barre

Crane and heronshewe

Kidd endorred and lambe

Roo reversed

Chek in boilen

Rabettes rost

Sturgion and crevz de dudoulce

Leche caniell

Close tart indorred

Crismatories and oranges bake

A sotelty


For the comons

Frumenty with venyson

Bief and multon

Capon rost

Bief rost

Leche canell


pp. 291-296


A proporcion for the said coronacion for a Ml messes of meat

The bakehouse

Wheat, 80 quarters at 13 s. the quarter -- £52

'Canvas' cloth at 5 d. the ell, 60 ells -- 25 s.

'Floure baskettes gross' at 6 d. each, 6 -- 50 s.


The Pantry

Bread bought, 50 dozen -- 50 s.

'Kerving knyves, j payre'

'Chipping knyves', 8

'Cerdevaindes, j payre' -- 15 s.

'Fyne' Holland cloth at 3 s. the ell for 'dringing towell' ', 6 ells 18 s.

'Fyne' Rheims cloth for two 'towelles' for bread, 6 ells

Flanders cloth, 10 d. the ell, 8 ells for 24 'neck towelles' -- 6 s. 8 d.

Brussels cloth, 8 d. the ell, 24 ells for 'portpaynes'  -- 16 s.

Flanders cloth, at 7 d. the ell, 8 ells for 'lidgers -- 4 s. 8 d.




The Buttery

Ale, 24 tuns at 30 s. the tun -- £36

memorandum, 4 for the kitchens

Empty pipes, 30 at 14 d. each

Wooden cups, 3000 at 40 s. the thousand -- £6

Leather bottles 3 at 16 d. each -- 4 s. 4 d.

Wooden 'bolles', 20 -- 20 d.

Leather 'jugges', at 3 s. 4 d. each, 2 -- 6 s. 8 d.

Gallon leather bottles, 4 dozen at 16 d. each -- 64 s.


The Cellar

Red wine, 4 tuns at £9 the tun -- £36

'Claret wine', 2 tuns as above -- £18

White wine, 2 tuns as above -- £18

Hippocras wine, 1 quarter -- 40 s.

Red wine for 'le conduytt', 1 tun -- £9


For the Kitchens

Red wine, 1 pipe -- £4 10 s.

'White' wine, 1 quarter (tun) -- 45 s.

'Claret' wine, 1 quarter (tun) -- 40 s.

'Bastard' wine, 1 'roundelet' -- from stock

'Malvesey' wine, 1 'roundelet'  -- from stock


The Cellar

Flanders cloth at 7 d. the ell, 24 ells for 'cubberd clothes'  -- 14 s.

Flanders cloth at 7 d. 10 ells as above -- 5 s. 10 d.

Brussels cloth at 8 d. the ell, 4 ells for 2 'lidgiers' -- 2 s. 8 d.

'Busk' cloth, at 5 d. the ell, 6 ells for 4 'wipers' -- 2 s. 6 d.

Cloth for 'Ipocras bages'


Still the Cellar

'Bolles for 'Ipocras', 4

Leather 'jugges' for the 'barr', 1

'Gispyns', 2

Clay pots for the 'barr', 12

'Treis', 2 dozen

'Treis for to sett pipes a broche', 2

'Canells to sett in pipes', 2 dozen



Flanders cloth at 7 d. the ell, 30 ells  -- 17 s. 6 d. for 'j cupberd' --

' Busk' cloth at 5 d. the ell, 12 ells -- 5 s. for 6 'wipers'

'Bolles', 6 -- 3 s. 4 d.


Proportion of the spices for the Kitchens

Powdered pepper at 16 d. the pound, 20 lb -- 26 s. 8 d.

Whole pepper as above, 8 lb. -- 10 s. 8 d.

'Saffron' of England at 12 s. the pound, 8 lb. -- 48 s.

Cinnamon at 3 s. the pound, 20 lb. -- 60 s.

Whole cinnamon at 3 s. 4 d. the pound, 8 lb. -- 26 s. 8 d.

Whole ginger at 16 d. the pound, 4 lb. -- 5 s. 4 d.

'Suger pur' at 6 1/2 d. the pound, 30 lbs. -- 16 s. 3 d.

Powdered ginger at 16 d. the pound, 12 lb. -- 16 s.

