p-rcipes-chld-art - 6/1/05 The original recipes from Mistress Christianna MacGrain's pamphlet called "The Accomplisht Childe" which is a collection of period recipes and redactions aimed at children. NOTE: See also the files: children-SCA-lnks, p-cook-child-msg, chd-ck-clsses-msg, p-child-manrs-art, children-msg, Toys-in-th-MA-art, teenagers-msg. ************************************************************************ NOTICE - This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that I have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday. This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium. These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org I have done a limited amount of editing. Messages having to do with separate topics were sometimes split into different files and sometimes extraneous information was removed. For instance, the message IDs were removed to save space and remove clutter. The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information given by the individual authors. Please respect the time and efforts of those who have written these messages. The copyright status of these messages is unclear at this time. If information is published from these messages, please give credit to the originator(s). Thank you, Mark S. Harris AKA: THLord Stefan li Rous Stefan at florilegium.org ************************************************************************ Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 12:14:56 -0400 From: Subject: [Sca-cooks] Easy Recipes for Kids To: "Cooks within the SCA" Here are the original recipes from my pamphlet called "The Accomplisht Childe". I have worked out recipes for each of them, however I have not included those here. Most of these are simple enough that she could have the kids work out their own versions. This should give them plenty to work from! Christianna Another (8.60 Fried Cheese) Platina 8.61 Place pieces of bread, well-toasted on both sides, in a pot in layers, and spread pieces of cheese as if on a board. When it is placed on the hearth, cover it with an earthenware lid. Sprinkle the melted cheese with sugar, cinnamon and ginger, and eat at once if you want something bad, for it is difficult to digest, nourishes badly, and generates blockages and stone. 50. Snacks Platina Grind up a little Parmesan cheese, not too hard, and the same amount of fresh cheese. Beat two egg whites. Mix in whole raisins, cinnamon, ginger, and saffron, and fold into meal which has been worked and spread out well to the size you want. Then cook it in an oven, not too much, for it will be more pleasant thus. Macaroni (Platina, from the E.. Andrews translation) White flour, moistened with the white of an egg and rosewater, should be well ground. Roll this into slender bits like a straw, stretched to the length of half a foot. With a very thin iron stylus, scrape out the middle. Then, as you remove the iron, you leave them hollow. Then, spread out just so and dried in the sun, they will last for two or three years. Indeed especially if they are made in the month of the August moon. They should be cooked in rich juice and poured into dishes and sprinkled with grated cheese, fresh butter, and mild herbs. This dish needs to be cooked for two hours. 23. Eggs However You Want Them Cooked, But First About Scrambled Eggs Platina With a paddle or spoon, mix with ground cheese eggs which have been cracked and well beaten with a bit of water or milk. When these are mixed, cook in butter or oil. They will be more pleasant if cooked only a little and never turned while cooking. If you want the color of herbs in them, add chard, parsley, some borage juice, mint, marjoram, and a little sage. For another, mix the same cut up herbs, fried a bit in butter or oil, into the mixture above and cook. Herbolat Curye on Inglysch Take persel, myntes, saverey and sauge, tansey, vervayn, clarry, rewe, ditayn, fenel, southernwode; hewe hem and grinde hem smale. Medle hem up with aryen. Do buttur in a trap and do the fars thereto and bake it and mess forth. 26. Boiled Eggs Platina Put fresh eggs with the shell removed into boiling water. Take them out as soon as they are hard. They ought to be tender, and you will cover them with sugar, rose water, sweet spices, and verjuice or orange juice. Some sprinkle them with ground cheese, which is not pleasing to me, for it is best and most flavorful without cheese. Sippets in mustard (Soup en moustarde) Taillevent Take eggs, poached whole in oil without their shells, then take some of that oil, wine, water, and onions fried in oil, all boiled together; take slices of bread browned on the grill, then cut them into square pieces and put them to boil with the other ingredients; then remove the broth and dry your sippets of bread, then put it on a platter; then add mustard to your broth and boil; then put the sippets into your bowls and pour it over. 79. Browne fryes. Harleian MS. 4016 (1450) Take browne brede, and kut hit thyn; And then take yolkes of eyren, and som with of the white; and take meyned floure, and drawe the eiren and the floure thorgh a streynour; and take sugur a gode quantite, and a litul saffron and salt, And cast thereto: and take a faire panne with fressh grece; And whan the grece is hote, take downe and putte it in the batur, and turne hit wel therin, and then put hit in the pan with the grece, And lete hem fry togidre a litull while; And then take hem vpp, and cste sugur thereon, and so serue hit hote. Golden Balls Platina 8.63 Toast chunks of bread crust a little on both sides. When they are toasted, soften with rose water in which there are both beaten eggs and ground sugar. When they are taken out, fry in a pan with butter or fat, far apart so that they do not touch each other. When they are fried and transferred into a serving dish, sprinkle with sugar and rosewater colored with saffron. This pleases M. Antonius, not undeservedly, for it fattens the body, helps liver and kidneys, and stimulates passion. 