'Suger Portingall at 6 1/2 d. the pound, 150 lbs. -- 60 s. 8 d. (sic)

'Saunders' at 2 s. 4 d. the pound, 14 lb. -- 32 s. 8 d.

'Maces at 2 s. 8 d. the pound, 16 lb. -- 34 s. 8 d. (sic)

'Colvez' at 2 s. 4 d. the pound, 6 lb. -- 14 s.

'Graynes' at 18 d. the pound, 12 lb. -- 18 s.

'Unces mustad' at 2 s. the pound, 6 lb. -- 12 s.

Powdered 'annes' at 4 d. the pound, 24 lb. -- 8 s.

'Suger plat' at 8 d. the pound, 6 lb. -- 4 s.

Red 'comfettes' at 8 d. the pound, 6 lb. -- 4 s.

White 'comfettes' as above, 6 lb.  -- 4 s.

Red 'comfettes' 'ragged', 2 lb. -- 16 d.

White 'comfettes' 'ragged' as above, 2 lb. -- 16 d.

'Turnesall' at 10 d. the pound, 12 lb. -- 10 s.

Longe pepper at 3 s. 4 d. the pound, 4 lb. -- 13 s. 4 d.

'Races cours' at 2 1/2 d. the pound, 200 lb. -- 46 s. 8 d. (sic)

'Mynsyd' liquorice at 12 d. the pound, 4 lb. -- 4 s.

'Mynsyd' ginger at 2 s. 8 d. the pound, 2 lb. -- 5 s. 4 d.

'Alkenet' at 12 d. the pound, 3 lb. -- 3 s.

Whole rice at 1 1/2 d. the pound, 40 lb. -- 5 s.

'Rice' flour at 3 d. the pound, 40 lb -- 10 s.

Almonds at 5 d. the pound, 150 lb. -- 70 s. (sic)


Still for the kitchens

Dates at 2 1/2 d the pound, 300 lbs. -- 70 s. (sic)

'Prunes' at 2 1/2 d. the pound, 100 lb. -- 23 s. 4 d (sic)

Leaves of pure gold, 100 -- 6 s. 8 d.

Partie gold, 100 -- 5 s.

'Orenges', 1000 -- 18 d.

'Lymons', 2 dozen -- 18 d.

'Strawberys', 12 gallons -- 8 s.

Honey, 3 barrels at 40 s. -- £6

'Galingale', 4 lb. at 3 s. 4 d. -- 13 s. 4 d.

Figs, a piece at 4 d. the pound -- 26 s. 8 d.

Large 'races', at 1 1/2 d. the pound, 2 'peces' -- 12 s. 6 d.

'Rose water', 1 gallon -- 16 d.

'Aqua vite', 1/2 gallon -- 12 d.

'Damaske' water, 1/2 gallon -- 2 s. 6 d.

'Streyners fyne' at 2 1/2 d. the verge, 16 -- 3 s. 4 d.

'Strayners course' at 2 d. the verge, 20 -- 3 s. 4 d.

'Pome garnettes', 30 at 3 s. 4 d. -- 100 s.

Syrop at green ginger, 1 'fyrkyn' -- 18 s. 8 d.


Proportion of spices for the Saucery

Powdered pepper at 16 d. the pound, 16 lb. -- 21 s. 4 d.

'Saffron' of England at 12 s. the pound, 3 lb. -- 36 s.

Powdered cinnamon at 3 s. the pound, 10 lb. -- 30 s.

Whole cinnamon at 16 d. the pound, 1 lb. -- 16 d.

Powdered ginger as above, 8 lb. -- 10 s. 8 d.

'Suger fyne' at 6 1/2 d., 20 lb -- 10 s. 10 d.

'Suger Portingall' as above, 40 lb. -- 21 s. 8 d.

'Saunders' at 2 s. 4 d. the pound, 8 lb. -- 18 s. 8 d.

'Cloves' and 'maces' at 2 s. 8 d. the pound, 6 lb. -- 15 s. (sic)


Still the Saucery

'Graynes' at 18 d. the pound, 2 lb. -- 3 s.

'Unces mustates' at 2 s. the pound, 2 lb. -- 4 s.

Powdered 'annes' at 4 d. the pound, 4 lb. -- 16 d.

Red and white 'confettes' at 8 d., 12 lb. -- 8 s.

'Turnesall' at 10 d. the pound, 6 lb. -- 5 s.

Long pepper, 1 lb. -- 3 s. 4 d.

'Races cours' at 2 1/2 d, 100 lb -- 23 s. 4 d. (sic)

Rice flour at 4 d. the pound, 6 lb. -- 2 s.

Almonds at 5 d. the pound, 60 lb. -- 25 s.

Dates at 2 1/2 d. the pound, 80 lb. -- 16 s. 8 d.

'Prunes' at 2 1/2 d. the pound, 40 lb. -- 8 s. 4 d.

Leaves of pure gold at 6 s. 8 d. the 100, 200 -- 13 s. 4 d.

'Partie gold', 60 leaves -- 3 s. 4 d.

Honey, 1 barrel -- 40 s.

Figs, 7 'peces' -- £9 6 s. 8 d.

Large 'races', 8 'frayles' -- 50 s.

'Rose water', 1 quarter (gallon) -- 4 d.

'Aqua vite', 1 quarter (gallon) -- 4 d.

'Damaske' water, 1 quarter (gallon) -- 15 d.

'Straynours fyne', 8 -- 20 d.

'Straynours cours', 6 -- 12 d.

'Creme cloth', 6 -- 3 s 6 d.


Proportion for the Confectionary

'Confettes' at 8 d. the pound, 60 lb. -- 40 s.

'Ceryps', 200 lb. -- £6 13 s. 4 d.

Fragrances, 30 gallons -- 30 s.

'Spice plattes' of pewter, 20 dozen -- £4


Proportion for the Wafery

'Saffron' at 12 s. the pound, 1 quarter lb. -- 3 s.

'Sugre' at 6 1/2 d. the pound, 20 lb. -- 10 s. 10 d.

Flanders cloth at 10 d. the ell, 60 ells

Worked cloth for 3 dozen 'napkins'

'Fyne' worked cloth for the King and the tables, 3 'napkyns'

'Turnesole' at 10 d. the pound, 2 lb. -- 20 d.

Brussels cloth at 7 d. the ell, 8 ells -- 4 s. 8 d. for the aprons

Flanders cloth at 7 d.the ell, 12 ells -- 7 s. for girdles

Pure flour at 20 d. the bushel, 6 bushels

Eggs, 600 at 10 d. the hundred

'Waffre irons', 2

Small 'trussing cofer', 1

'Boll' and 'spones' of wood -- 12 d.


Proportion for the Wardrobe

John Lamplew for 53 gallons of hippocras at 3 s. the gallon -- £7 19


To the same for a hogshead of wine for the same hippocras -- 45 s.

Wax of Poland at 46 s. the hundred, 200 lb. -- £4 12 s.

Small liour at 3 d. the pound, d' C -- 8 s.


Proportion for the Ewry

Worked cloth for a 'fotecolthe', 18 ells

'Fyne' worked cloth, 2 'peces' at 17 d. the ell, piece of 34 ells

Worked Rennes cloth for 1 'towell' for the King's hands, 2 ells

'Napkins' of worked Rheims cloth for the King's table, 12

Worked 'napkins' for the lords and the hall, 5 dozen

Flanders cloth for 'tabullclothes' in Westminster Hall, 184 ells

Flanders cloth for 'towelles' of the said 'tabull', 92 ells

Flanders cloth for nectowelles', 7 ells

Flanders cloth for 2 'Ewry bourdclothes', 8 ells

Four gallon 'jugges', 1

Empty cask in which to put water, 1


Proportions for the Acatry of the Lord King -- for 1200 messes

'Bolz', 30 at 20 s. -- £30

'Multon', 140 at 3 s  -- £21

Calves, 100 at 2 s. 8 d. -- £12 10 S. (sic)

Boars, 6 at 10 s. -- 60 s.

Fatted pigs, 12 at 4 s -- 48 s.

Suckling pigs, 200 at 4 d. -- 66 s. 8 d.

'Marabones', 24 doz at 12 d. the dozen -- 24 s.

Ox feet, 6 dozen at 12 d. -- 6 s.

Calves feet, 12 dozen at 12 d. -- 12 s.