28. To make the best panperdy To make the best panperdy, take a dozen eggs, and break them, and beat them very well, then put unto them cloves, mace, cinnamon and nutmeg, and good store of sugar, with as much salt as shall season it: then take a manchet, and cut it into thick slices like toasts; which done, take your fryin pan, and put into it a good store of sweet butter, and, being melted, lay in your slices of bread, then pour upon them one half of your eggs; then when that is fried, with a dish turn your slices of bread upward, and then pour on them the other half of your eggs, so turn them till both sides be brown; then dish it up, and serve it with sugar strewed upon it. To fry the best kind of Pancakes. "De Verstandige Kock" Take 5 or 6 Eggs with clean, running water, add to it Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, and Nutmeg with some Salt, beat it with some Wheat-flour as thick as you like, fry them and sprinkle them with Sugar; these are prepared with running water because with Milk or Cream they would be tough. Lesenges Fries Harleian MS. 4016 Take floure, water, saffron, sugur, and salt, and make fyne paast there-of, and faire thyn kakes; and kutte hem like losenges, and fry hem in fyne oile, and serue hem forthe hote in a dissh in lenten tyme. Caboches in potage. Curye on Inglysch Take caboches and quarter hem, and seeth hem in gode broth with oynouns ymynced and the whyte of lekes yslyt and ycorue smale. And do therto safroun & salt, and force it with powdour douce. Funges Curye on Inglysch Take funges and pare hem clene, and dyce hem; take leke and shrede hym small, and do hym to seeth in gode broth. Colour it with safroun, and do therinne powdour fort. Sallet Markham To compound an excellent Sallet, and which indeed is usall at great Feasts, and upon Princes Tables Take a good quantity of blaunch't Almonds, and with your Shredding knife cut them grosly; then take as manie Raisyns of the sunne cleane washt, and the stones pick't out, as many Figges shred like the Almonds, as many Capers, twise so many Olives, and as many Currants as of all the rest cleane washt: a good handfull of the small tender leaves of red Sage and Spinage; mixe all these well together with a good store of Sugar and lay them in the bottome of a great dish, then put unto them Vinegar an dOyle, and scrape more Sugar over all; then take Orenges and Lemmons, and paring away the outward pills, cut them into thinne slices, then with those slices cover the sallet all over; which done, take the thin leafe of the red Coleflowre, and with them cover the Orenges and Lemmons all over, then over those red leaves lay another course of old Olives, and the slices of wel pickld Coucumbers, together with the very inward hart of your Cabbage lettice cut up into slices, then adorne the sides of the dish and the top of the Sallet with more slices of Lemons and Orenges and so serve it up. Yrchouns Harleian MS.279 Leche Vyaundez Take Piggis mawys & skalde hem wel, take groundyn Porke and knede it with spicerye with pouder gyngere and salt and sugre, do it on the mawe, but fille it nowt to fulle, then sewe hem with a fayre threde and putte hem in a Spete as men don piggys, take blaunchid almaundys and kerfe hem long, smal and scharpe and frye hem in grece and sugre, take a litel prycke and prykke the yrchouns, an putte in the holes the almaundys every hole hald and eche fro other, ley hem then to the fyre , when they ben rostid, dore hem sum whyth Whete flowre and mylke of almaundys, sum grene, sum blake with Blode and lat hem nowt brone to moche and serve forth. Sallet of Cold Capon Rosted Digby It is a good Sallet, to slice a cold Capon thin; mingle with it some Sibbolds, Lettice, Rocket, and Tarragon sliced small. Season all with Pepper, Salt, Vinegar and Oyl, and sliced Limon. A little Origanum doth well with it. 14. Red Mustard Sauce, Platina Grind in a mortar or mill, either separately or all together, mustard, raisins, dates, toasted bits of bread, and a little cinnamon. When it is ground, soak with verjuice or vinegar and a bit of must, and pass through a sieve into serving dishes. 15. Mustard Sauce in Bits , Platina Mix mustard and well-pounded raisins, a little cinnamon and cloves, and make little balls or bits from this mixture. When they have dried on a board, carry them with you whenever you want. Where there is a need, soak in verjuice or vinegar or must. Verde Sawse Curye on Inglysch Take persel, mynt, garlek, a litul serpell and sawge; a litul canel, gynger, piper, wyne, brede, vyneger & salt; grynde it smal with safroun, & messe it forth. 81. Appulmoy Curye On Inglysch Take apples and seeth hem in water; drawe hem thurgh a straynour. Take almaunde mylke & hony and flour of rys, safroun and powdour fort and salt, and seeth it stondyng. To Make Sepponi Digby Take a gallon of Conduit-water, one pound of blew Raisins of the Sun stoned, and half a pound of Sugar. Squeese the juyce of two Limons upon the Raisins and Sugar, and slice the rindes upon them. Boil the water, and pour it so hot upon the ingredients in an earthen pot, and stir them well together. So let it stand for twenty-four hours. Then put it into bottles (having first let it run through a strainer) and set them in a Cellar or other cool place. A Very Pleasant Drink of Apples, Digby, The Closet Opened Take about fifty pippins; quarter and core them, without paring them: for the paring is the Cordialest part of them. Therefore onely wipe or wash them well, and pick away the black excrescence at the top; and be sure to leave out all the seeds, which are hot. You may cut them (after all the superfluities are taken away) into thinner slices, if you please. Put three Gallons of Fountain water to them in a great Pipkin, and let them boil, till the Apples become clear and transparent; which is a sign, they are perfectly tender, and will be in a good half hour, or a little more. Then with your Ladle break them into Mash and Pulpe, incorporated with the water; letting all boil half an hour longer, that the water may draw into it self all the vertue of the Apples. Then put to them a pound and a half of pure dubble refined Sugar in powder, which will soon dissolve in that hot Liquor. Then pour it into an Hippocras bag, and let it run through it two or three times, to be very clear. Then put it up into bottles; and after a little time, it will be a most pleasant, quick, cooling, smoothing drink. To make gingerbrede. Curye on Inglysch Take goode honye & clarefie it on the fere, & take fayre paynemayn or wastel brede & grate it, & cast it into the boylenge hony, & stere it well togeyder faste with a sklyse that it bren not to the vessell. & thanne take it doun and put therin ginger, longe pepere & saundres, & tempere it up with thin handes; & than put hem to a flatt boyste & strawe theron suger, & pick therein clowes rounde aboute by the egge and in the mydes, yf it plece you, &c. Diverse Reciepts Please note, these reciepts are provided for educational purposes only. Be aware of possible skin reactions to various herbs. 16. To help a face that is red or pimpled. Plat Dissolve common salt in the iuyce of Lemmons, and with a linnen cloth pat the patients face that is full of heat or pimples. It cureth in a few dressings. 23. How to take away the freckles in the face. Plat Wash your face, in the wane of the Moone with a sponge, morning and evening, with the distilled water of Elder-leaves, letting the same dry into the skinne. Your water must be distilled in May. This from a Traveller, who hath cured himselfe thereby. How to Keep the Hair Clean and Preserve It. Hannah Woolley, The Compleat Servant-maid. London: For T. Passinger, 1683. (The Housewifeís Rich Cabinet) Take 2 handfuls of rosemary and boil it softly (gently) in a quart of spring water till it comes (reduces) to a pint. Let it be covered all the while. Then strain it out and keep it. Every morning when you comb your head, dip a sponge in the water and rub up your hair, and it will keep it clean and preserve it... It is very good for the brain and will dry up the rheum. For the Bath. Thomas Jeamson, Artificiall Embellishments. Oxford: By William Hall, 1665. (The Housewifeís Rich Cabinet) This bath is very good. Take 2 handfuls of sage leaves, the like quantity of lavender flowers and roses, a little salt. Boil them in spring water and therewith bathe your body, remembering that you are never to bathe after meals for it will occasion many infirmities. Bathe, therefore, 2 or 3 hours before dinner. It will clear the skin, revive the spirits, and strengthen the body. This booklet is the result of many requests over the years for cooking ideas for children. Many of these recipes have been used by those working with young folks in classroom and informal settings. They have been selected to reflect familiar foods (such as Macaroni and Cheese, French Toast, Chicken Salad), and for ease of preparation and techniques that can be done by inexperienced cooks of all ages. For many of the recipes, the use of heating units are called for, such as ovens, frying pans, hot oil, and boiling water. It is strongly suggested that these be done with the supervision of an adult present, so as to prevent any accidental injuries. As for what age cooks these recipes are suitable for, it has more to do with the ability to follow directions and observe safety precautions than actual chronological age. Some experience in the kitchen is handy, but not required. For younger children, an adult will want to get ingredients together, assemble tools and set the work place up, then allow young helpers to mix, chop, wash, mold, and use their (clean) hands in other ways. For older youths, the process of finding the ingredients and assembling the tools should be a part of the experience. Many recipes do not have specific measurements, even in the renderings. Allow experimentation, if the recipe doesn't specify an amount or a desired finished texture, then whatever you end up with is correct. Fine tuning is a part of any cook's journey in discovering new recipes and ideas in food. The renderings are my own version as I interpret the original, but they are certainly not the only way. Encourage young cooks to read the originals, then the rendering, and compare the two. (For difficult-looking words, try reading them aloud phonetically.) If you think it should be done differently, then by all means, try it! For cooks of all ages, the end results should be fun and tasty, and the experience of working with period recipes will broaden your culinary and educational horizons. Bon Appetit! Mistress Christianna MacGrain Edited by Mark S. Harris p-rcipes-chld-art Page 6 of 6