'Prickes', 2 bushels-------------

'Hartes, 8 |_ carriage of the same -- £13 6 s. 8 d.

'Buckes', 14 |

'Roois and fawntes', 8 --------

Lampreys, 400 at 6 d. -- £10

'Pykes', 350 at 14 d. -- £20 8 s. 4 d.

'Porpos', 4 at 26 s. 8 d. -- 106 s. 8 d.

'Breamez' 40 at 2 s. -- £4

'Calvorth salmon;, 30 at 6 s. 8 d. -- £10

'Troughtes', 100 at 12 d. -- 100 s.

Fresh 'sturgion', 2 at 50 s. -- 100 s.

'Carpes', 40 at 3 s. 4 d. -- £6 13 s. 4 d.

Freshwater crayfish, 40 dozen at 2 d. the dozen -- 6 s. 8 d.

Cod and salt fish, 200 at 46 s. 8 d. the hundred -- £4 13 s. 4 d.

'Bey salt', 8 quarters

'Barefletesalt', 8 quarters


Proportion for the Kitchen of the Lord King

Sea fish, 36 'seamez' at 10 s. -- £18

'Tenches', 100 at 8 d. -- 66 s. 8 d.

'Mollettes', 200 at 4 d. -- 66 s. 8 d.

Cloth for 'creme clothes', 12 ells

Cloth for 'gelley clothes', 12 ells

Flanders cloth at 7 d the ell

Cooks hired in London, 16

Hired labourers, 70 -- [both hired] by estimation £10


Still the Kitchen

'Turnebroches', 100 at 4 d. the day -- 33 s. 4 d.

'Item picture sutilties' £25 of which remains -- £6 13 s. 4 d.

Porters and servants, 20 at 4 d. the day.



Crammed capons -- 4 dozen

Kent capons -- 800

'Capons cours' -- 200

Chickens 'to stewe' -- 400

'Cignettes' -- 40

Geese -- 1000

'Herons' -- 16 dozen

'Pecocks' -- 4 dozen

'Cranes' -- 8 dozen

'Fesauntes'  -- 8 dozen

'Rabittes runers' -- 800 to be served

'Chekyns' -- 800

'Peions' -- 200 dozen

'Bittors -- 6 dozen

'Egrettes' -- 3 dozen

'Curlewz'  -- 12 dozen

'Quaylles' -- 20 dozen

'Rayles' -- 800

'Chickes pipors' -- 10 dozen

'Spawroes' or 'larkes' -- 300

Milk -- 200 gallons



'Tender chesse'



'Clene piked wheat' -- 2 bushels

'Spanyshe onyons' -- 100

'Flanders onyons' -- 1 bushel


The Scullery

Charcoal, 400 quarters at 5 d. the quarter

Empty pipes for 'fattes tubbes', 20  -- 22 s. 8 d.

Pipes 'with liddes', 8 -- 8 s. 8 d.

'Tynd', 12

'Treys for the kechyn', 10


'Item gr' baskettes bolles of tree trowes'

Clay 'pannes', 12

'Stewinge pottes', 24

Brass 'pannes', 4

Wooden 'lagelles', 2 dozen

'Flaskettes', 4 dozen

Small clay pots with divers colours, 600

Pewter spice dishes, 800 dozen

'Platters single', 300 dozen

'Small chargers', 26 dozen

'Gely disshes', 60 dozen


Large brass 'pannes'


'Persnyp rottes, caret rottes'

'Percelly, sauge and other divers herbes of eche plenty'


Still the Kitchen

'Lynen clothes for cours napkyns', 100 ells

'For fyne aprones for the best werkmen, 40 ells

'For hasty cortier', 24 ells

'For the potage place courtier', 23 ells

'For the leding place coustier', 24 ells


The Saucery

Red vinegar, 1 barrel

White vinegar, 6 gallons

Mustard, 1 barrel

Wheat flour, 10 quarters

Wheat flour, 5 quarters (in the footnote: "the two entries for wheat

flour are: flor' fr' and farina fr'.")

'Sorelles', 1 bushel

'Salcers single', 200 dozen

'Pelis of iron', 3

'Pelis of tree'


Hall and Chamber

'Fagottes', 1000

'Tallwood', 600

'Whet straue, 1 lood'

'Tres and formes'



<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org